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<br /> � Tr.70t3TFtER WITH�I!the impovemeal�now or henetRa�erocted an the prapaty.�nd�i asema�u,�pp�tewnoe�,
<br /> �ad f'Ixtur�a now or hadafta'�put of�he p�o . All�epl+�oemenu u�d�ddlUatu th�ll al�o be covaed by tNr Saa�rlty .
<br /> IGipU�fdll. w Of f�10�Of+BQO���t�0�E11�Od t0�l�$OCllf�ty�qW[1111100t Y(�IE"pNO�tity.�
<br /> BORRUWBR CdVBNANI'S thu Ho�mwa is bwfully�ei�ad at�he e�tato hercby cooveyed�ad hu�be�i�ht co�at
<br /> uid convey Uap�op�ty aad ttw the P�nperty ir unencum6ered.esoapt for arcumMmces of ra;ocd. Ban+ower wuraaa�ad
<br /> will defend�a�liy�be titb w tho Propaty nQdnat�11 cl�inu�nd dem�ndr�wbject w any encumbeu�aei of record.
<br /> THIS SHCUEtITY INSTRUMBNT oombines wn[!'am oovenanu far natlon�l u�e �nd nomunifam wvaimt�wU6
<br /> IltnitRd veriadon�by Judadiction w consdtute�unifam secudty imwment cavaing real p►opmtty.
<br /> '''t UI+III�ORM COVBN,ANTS. Homower�nd Lender covau�nt wd�yroa�u followr.
<br /> l. Pl�yment of P�indpd aod Iphreai 1'�'�I�y�t sod Laq Cb��a. Borrower slull promP�Y P�Y wl�eti due the
<br /> princlpaI of�ad inte�ect on ttl�se debt evidenced by the Notc end any pnpoyment aad Ipto chargei due under the Note.
<br /> h f. Fbpdq[or 7iaes and Iawranoe. Subject W app8coble law or W a wrluen waiver by Lenda�.Borrower�U p�y to
<br /> Lender on tho day monthlY PaYments are due under the Nate.undl the Note is paid in full. a sum("Prmds")for.(a)Y�Y
<br /> t�ces and assessmenu which may�n priority over this Secudry Instrumeat as a lien on the Poupecty:(b)yes�t I�e1►o1d •
<br /> nts an ibe Pro if sa ; c Uu,�d or iasurusoe p+eneiwns: {d? x�lc
<br /> flood
<br /> yrtienu or gnow►d rc
<br /> �. y c �r�r r��
<br /> �naurance��ms,if any;(e)YeadY mo��age lasw�e P'�m�w�,if aay:,�aa(fl�►�► s�pa�ya�e ax�owa w
<br /> ":'�'� feh*•�,�` Lender.ia�ao�dsa�ce with the p+ovisioas of p�g�h 8,in lieu of the p�aait ot mo�tg�ge insw�wce p+�er�uwn�. 'lfrese
<br /> �`3 ~.. r� ` iteu►c an calkd"Esrmw Items" L.eader may.�t aay tia�e.collecl and t�4d Hsncis in aa am�ari not to caceed tlio�
<br /> '��>��, Amount�leader for A federolly aelated mortgage loan may�rqulre for Bvmowe��e.sa�ow accouot aader ihe faleral R�eal
<br /> ". �,'�' . � �,.►ii/"'.'�;'-' . «
<br /> .�b�,���a Es+taoe Sonlemer�t Pr+oce�urcs Act of 1974 as amended fram iime w timo, 12 U.S.C.�2601 er seq.([�ESPA ),uuless aooi�er
<br /> • „• ,.',:'';���,� la�n rt9�at�pplies to t1�Funds sets a lesser Araoun� !f so.Leroder may,at aay dme�collect aad hold Ra�da in aa amo�a�t aot 10
<br /> '}��'� "`� eaeced Ihe lesser anwun� Lender naAy esdrtute the amounc of Punds due oa tha basia of curteat dAts��ad rei►saapWe
<br /> .. r..:;..., e:; c
<br /> '��'::
<br /> ",j:::��?c.s:�:��:s;��,,.,. estituates of expiendit�es af future�sc�aw Items or otherwi9t in accorden�:e wlth appUcable law. �
<br /> ; �::]y� � _*'��'°`�"''�'`�� The Pbnds sht�Dl be held in an institution whose depoaits are insu�+ed by a fedetal egenc�+,iast�mear�lity,�endry
<br /> i. :1ii r M .....\.'.' f.�
<br /> ;; . �w•,_,•.w+�1�:;,k», (including l.ender.ii lxrx�er ic curh an insdwtion)or in aaX Pederal Home Laan Bank. Lender shall apply ttie Fan:3s to PAY
<br /> �,+��,;.,��:. . . ". . t�e Escrow Iterns. Lender mAy not charge Bortower fa halding and applying t6e Famds. annuali}�nalyzlqg�re�escrow
<br /> '•�'�°''��.', � �•��� account,or verifying tbe•Escrow Items, unless l.ender puys Borcower intereat op t0�e I�Lnds aad appliaable 7aw pemfits
<br /> .';"�''�'�� ' �� '�" ' I.ender to malce such e charge. However.Lender may requue Bormwer to pay a on�-tlme cdu�e f�an indepent7ent real
<br /> _ -';"•'r; , • estate tax nepoRing service used by Lender io connecNan with this laran.unkss appllcable law pavi�les atbenvise. Unless aa
<br /> . ' agnaement is made or opplicable lew requires interesl to be paid.l.et�'r shaU not be�quired to�s►�18�rrower a�oy interest or
<br /> '�� ceininga on the Fhnds, Bortower and L.ender may agnee in v►�citing.Oawever,�hat iaterest sAa11 be�aid oa the Fiads. Lender
<br /> � .." ! � :�� %' shall give to Borrower,wi�haut charge.an annual accauntiag af thP Funds,ahowlsr�ea+�ctits and d:bits to tSte 1F'v�ods and the �:•
<br /> ° • - �'.,•' �� purpose for which each debit to the Funds wus mede. The a�nacF.+'sut plsdged es additional secarity for e�1 sams secured by
<br /> I i,�:S'.��. . - � .-+�
<br /> , , �hi�Security Instrumcp� ,•
<br /> " ••'r,. •. :.'. ` !f tlse Ponds lxld by l.ender cacecd the emounts penebnod rt�6e held by applicable law,Q.ender shall accaunt lo
<br /> • '� . Borcower for 1he axcess Funds in accordance wlth the reqai�ements of Applica6le law. If the amount of the Fuads held by
<br /> ' �` `� � Lender at any time is not sufficient to pny the Escrow ltems when due,Lender may so notify Bomower in wridng,and,in
<br /> ,^.�r,, . �:,,, ..
<br /> ':'� � �' � such cau Borrower shull pay to I.ender�he amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Bortower shall make up the
<br /> ,� ::;''':'�.•.:•� deficlency in no mone�han iwBlve monthly payn�ents,at Lende�'s sole discretion.
<br /> � '• .,•���:'..•�'•.` '• � Upon p�yment fn full of sJl sums secured by lhis Secu�ity Inswment,Lender shull prompUy rcfund to Borrower any
<br /> p• ., • ILnds IMId by i.ender. If,under parngr+uph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Property,l.ender,prior to the acquisidon or
<br /> �� " � sale of 1he Property,shall npply any Flindc held by l.ender at the time of acquisition or sale as o credit aga�nst the sums
<br /> �� � ., " � • secured by this Securily insqument.
<br /> � ' � � 3. Applicatlon of Paymenta. Unless appliruble law provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender under
<br /> � " ' •�����'""°`' '`" paragraphs 1 and 2 shnll 6e appliecl:first,to uny prepAyment churges due under�he Note;second.to amounts payable uader
<br /> � �,. � .• , � paragraph 2;�hird,to intere�t due:founh,to principal due;und lu+t,to any late chorges due under the Nute.
<br /> �r ''� � . 4. C l w r g e s; I.l e n s. B o r r o w e r s h a l l p a y a 0 �a x es, a�sc+smen4., chor ges, fines and im p ositions atuibuteble to the
<br /> � ��• ���•• • � Property which may at�ain priorf�y over�his Securily In4wment,und leusehald payments or ground rents, if any. Borrower
<br /> '' � � ' shall pay tt�ese obligatfons in thc manncr provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on
<br /> i� ' : ' �^� �•• . "� ` �ime direcUy to the person ow•ed p;iyment. Born�w�er shall promptly fumi�h to Lender al!noticex of umounts to be paid under `
<br /> � ; ii`:;:�i' �his paragraph. Ii Bixrower rr►aAe+�hese paynKnts directly,Rcxmwer shull promptly furnish to l.ende�receipts evidencing
<br /> •. ' . tl1@(f�ylilentc.
<br /> ' � Barrower shnll pmmp�ly disch:vge any lien which haz Fxiority over this Security Imtrument unless Borrower(a)agrees
<br /> ' ' � in writing to U�c payment of the obligaticx�utiured by th�lizn in a m:+nner acccptrblc tci Lender,lb>contests in gad fai�h the
<br /> �,.,�:
<br /> • r,: �, � lien by,or defends ngainst enforcement of the lien in,I��al pnk�titiiing,which in lhc Lender:opinion aperure ta prevent the ;,.
<br /> ° .,;;�::�:;;:1,,., entorcement of the lien;or Icl sctiurc.from thc hold�:r of�hc licn un ugrt�ement wtiafactory to l.en�r suhordinating 1he lien ' t:
<br /> �� ';�;•;,,;:>; ' to this Socuriry Instrument. Ii Lendcr determine�that any part of the Propeny i..ubj��.t to u lien which may analn prioriry
<br /> .'��� -• • . over this Sccurity Inswment.Lendcr muy give Burn�wcr a nrnicc idcntifying thr Ikn. 8cxr��w•er stwll��isiy the lien or take
<br /> t. • ,;:.`: .,
<br /> , � ,..,, •� . one or raore of the�c�ions Kt fcxth alx>ve wi�hin IU day.uf the gi�ing of nutice.
<br /> . �.;��,
<br /> ' �� �•���•• 5. Harard or Property Insur�nce. B��rrower�hall kerp thr im{xovement;now exi.�in�ar hereafter erc�cted on the
<br /> •;r�• ,.. r .
<br /> �; . Property insured again�t lo�x by Prc,h:vard.includ�J�vithin thc tenn"rxtendcd coccrugr"unJ any�nher h:�zards,including
<br /> � (Icx�ds or flooding, for whirh Lcndcr rcquire. in,ur:mcc. Thi. inwrrncr .hull l+e mainuuncd in thc omoun4y anil for the ,;
<br /> � , �
<br /> � ;.
<br /> � , �i�� 1am 3028 1J90 �p,R�2 oj6 p,gea►
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