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<br /> !7.Tn�ar ot Ibep�pp�y w'�Beadkf�llata�la 8onrower.If oll or An p�rt of the Property or wry intere�t in it �
<br /> i� entd or trwnrferrod(or iP a tia�iicfal inurest io Botrower ia sold or t�ncf��rod and��w�r js��w��P�On)without
<br /> Lender's prior written oonaent, Lender may. at ita option. iro immedi�tc ppYment in full of all rwms cecurad by Ihis
<br /> en
<br /> Socudty In�wmem. However.tF�i�option�11 not bo eaerched y l.ender if exercico is prohibited by federa!aw a�of the dote
<br /> . of�hh Secudty Imtrument.
<br /> ., If l.endcr exerciscs thi�optian, Lender siwll give Borrowcr notice of Accele�ian. The notioe sh�ll provido a perlod of not
<br /> �esa�hen 30 days from thc dotc the raticx ie deliverod or mAiled within which Borrawer must pay all �ums securad by this
<br /> . '�! Sccudty Instrutncnt. If Borrowcr feile w ppy these suma prfor to the expiration of thi�period�L�cnder maY invoke any rcmodie�
<br /> � � permittad by this 3ocurlty Instrument withcwt futther notioo or demAnd on Borrower.
<br /> - 13. Borruwer's RiQdt to Rein9tate. If Rorrower meels certain conditfons. Borrower shall have the right to have
<br /> � enforcement of thic Secudty In�trument discontinued at any time p�ior to the earlier of: (a) S days(or such other periad ws
<br /> •; �ppflcabis law myy spxify for rciaswtement) before sale of the Property pursusnt to enY power of sale contained in thie
<br /> `�; � � ��.4��;� � 3ecurity Inctrument;ar(b)entry of a judgment enforcing lhis Security Instn�ment.Those rnnditions are that Borrower:(a)paya
<br /> ,.s,v��; l,ender all sums whiah then would be due under this Sauriry Instrument aod Ihe Note as if no acceleration had occurrod:(b)
<br /> �� "' ceire�any default of any other covenants or agreementa: (c) pays all expences incurred in enforcing this Secu�fty Instnunent.
<br /> .. < . including. bu�not limited to.reasonablo attome�s' fees: wd (d)takes such naion as Lender may reasonably require to assure
<br /> "` '� �� � that the lien of thfs Secudty Instrument, [.ende�s�ighta in the Propetty cmct Borrower's obligation to pay the aums sxured by �r��
<br /> �'�� ` ''�'•'��'� this Securfty Instrument ehall cantlnue unchangod. Upon reinstatement by Borcower. this Secu�ity Instrument and the
<br /> � � ' ' obligetiona secured hercby ahall remain fully effective as if na acceleration had occurred. However. Ihis right to reinstate ahall
<br /> �'-'������� �-��'�� ` nat apply in the case af acceleretion under paragraph 17.
<br /> '''�'' ' 19. Snle of Note; Chaa�e of Loan Servicer. 'fhe Note or a partial interest in the Note (together with this Security
<br /> .� � ' � i; .�_. . , ., �•'.
<br /> �,.,. _ `"� Insttument)may be sold one or morc times without pr[or notice to Horrower.A sale may result in a change in the entity Iknown ' F�
<br /> , ;�:�;;;,;�.r;�:';Y�: as the "L.oan Servicer")that collecis monthly payments due under the Note and this Secunty Instrument.There also may be one ;t�.
<br /> � '�� �� �r o r m a r e c h a n e s o f t h e L.o a n S e rv i ce r u n re l a t e d t o a s a l e o f t h e N o t e.I f t h ere is a chan ge of the [.osn Servicer,Earrower will be
<br /> g aad
<br /> .. s_ _. . . _. .1�a� The notice will state the name
<br /> :; �: • : ° -�-- �.?=��- �.:;;;;;';; given written rwti��e of the change in accorciance with puragtaph 14 abo��e and applicable law.
<br /> w
<br /> '�'`t���`: ' ` � "�'� • '` 1'`� eddass of the new Loari Servicer and the address to which payments shauld be made.The notice will also contain any other
<br /> +t.:'�:.,,�, �ir;RS'��',k., -['+il�
<br /> ;. :}: ��.�.';�i�;�:;;;�'�"•"%�n.:•-� iniotmation required b applicablelaw. 1��
<br /> ,; .. �'. .�>,��r:., "• 2 0, ������,B orrower s h a l l n o t c a u s e o r p e r m it the presence, use, dis p osal, storage. or release of eny ,,�,
<br /> , , �N` ' ,.;;;�� HaTSrdous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyane else to da, anything affecting the
<br /> , • , �;,},r PropeRy that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceJing two isentences shall not apply to Ihe presence. use,or
<br /> ,•�• • . ' •?f�t;�' sto�age on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally rccoBnized to be appropriale to nomial
<br /> ' ' ."y�.:-: residential use4 and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> � ' "� � � "� ''`.�4 Borrower shsll promptly give[.ender written notice of any inves�igetion,claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> '����.r`G::,.�' � govemmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and eny Harardous Substance or Environmen�al Law
<br /> . ,,. of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leams. or is notified by any gavernmenrol or regulatory authority. that
<br /> �•,S eny removal or aher remadiation of any Hazardous Substance affecting�he Property is necessary.Borrawer shall prompdy take
<br /> ' all nocessary remedial actions in acrnrdance with Emironmental Law.
<br /> - "== � � �..;��,,; As in iiiis paiug�n�l� 20, "liazarduus Substantts" are those sebstsntes defined e�r.,xic or ha7ardous substances by
<br /> �',� � .;�;;•�•';',`�, � •,;�',, Environmental and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic
<br /> ' ' ' ' pesticides and herbiciJes,volatile solvents,materials cuntaining asbectas or formaldehyde, and radiouctive matenals. As used in ,,�
<br /> f • '�.�t�`,����� this pamgrnph 20, "Environmental Law" me,ans federnl laws and laws of Ihe jurisdiction where the Propeny is lacated that ''����
<br /> ,�,,
<br /> ���� � '' relate to health,safety or environmental protection.
<br /> ':�;��;" � �. NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.&�rrower and Lender funher covenunt and Agree as followti:
<br /> �, . . 21. Acceleration; Remedies.l.ender shall give notke to Borrower prior to acceleralto�Pollowing Borruweo's brearh
<br /> ;,'�• oi wny covenant or agreement In this Security In�lrument (but nat prior to acceleration under pwregraph l7 unlc.s.R
<br /> �.;�• � .. appllrable law provfdes othenvise). The notice shull speclfy: (a)the detaultt (b)the aclion required to cure the default;
<br /> ' . � (c)a dnte�not les.g than 30 days From the date the notice is given to Borrower, b�•which the dePault mus/be cured;and
<br /> ;��-,, . � � (d)Ihat Pallure to cure the defaalt on or before the date specified in the notke mey� result in acceleration of the sums s
<br /> ��., ... . .
<br /> secured by this Security Inslrument and sale oF the Property. The notice shall fuhher infarm Borrower oP the �ight to �'}'
<br /> �h•�� � -.. relnstate aiter acceleraNan and Ihe�ight to br1nR a court action to a.sverl the non-exlstence oi'a default or onv other ,�-
<br /> � ' ' detense ot Borrower to acceleralbn end sale. If the dePault is not cured on nr bePore the date specifled in the notice,
<br /> ''�''`�� °,.;`'r; . [.ender. at its opdon. mAy reyulre Immediete payment in iull oP all sums�ecured b3•this Security Instrument without
<br /> j • ;,;;::.:.; further demand and may invoke the power of wle and am•other remedies permitted by applicable law. Lender shall be
<br /> ' entltled to collecl all expenscs incurred in pursuin�the remedies pravided in this para(;rapfi 21.Including.but not limited . :�
<br /> ' �� to,reasonable aqorneys'fees and costs of tit le evidence. ��"
<br /> �� • '�`'• It thepo wer at sale is Invoked. Truhtee shall ntivrd a nutice of default In each county in ��•hich am part of thr ,
<br /> property is located end shall mafl copfes of such notice in the manner pre+critx�d b�• applicable law•to Borrower and to
<br /> ';'• � ' the other persoas pr�crlbed by�pplicable lu���.After ihe timc rcquircd bv npplicable laK•. Truslce shAll give public nnNce ��_w.;
<br /> , '�`��'�• ot sale to the persons and in the manner prescrilxd b�•upplicahlc law. 7'rutitce, without demand nn Burrow•er.yhall sell
<br /> � •��• • ' the PropeNy at publ�c aucUon to the hiahest bidder at the tlme and place and under thr terms designated in the notice oP
<br /> � ,�� ss�le in one or more purcels ynd in am ordcr Trustee dctrrminea. Tirutitre ma� poxlpone wle oi ull or any parcel of the �
<br /> ; �":.;5. �•• . Property by public Wnnouncemen4 at the tlme and plecr af am� pre�•iouslv scheduled�le. Lender or its d�ignee may =�;
<br /> �, ?:��,. purchose Ihe Property at Any snk. .�r,•
<br /> . �.. .
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