y��. �. ,r.;
<br /> •�i
<br /> " ' �•,t+ti
<br /> t.• �. - -e++�t^�t�--•,,....;.,._, - ._a
<br /> � , •i��N�it►{t�';.w,i�yrc�na....c,::��. . :
<br /> i. � i.
<br /> _,,..
<br /> +.nri�
<br /> �93.
<br /> - ��� �arroww mry oun waA a dd�w�t �nd nMa�M�. n pro+rieMd In pra�pb 1e, by awdny tM �on�o��Y�p to b�
<br /> '�"�ci`�``�q•'�:3�' ' � �s�d w�h�Ninp Wt. h L�'t�ood fMh dN�Y�ion�p�o�dM IorfMpx�d tIN Bo�or�'�MA�b d�P�op�y a
<br /> dhw�t«f�l Yr�ainn�nt W Ih� Mn anat�d by thl� 8�arfly In�trwnNrt a lw�dw's s�arMy Int�nst. 6a►owr�IW dro br In
<br /> . � �.:� :�- d�fai�t M 8o�ow�r,dwirW th�loan�pplo�tloe prowu, p�v�nMt«Wy MN�a MwoounU inianMMon a�t�twnwiu W Lwidw(or
<br /> Mbd to proNtl� Lmdw wNh�try nWwW InfomMtlon) In aoen�olion wAh Uw lom �fdmad by th�Not�, M�dua►Q. buf nol
<br /> tmN�d to� np�ntWon� aa�o�NO eartow�� ooa�oY a tFN Prop�rry u . qinok�l ►Mldma. N thM S�ourMy
<br /> , '<. In�trum�nt k on a IM�Niold,Banow�r shY aan�l wUh�1 IM provislon�W th� Iww. tl 8artow�r�oqukM IM tltl�to th�
<br /> ,_..R . ,.s�,[_..,_ ., prop�ty. tM Msa�hotd�nd tht/N tlIM shN no!nw►Y�wtMts Undrr pr�to th�mwpw In w�Nkip.
<br /> ,`�'�`���„,,,s��'. '�'. 7. ProMctlon d L�1►d�r'� Rlphb In tlM Prop�rly,q Baro+Y• wa w p«tam th.wvaunta ana apn«n�na
<br /> � a
<br /> .fri �r•i ,^+..n;;. � C011{�11�d b 11Ys S�OINIqt Inthw�f. Of 1hw� h� Ip�l Proa�dn�Ihd nrY �yM��aY�11�W LNIdR�t IiQhls YI 11M PlOpMly
<br /> ta
<br /> �a •r� �.:-•:•�t (W 0 1 1 ii �p f 0 0 N 4 1 0�f l�f I�Q t 1�C�/.(K O��,�0 1 O O I I�I I M I�0 1 1 O f�O I�h R�O r W M 1�O f 0�I�M I f O r f�1�0 1 N�.1 h M 1 L�11�f l M y
<br /> � .•: �y,�,�;:.� y. '`�'? d�and pay tor whaterw Is o�iwy!o protat the v�lu�ot the Propaty md Landds�Ms b the Prqanty. Lender'e atlona
<br /> "��^ � :�" J • , fMi011r*�tlOf11M'/�M Mld QIIR�iq Of1 111� �OpMly �p��l0Y0h���Y��',�����
<br /> ;. *"•.
<br /> �, ~ 7.L�nd�aoa na nav.a ao.o.
<br /> � � ., � ° : ^�,� My �mounts 6�buR�d Ey Unda undu pvayraph 7 sh�M b�cwrM ad4tic+n�l d�bt d Borrow� s�aind by thk S�aWMy
<br /> r� . ,. . :t,•�;,,, ��� t�iM��r�id.�hal� p�iy�bM�wN«h tint�upon�noda k�an L�dw�tos8 r�ow�r nqu�o wr�n«�dw a
<br /> ,:-;� �.•.va
<br /> . � �"`� '.�`' 8. IIAo�t Inw►�nca. �I �eodor r moit haurane.a . concNdon ot aaldn th. �oan :.aasd b tnis
<br />' :.:, :.',
<br /> `�a�e!} , !f'.;"'.' Wp� e�� �90 � Y
<br />:�.,. ,. � S�eaily Instrunwnt,Bonawar�hal p�y tM pnmMans nquked W mdnWn th�matyape Inwana in�f�Ct.If,ta�ny ro�son.the
<br />��;: .� �i s: .: o . mat� harane�aarwap�roquk�d bY Und�r I�psRS or cwsa to be In�f(�ct.8ortow�r shaN pry the pr�rrums requirW to
<br /> � obt�h eovwsps aubsWtl�r�quNalent to th� mat�pe insunna Provbuty In Nbct. tl�oost wbWnti�MY equhr�imt to the
<br /> � • ' aost to Barowu ot tfw matpsy� Imwana provfou�ly fn efl�ct. bnm an tltunat� nwA�ps InsurK�pprovsd by L�nd�r. p
<br /> I � . i . wb�antl�l�r�quiv�Mnt mat9�p�hwnno�covanpe la not w�WW�,Baravv shY p�y W L�nda►Mch monlh a aum squel W
<br /> onftwNlth o1 tha Yrb mo+tp�pe inwmna Pr�um bNn9 P�id bY Borrowr whm iha inwr�ne�oov�I�ps�d a ooa�d to
<br /> - - b�In �Ifect L�nder wil�capt, we md roWn th�ae paynbMs�s�loss�uar�In N�u of narty�pe Nwrana. loss resen�
<br /> - p�ym�nts mry no lonpar be nquYed. tl ths optlon of La�der.H modpape inwau�a covaa�(In ihe�rnount�nd for the PMlod
<br /> that Lander hquira) IN���N h� �PProwd bY Lend�►aptln beean�s avaYabl�and Is obtalrwd. Bortow�r sh�M p�y
<br /> ' . the prert�twns�equired to mfhWn moAqaye ins�asnce in elled. a to provide a bss raaw, untll tt�hquk�nt for matqaYe
<br /> ' Inw�anee mds in�ccord�nce with any wrlqen apreement belween Bortower nd Under a appYcabb hw.
<br /> a . ,
<br /> • . 8. IllspeCNa1.Uncla w Its ayent m�y m�ke ro�soo�bla�nbNa upon and inspecfbns oi th�Property. l�ir�!W qive
<br /> . • ' , gortower nodce at the tlm� of or ptor lo an inapecdan specilyhp rea�on�bte cau�e tor the inapectlon.
<br /> � `�,�- . 10. Cond�mnYtion.Th.proceeda ot any award a c�aMn ta dampss. dk�ct or oonsequentW,fn eom.c�tion wit�h.ny
<br /> i . . , � eond�rtmWion w olhs lakinq o/�ny p�rt of th�Prapaty.or lor eomayat�in Iku oi condamadan. w hweby assipn�d and
<br /> , � �hY b�p�W to Und�.
<br /> " " In th� aent oi a WW takhp ot ths P►opsrry, th� procseds sfap be �ppYsd to the sums secuwd by tl�is S�cwNy
<br /> s , Msuum�nt,whvtha a noi then due. wNh �ny exceaa paid to 8o�rowar. In Ih�event o1�p�rtwl hldnp ot ths Prop�My in whbh
<br /> th�htr mu1cN wlu�of Me Propaty Yanedi�tery bdon the 1aWnp is eqwl to a q�a�ter tlw�the�rtwiMt of th�sun�s s�cund
<br /> -----= 5Y � �Y k►a!n!n!!'rt! InMn!�A�t�ly h�Fnw the Wdng, untns 8orrawK�nd Under otha�wisa agrM In wddng. th� sum�
<br /> e�aued by tlas 3ecurily InaWment sh�N be reduced by ih�amount ol tlie proee�ds midtipY�d by the blowing kadlon: (�)th�
<br /> . todJ amount ot the suma aecund Imrn�d'wtely Edor�ths taWnp.dividW bY(b1 the ta4 m�rk�t vatue of 1he Prapwty inrrwdi�tNy
<br /> be(oro the takhy. My ba�nce sh�ll be paW to BoROwer.In 1M event of a pwtlal qWng of tha RroperQr in whtcl►the t�(r rtwk�t
<br /> �� �• value of the Propaly immedl�tely befom the oridey is leas lhan ihe unount of lhe cums secured inWnedately beloro the Lk(np,
<br /> •. ,
<br /> uMesa Barower pnd Lw►der otheiwiae agne M wiitiny w unleas appNcabb law othawiae provkl�s, th� prooNds aIW b�
<br /> ' �'���.� �ppYed to lhe sw�a seewed by thls Security Inshummt whetha a not the suma us th�n due.
<br /> �.. fl th�PropeNy ia abendaned by 8orrower. or tl.atter notice by LQnder to Barower that the eondemnor oifa�a to m�ke an
<br /> '� wvord or seltle a claim lo► det+n�ges, Bortower tefla to reapond to Lender wflhln 30 d�ya afla iht date the notic� ia yiven,
<br /> LendK Is aulhodzeci to colleel and epply the proceads, a! ita opUon. eqher to rastoratlon a rpak oi th�P►op«iy or to iM
<br /> .��� sums aeeund by this Sewrity InaWment, whether or not lhen due.
<br /> � Unleaa Lendar and Bortowe► otherwise aqree in wdtkig, any appticalbn of proeeerM to prkictpal sha� not extend a
<br /> � � � poatpone Ihe due date ol the monlhy payments re(erred to in parag�apha 1 and 2 or chanpe the�nount oi weh paymuds.
<br /> 11. Bonowar Not Rot�d; Porio�aranco By I.�ndar Not •W�iv�r. Extension of th�tkn.tor p.ym�nt«
<br /> � , j nw6fioation ot amorUzatlon ol the aums aecured hy this Secudty Instrum�nl g►anted by Lenda to my auocessor (n interest ot ,
<br /> ' � I Bortower aFwll not opeate to retease the Ilebitiiy o1 ihe oiiyinal Bor►owcY w Bor►ower s auccesaors in int�eat Lender ah�Y aot
<br /> � be requked 10 commence procoedings pgainat any aucoessor in Interest a reluse to extend ttm� fa payme�t a othawise
<br /> mod'dy unwrtiratlon ot the sums aecured by ihis SecuHry InstNment by resaon oi ar►y denwnd made by the a�igin�l 8orrower or
<br /> 8ortower's aueceseors in interest. My lorbearance by Lendor In exe►asing any right a ranady sha0 not ba a waNar of a
<br /> �� predude Ihe exerdse ot any dght w remedy.
<br /> 12. Suceessore and A�signs Bound; Joint and Sevaral UAbility; Co-signors. The covenanta and
<br /> agreements of this Securily Inatrument shaq bind and benefil the suecessors and assigna o1 Lende►and Bonower,subJect to the
<br /> � proNSions o1 paragaph 17. 8ortowers eovenenls and agreements ehall be joMt and several. My Bonower who castgna thfs
<br /> Searrity UstnrmerU but doss not execuls the Note: (a)is co•slpning this Security Mstrument only to mortgape.yrant and convey
<br /> that Borcowa's Interest N tAe Properry under the tertns o1 thls Searfly InsWment: (b) is not person�lly ob8gated to p�y tha �:� �'r
<br /> sums seared by thls Seeuriry InstrumeM: and (c) agrees ihat Lender and any other Bomower may agree to extend, modity,
<br /> forbear d m�ke any accommodatbns with regard to the tertns of this Sewrity Instrument or the Note without that 8ortower'a �
<br /> consent.
<br /> t 13. LOA11 ChaI�98. If the loan secured by this Security InsWment is subject to a law which seta ma�inwm foan i
<br /> charpes. �nd ihat law is fl�aly �nlerprded so thal the interest or other loan charges caNected or to be coNected fn eorxxcUon (
<br /> r • wNh Ihe Ioan exceed lhe pe�mitled IirNls. ihen: (a)any such loan charge shali be reduced by lhe art�ax�t necesswy to reCuce �
<br /> • � the ehuge to the p�xmitted W�q: and (b) any sums already collected hom Borrowe►which exceeded penNlted GiNts wiY be •
<br /> � rc(unded to Bortowcr. Lender may choose to make ihis refund by reduang the principa! owed under the Note or by maWng a
<br /> 6rcet payment to Bortower. If a relund rcduces principal. the reductfan wNl be treate�: as � partial prepaymem without any
<br /> prep�yment cha►ge under the Note.
<br /> ` 14. NONC6Y.My notice to Bortower provided for m th�s Secunty Instrument shall be gnen by deYvermq il or by mailing R
<br /> by first dass me�7 unless applicable I�w requkes use of another melhod- The �otice shaU be direeted to the PropeAy Addross
<br /> or any ofher address Bonower designates by notfce to Lender. My notice to Lender shaN be gHen by frst dass mail to
<br /> Le�der's add'ess stated he►dn a eny other address Lender deslyrnlea by notice to Bortower. My notice provided lor In this
<br /> . 1 c.�vv:n. �wn�nrnr��ahaY 1�Awwnwl tn hn�a hMn rirv�n tn Rnneww nr t r�d�r wh�n afvm�s nrnvf�LKl N this oaraermh
<br /> _ 1 .-. . . � __�5_..��rnln� Law; Sovo►abllify. rnis secu�y msnumen� s�ao be yovemed by rederai aw end the law ot the
<br /> ' ' L, � jur:sdicUon M whleh the Property Is beated. In th�event thal �ny provislo� a clause o1 Ihls Security Instrument a the Note
<br /> � � conNcts wlth�ppYcabte�w.such conlict shar not aMect other provlslons ol this SecurAy Instrument or the Note whlch can be
<br /> ' �; I yvan Qf(ect wtthout the conWdin9 prorlsion.To thk end Ihe prov�sians o1 1Ma S�curity Insaument and iht Nota vt declarad to
<br /> , �. • � b�teYe�ble.
<br /> � • ' 16. Bo1rOW��'s C0�1y.Barower shaU be qiveo one conto�med copy ot the Note end ol th�s Secunty Instrument
<br /> I
<br /> 1 � ' Ft)16.1.M8 NAl� �.,r � �S � � ,r �L_
<br /> .. �
<br /> 93+��LM �
<br /> i
<br /> :
<br />