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<br /> TOOETHER WiTH dl the improvemanta now or ha�a�tter a�eatad on the `q+�pertY.�Mtd dl ewmvnta,
<br /> •ppurta�anca�,nnd ti:tura noM or heroaft�+r a prt ot the propercy.All ropiaoemenis�nd dditlon4�hplt alw b oovavd
<br /> by tbie Secudty I�umen�All ot the for�oln�i�reta�r+ed to in thi�Securlty(n�trument w tha" "
<br /> BORtIOWBR DOVBNANI'3 tlut Hoero�er i�I�wdully�edred o!the art�ts haeby c�onveyodp��ths d�ht to
<br /> Qrant�nd oonvey the Propxty md that the Property is w�o�cumbavd,exoapt tor enoumbra��oau ot t+eaord.AorroMOr
<br /> M�mnta md MIII deta�d Qenerally the title W the Property�inu dl aldm�u�d dem�nd���ubjeot ta at�y enouaat+rur�aa�
<br /> � of rocord
<br /> THIS BSCURITY INSTRUII�NT cambina unitorm ooven�nm tor nadond we and non-uniiorm�covar►�twq•wlth
<br /> limited vui�done by judediation to conatitute a unttorm aeawity itatrument oaverin�ral property.•
<br /> •;� UIJ1FOItM COVBNANT'3.BorroMer and Lender ouvetunt uid a�ree ae toliowr�
<br /> � 1.Payment oi Ptinclpsl�nd Interari;PrepsYmeut and I.�te Char�ea.Borrower�hall prn�p,pt1Y p�Y�rfien due
<br /> the principd ot and Intarat on the dabt evldenoed by the Note and any pmp�yment and bte ohar�a dtw under tho Notm.
<br /> 2. Pund�tor Ta=e�aad In�unnce. Subject to appliaable la+v or w a wtitten Maiver by I�endpr.8orrowor ehatl
<br /> ' y to Lender on tt�e day monthly pymenta ue due undec the Note,undl the Note ie paid in iull,*aures,�`PundA')��':
<br /> _� ,�'.':°;.`` ,` �)Yarly tues snd asseesments which m�y�ttainp'iority over thi�Savrity Instrument�s s lien on.the Fropr�rty;(b) '�
<br /> � yearly leasehold p�ymenta or�round tente on the Propeny, it any;(a)yearly h�zsrd or property it►euru�ce poemiumei
<br /> :Q�Tt��'�,',N ��.
<br /> .r'�,Z��� (d)yarly tlood insurance premiume,ii any;(e)yearly mortp�e imuranve prerniume,it�ny;�nd (f),eny eume pyable
<br /> .�_�'-.. by Homoxer w Lender�in�ccord�noe with the prnvletons oi pu+�nPh 8,in lieu oi tha p�ymant ot mart��e insursnco
<br /> ��'"- � "." ,:: r, promiums.l'hese iume ue called"Becrow Itema"iander m�y.at�ny dme,oollect�nd hold Fuad��ln an amaunt aot
<br /> ,, ti, :,.�w;:�,��. w excaed the muimum amount a lendar tor a tederally relatad mor�a�e lan m�y roquiro far�Roirower's aocroM
<br /> �- _�- .`��:. . � `� account under the fodoral Ral Bstate Settlement Procedurea Aot ot 1974 ts amended trom tirr�a,to time, 12 U.S.C.
<br /> , ,1' '. •`�`�:q; Section 2b01 d sq. ("RBBPA").unlees another laN thst�pplies w the Funds sete�leeser�movnt�It ao,Lander may.
<br />�� � �` .'""���Y'"��'�:;•.���f��< at any time.oolleat and hold F�mds in an amount not to eccoed the les�r amoun�Lender may eetimate the smount of
<br /> x� � ' � l�unda due an the basis oi curront data uid rasomble estimates ot ezpendituros of futuro F�orow itana or ott�erwipe in
<br /> t .. ' �a': "'"" " accordar►ce aith applicable l�w.
<br /> , •' �. . ., , .. The Funds sh�ll be held in an inetitutlon whase de�osite are inauced by�federal��enay.instsumenqlity,or enttty
<br /> . ;,. ,- (ineluding Lander,�f I.ander is auch an inetitution)or in any Federsl Nome Loan Benk.Lender ehali apply the Funds to ';•;;�;,
<br /> � ' .. py the Bscrow lteme.Lender m�y not ehuge Borrower tor holding md applying the Funda,a�nuslly an�lyzing ths
<br /> '��� "�� � eacroa s000unt.or verifyin�the F.scrow Items�unlesa Lender paya Bnrrower�nteraet on the Funda and applicable law
<br /> �•'�`'�i '' y � �ermits Lender to make auch a ch�rge. However. I.endor may requiro Borrower to pny a ona'time cha�e for an
<br /> . � ' �ndependent ral cstate tax reporting service used by Londor in comuction with this loen�unlesa�p�lia�blo laa provides
<br /> . otharw�ee.Unlese�n��eement is mada or ap�1icabla 1sw requires intmest w be psid. Lendor ahell not be required to
<br /> ° ' , pay Borrower anq intereet or arnings on the Funds.Borrower and Lender moy egrae in writin�,hawever�that interoet
<br /> ah�ll be p�id on the Funda.Lender ehdl give to Horrower,without char�e. an annwl accounting of tho Funde,showing
<br /> erodits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each debit to the Funde w�s mada. The�Funda are pled�ed as
<br /> ? � additionsl�ecurity tor ail sums sxured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> � � I[the Funds held by Lender oxceed the amaunts permitted to ba hold by applicable Isw,L�ndar shall�ccount w
<br /> ' Borrower tor the excxss Funds in accordance aith the requiramente of�pplicable law.It the emount of the Funde held
<br /> � ' by Lendar at any dmo is not sufticient to pey the F�croa Iteme when due. Lender mey so notity �orrower in writing,
<br /> " and.in such cesa Borrower ehall pay to Lendar the amount nxeasary to make up tM deficienay. $orrower ehall rmake
<br /> ;:'�.�,_ '. ' up the deticiency in no moro thsn twcive monthly paymente.at Le�det'a sole discretion.
<br /> ��;�;i,.� ,,;�t;� • . Upon payment in full ot all sums secured by this Security]nsdvrnent.Lender ehell pmmptly eefund w Borrower
<br /> any Funda held by Let�der. If. under psragcaph 21, Lender ahall �cquire or sell tho Proparty.• Lmder. prior to the
<br /> �T �� �;;;�;�� � � acquisition or sale of the Property.shall apply any Funds held by Lander at the time of acquieition or sale as a cmdit �.
<br /> ��� _, a�ainat the eums secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> �. 3. Applic�tion of P�ymeats.Unless epplicabla law provides otherwise, all paymente roceived by I.ender under : -�
<br /> +t,r• p�ragrephs 1 and 2 aheU be applied:tirst,to any pre�aymant cherges due under tha Note;second.to amounts payable
<br /> ' under pangaph Z;third.to intereat due;fourth,to pnnc�p�l due;and last,to my lete charges dua under the Note.
<br /> -% 4. C6�raes;Liena. Borrower shall pay all taxea, assessments,char�es,tines and impositiona attributable to tha `
<br /> ; �, • Property which may attein priority over this Security Instrumant,and leasehold peyments or ground rents, it any. €
<br /> Borrower ahall pey these obligations in the manner provided in paragr�ph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrower
<br /> . shell pay them on time diroctly to the person owed paymant.Borcower sha11 promptly furnieh t�i.ender all noticec of �
<br /> amounts to be paid under this paragtaph.lf Borrower makes these paymantedirectly,Borrowershall promptly furnish ,
<br /> ;,.' 1 ., to I.ender receipts evidencing the payments. �
<br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrumant uniess Borrower. (a) �
<br /> ' agrxs in writing w the payment of the obligation secured by the lien i n a menner acceptable to L.ender;(b)contests in �
<br /> ' good taith the lien by,or detends againat entorcement ot the lien in, tegal proc�eedinga xhich in the Lender's opinion j
<br /> �.i,, . �., operate to prevent tha entorcemrnt of the lien;or(c)secures trom the holder ot the lien an a ment satisfactory to i
<br /> ., Lender subordinating the lien to this Security Instrument,lf Lender dotermines that any part o •the Property is subject ,
<br /> �';. to a lien which moy attain priority over this Security Instrument,Lender mey give Borcower a notice identitying the '
<br /> ' lien. Borrower siull satiety the lien or take oae or mora of tha actions set torth abova within 10 daye ot the givin�ot �; ,
<br /> � 'i:i.. ,
<br /> ' ;�• notice.
<br /> ; ' ., .
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