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<br /> TO(l�'171ER WITN ul�he improvementa naw or hereaAer erated on the property.and all eacemau�.�.�ed
<br /> O�tur+ai now ar herorfler A pu1 af the property. All iq►iaocmente wrd addltfunr slull dro bo roverod by t6ir Security
<br /> la�umeM. All of�ho fore�oin�i�rofortod ta in thir 5acurity lastnu��ent�thc"Property."
<br /> BORRCIWBR CAV6NANTS�hat B�rmwer ia l�wfully selrod oi ihc ertwe hereby oonveyod�nd tias Ua ri�ht w�ront�nd
<br /> canvey the Prq�e�y and�hat�he Prapeny is unancumharod. oxcept for encumbrances oP raord. Borrower wam�us�nd will
<br /> defad�cneally tlx�itlo to Ihe Property�inu qll slpimw�1tct derrwnd+,Rubject to nny encumbrm�ces of rocord.
<br /> THIS S�CURITY INSTRUMENT cambines unifwm�cnrctwn�s for notional usc nnd non-uniform cove�wnta witb limitod
<br /> vuWian�by Ju�isdiction to constifulc a ueiform sacurlty iruNr4nttm�.cov�ri�real pmperty.
<br /> UNIFORM COV�NANTS. Barrower wnd l.endnt rnvpnclnt�Lml agne av follows:
<br /> .:y° 1. P�ymeM ot Ptincipd and latere�li �t����+u1d� UItR 4'hatges. Bormwer shell promPUY PaY when dua Ilie
<br /> ��,, ' prfncipal of smd interest on the debt evidencod i�y the NW4 and unp�•pnepaym¢nt and late chargcs duc urder the Note.
<br /> 2. Fund�tor Tnxa and I�urance. Subject to appliaablu luw•ar to u wdtten waiver by Lender, Barrower�hall pay W
<br /> I.ender on the day mont6ly payments ane due under�ha NWa. unt�l�dta Note iR paid in full,a sum('Funds")for:(a)yearly taxea
<br /> and assessments whfch owy attafn p�iority over this Sccu�fty ln�t�x+mant us�a lien oo the Property:(b)yeArly Itasehold prymenu
<br /> or graund rcms on the Pmperry. ii any;�c)yearly hawrd or prq�stty insurance premiums;(d)ycarly fload inru�premiums.
<br /> if any: (e)yeuly mortgage insurance premiums, if ooy; and lfl an�+sums payable by Borrower to l.ender,in accordance wlth
<br /> the provisions of paragraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mnri�og6 inhurance premiums. These items sue callod "Escrow Items."
<br /> `'°'` Lender may. at any time, coilect and hald Funds in un umrnmt�nnl•to eaceed the mpaimum amount a lender for a foderally
<br /> ; � w'���;��� relatod mort��ge loan may requirc for eorrower's e�crow aacount:urd��the federal Real Estatc Settlement Procedures Act of
<br /> ' + ' ,�,�'��;•.�,� 1974 a.g amendod from time to time, 12 U.S.C. Secti�n 26l}A�et•�raq. ("RFSPA"). unless another Iaw that applies�o the Funds
<br /> ;�• sets a lesser amount. If so. l.ender muy. at any tirr�e. c�►lluat and hold Funds in an amount nat to exceed the lescer amount.
<br /> �:° • ' �` Lcnder ma eslimate the amount of Funds due on iha tMPiK�f'currcne dat�and nea�u�nable auimates of e:penlituns of futune
<br /> ;f''``',�,,,�,'�"` '�� Escrow Items or otherwlse in oceordance wi�h uppliuublu luw�
<br /> , ° d. „d•:.r....ir:�'".
<br /> *��. ; , ,: The Fu�ds shall bc held in an instiwdon wbo.se dupc�its are insured by a federal agency. instrumentelity, or entity
<br /> :;,;f, ;•• �� � �� (including Lender,if Lender is such an institutian)or io any Federal Hcwnc I.oan Banl�. Lcnder shall apply the Funds to pny the
<br /> ';',, :;':. :r.,�:�;.�;��•� Escrow Items.l.ender may not charge Bcsrtower for hnlding and applying the Funds,annually suwlyzing the escrow account.ar
<br /> �� '. � verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lendec pays BeirrowQr interest on the Funds and applicable luw permits Lender to make such
<br /> •�''`: - '''`-• •� a chatge.However, Lender may require&►rrower�o pny a one-time charge for un independent mal estate tax reponfng servicc
<br /> � ° �" • used by L.ender in conncction with this I��un, unlues upplicable law provides cuherwise. Unless an agreement is made or
<br /> t' . �pplicable Inw requires interest to be paid, Ixnda�,hull not bc requircd tu pay Borrower any interest or earnings on Ihe Funds.
<br /> �' ���� �. .,'•� • ' Borrower nnd l.endcr may agrc� in writing.Mowa�er, Ihut interest shall be paid an the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower,
<br /> � �• wi�hout charge, an annual accounting of thu Fundw, shawing credits and dehits to the Funds and�he purpose for which exh
<br /> �� '� de6it ta the Funds wns m3de.Thu Fundx are pluclge�as additianal securlty for�11 sumc secured by this Securlty instrument.
<br /> t � �.,�:��:�:";���,` IP the Funds held by L.ender exceed thc amounts pemiitted to be held by applirable law,Lender shall account lo Borrower 4
<br /> ' 'S ''� fbr the eacexs Fundr in uccordance wi�h tha requiremen�s of applicable Iaw. If the amount of the Funds heW by l.ender at any
<br /> �`�,���� •�� -�'��',f��: time is not sufficiem to pay the Eticrow It�sms when due,L.ender muy so notify &�rmwer in writing,und,in such cu.�e Borrower
<br /> ��, `�."` shall pay to l.ender the om�unt nuces�ry ta mukr up the deficiency. Bormwcr shall mnke up the deficiency in no more than
<br /> ' �':�i�'. ,. �'t..,.
<br /> ti� ••. ,(�.^�.?���,,. . ' �'•'d twelve mo�Uhly paymenth,at L,endar's u►Ie discretion.
<br /> :' :,•�;;�':� Upon paymem in faU of all sum� tiecured by Ihis Security Instrument, l.ender tihull prompUy refund ta Horrower any ,
<br /> ',„�. Funds held by l.ender. lf,under pumgroph 21, l.ender�hall acquire or sell the Properly,l.ender,prior to the acquisition or sale ,.,
<br /> 7�; .. � of the Pro}x:ny, shall applv any Funds held by i.ender at tha Ume of ucquixition ar wlr nx a credit against the sums secured by ��
<br /> ,���;�: � � this Security Instrument. �
<br /> ` �f;';•�:��,. 3.Application of Pnvments.Unlc.�upplicublc law pmviJcs nthcrwi�c,all paymen�s rcceivrd by Lender under para�raphs
<br /> �' �'"t;""�'����� I AtNJ Z Sllilll I1C A liod:fint,ta an rc a mcnt chur �x due under thc Nate; aerond, to amoun�s a uMle under arn ra h 2; �"�
<br /> •+�: � PP Y P P Y F' p Y P � P
<br /> ;�,�:t;,:, ���•
<br /> �; �i;'.;.,,1 , third,to interest duo;fouhh,to prinr.ipul due:und I:ist,to•rny latr rhargcs due mxler thc N��te.
<br /> t• ; � �S�``�'°��� •: •j'S;:;.. 4.Chargev; Liens.&xrnwer shall pay all t•rxcs, uY�c.�mentx, churgcs. tincr and imposition+anributnble�o�he Property
<br /> '. , ' ��;,� ;� which nwy aunin prioriry �wer this Security Inauvment. und Icu.chold pa}•mem. ��r�round rent., if uny. &�rrower shull puy
<br /> ,.,�;. . �';;�;1• these ohligutions in thc manner provided in paragraph 2,ur if�x�t p•rid in that manner. &�rruµ�cr shall pay them on time dirccdy ''
<br /> `? . to thc pcnctin nw•cd paynuns. Sorraa•rr.h:dl prc,mptly t'urni�h to LenJcr ull nuti:c�of anxwnt.tu tk paiJ wxiri thi�pumgruph.
<br /> •���. ,
<br /> :t.. ;;i�;� .. � If Borri�W�er mukcs�he�c pay�nxnts Jirectly.Burruw•er�hull pramptlJ•1'umi.h to IxnJer r�crip�+cvidencing the payment,. ,;
<br /> � ..�"'r�'`., , &�no��•er�hull prumptly Jiuhargc uny lirn Nfiirh hu+prH►rit� o�:r thi.S�curity In�trument unlr,s Borrawer:Iu1 agree�in �u,
<br /> .
<br /> ' ' , wriling lo Ihe puynknt of the�d►ligutioo��cur�til by�hr licn in a munner ucceptaMe tu LcnJcr:�b�c„ntern in��xxl faith thc lirn
<br /> � r • by, or defenJ, aguin�t enti�rccmem uf thc licn in. IcEul prekcrJing� w�hirh in thc l.�ndcr'� ��pinion ��perute t��prevent the
<br /> ,=.?,�,.
<br /> }. �• .;,.�;, • enforcement��f�he licn: or Icl�crurc,fnmi th�h��IJcr i�f Ihr licn an agrc�nxnl,ali.facton�t�� LenJcr wlxmlinaling the lien to
<br /> � ' ::'• this Sccuri�y Imtrumrnt. II'Lrndrr dcicmiinc. ihut anr pan ��f�hr Prn�xm• i. whject �a a licn whirh nwy•rttain pri��rity a�•er
<br /> �., '�' , . this��urity 6�.trumem. LenJer nwy gi��c Burruarr a nntire iJcmit'�in� �hr lirn. H�,rruurr,h:�ll,ati.fy thr licn nr take onc or .
<br /> � . • t more of the acti�►n..et timh ubovc w�i�hin IU Juy,ul�hc gi�in�t ot'notirc. •
<br /> 5.,: �..;'� Form 3028 9190
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