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<br /> ILY RIDER ����'�9 �
<br /> _ , 1-4 FAM , -
<br /> Awd�nment oi Rent� 0020028891
<br /> THIS I-4 FAMILY RIDBR i�mwdc this 27TH day of ��g p g
<br /> and is inoorporatod into and sF�all bo damai tu wrt�eml erwi bupplement thc Murtg�v T[FOOd�.ai Trust or Securi�y9
<br /> Deed (the "Sav�ity Uutnune�t") of tha s�me due �ivcn by tho underd�nod.:(It�a "Barrower") w iocura
<br /> Borrowa's Note w
<br /> Th• Equitablo Building and Loan Aasociation of cirsnd Iatand.
<br /> N�breska. A Fode�nl Savings Bank (the'�t.e�dor")
<br /> of UK+swrie dtae a�d coveria�the Property drr•cribrd in the Srcu�hy insuumant and lacat�d u:
<br /> 214 E KOENIO ST, ORAND ISLAND� N�BRABKA 88801-7838
<br /> I�m���I .
<br /> i
<br /> 1�4 RAI4III..Y COVENANTS.In addition to the rnvenants and ngraemaits mmde in,iho Secu�ity lnctrument.
<br /> ,-- .�:�t f�:�'?E`=>?�''" . Borrawcr and I.endcr furiher covenant ut�d agree as tollowa:
<br /> ;�'�,���';.1 .;. A. ADDl7'IONAL PROPERTY SUBJECT TO 7'� 3ECURITY INg7'Itt1M8IV'1'. In eddition to ttie
<br /> � ; � Properry desc�ibod in the Security Instrument,the following items are added to ttie Property description,end shall
<br /> " '.,^� ,� , ,,�ra..j, also com�dtute the PropeRy covered by the Security Instniment: building matedals,applit�and goods of every
<br /> ��`�'""'1 � �..� " r'' n� wl�atsocver now or here,after locuted in. on. or used. ar intendad ta 6e usod in�oonnection with the
<br /> �ti, � �'" ' :'� ' Propecty. including, bul not limited to, those far the puqwses of supplying ar disttibWing heatiug, cooling,
<br /> �`�''� '..''' elactriciry, gas. water, uir and light, fire preventian and extinguishing app�ratus, secuaty and xcess rnntrol
<br /> a::�,,. ... ,
<br /> • • • • apparntus. plumbing, buth tubs, water heaters. water closets, sinks, rnnges.staves, rsfrigerators,dishwashers,
<br /> �' �•-Y • . �, dispacals. washers.dryers,awnings, storm windows, storm daorr,, screens.biitKic, sh�lts, curtains and cwtain
<br /> .,*�'� rodc,attached mirrors.ca6inets,punelling and attached flaor rnverings naw or heraafl�atinched to the Praperly.
<br /> n:'�� ,;C4.�___ ..�y: ; HII of which, jncluding repincemems and ndditians theroeto, sl�all be deemed to lx und nemain a part of the
<br /> �� � .. ; . • P'ropeny cov@rod by the �ecuriry ins►rument. Ali oP i{rr Tuic�OiU$ iogcifka K':ih ih:Pmpesty d�cribe� in !!x
<br /> �.��f-;�:�:��,;.`� Security Instrumcm(or the leusehold estutc if the Securily Instrument is on a Iaasehaldl are refemed to in this I-4
<br /> , . ...s;, ...
<br /> Fumily Rider and the Security In,trumem as the"Property."
<br /> li � " $. ��SE OF PROPERTY; COMPI.IANCE WITH LAW. Bnrrower shall not seek, agt�e�to or muke a
<br /> ��•1>� ' rhr�nge in the use of the Pmperty or its inning �lassification, unle�s Le�xier has ugree�l in writing to the change.
<br /> Borrower shull comply wHh all laws, ordinaocex, regulutions and requiremenu of any govemmental�body
<br /> applicable to the Property.
<br /> , �u C,SUBORD1iVATE LIENS.Except u�permiued by fcdcr,�l luw•. Borrower shull n�x ullaw uny lien inferior
<br /> •� to the Security Instrument to lxx pc�Fxtcd ogainst the Prupenp withc�ut Lcnder's priar written permission.
<br /> �;� ' . '�� D.R'ENT�OSS IN5URANCE. Bnrr�iwer�hall maintain inwnmce ugainst rent loks in s�ddition to the other
<br /> %•;:
<br /> �i,�''� haxnnis fur which insurancc in rcquir�Ki by Unili►nn Covenant 5.
<br /> �!
<br /> ��� � ' �'.' • E."BORROWER'S RIGHT TO REIKSTATE"DF.LETED.U��ifi�rm Cuvenant IR i�deleted.
<br /> (.1 . , F. BORROV6'ER'S OC'CUPANCY. Unlcss Lcnder and Borrowcr oth..nvisc agree in wri�ing, the first
<br /> sentenoe in Unifortn Covenunt 6 �onremin &irrowcr'� orcu anc ��t'the Ptu n ia deleted. All remainin �
<br /> �,.,. :. F P' Y P� )' S
<br /> . covenr�nts and ugr��emcnts set fi�rth in Unitiirm Ca�•rnant 6�huU rcmain in effttt. _
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<br /> '�'�.. MULTISTAI'E 7 -4 FAMILY fiIDER•Fannl�IMwIFr�drNa M�c Unlfam Irotrw�ant Form 3170 3183
<br /> -� ,.
<br /> +'•.\` � •rJ��93W1 VMP MORTOAQE i0RM8 • �800�671 79B1 �P�mleeonl4ey[NAPpM P
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