' • t.n�,:
<br /> .... ..;y
<br /> /� . ...�i .%:�, ! .1Y_ 1
<br /> .. �.r h..iI + .. .
<br /> o. �. __.-.+.�+•�rl •
<br /> - . . .. • ;Y.4+ '
<br /> • ►93-ioe�s � ��
<br /> paymeats�whkh ue refenod ta ia l� 2,or chanQe�he Mn�ount of wch paymenu. My exceu procaed�ovor�n .
<br /> ,mo,mt nequlred to p,y.0 ow.,.a�d�g �a••�r tbe[Vae�aa�di.socur+ty lnsaua�at.lwu be p.+d a the eadq�
<br /> kpUy er+tfQed ttrcr�ew.
<br /> & Fba. Lxnder may col{¢ct fee�wid ch�r�w authoei�,ed by tbe SecreurY.
<br /> f. Ground��ar AccelerNlo�Mf[►!�t
<br /> :� (�l Defi�ulb I,endcr mey,ercr-�eq�u Nmitcd by K�ulatiana iwued by�he Soerct�rX in�he ca�e ot p�yment defsultt.
<br /> requ�ra immedtatapaytnu+t i�fu!!of a!1 euma�ecwed by thi�Secudty Inatrument�f:
<br /> (i)Borrowcr dafiuus by l�14ng to p�y in full�ny montblY p�yment roquirod by thi�Securiry In�tnunent prlor
<br /> �"; ta or on�ho dua dwe of Jae next mo+►th1Y payment.or
<br /> (iil8orrowcr dcfaWta b}�fdlin�,fa A period of thirty d�ys,to perform my athu d�ll��tion+conhined in thi�
<br /> Securlty InaWmcn4
<br /> (b)Sale VYiU�ut Credlt Ay�rovwl.L-ender shall,if pertnitted by applicablo I�w atd wflh tha prlor�p�xoval of the
<br /> Se�ratuy.riequlre immad�ala paiymau in fuli of all the aums secund by lhis Secudty insteum�mt if:
<br /> (i)All or part of t6a�.�y.or a beneflclal fnterest in a trust owni�Y dl or put of ihe Proparty.is aW a
<br /> otherwise trartafeaed(dh�vt tban by devise or descent)by the Bamwer,wd
<br /> (iil The Property ia noe�accupiod by thc purchaser or grontee as his or her principal recidenre.or tho punchaser
<br /> or grantee docs so accupy tAe Property but his or ha cRdit h�s not been apptoved in �ocaidance
<br /> with�he rcqulnernanta oF tFio Secretery. edtate t in fuil but Lendier
<br /> ujre imm
<br /> occur that would t L.ender w pay� �
<br /> (e)Na Wniver. If clrewnn+tainoes pe�m1 �9
<br /> r:p,, , . das rtot requi�suahpaytnet�us.L.ender daes not waive i�a dghts with rospect w subsoquent eventc.
<br /> ., �. •�',���''i (d)Re�ulatioas d HUD 6tcs'elsry. In many circumstencea regulations issued by the Scc�etary wUl limit Let�erS�
<br /> .' '� � �' . ri in the case of ya�snl deiwlte,torequire immedlatepayment in full ond faroclose if iwt 'lhi4
<br /> '':" _' �:i''.�v�,��.�at . Se�cu�ricy Insuumant doea r.M authodu Acceleauion or foroclosure if nd permiRed by rogulatla��of the�ry.
<br /> - rf::.�`y-:':`:ti.��-- (e)Mp»gage Not lueured. Borrower agrees that should this Security Instrument and the note cxured the�e by,not
<br /> - ��.e.o3:.asL�- �4.'-.i.•_�;"
<br /> ;� ¢• .: ,. „ ,,. .. be eligible for inRUrance wraer theNadonal Housing Act within 90 DAYS ��
<br /> . d9ta hereof,Lender moy,at its option and notwithstanding anything in Parag�ph 9.requirc immediate payment in
<br /> `� full of all sums secw+ad b thi:Securi Inswment. A written statement of any suthorized ageut of the Saroetuy
<br /> ;.., ���,;�:,.�:; .,;"L'�; y n
<br /> . ,` "•, �'�'4, dsted subsequent to gp pAYS from the date hcieof,declining to insure this Socurity
<br /> � � 1 ';���':'�,;�; :.��:_. lnstrument and the nnt�t secwed the�eby,ahall be deemed conclusive proof of such ineligibility. Notwithstonding
<br /> „ . „ , thc foregoing,this opti�xt iroay not be cxercised by L.ender when the unavailablUty of inaurance ic�olely due W
<br /> � � Lrnder`a fuilu�to rcmlt a ro�csrtgage insurance premium to the Secnetary.
<br /> � � � . • 10. Rei�lemenf. Bomoaar hos A dght to be reinstated if Lender has required immediate payment in full because
<br /> � � ...;';�. „ oi Horrower�s failurc to pny an vnount due under the•Nate or thia Securiry InstrumcnG 71us dght applies even efter
<br /> ;.:,;;,, ionclosura praceedings arc inxawted. 7b reinstate the Security Instrument, Borrower shall tender in a lump sum all
<br /> artwwus rarlulrad to•bring Bumowcr:s accaun�curnent including,to ihe extent they are abligatfons of Borrower under this
<br /> ' � Secudty Insuument,fomclosure ccet�s and reasonable aud cusromary aqomeys'fees and expenseaproperly essociated with
<br /> �.'} ' ° the foreclosure proceading. Upon rcinstatement by Borrower.this Security Instrument and the obligadona that it securcs
<br /> ; ,",.'r.'�r,.�';..!�`n shall remain in effect ax if Ler�.�r h,ad not reyuired immediate payment in full. However,l.ender is not required tope it
<br /> , , ' :r;��c�; reinatatement if: (i)Lender hus accepted tein9tatemenl after the commencement of foreclosune proeeedings within t�wo
<br /> ' �'� ' ears immediately recedin tIia cc�mmencement of a current foreclosure proceeding, (ii) reinstatement will pnclude
<br /> ��`�,�:�.,Er• . � y P R
<br /> ��,�^ •'`S�t�-••: . foreclosure on differom grounds in the fuwre.or(iii)reinstatement will edversely afiect the priodry of the Ilen crcetod by
<br /> �,' � � , ; this Security InxtrumenL
<br /> � 11. Borrower Nut kel�tased: Forbearance by l.ender Not a Wafver. Extension of the time of payment or
<br /> :�'_ • modification of amortization of thu sumx 5ecured by thi.4 Securi�y Instrument granted by Lender to any successor m inteiest
<br /> of Borrowcr shall not operat�s a:•rcleu�c the IiaMlity of the original Borrower or Borrower�s successor in interest. Lxnder
<br /> ;�f��. , � , shull not be requin:d to comnwnce proceedingx againxt un�tiuccessor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or
<br /> � . � � otherwise modify umonir.atiun oF ihe sums secured by th�s Securi�y Instrument by reason of any demend made by the
<br /> �' • original Borrower or Born►wer i;successan in imere,t. Any forbearnnce by l.ender in exercising any�ght or remedy shell
<br /> ,� not be u waiver of or precludu�hu cxercixe of uny right or rcmedy.
<br /> �� 12. Succe�.vors and As�iQe►n Bound;Jotat and Several Liability; CaSigners. The covenants und agreements of
<br /> r . .
<br /> . ' ° �his Securi�y Inxtrument sh�dl bind and henefit the�uccrs,on und assigns of Lender and 8orrower,subject to the provisions
<br /> � af Parograph 9.M. Burrowerk covenuntx und agreements shull be joint and several, Any Borrower who castgns Ihis
<br /> Security la�trumenl bu1 J��s nu1 execwe the Nate: (ol is co-signing this Securiry Instrument only ro mortgage,grant and
<br /> , •� convey�hat Borroweri+imun:xt in thc Pn�peny under the termx of thix Security Instrumen�;(b>is not personally obligated to
<br /> , • pay the sum�+ecureJ hy thG�Sccuricy In�tn�menl: und(r)•rgrees thut Lender und any other Borrower muy ngree to extend,
<br /> modif��,forbear or m��ke una acromrnodations wilh rcgurJ to the tem�s oi this Securiiy Instrument or the Note without that
<br /> ' 8orrow�r's consem. Yc.
<br /> � 13. Nafices. Any nmicc ur BoROwer prnvideJ for in this Securily Inxtrument shall be given by delivering it or by
<br /> mailing it by firn�clas. mnil uole�s upplicable luw rcyuire. uxr of arx�ther methcxi. 7'he notice shAll be directed to the
<br /> . Property Addrexx or any uthcr e�ddrrsti Bortnwcr dr+ignate�hy nolicr to LenJrr. Any �xnire to Lender shnU be given by
<br /> first clarx mail w l.cndur+ uddiL�� xtatrd herrin ��r un�� addrex. Lender de.ignutes by notice to Borrower. Any no�ice _
<br /> �• 1, �rovided for in ihi�Sccurity Intitivm�nt.hall Fx dremrd m hu�e Ixrn giacn to Bnrcuwrr or Lender when given as provided
<br /> '' m thi.parn�ruph.
<br /> ' � 14. fioverninR I.uw; tiuverubilit�. Thi+Srrurity In.trumrm xh�ll Ix govrmcd by Fcderal luw and the law of the
<br /> ' , � ' juri�Jiction in which the I'niperty iti kxuteJ. In thr rvrnt Ih:u uny pro��i•ian or clauxr of thi+Security In+trumem or the .6
<br /> ' Note cnnlli�t+W i�h:�rri�«►i�i� I�i�v. ,uth r�xitlicl .hall m�t affrrl athrr pro�•i.iom of thiti Srcurity lnsirumrnt or Ihe Note
<br /> r :, which run tx givrn eftec�wiihuul Ihc mn0ir�ing pruvi.iun. 'li�thi.rnd the pruvi.ion. ��f thi.Security lnstrument und the
<br /> ,s. Not�nrz dcclareJ t�,Ixx�r�•cr:ihlc. ��
<br /> `•r�:�, �,., I5. Burrow•er's('op,r. Il��rn���rr�hall rx gi�rn unr runti�rnud rop�•uf�hi�Srrurity In,Irumem. '•"
<br /> i�';�'�� � ., 16. AssiRmment oP Rrnt�a. Hnrro��cr unc�x�di�ian:►Ily a�+ign�and Irnmfer.iu Lendcr all Ihr rcnt�und revcnuc�uf thc
<br /> .�,,; ,
<br /> �-.,,_: 1 ' N'operty. Bam���•�r authuri,:e,l.�nJ�r ur Lcnder:agru�.i��c„Ile�i ihe rent,anJ rr�enu�.anJ hrnby Jircct+each lenant of
<br /> '_• ';;\:,• : ± „ the Prupeny w pay U�e ren�n m Lender�.r I.�nd�r;uF�rnt,. Hu��ecrr.priur In Lcn�kr:nMice to Borrow•er of Bormw•er:
<br /> • ' brcuch of an}cm�en;iM���+ip�urnxnt in 1hc Srcuriry In.�rununl.Fi��rn�NCr.hall cullrc�:mJ«rci�•�all ren�ti unJ rcvcnuc�of
<br /> ��'" thc Rvp�rty a�ttv.tcc tiir tl�c hrnctit��f l.cn�lrr and B„rruar�•. 'I'hi.a.•ignnnnt uf rrnt�con.titutc+un aMsolutr ussign►nrnt 4
<br /> �� unJ not an i�,.rignmrm ti�r uddiii�mal .cruri���unl}•. f
<br /> r• 1— . . 1 It Lender�;rve,nuncc ui hrcarii�u ii�xiuNrr: 1�u:dl rcnt,r�rcirrJ hy Harru���cr�null tx hrld by Bum►�err a�tru�trr
<br /> � .
<br /> . T � fur lxnctii ��f Lrndrr unly. tu br a{�phrd tu tfx.uw, .rrurcd h�• thr lcrunl� In.irumrnt: Ini l.�ndcr.n:ui t+r cnuueu tu •
<br /> • '� collcct:wJ n�civr aU ul�hu n.nl�uf'Ihr Prn�xny:;mJ ir►rach tcnant uf thr I'n,�xn� .hall pa� all rcrn.dur anJ unpaiJ la i
<br /> } LcnJcr ur Lcndrr:aErnl un I cnJcr:Nrit�cn�Irm:md tu thr tenanl. �
<br /> 1 Bunowcr ha�nu� r�crW�d m�y pria�r u..iEnmcnl �H Ihr n�u.and ha,nut :�nd��ill nut �xrli,nn any art th:n would I
<br /> . ys prrvcnl LendcrtF�imr�.rn:i�mp ii.righ��undcrlh�.l:►ra�:ru�h 16.
<br /> s Lrndcr+h:dl nui bc reywrrJ�c�rnt�r u���n. �al�r r�mtrul ul ur maiin.un Ihr Pw�kiir txlurr ur ullrr�i�io�: n��tirc ot
<br /> . bttiuch tu Kurr����cc H���vcvcr. Lcrnkr.�r u IuJi�i�►11� ap�wiutcd rrrrnrr may Ju.�,.0 am Umr Ihrre i..� hnarh. Am
<br /> ' ' � ., LPPIictUiun��f rrnt��hall uul curr ur ��ai�i�im Jrt:mlt ar m�ahd.Hr am ulhrr i i�:lu ur rrm�d�ul'LrnJcr. fhi.:�„iEnm�nt
<br /> of nmti of the 1'ru�xny.hull lernroi:�te wh�n Ihc d�hl.�curcd b) Ihr ti�runt) In.tnmcent i.puid in tull.
<br /> � .
<br /> .��,��•��+..rl�•,,a,�
<br /> .
<br /> � �
<br />