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<br /> TOOL�'I'HE[t WITH�II the improvcmonw naw or Nerc�fler eroctod on�he propeny�and all easemenu�qmu�t�aeuioe��
<br /> uid fixpua�oow on c�rcatler a put of tho ptopeaty. All t�epl�anxnl.a�nd addition�ah�ll alw be wve�ed by tb�SecudtY
<br /> Inswmen� All ot�he foro�oin�i�rotertad ta in�hia Socudty In�wmeat iu the"Property"
<br /> BOItROWER GOVENAfVTS that�8mmw�et 1�lnwJLlly sei�od of tho eslate heneby convoyod aad h�s the d�ht w�pnnt
<br /> �nd convey the�a•�:�.�^.,:w�and lh�t 1he Prope�tY 1c�undn�umberod,except for encumbence�of rocord. Barmwor wonsau wd
<br /> will defend Qene[ally u10 dqA(p th0 Ptappty ayAitlit:�l1 sclaims ond demonJs.wbJect w any e�rcumbraneai af rocord.
<br /> 'I7i15 SECURITY W87RlJM8NT oambinAS anifmm covenonw ior nRtfone) u�e and noa-wilfan�covcn�nu witb
<br /> limited variadoaa by jurisdicticm ta ennstllutA a un{fnmt xcu�ity Inswmem covering rcal property.
<br /> lTN(FORM COVBNAM'$..BrnrowAr wnd Lendt�cave�nt and�gree as followc:
<br /> 1. P�ya�eat ot Priitatppl��nd Wta�+esli�1►pF�911�u1 ond Late CbRt�eQ. �mrow¢r shall pnomPUY P�Y when duo tbe
<br /> prjnci of and interast oa Iha dabt.ovidenaed b�+tha Hqu+ancl aay preps►Yment xqQ.l�ta chargea due under the Nota.
<br /> �F1�nds[or 71�u9 snd l�uranae. Sul�jaot ta.applicabla law or to a wrinan.waiver by Lendcr.Bocrowor sbaU pay to
<br /> Lcnder on the day manihlp paym�nts a�s dun undar tha Nota,until ihc Note is paid in full.a sum("Wnda")far.(a)yearly
<br /> �axes and asseasrmnts whioh maY attain ppmity ovor thlp Secudty InQtrument es a lien oa the Property:(b)Yoarly laatehold
<br /> �• � � �aymenu or ground reate on tha Aroperty. if anyi(a)yo�u'ly hezard or property insurancc premiwna; (d) ycarly flaod
<br /> nsu�rux pmniumc. if any: (rz)YeadY martgago incumnae premiums, if any:and(fl any summ� payable by Batuwer w
<br /> Lender.in accoManao with 1ha pmvisi�ns of parugmph 8.pn,flou of the payment�of moitguge insurance pr+emiuma. 7'tKSo
<br /> ��i ,�r:�Y; '� itema eue called"�scmw bams." I.endar may.at any tima.collact and hald Pundc in an wrwunt not to excad the maximum
<br /> .�. w4,,�. emount A lender for a federsdly rclated martgage loan may requins for Bomower's escrow account under iho fedet�l Real
<br /> ` ���,,.4�� Estate Settlement Roceduros Act of 1974 as amendad from.timo to I�me. 12 U.S.C.�2601 er seq.("RFSPA"),unless another
<br /> ��. �• A� •`��*- • law that applioa to�he Fundc sete a lesser amaunt. If sa.I.endor may,at any dm�,FoUect and hold Funds in an amount na to
<br /> � •��.,:, .�•_:�`;; mcceed �6e lesser amount. l.cndar may esdmate tha amaunt of Funds dae on�tho basis of cwrent data and reatonable
<br /> . . .r_�: .,�'�::
<br /> „ :.�,+»�. <� �. estimates of expenditures of future Escmw Items or olh�twi�e in siccordance with applicable law.
<br /> .�:n,':,,.:.�•..1�:'�'"� T ho Funds shall ba held in an lnstitution whaas depasits atia incured by a fedet�l agenay. inQtrumealaliry. or enUty
<br /> . � � �i'�..,:., ?_''�`��
<br /> • (includln@ Lendar,if l.endar is such an insti�ulion)ar in eny Federai klome l.onn Bank. L.cnder sh�ll�apply�he Funds to pay
<br /> ;�.r,...,,,;, • � ,�,,�{ 1he Escrow hams. Lender may not charge Bortowar for holdin�and npplying the Funds,annually enalyzing 1he escrow
<br /> • . = . � account,or vmii'ying �ha Fscmw Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds und appllaabl8 law permita
<br /> �^ ��.+.,� � �,;� ."' Lender to mnke such a chargc. However,l.cndar may r�qu�re Bortower to pay a one-timc charge for c+n independant real
<br /> ,�. �,�o�`. estate tax reporting service used by L,endar in c�nnecovn with this lonn.unl�ss apPlicaMe law provjdes otherwise. Unless an
<br /> ;• "�. •• agrecmeat is muda or applicuble law requires intarest to bc paid,l..endor Rhalbnot be requircd lo pay Borrower any interest or
<br /> � ., . , eamin gs on Ihe Funds. Bo�rower nnd l.endor may agnee in wriUng,how�ovor,lhat intarest shall be paid on the Funds. L.ender
<br /> . .. - , shall give to Borrower,withaut charge,an annual accounting of tha Funds, showing credits and debits to the F un ds en d t h e
<br /> � pu�por.e for which each dabit to tha Fundc was made. Tha�unds ora pledged ac Additional security for all sums securcd by h-
<br /> U�is Security Insuumanl.
<br /> - -_ ' ��'� !f�hc Funds held b�� Lender eaceed the am�wnts�ermitled tn he held hy applicnble luw. Leader shWi account to
<br /> � ; • " ' Borrower for thv ezcess Funds in uccordance with ths rcquiromant9 of applicuble law. If the amount of the Funds held by
<br /> � ' ; Lender at any tima is nat sufftcient to pay tha Ea:ro�v Itom�:when duo.L.ender mpy so notil'y BaROwer in wridng,and,in
<br /> � • � • such c�se Barrower shell pay tu Lender the amaunl neressaiy [o maka up tha deficiency. �orrower shall make up tha
<br /> � ' doficiency in na monc�han tweive monthly pnym�nt�,at Lender's salo discration.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all xums secured by�hiti Securi�y Inswment,Lendcr shall promptly refund to Barrower any ;:�;
<br /> ° �• .. �, Funds held by Lendar. If,under purngroph 21, Lenckr shull acquiro ur�ell �he Proprrty.Lender,prior to�he acquisiGan or ;;;,
<br /> �._ '�ti,�•:,. sale of�ha Property, shall apply uny Funds hold by Lender al the time of ucquisition or wle us a credit against tha sums
<br /> � �� . ; ��• �ic ' secu�dby thls Security Inswment.
<br /> � • � . •��';`:``,'; 3. Applle�don oP WymentK. Unlexs upplicuMe lu���providex otherwi�e, all paymenls received by Lender under
<br /> ',F kt•:
<br /> . , .. ,.,, ., ','';�.��� parographs I nnd 2�hull be applicd:first,t��uny prepuymont churges Jue under the N�►te;second,to amounta pAyable under
<br /> •�'�'���^•.� �"� ��'+� � 2;�hird,to inter+cst duc;fuwth,to rinci ul due:und lac�,to an lata ch es duc under the Note.
<br /> ;�r. + ,�;,�;r.:;r�,;�ti•�;�4}�',} P B� P P Y +�6'
<br /> , . �,,,,�:::'.;t,,;.�;i,;,,, 4. Cdarges; I.lens. Burrower sht+ll puy all tuxes,s�,xs�men��, churgo., fines und impositions atuibutable ta d►e
<br /> ��•: �;•;,r��1��..t:..,,•, Pruperty wfiich may anain priorily ave�thir:Securi�y In�tiumcnl,and leusehald paymems or ground rents,if uny. Bomower
<br /> +".r.,, . ' . ��'�' shull puy these obligations in the manner providcd fn pamgruph�,or if no� p•rid in thut munner,BoROwcr shull puy them on
<br /> r � �;�Sr;,,
<br /> ��;' � •. .�.r!;; „ ����.',`.� timedirectly tu the persan owed puyment. Hurro�ver shall promptfy fumixh to Lendcr s�ll no�ices of amounts to bc puid undcr ••.�
<br /> „ '� ,''����``i• • this parograph. If Bont�wer mAke�Ihese puymenl�dir+ecily. &�rrower shall�promptly fumish to Leiuier receipts evidencing -�
<br /> "�'r�� the a ments.
<br /> ` .'1iii�.:;;t� •� P �' •�-�
<br /> � • k3orrower shall promptly dirxhurize uny lien which hu,prionry over thi�Security In�trument unless Bom�wer:(a)agrees
<br /> �+-�,':� � � ,;•'r� in writing to the puyment of thc abliga�iun aecured by the licn in u manner uccepwblc tu LcnJer,lb)contests in gaod faith thc
<br /> �'' �'` �� •�,�`.�''•� licn by,or defvnd�uguinst enfurcement of thc lien in,legul pr�xeedin�s which in the Lcndcri opinian operule to pn:vent the
<br /> �����'� , � •"'''' enfarcemen�of the licn;u�Ic)sccurce frum the h��ldcr nf thc licn un ugrcemcnt.utisfuctory to Lcndcr.rubordinating the lien
<br /> .r, :. to this Sccurity Insuvment. If Lendcr dctcrmine,thnt any ptut of the Propeny is,ubjrct tu u lien which muy uttain priority "'
<br /> ' •�"•'' . aver thfs Security Incuument,Lendcr muy Five Numavcr a no�ke identit'ying the lien. &�rrower shull�atixfy Ihe lien or tuke ' '
<br /> � ''� ! , •' � one ar moro of the actbn�set furth at�o�•e wi�hln I U duyti of the giving of iwtke.
<br /> �•''�;���:'� '•`�:'s� 5. H�unrd or PropeRy Insuronce. Burn»��er ahull kcep the impro�•emem.nuw cxisting ur hercuflcr erected on the
<br /> �'`���` � �� ` Propeny in.urcd ugnin�t loss by fire,hsuarJ.incluclr+f wiihin ihe tcrm"rxtenJeJ c����rragr"and any othcr hazar+ds,including �
<br /> �'�y ! � '�.'`^�" floods or flooding, for w�hich Lender n�yuiru. inr.unuxY. Thi. insurance .hall lx maintuineJ in the umounts and for the
<br /> 4 � � ,l?1�1 f� �.' :•.�.
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