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<br /> RE�I ESTATE MORTGAG� g3� �� �
<br /> Gilbert Q Rehsr and Qiarw L Rshsr, husbend and Wifo •
<br /> ot tM Gus�T"� He].1 ��.� NahrA�dew t.�.�r.,�dtK ta1tM W po�d t6� �Ht p►�IA
<br /> � ��� Three Thousand Ten and 50/QO ---------------------------------------ernr�
<br /> b�il A11�d���a�1re+�i�ir+�►�•wD ud eo�r4 a10 ti�Hos��e+�l M�l�P i�.�a Aw�iMlo�d Qe1�i�l��r
<br /> f�ntl��i,,N�►aod ib wroer�n aed�W touewlq r�d�4,dta�l�+ Hal l
<br /> n —�—
<br /> a�.�,� . Nebraska � . �,;
<br /> • HALL COUNTY� f11E8HASKA.
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<br /> =�'i,:`�� � ' � To(l�thee w1tA aiQ t'�e appu�nanoe�t6erasmto belot��,aod all ea�h ln ail the t[t1e daeA�ea�daK witL Wd swl e�lste,
<br /> �:;:{�fi'_:���.:_ L ;. , aml iII tLe e'�at4 is�oa a�pe+dit�arldns therdrom a[qt defaWt in P�� �1�stt ar CondWoo heidn eoo�
<br /> � �.,,;�,,`�,,. , . tafaed:�od warrinb tbe tWe tAento yeet�et and clear eurPt ior tlds moK[4e.
<br /> s�` ..ti.. "` Darlo�t3s tlme thla mw1;+iLe fa!n toroe the moet�a��tree:
<br /> ,�,; .� .^,° . .. Eyat, To q7 aU taus and spedal snea�a�b levled qainR nW p[tmiw� �°� �l tua and aa�aoaab lad�d
<br /> �:,:; opon tW morts�e.ae t6e debt reearsd bY thU mort��[� md to�a�o in wme comP�f� �b�'
<br /> , _ ' . Seeond. To bseD an buadlo�s tbereon lnwnd aUio�t 1as bt Bse,Wt�a
<br /> ••`�� •: 3.010.50 ____,tar
<br /> - ara�ed oy tae a1d Hame Fedaeal savia�s tk Loan Ar�ec3ititw �S Ct�,t 1'staad ia Lke m�m oi�
<br /> . • 1 co�mmit or aflar anY waMe on alddP��. and sball p���od kasP dder�l eA�te buildinp�nd im ���a�v�meats�t�d
<br /> aerkr.
<br /> .. TL4d. To P�Y or wue to be P� to the Home F�deral Sa�ia�+f� Loan Assadadaa d Gra�W tasad.Its aocasor� oz
<br /> :, �
<br /> � .. ad�s,the am at � Three Thousand Ten and 50/00 -----------------------------------DOT.z.ABS�
<br /> � p�bU a� touo�s:
<br /> r •
<br /> �, Single payment of interest principal due December 23� 1993
<br /> �f� ..
<br /> r..
<br /> wtth interdrt thereon p�yable,accordlnB W the tenor ai►d eHect ot ttie oae ceetatn fisst matgarie uote oi cald mod8i¢ort,
<br /> �„ . be�ripp even d�te wifh Wose praente. After maturitY said bond dra�a interest �t the rite oi nine per ceat per annum
<br /> . „ I�iild�7[d inA�al@Ab�iC�I►Ot pild WblR due. or if the butldinBs on said Pr�9 ue not insured as above pro-
<br /> • vided.or if any oi aald intanst b not paid ahen due,Lhea satd ahole debt ehatl becowe due Immediately.at t6e option ot the
<br /> °, • udd Asrocialloq and�haU thereatter draw intenst�t!he rate ot nfae per cent P�'�nnwn.
<br /> . d mort a ee all rents a�d lncome arlaia6 at aoY and all times irom said �j
<br /> � . � ' T 6 e m o rt g�g o r h e r e b y a t d II n— W� 6 B
<br /> ' property aad hereby autdorize said mort8��or its agen� at ifs optio0. �n defaul� to Wce charge o f s a i d prope Ky an d '
<br /> ° .. collect�ll xab and ineome Weretrom and apply t6e same W tde payment oi G►tereat, pr[nclpal, insuraace premI�an�. Wce�� �
<br /> s ' :,�:;" . � a�smenPa, repales or lmprove m e n t e aecewry t o k e e p s a t d pro p a t y In teaantable condiUon, or to other char¢e�or pay
<br /> 'I�,,';�"',•'" ments provtded for hereln or in t6e note 6ereby aecured. Thla rent aasiBoment�haU coatlnue ia lotce untll tbe nnpuld bal• =1 �':•.
<br /> •,r., .a•,;,:,�
<br /> �„= , � aoce ad add note b fully paid. The Wdnit of possetsion hereunder sAall la no mamer prevent or retard s�id mo�a�ee 1n
<br /> i ,• ' �. .<;};. • tt�e collection ot said sums by foreclosur+e or otheearise. �
<br /> � • •�""�'• W het6er aaid debt becomes due b) lapse oi time, or by reason of t1►e fni�ure of the part3�of the tirst put to comply
<br /> #� , ,
<br /> <.�:',�;,.�i wlth aay condltion herein, the sald Bome Federal Savlags & Loan Assa ia t ion o i Gran d I s l an d, t he aucceswza a n d a a d S n s,
<br /> ;•.;;•,: rhalt Esve the ripLt to beBin the foreclosure ot t61a mort8age at oece on We whole debt hceebq aecueed, and to inelude � ,� ,
<br /> ' . '.'f�,.:,' � lherein all tases� assesamenta, iat�ance prem[ums and costs.P+�d bq it or them: ar s�id Asaoctatfon. ita �ucceson or
<br /> • ! - asdg�o�, m�y foreclose on1Y �s W tLe sura past due. without injury W Wis mortaa�e, or the displacemeut or iaipaita�ent !
<br /> z;:..'. � � • � oi We 1[en theteot. �
<br /> ' ,��t;!�. � , : Aod the said fiest putY and the makers o4 a�ld note. eaPeciallY aYree aad decl�ee that tLe separate estate oE eicD and
<br /> ..,�<;•, . �`. , evetY one of tAem. Includin� both tLat uow owned aod tlut 6ereafter �cquired. is pledged aad bonad for t6e p�ynneat d
<br /> � � , � the debt 6ereby secut+ed.
<br /> �►(ter the commmcement oi aey wft in foe+ecloaure the pWnti[I therela shall be eatitled to the immediate posiesalon ot �
<br /> ._r. _._ r..��...�.L�... ...�s..+��.�.�a�u tl�.v .nao br tW bmnrst�d oi the oceuuaDt aod
<br /> —-- �. . . • saiu pismuii --� •.- —�+rr:o -------- -- --
<br /> auu we . ....c... ...� ........» ...r....�, _
<br /> ' -, - ' � notwit�staadin�the paeHea Wble for the debt msy be wlvent, md t6e Wst put9 hes+eb7 eoa�eats to fhe appototment oi a � � .
<br /> . '� � g,eceiver npon the production ot Wis fndenture, wiWout other evldenee. .
<br /> ��� ", TLe fore�o+an� conditlons and a�eea►ents, all and sin�ular.beio�tul�y' I�rfaemad,tbit conveqanee sha11 Ee vdd..dL� �
<br /> �• '; �'j � wi�e lo b�e�nd rem�fo in iull foeee �nd �act.
<br /> . :, {
<br /> � ' � ' ����.i. 23rd a.� oL_ S n 1 �
<br /> � ��: � c,._�
<br /> ;�r . I�n Pr�eaee oi i r e
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<br /> �� . �, a a L Rehe:
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