1� :1{4
<br /> +� .. x�'. � � 7�.
<br /> ,�;' �.....a.•,rwo��+�1i�i�
<br /> � � . . �,.s
<br /> �7.. , . • • , „ . .
<br /> Boreovror�11 ptamptly �lve Le�da wrttten natioe af any invcsd�uion. cl�im,demmd, I�wiuit or dher �dlon by Mty
<br /> sovanunen�d or rr�ulataiy ency►a pHvatap�ty involviny the Prope�ty�nd any Hwrdou�SubW�noe o�E+ivir.xar�nlal
<br /> ot whkh Barmwer ha�c1�knpwbdse. !t Bonawer lanu.or i�no�Iflad by W1y pvertMnenul ut rau�MaY w�hd'ih►•�
<br /> rwiwvel ot otlix rat�adlatlan ot�ny Fiuc�tdow Subrt�na�ictia{the Pn�pN1y b trcawry�Borwwor�NII paapuy �
<br /> �►y ot x
<br /> �II iwpawry romo�dW�ctbiu io�c�aondana with F.nvl�a�una�l Vw.
<br /> M u�ed ia thi�p�ra�nph 20,"H�rardou�Sub�w�"aer tho�e wbiw�ca deMod w taxlc or h�rardow wh�t�noa .
<br /> �nvirn�umnu! Lsw�nd the t'dldwin� wbwnca�: Quoline. kero�ene. other Ibunm�ble or laxic patmlaum �. w
<br /> pe�ticider p�d berblcida�vol�tib qolvanu.rtWeeial�oonyininO rubauM or fornwidohydo,wd radiorctive m�ter r.A�used�
<br /> Wi� 2�. '�nvlrmunadal l.�w' mau�s ledenl 4w��td law�ot�he Jurisdlctiun wha+e tba Proper�y b IocNed
<br /> rli�te M th,�1'dy or environmcnt�l proteCliM1.
<br /> NON•UNiPOAM COVENANT3.Borrower and LCwlcr fUAhcr covcnant and a�roe ar followe:
<br /> 21. Aooderatboi� �'��ve aotice to Bon+uwer prlor to aerrela�at{oa�opowi�Bon+ower'�bracb
<br /> ot any oove�t or�eat ia tbir 3ecurNy laelrun�ent (bot not petor lo �ocderatba underp�tn�r�p6 17 unle�
<br /> applkytble bwpt�ovlde�oU�erxise)..The aotioe Wu�U t�: (o)tbe de�iwltt lb)t6e�ction roqulred to cur+e t6e ddwiti
<br /> Pp k� le�tb�n 30 da
<br /> (c)a date.not yo trum�he dofe tbe Ir Qivea to Borrower. bg wbkb tbe ddault must 6e curedi�ud
<br /> (d) tb�t tdlore to cure tbe defaalt oa or 6dore tbe d�te RpedAsd la tbe aotlee moy raWt W Aoodentba oi the�pmu
<br /> �aured by thM Saurity lasteuauat aad esle ot tha Piop�ty.The notke�lall furtha�Infam Bonvwer ot t0e riabt to
<br /> nipshte atter�ocderadaa s�od t1e riR�t to bting a caart aclbn to a�ert the aon-auWea�x ot a det�olt or aay alha�
<br /> ddeaQe ot lbn+nwer to aooderatiou aod sple.It tbe defwult is not wred on or betoro the date specifkd fa tbe noti�x,
<br /> I,ender, d ita optbn, may requlR immediate pwyment ia(wU of aU sums�ocuRd by this Securtty Imtrument wlthout
<br /> (IutLer dmund apd may lavoke t6e po�ver ot sAle and any otber ranedies permitted by applicable Iaw.i.ender shaB be
<br /> p�t[tkd to collect�II expenses lacurned in putsniag tde�es provlded in this p�t�raph 31,lacludin�,bW aot Ilmited
<br /> to,�,e�onaWe+�ttorneys'kes aad oost�ot dtle evldence.
<br /> 4 � It tbepo wer ot�wle is invokeds TNelee Sh911 i'�DOI'd A IIOtkC Ot dltAllll.10 e9Ch OOanty ia wWc6 s�ny p�rt of the
<br /> - Pmperty 61�eated nud shall mwl)mpies ot such nodce iq tbe map�er prescrib�d by ppplk�ble law to Borrowv and to
<br /> the ot6er perso�prescribed 6y�ppUcAble law.AJter thc tlme requlred by applicable I�w,Tn�stee siwll give pubUc notice
<br /> ot s�le to the persoas and in t6e mwnner prescribed by applicaWe law.Trustoc,wit6out demAnd on Borrower,slwl)sdl
<br /> � � .,� the Yrope�ty at pabllc puMion to t6ee highest bidder at the qme nnd place�nd u�der Ihe ternis designated ia tbe aotla ot
<br /> �.1,,.° ,� ,; sWe in oae or taore parcels and in any order Trustee determtnes.Tn�stee mAy �ostpone sale ot nll or any parcd of the �;�:�
<br /> �.. •$��'�; Property 6ypu blk onnouacemeM wt We tNne aad place ot any previou4ly sdhedukd sple. I.eqder or it� desl�nee maY
<br /> - � tr '"
<br /> ��,.:;.,� t . parc�ase the Propaty at any s�le.
<br /> '' t''�� Upoe neceipt o� {wyment of tf�e prlce bid, Tn�stee slwll deever to tpe purchaser Tr�stee's deed rnaveying tbe _
<br /> �,�, ` �•�� Propaty.The redWls in the T�'a deed ehall 6e priina facie evidenoe o6 ti�e truth ot lhc statement� made therein.
<br /> :� •r;.:
<br /> Y,' 't� . 71n�ee stwll ppply t6e proceed9 oi the sale In th@ Pollowirtg order.(A)ta All oo�a and expenses of exercblag the power ot ��?
<br /> ��'� sale,pnd the sAle,indudiu�the poyment of the Tnistee's tees act�wlly incunrcd, aot to ex�he�of 550.00 or �`� <I
<br /> �� , ,t, ,ot the priad�wl wmount of the nok s�t tiie Hme ot the declaratbn ot detault�And re�aconAble attorneys'tees ns pamitted
<br /> �``. by law. 15?!Q�!!�ns secured by t!�!e Ser�u�!!y I�slrnnmeah�+tMl(c)any exc�ta the Qersoo or pe�sons legally entiUed to
<br /> `�^� -r. y���'•� L.endcr shall rc uest Trustee to
<br /> it. �
<br /> �t 1,Z. Reeonveywnc�e. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Secur�q� Instrument, q
<br /> � � u;���`��;�•'�;�' recanvey the Property and shall surrender this Security lnstrument und all notay evidencing deb� secured by thia Security
<br /> �� • ' � ',�" � Instrument to Trustee. Truslee shall reconvey tha Property without wam►nty and w•ithnut charge ta the person or persons legally
<br /> ,�:, �� �y,,�y�;y��G.';:` '•.
<br /> ..��:;• �;. entitled to it. Such person or persons shall puy uny recorclution costs.
<br /> . �;�;.:.,;.;,.,. Z3. Substitute Truetee. l.ender, at i�s option, muy from time to time rmna�•�Trustee and appoint u successar tn�stee to
<br /> � an y Tru�tee a p p aimed hereunder b y un instrument recorded in the count y in which�thi�Security Instrumem is rccorded.Withou�
<br /> � `:"''�z��`l•�.t ` '••� y conveyanee af Ihe Propeny,the successor�ruxtee shull .rurceed tii aU �he IiUe. poN•er and du�ies cunferr+�d upon Trustee herein
<br /> ?:. .,
<br /> µ :•,. ' and by applicuble Inw.
<br /> ' �Y � �r� � � . 24. Request for Notk�es.Borrower rcquestx thut rnpic�:of the nc�tia�of defswlt ond snle be sent to Borrower's�address
<br /> • � , whicb is the Property Address.
<br /> '��``���' ' 23. Riders to lhis S�curlly Instrument. If one or mnrc riden�re ex��.�tttai F►y&�rmwer and recorded��igc�her with this
<br /> ,�' �• �'~°. ..� '�` Secudty Instrument,the covenantti and ugreementx of euch.ruch rider+hall be inrnRx�rntod into and shull umend und supplement
<br /> ��'-�� � ' `'�' 1he covenants and ogreements of this Securiry Instrumant as if�he ridens)wera'a ps�rt of thix Securily Instrument. �
<br /> �! �"�i. .;``-� �'z+�'•: °', [Check applic�wl�h,,,.i��)i ;.
<br /> Is� ••`°;; " -"�� ,�,.:
<br /> `:.;l;.j.��
<br /> •'i�. ' `5. �,cP�r'., •..
<br /> t�, . r,�,��:.u... �-' .2 Adjustable RAte Rider Condaminium Rider I-4 F:unily Rider
<br /> � '` (lraduated Payment Rider �Plunned Uni1 Developmcn�Ridar Biweekly Puyment Rider
<br /> ' . �':��'' Ratc Im rovement Rider �Secand Home Rider
<br /> :..�.;.•� .;y.y�,,: ..,.�,;7 BalloonRidcr � p .y
<br /> �' � '�� „ �_ � V.A.Rider �]Other(r)�+pccily� ACKNOWLED6EMENT OF POWER OF SALE ;:;,
<br /> �,:.' '���V`"`,�y+:�.' � HOI� EQU�TY ACCBSS LINE RIDER
<br /> 7 '•�• ,.. , f ( .
<br /> . tl,'� ' '�l.t
<br /> �} "� IJ ',�n��.. } '
<br /> � � . '...
<br /> '� `,�L•. ��..';.
<br /> `• •'t�j':i:,� .•:� • BY SIGNINa BELOW, &�rrower accepts and ugreeti to�he�rrms a •���•enarn�rontuined in this Security Instrument and ;�
<br /> i'� e•..�'z;:::' in un rider(s)exewied b Bonower anJ recardeJ with it.
<br /> � Y Y � '��
<br /> � "''''. : Wiu►esses: / �� `�
<br /> „ .,ti�';.., ,:r?-`
<br /> .,�. ;;�;:,;�f,:� � (Scs11)
<br /> • , �...��tY JQHN W SCHIILTZ, -eom�w•cr .
<br /> �., . f .,�,.;i ;';;
<br /> �, ' ` ✓'. :.1.
<br /> �� �• . �'�`:`' ISeab t
<br /> �i.� .�e . ..�.:?� � J CE J LTZ •Bnm�wcr -
<br /> �/'�,' - t-P.'a��1V�
<br /> .� ,�, ��
<br /> lSeall (Se:►�1 �
<br /> ,-.+ � .gomiwer •&xmaer i,
<br /> (1 U .
<br /> �. V
<br /> �� e� t.-
<br /> ' ., �'i-+F,M'.:�.. .�A�.' Ql' �.'B�.SM�
<br /> HALL County�:
<br /> �=. . ' . " y..s The for+egoing instniment ws�x ackM�wledg��i betc�rc nk this 3� duy of SEPTEMBER � 1993 •
<br /> • �,. by JOgN N 3CHULTZ. Jlt AND JOYCE J 5CHULT BUSBAND WI E� •
<br /> i.�, ° � Witt�ess my Iwnd wtd tptnrial seal r�t GRAND ISLAND. RASKA� '� �V��:►id .thr d e aforewid. , .
<br /> -�r� � \ �
<br /> .r. � • ,�c..
<br /> • ..�� . ...• ,� . My Commission Expircs: 04/06/94
<br /> �-� �};_� NulnryPuhlk �.r .
<br /> ' �i���b � .
<br /> :.� � --�, �ow�c�aauw�
<br /> t= . � M/h�.6����� ' vax a�a• Form 3028 9l90
<br /> .'0�
<br /> w. ,
<br />