� ,. ,.
<br /> , •*..
<br /> _, F� ; .
<br /> X . ..
<br /> ..,... . ' � •::...�
<br /> ..: u._ . ��•� ��
<br /> Botrnwer�tWl promPtly giveZ.onder1 tten rotla of ony inveatigallon, cl�im. denund. Vwruit or other�ctionby my
<br /> �ovemmental or reQul�ry� ency or p�iv�tep�y 1nvalvin�U�Property ond nny H�rdou�bubuwnar or�nvlronmernq 1.�w
<br /> of which Borrower h��cl�knowlodge.if Horrower learn�.or is noti�ied by�uty gavemrnental ot rc�uluory puNarity. Ih�t
<br /> �ny�nEaval ar dher rat�d�l4�ion oP any H�AnAou�Subiwxe affiectln�ttie Pra�aty i�neoea�ry.Bonower�hW prompdy uke
<br /> dt pec�eu�ry remediwl�ctiau in aeoorA�noe with Bnvimnme�l L.�w. "
<br /> A�uROd in Ihis p4ragraph 20. "Haza�dous Substances"one tboce wbetanoea deflned�s wxic or h�.adals suMrenoea by
<br /> Envfronn�ent�l I�w md Ihe fallawing subswuea: �asoline. kmx�ene. ahcr flernunable or toxic pdrolauq4•produd�. toxic
<br /> pcsticides ond herbicides.volstile soivents,nwtcrlals containing asbestos or fonpaldahyde,and radiosclive mAtett�IR.As uced fn
<br /> thi� prn�rpph 20, "Bnvimnnxrwl l�w' me�n4 iedernl I�wo w�d awa of t1�a jurisdlation where t4e Pmpeity i� Iocated dut
<br /> rolato ta i�aith. s�fety or envimnmartAl pmtectian.
<br /> NON-UNlFORM COVBNANTS.Borrowu und Lendcr further covenant and agrec ns follows:
<br /> 21.Aeoderitlaai Remedla.l.eader shdl�ive uotice to Borrowe�prio+r to�aderatbn tollowiu�Borrawer's bne�ch
<br /> ( ot nny cove�wnt or q��+eanent lo this Security lt�strumeat (but aot priaar to acoelaatbn under p�a�raph 17 udas
<br /> � appilp�ble I�w provides atherwise).T6e aolioe shsll specitys (w)the defaulti(b)tl�e Acilon eequlmd to cur+e the ddaWt;
<br /> � (cl w dsk.na lea iMn 30 d�ys h�om u�e dace�he no�We tr glven a ao�rower.by wb�b�he dd�ult mua be cured� ,�nd
<br /> (d) that fallur+e to cu�r Ibe dt�aul/oa or betore Ihe dote specifled in the nW.ke dwy nsuN in �ooderation ot tiie�umc
<br /> Fecured by tbts Secudty In�tniment And�le ot the Property. TII!t10t1C4 eilpll�Yltlk7'IlJoep BOITOW!!pt tI1F!1'I(�I1�(P
<br /> refnstwte pfler Acoelaatlon and the�ht te briag a oourt action to �ssert t�e non�enoe of o default or eny otder
<br /> IIC�CIIiE O�B01'fOWL'l(0 p�N011 Atld 6YIC. It the detaWt Is mt cured a►or before the date spcdNed W t6a aotla,
<br /> I.ender.wt it� aploa,rnAy requlre immedt�te ps�yment in I�ull ot all sua�secuced by tbis Socudty Inctroment without
<br /> iurther danwnd atd mswy I�voke the power ot�nnle and Any athcr rernM�permitted by applicnMe low.I.ender r6a11 be
<br /> entitlod to coUecl pll acpenseR Incurral in pu�aui�the remedie�provided ii+�tMs para�raph 21. Indudln8,but aot Ilmited
<br /> to.nasonable�tlortKys'fees and oosts ot tiUe evidence.
<br /> . lt Ihepower.of ss�lo is Invoked, Trustee sh�ll record a aotice ot dKsialt ia enrh M whkh Any pArt of tue
<br /> e
<br /> .,...�; i '� Praperty is IocAted nnd shwll m�il oopic.w of such notice io the maaner p�c�lbod by appil e I�w to Bornnwer�d to
<br /> �- lhe olher persoms presc*i�cd by appNcable law.Aner the thne rcyulred by apiplirable law�Trnstee shall give pubilc aMloe
<br /> � � ``'`��F, ot sale to the persons wnd in the mwnner prescribed by applkable Ivw.Trustee,witfaut demand on Borrower,sb�lf sdl
<br /> }' Ihe Prnperty at publk�ucNan to the highest btdder At tha time pnd place�1 wxler the terrns daigaAtud Iu the�wtice ot
<br /> 5;�1
<br /> ° .�.����:f-: r�►le In one or more rcels nnd In Any order Trustee determines.Trugtee ra�y postpone sale of�II or Any rcel o!Ibe
<br /> •,� .�,• �
<br /> :,�.
<br /> b uhlic announcement at tbe tlme and ce o� vfowsly scNedWed s�le.Leoder or its�noe twy
<br /> Pro p P� aRl' Pre
<br /> �.
<br /> n�y y
<br /> _ �, � � purchase the Pr+upe*'ty wi a�y
<br /> �le.
<br /> ', ° _ Upon rcceipl of payment of the prke bid. Trustce simll deliver to the purchaser 'Oh�stee's deed rnnveying lhe _
<br /> • `+�'�'� Pruperty. The recitalc in the Trur,tee'R deed shall be prima faci�evidence of the truth oP tbe sAatements made lherein.
<br /> ^� +• °�:�.``'��, Trustee shwll aPp1Y the pro�ecds of the snle ie tMe tollowing w�d4r.(A)to�11 co4ts and expen9es ot exercising the power of
<br /> �. .. ' co.t
<br /> ,• �.. � .�,.
<br /> y '� °"� ' sWe,wnd the sale,including the payment af the Tnistee'R�ees act�wlly incurred.not to exceedthe)of $50.00 or �j`b
<br /> . ,����:;-��. •:':� ot ihe prindpal wnount oP the note at the time of the declnratiou of default�smd reasonoble attorneys' fees ns pern�itted
<br /> + ' Ily INH'�(b)to all cumc secured by tbts Security Lwtnw�em;a�d(c)any excecr to the pe�son er pa�soa�IeQelly enlilled to
<br /> v�r Yr.n�j. f"-. - . �l. '
<br /> . � , 2�. ReconveyaACe. Upun payment of all sums �ecured by this Serurity Instniment, Lender shall request Trustee to
<br /> � � ' • • � ���� reconvey the Pr�perty a�ul tihall surrender �his Securih Instrument und all nrnes evidencing debt secured by this Secu�ity
<br /> � �^ �� ..q„�;�,;;.,:��,� Instrument t��Trus�ee,Truatee shull remnvey the Properly without wum►nty and without charge to the person or persons legally
<br /> � �� entillaf t�it.Such penon or persnns shall puy:uiy rec�uJsn+on rc�sts.
<br /> f�•.. • • �Y`'.' 23. 4ul�tilut� Tni�lee. l.ender,at it�uptian. muy fmm time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee to
<br /> „ �s;�:�;t.
<br /> . , .,{ uny Trustee appoinlecl hereunder by un inx�rum�snt rec�>r41ud in the rounty in which thi�.Securi�y Instrument i�recorded. Wi[huut
<br /> �M � , '.:..;�;; ranveya�xe of thc Prnpeny, Ihe tiu�resxor trunlee yb�dl vurcecd to all thr tiUe, �wer s�nd dudes canferred upun Trustee herein
<br /> ' •: a�x1 hy upp1 icable lu�v.
<br /> . '�``�'' 1A. Requrst P��r Notkes. &�rrowcr requaatw thu�c�ipies�if the nc�tices of default And sale be r,ent to Borrower's wldress
<br /> •'..'"". ..: , whi��h i�thc Property Addres�.
<br /> � 2S. Riders le thlx tiecurity Ia�trument� If��ne ur mun riJcrs ur� executed by Barrower am1 recordocl together wUh Ihi�
<br /> .� � • , . . Seru�fly In�trument. the covenunt.and a�reement�vf each wrh rider shull In incorpnrated inta�nd shall amend nnci�upplernent
<br /> " ' �he a�venant�.and ggrecmentx of thiw Sctiurit}�ituarun�ent ax ii'thc ridcrls)w�ere a pa�of this Security I�trument.
<br /> �' ' �Check upplicublcln�xlesl�
<br /> • ,. .. ,. -Yi :
<br /> -- _--„ ; ' ',� �Adju�tuhlc Ratr RiJcr �Condominium Rider [J I-a familS�RiJcr
<br /> _ Gruduu�e+l P•rymcnt RiJcr [.�Plonnrd Unit pevclopnxnt Ridcr [� BiK•��kl��Payment Ridcr ;,-
<br /> Ball�Kin Ri�lcr L_�Ratc Impruecment Ridcr LJ S�c�nal Homr Ridcr w"
<br /> '� �� �V.A.Rickr IX�U1hen�1 I+Pe11�Y1 Acknowledgement of Poaer of Sale
<br /> -�.-;�•� � .: and Notice of Default
<br /> �.<
<br /> � r.:' ���;•: .,
<br /> �.� ° . Hl'ti1GNlNG BI:LOW'. &►rr�+wer ar«M.rncl agrcc+t��the terni.a�xl r��eenant.ccnn•rin�til in thi�Security Inxtrument and `',"
<br /> . in un�• iidr��.l rx�ru��d hy Fi�+rr��w�r and rccordrd���i�h it. �/� "��..
<br /> �<: � wi�aw.r.: J/„ ,�,/� i%'J/' !t'
<br /> � ; i � �}'(i(Aarold R oon�AyI �Scal� ?'�',.
<br /> :��, i�.,���,,,.•� �_�:
<br /> x ' # :� -- —�-� - � � � �:
<br /> ' � .. � . � - � on y.1� - -���al l
<br /> • . 14�rcnurr
<br /> �� � .. .. . ------------�— — -----_'_' L ,;c
<br /> L ' . S, .
<br /> .
<br /> _....... .... .. . - --- ---------�SC:111 -- ---------- --- _' (k��l �`�
<br /> u..... a.. L�•--
<br /> � . - ...... ... _ .. _.
<br /> ., I ' J . . . F -
<br /> ' � , !11'A'I'M:Of AhBR.A.'�i�A, Hall C�wnt� ��:
<br /> ,; 1'Ik I�a.�}n�u� tn�trumcnl wa,:NI�OUNI�YIj;�`�I I►��iHL 111�Illl♦ 31 Ja} ul' August . 1993 . F
<br /> o �� .
<br /> h! Hnrold R Yun Wyl and Kathryn A Von Wyl. ,joint tenants • �
<br /> ' . WItM��111yI111111IYtpI1kNU1IdIw:ll +�i Grand Island, Nebraeka /f / ii .•ri� nunh. 11ted.ntalor��rid. �.
<br /> , � �Al�iY�,�Mt�I NiLq 1 {� �� �. .
<br /> 'a My Cumm�..u.n Pxrxn.: A�WJ.OEiIEFSEN - --- - _. _ .
<br /> �x „�!'�` ,�'„ � . , O�w 9,1991 �„�.,�, i����,i�, �
<br /> Y•
<br /> ' _ � . '.
<br /> t• ° �'•�r ���� Form 3028 8�80
<br /> � `' V �
<br />