ri. c..
<br /> . :..�'
<br /> � .iM
<br /> �:�'° � �fX:. .. �✓
<br /> '� yyrv � --•...rr�r�rllr� ,
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<br /> p�ymenu,which�rc rofened W in Panyraph 2.or chw��e ihe amouot ot wuch paymcnlN.�1�eaccxa procxdr over an
<br /> �noumroq uimd to p�y dl oulsundlnQ indab�ed��au�under�he Nato�nd�I�Securi�y Inwrumcnt�hdl bo paid to the antity
<br /> bp�Uq enlfiled 1her�to.
<br /> ,,..i 1. Fee�. l.cndc�mwy caliccl fas�nd clwr�rr authari�.ed by tho Socrewry.
<br /> !, Qrouad�for Accel�rsllaa ot 1Nbt.
<br /> Ipl D�UuM. la.mder rtuiy,oxccpt oa limited by rcQul�tian�i�rucd by�hc Secrc�ary In Ihe cu�rvv of puymen�deirulu,
<br /> `... �+quirc immcdiwte�yment in Pull oP ull Rumr aecured by thix Secudiy In.rirument if:
<br /> "' /il Ho�rowcr faultr by fniling�o pay in full wny mat�l�ly payment rcyuin:d by thir Suurity lnstrumcnt prior
<br /> � to or an the due date of Ihe nex�manlhly paymen�,ar
<br /> � (ii)Borrower dofaulu�by fdlin�,for a period ai�hiny dnyo.to perform any other oblf�wionx conained in this
<br /> ^� �., •. , Secudty In9trument.
<br /> (A)Sde Wfthaut CrcdR Approvol. Lender shall.if perntitted by applkablc law und with thc prior appmvt�l of the
<br /> '��' ':` .�. � '•�n '' Secnetary.requi�e immedixte payment in iull of nll the sums r,ecured by�hia Secu�ty Instrument if:
<br /> +�:.-�:• yU�- -�� "� (i)�►11 or put of Ihe Proporty.or a beneficial iMerest in a trust ownin�ull or pwt of the Propeny. is cold or
<br /> �'`"�""�',�.�.��": S` otherwise uansferred(other than by dcvise or descent)by the Borrower,a�d
<br /> {;:e�� � ' (ii)The Property is not occupied by�he purchaser or gruntee o�his ar her principul nwidence,or the purchaser
<br /> �d: ; � ,�.a:��w:�ti�s. or grantee dces so acupy the Propeny bul his or her�credil hes not been approved in accordar►ce
<br /> �,� � .::„' with the requircments of the Secretary.
<br /> ,�� ���� . (c)No Waiver. If ciroumstences occur that would permit I.ender to require immediace ps�yment in iull,but Lender
<br /> � ..,�.{. • �M�Asvir.�:,��wrrK :.:.
<br /> °��` '' ' � ,f docs not require suchpayments,Lender dces�ot w�ve its rights with respect to subsequent events.
<br /> ' '���` �� ' �• � ��� (d)Re�ul�don9 otHUD Secretary. In many circumswnces regulations�ssued by the Secretary will limit Lenderk ;,4'�
<br /> .r . .:;;.: 2... ::•.,.,. ,;,A.��,.,
<br /> . ¢::',�,,�; . . � ' rights. in the case af payment defaults. to require immediate payment in full and ioreclose if notp�id. This
<br /> "- '; ''� �� .. ' • Security Instrume�t does nw authorize acccleranon ar foreclasure ii not permiaed by regulatlons of the�ecretary.
<br /> :,•.:.;. � •• . (e)Mortgage Not lpsured. Bcurower agrees that should this Secudty Instrument and Ihe aote secured thereby nat �.�
<br /> "' '"��• ( ` �' �-,;i�::.' be eligible for insurance under the Nutianal Housing Act wilhin 90 DAYS from t3�e '`'�`
<br /> ��',��'�?7.�.. - � _,.i r '
<br /> ;•r,:,,,�; ,.,,:,,�°<<+!;' date hereof,Lendermoy,at its optian and notwithsianding unything in Purugraph 9,require immediute payment in
<br /> "`�'"" fu11 of all xums sec�red by ihew Security Instrument. A writien sta[ement of any authorized agent of the Secretary
<br /> •,, r.t,.,-:t
<br /> ���'�,�;;;'�,�- .. ,,.,.,,,�•:;:.:.
<br /> _�• .,ti<�4}+r dated subsequent to 90 DAYS from the date hereof,dcclining to insure this Secarity
<br /> .,�I . },,;.
<br /> �.. . ., ' . ..•;.rt, Instrument and�he note secured thereby,shuU be deemed conclusive proof of such ineligibili�y. Nawithstanding .y, ,
<br /> � '"�-'� Ihe foregoing,this optian moy not be exercised by Lender whea Ihe unAVailubiliry of insurancc is solely due to
<br /> �s:!t . . ;,:..:,
<br /> �.._ :. f •'tii��.,:� Lender's failure to remil a mortgage insurance premium to the Secretary.
<br /> '�'`� "� ? lp. R�instatemeat. Borrower has a right to be reinstated if Lender has required immediute payment in full becau�e
<br /> ":�.':��:,, ' . �:;.4•'.,,:
<br /> `� ,�• � �`'��>•' af BoRawer� failure to pay on amount due unde�the•Note ar this Security Insuument. This right applies even aFter
<br /> <<:�::�'�� ,;�;.�,, ,. c`"`"•`�';;;�\ forecbsure proceedings ure instituled. 7b reinstute the Security Ins�rument. Borrower shall tender in a lump sum all ��;t
<br /> '"""'��';�;` �'••`T"'-'-''�;��j amounts required lo bnng bortowerk account curtent inciuding.w the rxient�i�y u�r ubli�ations of Sarrower uader this •"
<br /> •+" :'1,�.
<br /> �, .... +� ;;-�•Y� Security lnswmen�.foreclosure coxts and reasonable und cus�omury uttomeys'fees und expenses properly associpted with
<br /> �•�. � "`'�': the faecMsure praceeding, Upon reinuatement by Borrawer, thiz Security Inrtrument And the obligatian+�hat it secures
<br /> �•'.�•''�, �;��.:' ahnll�emain in effect us if Lender had not rcyuired immcdiate payment in full. However,Lender iti not requimd�o Permit
<br /> ' ; � � , , reins�tement if: (i) l.ender has accepted remwtatement ufter the commencement of foreclosure praceedings wi�hm twa
<br /> years immediutely preceding the commencement of u rurrent foreclorure praceding, liil rein.�s�tement will preclude
<br /> .! , ' forecbsure on difierent ground�in ihe futurc,or Iiii1 reimtu�emen�will advcnely uffect the priori►y of the lien rreuted by
<br /> � „ , ._ this Security Inslrument.
<br /> , Il. Borrower Not Releaced; ForbeorAOCC by I.ender Nut a Woiver. Ex�emi�m of thc time nf payment or
<br /> ` • modificutio�nf amaniy.ution�if Ihe sums.ecurcd My Ihis Srwrity Inxwment�ranted by I.ender to any surcrssor m mte�st -
<br /> �' • of Borrower shull not operu�e�o r+cleu�e the liubili�y of thr ariginul Borr��wer or Hurmwer+ wccesux in mtere�t. l.ender .��
<br /> .�� � � shnll not hr reyuireJ to commcnce pr�xceding+ug�mst any+urcc,tiur in int�rr.l or nfu.c to ex�end�imc (or pnymem or
<br /> , ° ' � ' othenvise modify amonizatian of thc .umr ,ecurrJ by �hi.S�curity Im�rurnem by na.on of Lny demund mude by the ,>':.
<br /> �� , , original Burrower or Borrawe�'s xuccesson in intere+t. Any fi►rheurancr hy l.enJrr in ezcrcising any right�x mmedy,hnll •
<br /> .'� .�
<br /> �''" not 6e u waiver uf ur prcclucle the exerci,r of any riFM i�r remeJ �.
<br /> � " 12. Succes.wrs and Assigns Rouadt Joint and tieveral �.I�biNly:Co•Sianers. Tlk awenant.and ugreemen�s of
<br /> .' ,t�'� Ihis Security Inxtrumcnl shull hind und t+enetit thc xurcc.,on und axxigns of Lcndrr anJ BuROwer,+ub,ject�o�he provixions
<br /> uf Paragmph 9.b. BoROwcr+covcn�nt.r and u�rcemcnl. tihall tx joint anJ .rvrral. Am Burmwcr who co•,igny thi� `
<br /> " . Securiry Instrumcm hu�d�K+ nm cr�w rne thr N���e� li�►i.co-.irninp ihi.Srcuriry In.trumcnt only to mort�age. prym�and
<br /> convey Ihul Bortower+intcrr+�in thc Pro�xny under thr tcrm��f ihi�Sccurity In.�rumcnt:�bl i.not Fxn�mally�obligu�ed�a ;
<br /> � y � •;.,: pay the xum+xecured hy thiti Serurity In.trnmcnl:imd(r1 agrcrs thal l.cnikr�nJ um alh�r BcxroH�r�may a�rec to exte�d, ;
<br /> ,�i.: • • .,{: modify,forlxur or m:�ke any accummixlution�with rrgtird�o Ihr term�i►f Ihi.Sccurity Imtrument or Ihe Note wilhaut thul �
<br /> :,;, • Borrowcr.l conxcnt.
<br /> r;Y' , '. • •" 13. Notices. Any ni�tirr�o Borrower prm•ided fur in Ihi,Securi�y In,trumen� ,hall tx gicen by delivcring i�or by � '
<br /> . • muiling i�by tirst clas, m•ril unlc,+:�rri��;�ni� lua•rcyuire�ux��f unath.r mcih�xl. Thr n�Hicc �hull Ix dircctcd lo the ,
<br /> ;'i, •,�;�' Propeny Addrc.�or uny othrr uddrea�Rurrower d�.ign.nc.h�• �iNirr lu l.enJcr. Anv n�►tirc i��LrnJcr+hull lx Fiven by ;
<br /> ,r,,;;. ' fint cluss mail lo I.eixlrr:uJJrr„stated hrrrin or um uddrc�+l.end�r Jr�ignate+ h} nmicr tu BuRUwrr. Anp notice �
<br /> •f; ';� �mvided for in thi.Scrurity Imtrumeni�hull hr dremcd to ha��.•hccn�ivrn tu H��rr��arr��r t_endcr wh�n Ei�cn u�provided �
<br /> m thi.porugruph.
<br /> � • 14. GoverninR I.uw;tie�erabilil}. 1'hi. Sccurit�� lnvlrumcnl sh:�ll Ix �:u�•�med h} Nrderal lu��� and Ihc I:IN'O((I1C i.,
<br /> < < � � juritidiction in which the Pn►Fxny i� I.xated. ln Ihe rvent Iha� uny pru�i�i�m ur rlaa.e uf thi< Securil�• In.trumrm„r�hc �� .
<br /> Note mnllict.with apelirnblr law•..urh runtlirt +h:i11 nut affrr�rnhrr pro�i�iun•„1 thi, Security In+tnimeni or Ihc Nu�e �. �
<br /> � . • which can tx Eivcn rftect��•ithout Ihe cro�tlirting pruvi.i�in. 'li,Ihi.rnd �hc rro�i,iun.af�hi.5e�uri�y In.trumrm •rnd thc "�
<br /> • Note are declarcJ lo Fx+r�•crahk. .
<br /> " � I�. B��rrnw•er'ti('op�. Nurru«rr,hall tx�i�rn�mr ranf��nn�d r��p�ol'�h„ticcuri�� In.trurncn[.
<br /> � ; � 16. AssiRnment of Rentz. Hornnecr unconJiliun:dl� a,.ign,:�nd u��n.frn w LrnJrr all Ihr rrnt.and re�rnuc.ul thr
<br /> ' Property. Bortau�cr uuth��riic�LrnJcr i�r LrnJrr'r nEent,I�,r��U�cl thr r.�m.anJ re�emu..m�l hrrcM•direct.carh trn:mt uf ,
<br /> , t the Propeny to pa�•the rent. to Lrndcr i,r Lrndrr:a�rnh. 1l�,��c�rr.pri„r tu LrnJrr:natice tu Hurru��cr i�(Barn��.rr',
<br /> breach of any covenant or aErecmrnt in�hr Srrunl� Imlrwnenl. Hnrru��cr�h.�ll r„Ilerl unJ Rrci�e:dl rrm,anJ rr�rnuc.„f .
<br /> � the Pmpeny a�Iruslcr for lhr Ixnctit��t'l.rndrr and Borr�»�rr. 1'hi�:i�.i�:nmrm ul rcnt.r„n.titutc�un ah.i�lut�u,.ignmrnt •
<br /> und not an utisignment fur uJdilu�nal�eturit�unl�.
<br /> �,- �— ,-�—T` If i.encier grve,tlP11CC��f MtAI'II IU lSO1TO��C�: I�i ull nm�nYCi�cti o} nurru��rt .ir.�ii ix i�ciii i.� nunuNr� a.i�u.icc
<br /> , . for benrfit ui LcnJrr�ml�•.1��hc applicJ �o the ,um. �rruRJ hr the tierurn� In.irum�nt: (hl l.cnder.h;ail t+e cntiUcd to
<br /> collett and rereive all uf IIh r�n1,uf the Pr��prm::mJ�c1 earh trn;ml ut Ih� 1'n,�xm ,hull pa��a!I rcntc Jue and unp:ud Ia .
<br /> ' � Lcndcr orL.�ndcr+rgrnt un t_cnd�r:uriurn dciiwnd a��hr t�nun�.
<br /> ' ! Be�rrower hu.nul cxeruted any pri��r a..i�nmrnt uf'tlx rrnt, anJ ha. nnt and will n�,��xdi.rni um• a�� that ���,ufd
<br /> 'f" '� prevent Lendrr fmm exerci+inE it�nght�undrr thi.I'aru�:ruph In.
<br /> + �. �. � ° 4cnder.hull na�tw rcyuiRJ w rmcr u�xm.t:�r rontrol rl ur main�ain ihc 14uFxny txlbrr ur�Ilrr�i�m� nou�r of
<br /> breuch to Borrow•cr. H��HC�rr.LrnJrr ur a juJici;dl�� ap��imrd rccciarr ma� Ja.0 at am liuir Ihrrr i. a hrcarh. Am
<br /> j �'•• .. appli�utiun uf rrnl..hn11 n�N rurr ur�.ui��um•d�faull nr imuhJa�c am uthcr right ur remeJ�nt'l.rndrr. I hi.u..��mnr�ii
<br /> a �, of neni�uf thc Propert�,hall trmiinatr��hrn Ihr drht,rrur�J h� tlic Scrurit} Im.trmnrnt i.paid�n lull.
<br /> {� ' . .
<br /> :� �..
<br /> �.T,._.__: _ �
<br /> �/q�e, +��N/h��'r��
<br /> �'t .
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