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i <br /> I . <br /> 99 �09� �5 <br /> . , <br /> � <br /> I <br />� <br />� DEED OF TRUST Page 2 <br /> (Continued) <br /> ,,,� <br /> Deed of Trust. The words"Deed of Trusl"mean this Deed ol Trust amonfl Grantor,Lender end Trustee. <br /> Grantor. The word"Granlor"means any and all persons and entilies executing Ihis Dead of Trusl. Any Grantor who signs this Deed o(Trusl,bul <br /> does not sign the Credit Agreement,is signing this Deed ol Trust only to granl and convey that Granlor's interest in ihe Real Property and to grant <br /> a securify �nteresl in Granlor's interest in ihe Personal Property lo t_ender end is nol personally liable under ihe Credfl Agreemenl except as <br /> otherwise pro�ded by conlracl or law. <br />� Improvements. The word "Improvements" means and includes withoul limitalion ell existing and future improvements, fixtures, buildings, <br /> structures,mobile homes afflxed on the Real Property,facililies,additions and olher construclion on the Real Property. <br /> Indebtedness. The word "Indebledness" means all principal and interest payable under Ihe Credit Agreement and any amounts expended or <br /> advenced by Lender lo discharge obligations ol Grantor or expenses incurred by Trustee or Lender lo enlorce obligations ot Grentor under this <br /> Deed of Trust, togelher with interest on such emounts as provided in this Deed of Trusl. Speclfically,wlthout Ilmltation, thl8 De�d of Trust <br /> secures a revolving Ifne of cr�dlt,whlch obligetes Lender to meke edvances to Granlor so lonfl as Grentor compllea wlth dl lhe terma of <br /> the Credit Apreemenl. Such advances mey be made, repald, and remede Mom tlme lo tlme, sub)ect to the Ilmltetlon thet !he total <br /> outstandlnp balence owing at any one time,not including finance cherges on such balance et a flxed or va�leble rate or aum as provlded <br /> In the Credif Agreement,any temporory overeges,other charges,and any amounts expended or edvenced as provided In thls parapraph, <br /> ahall not exceed the Credlt Umit as provided In Ihe Credlt Agreement. Notwithstandfnp the amount outstandln�at any partfcular tlme, <br />� thls Deed of 7rust secures the totel Credlt Agreement amount shown above. The unpald balence of the revolviny Ilne of crMlt mey at <br /> certeln dmes be lower than the emount shown or nro. A zero balence doea not terminete the Ilne of Credlt or terminate Lender's <br /> obllpatlon to advence funds to Grantor. Therefore, the tlen of thfs Deed of Trust wlll remeln In full force and ettect nofwlthstandln�any <br /> zero balance. <br /> Lease. The word lease"means eny lease between Grantor and the Lessor of the Property. <br /> Lender. The word"Lende�'means NAFCO NE Federal Credit Union,its successors and assigns. <br /> Personal Property. Tt�e 4�ords"Personal Proper!y" mean all equ+pment, fixtures,and other erticles of personal property now or hereafler owned <br /> by Granlor,and now or hereaHer atlached or affixed to Ihe Real Property;together with ell eccessions,parts,end additions to,flll replacemenls of, <br /> and all substitutions for,any of such property; end together with ell proceeds (including wilhout limiteiion all insurance proceeds end refunds of <br /> premiums)hom eny sale or olher disposition of the Property. <br /> Property. The word"PropertY'means collecfively the Real Properfy and Ihe Personef Property. <br /> Red Property. The words"Real Property"mean the property,interests and rights described above in the"Conveyance end GranY sec6on. <br /> Relattd Documents. The words "Related Documents" mean and include withoul limilation all promissory notes, credit egreements, loan <br /> agreemenls, guerenlies, secunty egreements, mortgages, deeds of trust, and ell other instrumenls and documents, whelher now or hereaHer <br /> exisfing,executed in connection wilh Grantor's Indebtedness to Lender. <br /> Truslee. The word'Trustee"means the entity shown al the top of page one of this Deed of Trust. <br /> THIS DEED OF TRUST AND, IF ANY, A SECURITY INTEREST IN THE PERSONAL PROPERTY, IS GIVEN TO SECURE (1) PAYMENT OF THE <br /> IND�TEDNESS AND (2)PERFORMANCE OF EACH AGREEMENT AND OBLIGATION OF GRANTOR UNDER THE CREDIT AGREEMEHT,THE <br /> RElATED DOCUMENTS,AND THIS DEED OF TRUST. THIS DEED OF TRUST IS GIVEN AND ACCEPTEO ON THE FOLLOWING TERMS: <br /> 3. PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE. Excepf as othervvise provided in this Deed of Trust, Grantor shall pay to Lender all amounts secured by Ihis <br /> Deed of Trust as they become due, and shell strictly end in e timely manner perform ell ol Grentor's obligations under the LOANLINER�Home Equity <br /> Plan Credit Agreement end this Deed of Trust. <br /> 4. POSSESSION AND MAINTENANCE OF TNE PROPERTY. Grantor agrees that Grantor's possession and use of the Property shall be governed by <br /> the following provisions: <br /> Possesslon and Use. Until the occurrence of an Event ol Default, Granlor mey (a) remain in possession and control of the Property, (b) use, <br /> operale or manage the PropeAy,and (c)cotlect any Rents from the Property. <br /> Dufy to Melntein. Grantor shall mainlain the Property in tenantable condition and promptly pertorm ell repairs end maintenance necessary to <br /> preserve its value. <br /> Hazerdous Substances. Grantor represenls and warranls that fhe Properiy never has been, and never will be so long as this Deed of Trust <br /> remeins a lien on the Property, used for the generalio�, menulacture,slorage,treatment,disposal, release or threatened release of any hazerdous <br /> weste or subslance, as those terms are defined in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensetion and Liability Act of 1980, as <br /> emended,42 iJ.S.C. Sectio��960 i,el seq. ("CERCLA;,tha S�+perfund Amendmen!s end Reauthenzalion Act("SAFaA"),applicable slale or Federal <br /> laws,or regulations adopted pursuenl lo any of the foregoing. Grentor authorizes Lender and its agents to enler upon the Property to meke such <br /> inspections and tests as Lender may deem appropnate to determine compliance of the Property with ihis section of the Deed of Trusl. Grantor <br /> hereby (a)releases end waives eny fulure claims against Lender lor indemnity or contribution in the event Grantor beCOmes liable for cleanup or . <br /> other costs under eny such laws, and (b) agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Lender egeinsl any end all ClBims end losses resulting hom a <br /> breach ol Ihis paragraph ol Ihe Deed ol Trust. This oblipetion to indemnify shell survive the peymenl of the Indebtedness end the satisfaction of <br /> Ih�s Deed ol Trusl. <br /> Nulsance, Wastt. Grentor shall not cause,conducl or permit any�uisence nor commil, permil, or suffer any stripping ol w wasle on or lo Ihe <br /> Property or any portion of the Property. Specifically wilhout limitetfon,Grenlor will not remove,or grant to any other party the righl to remove,any <br /> hmber,minerals(including oil and gas),soil,grevel or rock products without the prior wntten consent ot Lender. <br /> �ender's Rfghl to Ente�. Lender and its egents end represe�latives may enler upon the Real Property at ell reasonable times to atlend to <br /> lender's inlerests end to inspect the Property for purposes of Grantor's compliance with the lerms end conditions ot this Deed o(Trust. <br /> Compllance wlth Governmentel Requlrements. Grantor shall promptly comply with atl lews, ordiner�ces, and regulations of ell povernmental <br /> authorities applicable to the use or occupency of fhe Properiy. Grenlor mey contest in good faith any such law, ordinance, or regulation end <br /> withhold complience dunng eny proceeding,including appropriate appeals,so long es Grantor has notified Lender in wriHng prior to dang so and <br /> so long as Lender's inlerests in the Property ere nol jeopardized. Lender mey require Grantor to post adequate secunty or a surety bond, <br /> reasonably satisfactory to Lender,to protect Lender's interest. <br /> Dutr to Protect. Granlor agrees neither lo abandon nor leave unattended the Property. Grentor shall do ell other acts,in addition to those acfs <br /> sel forlh ebove in this seciion,which hom Ihe characier and use ot the Properry are reasonebly necessery to protect and preserve the Property. <br />