<br /> ' �p� ! e ' !�-
<br /> ♦•.} •l�. °.
<br /> .��.� : • � � • � 93-
<br /> A�tIaNMENT Of IItNT�RI�ER �
<br /> THIS A8810NMENT OF RENT8 RIOLR 1�m�d���d�x�ouNd thlr 24TM_day ot �PTEIM6ER ��� 93 �����
<br /> Incoipor�bd Into and�hNl b�dMm�d to�m�nd�nd�uppl�m�nt th�MoAq�p�or Da�d of Trud.h�rNruifl�r r�brr�d to�s tM
<br /> "6�ou�ity Indrum�nt", of tM sarrM dat�plwn by fh�und�nlpn�d, h�rdn�N�� r�f�md to��th���Borrow�r".to aaur�
<br /> 8orrow�r'�Ind�bt�dn�n,h�nlndt�r r�f�md te�u fh�"Not�",to HQME FEDERAL SAVING{3 AND LOAN ASBOCIATION OI�
<br /> �'� QRAND 18LAND,h�nindt�►nl�rnd to a�1M"L�nd��",of tM�am��St�a�d cov�►Inp Ih�prop�rly daorib�d In th�6�4urlty
<br /> In�trum�nt�ed lootl�d�t:
<br /> __._�_
<br /> (Prop�rly Addraq
<br /> r.`�" WITNESSETH:
<br /> ,;�
<br /> �1� `9::i�'. WHEREAB, Bo►row�r�nd Lsnd�r h�v�aprNd that any nnts�nd proflh attribut�bl�to tlt�prop�ny shnuld aon�lituh
<br /> � t `1�;�;- srs...:: atWltlonal aaudty to in�I,�nd�r for th�payment of tM Notr,
<br /> . q�:l:�yti..c"�:,ir;•�,�•
<br /> `'�``�� NQW,THEREFOR&.It Is�pr�ed that tM S�ow1ry Instrumsnt ehall b��m�nd�d h�nby�nd dNm�d to Inolud�th�followlnp
<br /> �'w��1'•!y=lp,��p_� _ • provleions:
<br /> �y1•C�!..i�ll:�::.i•'t��
<br /> 1. Borrawer her�by abeolutNy�nd uncondltlondly nslQns�II
<br /> ,d � � - nnts, laeu�e and proflts of the prop�►ty to Bsaeflalary. Lend�r ehall have the riqht, power and outhorlty duNnp t1N
<br /> '�� ����� •• conqnuanc�of ths 8�curit Inetrument lo coll�ct th�rmts,Issws and proQts of tha propaRy and of any psnonal property
<br /> �.;'�. . ' :: , y
<br /> , • • y,•�,.• ,� �• � locd�d th�rwn wlth or without t�kinp posaeaslon of the prope�ty affeated Iwreby. Lend�r, howewr, heroby cons�nts to
<br /> . :' 1 R -�S4 ��� � y, Bonowor's colleotlon ond rot�ntlon of euch�ents,laeues and proflts as they accru�and becortw payable.ao lonp a�8orrowar
<br />•, '.� �. Y.. .. ..:.\�C•'���
<br /> ;�.. _. . _ la not,at such tlme,In d�f�ult wltA asp�ot to p�ym�nt of�ny Ind�bt�dn�ss seound h�roby,or le tM pe►form�nc�of any
<br /> `;:�,•� �: �� ' �� aprNmsnt hereund�r.
<br /> :�,.,•; i,,�" :-�y'�"d`�`� � 2. �cQ�intment of ��glver. If any event of def�ult in �aspact lp the 3ecurNy Instrument ahall have oaaurred and be
<br /> . . continulnp, Lender,as a matter of ripAt and wlthout notice to 8orrower or anyone cleiminp under Bonower, and wlthout �.
<br /> •_ ' ,� raQord to the value of ths trust estate or ths Interest of ihe Borrowerthereln,shall have the ripht to apply to any court havinp
<br /> �� � "� �urisdlatlon to appoint a receiver of the property.
<br /> , , 3. Rlaht to Posaesslon,ln case of defAUlt in tl�e payment of the aeid p►Incipal Note or intereet,or any part thereof,as It
<br /> ' ��' ' '� ehall matura.o�In the cASe of fafture to keep or porform any of the covenenis or apreementn contained In th�Secur�ry Instru-
<br /> ,,. . ;: ,.,.���i,,,
<br /> �� '�' '�� ,� � •�'''° ment,then the lenaer, Ils succeasors or assipns, shall be and is hereby authorfzed and empowered to take Imm�diate
<br /> `��`S��?�'� n •'ii a;:'` posaeasioo of the said premisea therein dascrlbed ond to collect the rents therefrom,and to appty the proceed�thw�of to tlw
<br /> ..::' � " �� poyment ot the Note.
<br /> r• ,. , .. . �.
<br /> . _� ,, , 4. Aoolloatlon of Rents.lasues end P�ofits.All rents collected by Len�er or the receiver shall be appliad first to payment
<br /> --a;:;—. ni ihe conio bf rt1Mni�neritbnt�i iitb prope�iy ur►�coitetztion oi reni8,li�iudin�,bui rroi iinfted to.rece{ver's ioas,premiums an
<br /> ..�;''.';„, � . ' , �„�i;:•"� receiver's bond9 and reasonable attomey'a fees,and then to the sums secured by the 3�cuNty Instrun�ant.Landar and tha
<br /> � '� � . '� ( recelver shall bg liable to account only fa those renta actually recefved.
<br /> `�,..•� �
<br /> ���"���?�'�. • 5. Conet�uotlon of P�ovisions.Each of the provlsiqne coMafned fn this Assignment of Rents Rider and the Securlty Inatru-
<br /> ` ��' ` ment shall, unleas otherwlse apecitically requlred, be conetrued in accordance wfth Nebrpska law,and i�the event any ,:.'.�,
<br /> ''/��', �; � prorfelon hereln o�thereln contafned shall be detemnf�ed by a court of competent jurladictlon to be unenfaceable,the samQ
<br /> y�s ; � ehall be conetrued es thougfi auch unenforceable provlslon were not a part hereof or thereof.
<br /> , . 8. Etfect of Rider.Except as apecifically modfffed by or fnconaiatent with this Assfgnment of Rents Rider or by any other
<br /> .�� ' appllcable rlder,all of the terme and p►ovisions cont�ined in the Security Instrument ahall continue In full force and effeot.
<br /> F�.. ', .
<br /> ,�`� ,.;, �• IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Harower has executed this Ren� r o date flrst noted above. �4
<br /> ; . � ��z��r .
<br /> � � • �� ' nIA J. f LL orro'er ,�1
<br /> ��:,.•; .
<br /> • 1 t�� _ � .___. _ �`.JY�
<br /> � JAf'U�'f 5. HILL Bo�rower
<br /> '����.� 3TATE OF NEBRASKA)
<br /> .;,
<br /> .. 'C.
<br /> 1 � ' ,�V. 'y
<br /> I �;,=� ,�� COUNTY OF HALL ) :��,'�';�
<br /> t � . . . On thls 24TH day o} SEPTEmBER ��g 93 before me,the undersl aned,a Nota�ry Public duly commiselQned and '
<br /> �-••. qualifled Mr sald county,personally came THOmAS J. HILL AND JANET S. HILL, HUSBAND AND WIFE �'
<br /> "�;;,, . ,
<br /> �`.t _ .,to be the identical person�s)whose neme�s)islare subscribed �
<br /> ( ; , to the forepolnp Instrument,and he/ahelthey acknowledqe the execution thereot to be hislher/their voluntary ect and deed.
<br /> ` � ! ��' GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA ': '.i
<br /> � Wltnesa my hend and Notarlal Seal at �___ _ ,
<br /> .*�,� ' • . , �
<br /> � ja�d County,the date afores d. . , .
<br /> �` : ��e�-����.�,..�,�e.
<br /> NOT�rY Public r-
<br /> ' -� ,
<br /> � �� My Comml�sion explrea: _— ' �
<br /> Nv.woa�wei ����IM1f�Ortst�
<br /> � ,�� A
<br /> — � — _-- 1�My Cana.E�p.Nov 23.t99s� � ,
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