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<br /> 'POpETHER W�TH p!I the improvRmmts now or h�enaRv er�.�tad on�he property.�nd�II c�anent�.�ppudenanoee�wd
<br /> fixtuia now or ha�a�Qt�.� pa�t oP the PropatY. All �eplKxmenw w�d additbnq �lull alw bo oovere�d by thi� Securlty
<br /> Ip�tnunent.All of 1ha fvn�goieg(s referred ta in Ihir Socuriry inatruimau ar the•Property`
<br /> 80RROWER COY�!IANTS that Ha�ower i�lawfi�lly�eised oP the cs�ate hereby conveyed�nd hqa tlm�i�ht to�t�nt�td
<br /> convey tha Propeny antl ttiut thc Property i�uneneumbered,eacept for encumbrar�es af ncord. Borrowcr warrAnta and will
<br /> defand genarally tba t�tJs tq.�h¢Property against�ll cla�ims end denwnds.subjxt to any oncumbrnnces of rocond.
<br /> �,� THIS SE�C'UItiTY 1�1�'i'RUMENT combinea uniform coven�uus for netional uu ard non-unitorm ooven�u�with limi�ed
<br /> ,;_ vui�tiona by jurisdiction w consdtute�+unifarm sxurity iagt�ument coverin�real pmperty.
<br /> '�, UNIFORM COVENA(VTS. Barrower and I.ender mvenant ond agroe ns followr:
<br /> .� 1. PbymeW ot Prlacipw! w�d laten�si= Prepny�t And I.ate Ch�rges. Barmwcr shall pmmptlY paY when due the
<br /> pdncipa!of and intereEt an thc debt evidenad by tiue Note and any prcpayment ard IWC chargca due under the Note.
<br /> �� 2. F�tan.Tpx�and Incurance.Subject to applicable law ar to a written wAiver by L.ender, Bonawer shall pay ta
<br /> , Lender on the duy mnntbly paymcnts are due uoder thc Note.until thc Note is paid in full,a sum('Funds')for:(a)yearly wxes
<br /> ,���, and a�sessrncn�g wbiah�mAy ettain prfority over this Security Instrument as a lien an the Property; (b)yeruly leasehold paytrnnts
<br /> `! " ' ' or ground renta on thu Prqperty.if any;(c)yearly ha7ard or praperty insurance premiums;(d)yearly flood insurencc prerNums.
<br /> �' t3se'i„�;� � if any;(e)ye,uly mqrtgqga insurance premium.R,if any; and(f1 ony sums payable by Borrower ta Lender. in accordance with
<br /> `- ",• u:'`�;�`�" the provisionn of{�aragr�ph 8, in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums. 7'hese items are called"Escraw Items."
<br /> ��'�f� ' i,}�'���` Lenciar may� at�nv time, collect and hold Furds in an amount �at to oxeeed the m�cimum amount a lender for a fe�ernlly
<br /> _ �a,_, .
<br /> • ' � � E ' T�:� related mnrtgs�e lunn muy require for Borcawer's escrow acoount under the fede►AI Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of
<br /> '��''�f''���:' ..��. �., .r.l 19T4 ax amended from time to time. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq, ("RPSPA"),unless anather law that applies to the Funds
<br /> .��.;:s.2'. . �., •� , h�t.
<br /> .:.;{;� Sj ��r.-:�= -�t:- s: �'' SE�N 8 I$&SC[8!llOUR[. If so. LenJer may, at eny time,colkct and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the lesser amount.
<br /> ,i:;:�:�;' �'•'�`.:,;'- ., �
<br /> f . ct��> „ . , Lendur rtu►y�timute the amount of Funds duc an the ba.gis of current dau and resiswf•rble esdmates of expenditures af future
<br /> ��tt•� : gr.y,•�sC.�,..;;,.,.
<br /> D�tt•,• ;,�.n.•;�r,��r:�=+���;;� Eserow Iritms or otherwise ia accordance with applicc►ble law.
<br /> �t p%k• � • �'��'�''�� ' �l .. ,.;�� Thc Furtds shall t►c held in an institution whosc deposits are insurod by a federnl ugency, instrumentality. nr entiry ++
<br /> ,.,���; Y:.;:.ii',��,,:�„`:�',.;., .,
<br /> � �,�?_ . . . ••.,w�.,�� (ineluding l.ender,if L.ender is such an instiwtion)or in any Pederal Home l.oan Bank. i.ender shall apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> 1�.:1''��.
<br /> �;.�� �'; . �� , •�,; . '•• Escrow[eems. l.ender may not charge Born►wcr for holding and applying the Funds,unnually analyzing the escmw acccwnt,or
<br /> ;r.,. , �.,.:;.
<br /> Fa�.� �,;,;;#�;,;��:,-��:,;�. ;:;..;,,+.A;- verit'ying the 8�crow Items,unlesc Lender pays Borrowcr interest on the Funds and applicable law permits[.ender ta make such
<br /> `�� ::•�.aj.��,,..:, ,.' , ,',.-.± a churge. However, [.ender may require Borrower to pay n one-time cbarge far an independent real estate eax reponiog serv�ce
<br /> '•� ' '�'''� ' asad by Lender in connec�ion with this loan. unless applirnble law provldex ocherwise. Unless un ugreement is made or
<br /> +�'�'1:`::'. ' �4;•%.�•'.: . :, `p
<br /> rr��;-,., • ,� •� - applicoble law requires inrerest to be paid, l.ender shall not be required to pay Borrowcr ony interest or earnings on thc Funds.
<br /> ���'F��'''t� ` `��`' Borrower and Lender may agree in w�i�ing, however. �hat intercat shall be paid an Ihe Funds. L.ender shall give to Borrower.
<br /> ,��..)Y,�,•, � i
<br /> ; r„ ^ `+. . ` �� ' without charge. an an�l acc�wnting uf thc Fundc. �howing credits and debits to the Funds and the pur�o�e for which encM
<br /> .,r.:.�ti�:.- ., . , .i
<br /> ; ��,•' �`� , ,,_� , debit to the Fundc wus made.The Funds ure pledged u.�additianul security for UII sums xecured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> ,; ;�:.
<br /> ���`,` - � If the Fundx held by L.ender exceed the umauntti permitted to lx held by upplicable luw, I.ender shall account�o Bormwer
<br /> '`��' ��'�'''`' ' for the excess Funds in acwrdance with the requirements of applicable law. If�he amount of�he Funds held by LenJer at any
<br /> }.�"�;
<br /> si�;::;,. � •• ' � • time is not sufi'icient to pay the Escrow Itemn when Ju�.L.endcr may xo notify &�rrower in writing,nnd,in xuch case Borrower
<br /> '•���•� ' ,.. ' • shall pay to Lender the umnunt neceswry to muke up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no more than 2
<br /> . �%,
<br /> " � � ::;.;.ti: - , '`'`��. ' twelve manthly payments.nt L.ender'x snlc discrction.
<br /> �+;.': �;;�� ,� Upon payment in fuU of ull sumti sc�ured by this S��uriry Instrument. I.ender �hall promptly refund to &�rrower any
<br /> � -. Funds hcld by l.ender. If, unJcr p�ragruph:I, l.cnder+hztll acquirc ar scll Ihc Prapr.rty, l.rnJcr, priar tu�hc acyuixition or sale
<br /> �'� '��;,� " � af the Property,shall upply uny Fund�hcld by l.ender•r� the time�if acyuitiiticm�x wlr us u rredit agains►the sumr secured by
<br /> '�'F' + . •� this Security In�trumcnt.
<br /> `tr/•• 3.AppqcoNon oi Wyments.Unlc+.applirublr law pravidrs othrnvi�c.ull paynknts rcrci�•cd b�• L.cnJer unJcr paragraphs
<br /> �;-" . � " 1 und 2 shall be applied: tin�, tii any prepaymcm rharges Juc under�hc N��te; .enmJ, tu anH�ums payublc under pa�graph 2; `"�'�"-
<br /> ��(�.;rf :;�',�` ' � thircl,to inte�est due: fiwMh,to prinripul du�:unJ latit,to uny lutc rharges due under Ihc Nutc.
<br /> �I"`,''' � �`�;.':: .,'��' 4.Cha ea. I.ienc. Borruwrr ,hull .� all iaxr..a.�c.�ment.. char•�� linc,�mJ im nition,uttribut�Mc ti��he Pro n
<br /> i:•,.. tyR •• p�y� b'., Ix.� 1� Y
<br /> �e51�'�A; � � ��''�r't.'�" which may uttain priority- �wcr thi. Security In.trum�m. and Iru.chold puymc�x.��r Eround rrnt�, il'Uny. &►rciiwcr +hall p�y
<br /> „�•....
<br /> ' these abliguUons in Ihr m.�nner prin�ided in puragruph?i�r il'iH►t paid in thal rn:mncr.Rurmw�er�hull p•ry them on timc JirecUy
<br /> to thc person oweJ puyment. B�irro�vcr+hull promptly I'urni,h�a Lendrr all niiticc���I'amnunt.ln he puiJ undcr thi.p•rragraph.
<br /> '`y If&xrow�r mukes thrtic paymcnt,dircctly.Burruwrr.hull pri�mptly furni�h a. l.c�xfcr rcrcipt.r crid�ncing thc paynknt,. ,
<br /> 'r�. .. "� Bo�rowrr�hull pn�mpUy Jisrhur�c uny licn wbirh hu.priuri�y aver ihiti Srrurity In.�rument unlc,.B�irri�wcr: �ul agrecs in .
<br /> ;':, writing to the payment of�hc ohligution�erur�til hy �hr lirn in•r m:inner uc�eptahle lu I.rnJrr:Ihl conlr�t.in g�xxl fuith thc lien
<br /> :��`; • " by, or dcf'endx uguin,t cnli►rccmem �►1'thc licn in. Irgal prikrcding. ���hirh in ihr Lrndcr'� opiniim uperutc tu prcvent thr �
<br /> ,.. �' 4;:{�'�• , enfiircenxnl�,f�hc lien:or Ir1�crure. fram�hr ik�IJrr nf thr lirn an agrcrnknt,ati,lar��,n a►LenJrr.utxirdinutin�the lirn to k
<br /> ,� this Securiry In+trum�nt. If L�nJ�r detrrminc.that an�•purt uf the Prupert� iti ,uhjccl t�►a lirn��hirh m:iy attain priurity� u�•er � .
<br /> '`��r�, this Securi!} In+trumrnt. l.enJcr muy�tive B�,rnn�rr:� un�irr idrniit'�ing �hr Gcn liurn���cr,hall .,,ii.f� ihr lirn ar lahr onr ur �,,
<br /> `�� 4 more of the actions set torth above within l0 J���•.��f Nic�iving�,f n�uice. �
<br /> v'H � Form 3028 8190 I,
<br /> �.; Poye 7 01 6 ,
<br /> i, � . '
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