<br /> � '1 �:ti'.'. •.
<br /> �'��� ... �' �. I. . �1f14��.
<br /> . ' ��If{���f:%'I:; _ } .
<br /> '•� c,4,� • m�(���, A�{ !: . .�
<br /> 3;i
<br /> _q. r��. � . �L�k.,j.l�t..
<br /> ;•.�lY�1i�i Y��' � '�� ��i � i
<br /> 193- �o��
<br /> 17.Tr�nder at t1N Prnperty ar• Ba��flcia latara�t In BOmow«'•If all or any put of the Propetiy or any inte�cst in it
<br /> n
<br /> i�wld or tntuierrod(or If�boneflcid itqerest in Borrowar ls sald or transPcrrod and Borrower is nat a n�tural pereon)wfthout
<br /> L.endor'� pdor writton oan�eot. l.endor nwy, at it� aptian, roquirc immediste payment in full of all sums socurcd by thia
<br /> Sau�ity lnetrument.However, thl�opllon�Iwll not bo euaroiced by Lender iP exerciea i�prohibited by federal�law�of We dnte
<br /> ot�hfs Secudly Inrunrmait.
<br /> If Lender exercisei Ihi�apNon.lxnder rhwll�iv4 Bnrrower notice of accelerAtion.Tho notico sh�ll provldo a per�od of not
<br /> Icw tFwn 30 dryr fmm tho data lho nwico ic dol vc�»d or�mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums sccurcd by this
<br /> »
<br /> Socudty Itutniment. If Barrower frlle tn pay thoso sums ptior to the explmdan af thf�r period,L.ender may lnvoke any rcmadiaa
<br /> ,t pem�ittad by Ihl�SavN1y Inrlrument wilhoul IbrthOr naNao ar demaad on eorrower.
<br /> ;.A 18. Borrower'� RIpht !o Relartak. If 8an+uwor mata certaM wndidon�, Borrowcr shall have the right w have
<br /> enforcement uf Ibiw S�a��ur11Y b�wrun�cn� Jiw:un�inued stl any dtnc prlor ta the earlier of: (A) 5 days(or such other p�dod as
<br /> ' Applicabb low may �palfy fur reltuUtcmcnt) bePore sale of the Property pu�suant to any power of sala containad in this
<br /> Sau�ity Inxinimcnk�r lbl cmry nf p JudAmant enfarcing thlc Socurity Insnvment.Thosc conditions sue thnt Borrower:(A)payo
<br /> Lender ull Rumx wblch IIKn wuuld he duo undor this Socudry Insaunxnt and tha Note as if no acceleration had occurred;(b)
<br /> curcs�ny defauU of any�Nher cuvanw�lw ar ag�etnent�: (a) pxys all expenses incumed in enfarcing this Secu�ity Instrument,
<br /> ' including. lwt nat Ilmitod to,rra�wm�ldu wuamo�a' fees;and (d)takas such acNon as Lender may reasonably rcquiK to aesure
<br /> � ���� • that the Ilen ui thix Socudly In�ttument. l.ender�rlghts in the�Ptoperty and Borrower's obligation ta pay the sums secured by
<br /> •-..,-..._, _:
<br /> thle Se�v�fly Inbtruu�nl rh�ll cunllnucj unciwn�od. Upan rainswtement by 8ottawer, thiE Security Instiument and the
<br /> u
<br /> ob�igAtions Recu�t hereby �II ronwln Nlly effahive as iRna ocoekration had occumed.However, thix right to refnctete shall
<br /> � � ` not apply in the caco of'ncrcicru�iun undcr paru�ruph 17.
<br /> �•_�`%!•'':�?-�+" 19. Snle oi NotQi Clwnpe ot LaAn Servlar. Tha Ntue or a panial interest in the Note (together with this Security
<br /> .v�� �� �a-`:�;::`:' ���� Inetrumeny muy be r+ald one ar n�ra ibncw wUIx�W prinr nrnioe ta Barrower.A sala may result in a changc in the cntity(known
<br /> �. �.` ��.:: ,��'7��,�y�`S"�'.` p(I��t(�)�C CF�lanfl�e a�P the�l.uan Serv cc nrelwteJti�A wt lo i tbo Nota�lf thero is a ch ge af thegLoan 3ervi erfeBorrowec wlll be
<br /> , Y..�,.'� } �
<br /> II .1�, �',.�.� �' y���•�,-�
<br /> ,� y 4� ,� `'r��:�!.• given w�itten notice aP tha chwngc in x�anlwx�o wi�h p�ruaraph 14 ubove and applicable law.The notice will state the name and
<br /> � ,�.�,c.:-v;��"..:i�°� address of the ncw l.cian Scrvicer wd the u�Idm�H ui whivh pRymems shauld be made. The nu�ice wlli also contain any oH�r
<br /> ' N• ' �" ' infornwtion required b opplicablc law.
<br /> 4 1-.t• �:,:.. ; )
<br /> �S.`.
<br /> 1.�`�..�'� d.'. :. .��{', .;:
<br /> :.� ,,,,,_.. ,•+;,.• .. 20. Hazardoua nces. Bnrrower xlwll n�,t c�u�c or permit the presence, use, disposal. stornge, or relaase of any
<br /> �'`���' �� � " Hazurdous Sub9tances on ar in the Property. Burrv�wer 91w11 nw da, nur ullow anyone else to do, anything affecting the
<br /> '."'t;'ti�`' , .. Propeny tlwt is in vinlwian aF uny Envin►nnKnls�l Luw. The p��.�fing two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, ar
<br /> . ^�,' �
<br /> � . storage on the Property of amull quamitic�i�f Hwur�fous&ubstwic«thu ure generally recognized to be appropriate to nortnal
<br /> ' residentiol uses and to maintenunca of�he Praperty.
<br /> � �;►.��. • Borrower shall Promptly give Lencicr wrflten n���i«: �if uny im�wtigatinn,claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> � � , , .� govemmental ar re�ulutory ugency or privutvpuny fo�•�dving the Propeny and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law
<br /> .• � oi which Botrower ha.w actuul knowledge.lf N�vr��wer lamr,ar i�natified by any govemmenlal or regulatory authority, that
<br /> ��� . . Any remaval or othcr remaliation of'nny Har,�rd��u�5uh�tun�e ui`f�ti�ing the Propeny is necessary,Borrower shall pramptly take
<br /> � �� all ru�.cessary rcmodial actiun.9 in accanluncc wNh Bm��rnnmental l.uw. ,.-,;r
<br /> As uaed in this pa�ugruph 20. "Hwnrdaur SuhAlunre�" urr thos�aubstnnces defined as toxic or hazardous substances by ' °
<br /> .�r,..,:. �+.• , �` ' � Environmental l.ow and Ihc t��llawing �ubr��ncc.r: Raw�iinr, kcni�cnc, athcr flummeble o� toaic peiroicum QrculuciH, iuxic
<br /> � �� �, ' pesticides and herbicides,volutile���Ivent�,auteriulr runlu�nin�t u�t►cHo�nr formWdehyde,und rndi�iactive matenalH.As used in
<br /> ;'-�: �`, , : this puragru�h 20, "Envinmmental l.uw' mcan� IuJ.rul lawM ai�i luw� uf Ihe ju�isdiction where the Property is localed ihat ,ti
<br /> ' � � ' - - relate to hca th.sufety or envlrunmemyl rotocUun. r';,
<br /> �'r.;:S,.�i�: i .�..:,:�.�.. � ; c
<br /> �;,s,-, � r.�" :. � NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS, �xruwe�uid I.ri�lcr lunhrr cuvrnunl unJ agrec as foUows: ;;7;
<br /> .'. � ,:� • 21.AccelerAtlan=Rrmedien. I.ender�bwll KI�•a n+�lltr In Horniwer prlur to accelersitio�tollowing Borrower's breach ��;"::::•
<br /> �� • ' . ot�ny covenont ar aRrcement In Ihl�lircurlty Invtrum�M Ihut rnN prb�r lo acceleration under paragreph 17 unless ,5���
<br /> . ,. appllcAble Ipw provldes othcrwl�).The mdl�+�xhAll�pecity: Iwl th�defwultt (b1 the ecNon required tu cure the default;
<br /> 5 (d a dMe.nut I�v th�n JO dqyK Prnm the dwle Ihe nidltr i*{�hen ta 1{orn�wcr.by which the dePault muct be cured;and
<br /> ; . ,, (d) tNat failure W cure the deiuuU un or hefom Ila�dwle +�wri11�ti1 in Ihe nMice may result in accelerutMn oP the suma
<br /> ' � ' secured by Ihis Securily Instrumenl und�ule of 11�r Pr���n�. Tli�iuNice .rhall further fnform Bormwer oP the right to
<br /> ��A.� ' reln�ts�te aiter s�ecelerANon and the riphl �o brinp u c��uM ucllon lu w+`ert the non�existence oP a default or any other
<br /> • . defense of Borrnwer tu Kcreler�Uun and rwle. If Ihr d�Iuult (v not cured nn or before the date speciiied In the notfce� �� �
<br /> ��r,: I.ender�At Ilx optlon. mry requlre ImmediAle pA��m�al In fuU of ull wms secured by this Security Instrument wtthout '
<br /> , r ,, � , further demand And m�y invokc the paxcr of wle�ud uu� olh��r r�m��ll�e�permitted by applicable law. Lender shall be .•
<br /> � � enNlled to rnllect wll expen�incurred Ip pun�ulnR tlir n�nndi��provid�d In thi.r parngreph 21.includfng,but not limited `
<br /> ': ' ''`'''. ° � to,rersonablc atWrneyx'Pc�w Lnd c�tx nf Illlt�e�ldrn�r. �, '
<br /> c,i:j��
<br /> '..":�'� It Ihe power oP s�le is im�oked. T►url�ti� �hrll nrnrd u iN�U�•c of dcPuult�in cACh cnunty in wMch any part of the �
<br /> � •��.,;'.:'. � property is located pnd�hpll mAii a�pi�+oY euch noUa�in Ihe mwnner pn�xriix�i b�•appiicabir law to Horrower and tu "•r::t
<br /> �;��'�'% the other persnns rescrllx�d A�w Icr�hle Iw��. Afi��r Ihe tio�c n�uind b� u IlcAnle luK•.Truwtee shell�ive ubltr notiee ��'"
<br /> �+i, :; :,•.i��., . P ! PP� I PP p %i;:
<br /> �� "'�•��h�•,�� of sulc tu the persoas�nd In the manner pr�wcrilK�d b� uppUcuhle luw.TruNiti,��ithout dcmund on sorro«•er. shall nell : r
<br /> ,,. . .<<>:1:��,, .
<br /> .��;;i�,.������ •��w?1.,���. the Property wt public�uctbn tu the h1Rh��1 hldd��r ul tl�linie und�►luce und under Ihe ternis d�isnated in the notice a� �,. '
<br /> ' ,;;',;:c,�:,� ` sAle in une or more psircels und in�n��order 7'rust�r det�rmlu�w. '1 n�.��r mu� pu+lp�mc wle of all or any parcel oi the -,
<br /> 3�r!f:��r�+ p�.v�Ky by ubllc anm�uncement wt the Ilme wnd plam nf um prwi�w►1� Kh�dul��d ,wle. I.ender or its desi�nee may
<br /> m
<br /> S ', „ prrrlwse the perty ot pny sale. •��:,
<br /> "` i..
<br /> ,:�.,. � -
<br /> {i��
<br /> �,;�`� ; Form 3028 9/�0 ,
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