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<br /> � � �93' soezsa
<br /> , 'i'Oa87'tl6R WITH�Il lh�e impmvemeou now or t�fter erocted on tha propetty.�nd d!euenfenu�.�ppurkaanoa.wd
<br /> tixturos now or herafter � paA aP the pnuperty. All repl�oemcnts iud addi�ioru �lull al�o be covwed by U�is Security
<br /> � Inarumant.All of the faregoing b referrod to in ehi�Security Inclrumcnt eu�ho"Property.`
<br /> BOItROWFR COV6NANTS th�t Borruwer ia l�wflilly�ei�of the atato heraby rnnveyod�nd Fw the rigM w�ant ad
<br /> � oonvey the Propeny end thw the Pm�srty is unencumbered.ezap for cncumb�xxs oi rocorrl. Borrowar wAmuus md wW
<br /> '� dePend�eneraliy tho tido to the Propeny aQainat all claims and dem�ndc,cubjcct to any encumbrances oP raord.
<br /> i THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT cambl�uniform covenarur for n�tlonol uco and non-unifarm oovawntr wlth IirNted
<br /> veiatiana by juricdiction to can�itutc o uniform�ecurity instrument cavcrina real property.
<br /> UNIPOItM COVENANTS.Barruwer snd L.ender covennnt arrd egrce eo followa:
<br /> 1. Payment ot Prlacip�l a�d loteristi Pe+epnyment oud I.�te Cb�r�a. Horrower shell pramptlY paY whon due 1he
<br /> principal oP and intercst on the debc evidenced by tho Note and Any prcEwyment ond late cherges dua under the Note.
<br /> 2. F�unda Ior Twcea aod locu�nee.Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by L.ender, Borrower ahall pay to
<br /> Lender on the day monthly paymeots are due under the Note.until thc Noto fs puid in full,a cum("FundR')fo�:(a1 yearly ta�ces
<br /> and assessmenta which muy atain prfurity over thia Security Ins�rurnent as a lien on the Propeny;(b)yearly laasahald payments
<br /> � �•�•-',`:�;L�� or ground rents on the Property.if any;(c)yearly hozard or pmperty inAUrance premiums;(d)yearly tlaad inwrnnce prcmiumg.
<br /> • ,:.,�z.. if any; (e)yearly mortgege inaeuance prcmiums, if any:uncl(� any sums payeble by Bcnrower to Lencier. in acrnrdance whh
<br /> •�:�"�� •�� ' � the provisiona of pamgraph 8, io lieu of tha payment of mortgoge i�uurnnce premiums. These it�ma are called"Escrow Items."
<br /> �" ' Lendcr nwy, At any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount nd to eaceed the msucimum omaunt a lender for a federally
<br /> r,�,�,.;•rx�i•., ��.'� relatod mortgage loan may require ior Borrower's escrow account under �he federal Real Estata Settlement Procedures Act of
<br /> 1974 As amended from time to time. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq.("RESPA ). unless nnat6er law that applies to tho Funds
<br /> °� � ;� � sets a lesser amount. If so. l.ender mwy. at any time, rnllect ond hotd Funds in an amount nat,t�.exceed the lesser amaunt.
<br /> - ,x -„�,�.
<br /> ' � �.;,n. s�.4�.,;�� L e n der may estimate t he amounl a f Fu n ds duc on the b a,i�o f curn�ne J wla a�1 reasonuble estimAtHS of,ex p enditums of fi�ture
<br /> � �...,r� `� Fscrow Items ar atherwise in accordu�ce with applicable law.
<br /> u ce
<br /> �:'� �;:•:. �;�`' ;�.�r.
<br /> �.:. , , ,.. , T h e F u n d s s h a l l b e h e l d i n a n i n s t i t u t i o n w h o s e d e p o a i t s a re i n s u r o d b y a f e d e r a l a g e n c y, i n u r u m�n l a l i ry, o r e�t l t y
<br /> � „-,�;; ' '.,�-�� (including l.e�der,if Lender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lendar shalbapply tha Funds�o pay�ha
<br /> k �:"�,,;�?•:�:�h.�'°`'•�.` Escmw Items. Lender ma not char e Bortower for holdin and in the Funds,annuall anal zin the escrow account,or
<br /> •, :,i,�:;°.,,,t,,: , , Y 8 8 ePP�Y 8 Y� 9 8
<br /> " .�.�,� ^,;�,,. verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interest an the Funds and applicabla law permits lxnder to muke such
<br /> �'�.'�• '• r` �� ''�. ,1 a charge.However, Lender may require Banower to pay u one•time ch�rge for an independent real estate tax re�wrting service
<br /> �:•� :,�...•, . •S, �
<br /> �� �•�;'•�''�;��' usad by Lender in connectian with this loan, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agreemem is made or
<br /> � �_:.;:�.'!:.�v�:..
<br /> '�•:.-: ,,,,,. ,� .' * � applicable law requires interest to be paid.Lender shall not Me required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds.
<br /> " '��r'"-"t�� " Harrower and l.ender may agrce in writing. however, that imerest shall be puid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Bornuwer,
<br /> .- �;h�4_.��Sf�A'_
<br /> .,`��<': I without charge. an annqel accounting oi the Funds, showing credits and debita to the Funds and the purpose for which each,
<br /> _.x.�:'�;•.:._. .. ,_ „; ,
<br /> dibli W ihi Fil�l�5 was iiiadd.Ti�e f'unds are pledged as additionat r,�:uriry for a!I sums sccurrtt�;:::i;Secu�ty Instnsment.
<br /> � � ;��,r`:�"". �. • ' � If the FundA held by I.enderexceed the�mounts permitted to be held by applicable luw,i.ende�shuil account to Borcower
<br /> " :;��;.:,,_�• far the excess Funds in uccordunce with the requirement�:of applicable law, If the amount of the Funds held b}� Cxnder at any
<br /> `'• time is not sufficient to pny the Escrow Items when due,Lender muy so notify Borruwer in writing,and,in surh rase Horr��wer
<br /> ,�.�'�1;�. �� shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to muke up the deftciency. B�►rrower shall make up the deficiency io no mnre thwn
<br /> ' � twelve mnnthly payments,at l.endcr'ti u�le dixcretion.
<br /> '� � i Upon payment in full of all sums ,ccureJ hy this Security Instrument, I.enJer shull prumpdy rePunJ to Bonower any
<br /> Funds helJ by Lcnder.lf, unJcr purogruph?I,I.ender.hull ucyuirc or,cl I ihe Pr��peny, Lerxler, prior a�thc ucquisi�ion�►r sale
<br /> ��M. ';'`� � of the Pmpeny,shull apply uny Funds held by l.ender at the time ot ucyuitiition or sule us u rredit again+t the�umx secured by
<br /> this Securiry Instrumrnt.
<br /> �6• • . . �'•� 3. Applieatinn nf Puyments. Unks.uppliwblc law pr�rvide�utherwise.ull puyments receivecl by I.enJcr unJer paragruphs
<br /> � �'''��� I 1 and 2 shull be appli�l: fir��, to uny prepuyment churEeti Jue urxler the Nntc: �crond, a�am�wms puyable unJer purugruph 2: ��'��
<br /> t�� � ° � third,to intcrest duc: fourth,to prinripal duc:und I•r� un�•latc clwr�es duc under thc Notc. � •
<br /> . �;:,';:i:.',;. '. 4. Char�es: Lienx. Bom��vcr ,hall pay ull t•rxe,.asxe.snxniti.d�urge,, tine�und im��sitiant uuribuwblr t�►�lie Pru�xny ;��,::,°
<br /> �'�,�t;��':,�: .• ' whirh may �ttain priority ovcr �hi� Sc�uriry In+trumcnl, und Iru+chnld paymcm+ or ground rent�, if uny. Born�wcr shull pa�� ,i�d��
<br /> . ...i.i:��°,' � .� I � �, ':.J"4.
<br /> , thcsc abligatianr in thc manncr proviJ�J iii pura�.raph� ur if'nuc p:�id iu�6v��uunuri.Buuuw�r,liail pay Ih¢o�un limc Jirecily
<br /> �• '�'�` � '. to the person ow�til payment.Bnrtnwrr.hull pramptly 1'unii�h tu l.�mlrr ull ixriic.a ul'umount�n�he paiJ under thi�p•rrygraph. � -
<br /> •`�' ;. �,';'�:�: • If Bnrcowcr makc�thc.r p•rymcrn+dircctly.&�nawer.hall pramptly fu�nish to L.rnder rcrcipt,rvidenring the payment,. "r,�.."��
<br /> ;t• .. :` �� B��rrower shull prumpdy diuhurgc any licn whirh hu�priuriiy o�•cr thiti 5rrurin In�crunknt unlc+,Borr��a�r.�a►a�rcr,in ,. . :��
<br /> writing t��thc puymcnt of Ihc ubligutinn�ccurcJ by thr lirn in u rnann�r urccpta�Mc tn l.cndcr: Ibl r�mt��l,in g�xxl fuith Ihc licn ��,�' ,�
<br /> �� .. by. or defendti again�t cnf��rcencent �if thc licn in. IrEal pr�irc��ling� a�hich in thr Lrixlrr'ti �,pinion o{kratc to prevent the ''•��' ;
<br /> � : ' �_ enfiircement af[he lirrr,i�r 1c1 tic�vn�from thc hulJrr of thc licn un ugrecmrrn.ati.l'ara�n a�I.rnder.uh�irJinatinE thc licn to � �'.�
<br /> ��'i,
<br /> � .. ' this Securlty Instrumcnt. It'I.ender ikterminr.thu�any pun af the Pr���xn�•i� .uhjcrl 1��a hen ufiirh ma� auuin pri��rity �wer
<br /> � ; �;•' this Securit�•lnswrocnl. LrnJrr ma}• givc Hurr����rr a n„lirr idcnli I�ing th�li�n. R�,rma�r.hall ,:�ti,f� �hr lirn �,r tukc nnc or .
<br /> l • i •• morc of the aaion�set forth nba��c�+�fthin IU da�•.�,f��ing af n�wirr. .
<br /> ..! �',r.,-`
<br /> S � ' f: '
<br /> Form 3028 8190
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