<br /> , . iT
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<br /> �WTOR p�AD'rNl��FOI�610NMiKi� 1��
<br /> TiuMorw�d�MU�Mtl�t;ll�docum�Mtl�t Tnab►I��boutto�x�cuMls�OMd otTnwt�ndeota rtartp�p��ndtl�tlMpowK
<br /> of MN P►oW�Nd br I�1h�Os�c dTnut{xovitMs wbttantl�lb dlfNn�nt�Ipht��nd obl�tlons b Trwto+'d�n� In tM�wM
<br /> of a dM�uIR on basah of.Wbll IM�undK dt�DMd ol T►u�t,Includirp,but not Iknlbd t0.1h�I.�nd�r'��M to h�w. �otd
<br /> �
<br /> M�t�M 7YWMN�lhhw�.anY.�lal ProoNdlnp.Truator rprMMllt arld w�aA�b tl►�t th11 aekn�wl�dp«nMtt �x�o�A�O b11
<br /> Trwbr bMOrA Ihn�oWon o?�Yw DMd ol Tnqt �
<br /> /
<br /> ` ' i iwso T •
<br /> � Y�rooio� Aaa Ili •
<br /> THI�G�ED OF TRUST,1�madu ee of.lhe_..1Zt.b.day ot �n• ,19 �bp u�d amonp
<br /> � D�vid P Mi�osot�k a Y�roaio� Ann Mi�azor�k • bwb�ad �nd �1��
<br /> th�TruYNr� �
<br /> i�,� � ��� Oraad I�l�ud N� 688�1-3078
<br /> ,�:: wham�meNi addr�st Is (heraln"T�urior:'whNhw on�a maW,
<br /> ,-, �
<br /> "-. �
<br /> 4;�:,; '';-�,s?�. tlia T+vause. Piv� Point� �k. � Awbratk� Cor�or�tion .
<br /> s��I �:s.�,".
<br /> t tii`'� whoa�ma�linp addr�u t� P.O� iks 1507 Oraad Irlrnd. MB 688�� �
<br /> -� heraln"Trwtw"�.md
<br /> � �,.,,4� �,��Y;.''• u+e e�sl�c�ery. Fiw P�into Baak , -'7�"
<br /> `' :',;, ��°;.g_���,:i�-.�.. �.� I���ad M6. 6A602-i"�7 .t
<br /> '�<:° �.,y =.t. :.,r�, - whoaa mallinp addrsea�s 20].�i �t Da�a�dr��l OraAd r (here�n"�ender"). ..,r;;
<br /> ,, ` : ;.,, .;,.,.F,. -
<br /> :�.���. �.�._t.._ .� ,.. . D1�vid P Mi�tzorek
<br /> •._ � FOR VAtUABLE CON$�IA�AA�1'I�JDI.inoludiry Lender's exten�lon of credit IdenUfwd horein to !�
<br /> �t.,.' ... s��� s`� �:: , . : .i: .
<br /> _ . i V�r���iiq���.�HOxorek (herefn"Borrower",whether one or more)and the trust herein creatwl, �:%;1:
<br /> • ' the recelpt of whir,h Ia H�j gckrowt�tl�ed, Trustor hereby Irrevocably grants.transfers,conveye and easigns to Truetee,IN �h�•�
<br /> � • TRUST,WITH POUV�R QF SA�E,for ihe banetit and�ecuriry of Lender,under and subject to Ihe terms and conditlons Fwrelnaltorwt •
<br /> "` r �:' 1D11F1,tl1e r�a1 prp�perly,c4e8CNbetl es fOEtOwe:
<br /> ' ".;,::,.:�: : � . s.. �tt.od.a���a�.aic ,►•
<br /> � � ,, � .,;;:s
<br /> �
<br /> �j
<br /> :;��.-:,,� .
<br /> '`�. . Topeth��re0�e al�buildfnpa,Improvements,lixtures,streets.alleys,pesseyeways,easements,rigMs.Privflepes and appurte-
<br /> ��� • � nances IqCatud�tl�ereon or in anywlse pertaining thareto,and lhe rents,issues and prolits,reverslons and remaindera thereof,and
<br /> euah peqonel property that is atteched to the Improvements ao ea to constitute a ffxture,fncludfnq,but not Ilmited to,heaqny and .�
<br /> ��� cooHng squfpmen�•and tc�pether with the homestead or marltal interests,ff any,whiCh intereats ere he�eby relee�ed end welved;ell "'
<br /> � '•� of whlah,irlaluding repincementa and odditions ihereto,is hereby declared to be a part of the real e�late�ecu►ed by fho Ilen olthli
<br /> '"���"� � ''•� Deed of T�ust ond aU ot tlw fo�epolnp beinfl referred to herefn as thp"Property".
<br /> �;.� . . � Thls Oeed of Truat aball secure(a)the payment ot Ihe principal sum and lnterest evldenced by a promfssory note or Credlt
<br /> � i. ' ' � op�emqnt dgted ,91lptnh�r i7tb i993 ,hevinq a meturity date of Ilove�r ZZnd 1993 ,
<br /> �� � . � -
<br /> �• � . • �n tne atglne4princ�pel�amountof S 18•�•� ,a�d any and all modfllcations,extene�ona and renewols
<br /> • ' dteMOf ar theret4 end any end all lulure advencee and readvenCes to Borrower (pr any of them ff more then one)hereunder
<br /> Y - =— =�• � � -- pnr.:uant tC cr.�ar mare promissory notes or credlt agceements(here�n called"Note'►;(D)the pay�rent of other aums advAnr�cl by
<br /> � Lender to prolect tlta�ecuriry ol the Note;(c)the porformence of ell covenante and agreementa ol Trustor set lorth hereln;and Q�ell
<br /> �.i �•����i:.'�:;,;. , p�eent e�n4 future indebtedneas end oblfpallo�a ol Borrower(or any ol them�f more than one)to Lender whether dlrec�Indlreot
<br /> t`' ebeolute or aoetlngent Qnd whelher arieing by note,guaranry,overdraR or otherwlse.The Note,lhis Deed ot Trust and any and all
<br /> ' ,;.,.�:;::.
<br /> ,';'�>;:""' otherdoauenfatt�at,�ecu►e tho Note or otherwiseexecuted In connection lherewlth,fncluding without limltatlon guerentees.lecurlty
<br /> i , ,�i�� aproemenle end eseignmonta of leasea and renta.ehall be referred to Fwrem ea the"Loen Inakumenb".
<br /> t.�i i��.- ,,�,. ,. T�vetor couonante ond agrees wi�h Lender es lollows:
<br /> [rt,. . t. Pryment•ol l�bdnNt.All Indebtednest secured hereby shell be pald when due.
<br /> �!�' �• ,�;�'>: • 2. TNIH.7rugtor le the owner of the Properly,has Ihe right end authoriry to convey the Property,and warrenls thet lhe Uen
<br /> t�; :•:,�s-', � • , created he�Bby i$a Ilrat and prlor lien on the Property,except for Ifens and encumbrances set forth by Truator In writlng end
<br /> r..., �.
<br /> '�1" • dellvered tu Lender before executlon ot thla Deed ol Trust.and lhe executlon end del�very of thia Deed of Truat daes not vlolate�ny
<br /> �•� -� contreot or other obllpation to whlch Trueror fs sub�ect.
<br /> �:,.�a�, , 3. Ta�.Ass�ssmMts.To pay boforo delfnquency all taxes,spec�el assesemenla and all other cheryes apainot the Property
<br /> � � ,'� eow or hereafter levled. •
<br /> °�;?,�. •.��;,. 4. Inw►anc�.To keep the Property insured egalnat demege by hre,hazards Included wlth�n the term"extended coverage",end '��„
<br /> ' ��•`1� •' such other hexorde as L�nder may require,in amounts end with companies ecceptable to Lender,nammq Lender as an additional � '
<br /> ���. r'i�����'•:,'' named ineurad.wtth loss
<br /> payabte to the Lender.ln case of loss under 9uch polic�es.the lender Is authorized to 0djuef.collect and f
<br /> ;;;,�?:;:. �' ' �ompromlae,all clalme thereunder end shell have Ihe optlon o1 apply�ng a11 or pan of the meurance proceeda(i)to eny indeb�dnees
<br /> yw��,ss-• ���' eecured hereby end In such order as Lender may determme,pq to the Truator to be ueed for the repair or restoretion of the P►operry �
<br /> 4k^1:' . ' • ..'.:1�;'•.���-��
<br /> �
<br /> ,::.,;� or(ilq for any od►er puryoae or ob�ect satiafactory to Lender wHhout aBeating the Ilen ol thia Oeed of 7rust lor the full amount secured
<br /> _ •'."�'i'; her�by betore auch payment ever took plece.Any applicatlon o1 prxeeds to fndebtedneso ahell not extend or poetpone the due '
<br /> o � � • date of any peymenta undQr tt�e Note,or cure any defautt thereunder or hereunder. �•
<br /> �,.,y. , S. E�arow.Upon wrilten demend by Lender,Trustor shall pay to lender,in such manner ae Lender mey desiynate,aufficient �
<br /> —� 9ums io enape i.ender io pay aa ihey oecome due one or moro vi ii�u i6iiuwii�y.�ij:ii iu�w,aaSvn5�7wi�Qo ui�'v vu�oi i,iwiyoa wya�i�5i -
<br /> � the PropeAy,(U)the promlums on the property Inaurance requlred hereunder,and(U�►the premlums on any mortpeqe inwrance :
<br /> _ ,. ,� � . nquUad by Lender. "
<br /> � � 8. Malnf�c�,B�Irs uid CompNanc�wlth I.�w�.Trustor ahell keep the Property in qood condltlon and repalr; ahell ;
<br /> ,�� � prompUy ropalr, or r�place any Improvement whloh mey be demeped or destroyed; ahall not commlt or p�rmit any wABte or ;
<br /> deterloratlon ot ihe Properry; shell not remove,demollah or substendelly elter eny ot the improvemente on the Property;ahaH not �
<br /> � , " , commM,suHer or pemiH any act to be done In or upon the Prope►ry In vlolaQon of any law,ordfnance,or repul�tlon;end shell pay and
<br /> • prompUy dlschar�e at Trustos'�coat pnd expenoe all Ileno,enaumbrances and charQes lovled,impo�d or awaswd apalnst the
<br /> , M.� � .. • Property a any part thareot.
<br /> >> .'� - 7. En11n�M Dandn.Lender Is hereby assipned all compensallon,awards,demeyes and other payments w rellet(herei�ofler
<br /> ,�" �' �, "Proceedt")In conneodon wtth condemnatlon or other taklnp of the Proporty ar part thereol,or for conveyence in Ileu ot cond@mne-
<br /> ' tlon.Lender�hell be sntitled at Its optlon to commence,appear in and proaecute in ite own neme anyMCtbn or prooeedinps,end
<br /> �{ f •� • ,�'�:� ` ehA11 elso hi�«nfttl�d to meke en com roml�,e or wtdament In connecnon wlth euch tikln or dpme e In th6 evAnl an rtfon ot •
<br /> ,-�=-°-.=--�-- Y P 0 0 • YPo
<br /> � . • :,�;� , .,. ., . • Mcali7�Wn.ssww..�o..a11«to.M �
<br /> .. K , �
<br /> . • 0 t�MMMM1�MidCMMwHTrYM MMlMn^WAM�eWan.l+�aML NNr�W
<br /> � L
<br /> I.
<br />