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<br /> TOOE1'HFR W1TH�Il the lmprovcrnentr now or hereAfter croctod on thc proBe�ty.mdDiftaR�nenls�aPP��"���
<br /> And tixtuna naw ar hereafl�er a part of the property. All rcpl�cementa pnd addfdqns dwll Rlso be cava+af by Ihi�Security
<br /> I�ttrwr�cn� All of the fa�e�oiaQ is refenad to in thi�Secudty InnpnuqRnR wi 1be"PtapariY.,
<br /> BORROWBIt COVBNAIVTS tbat Aorrow+�r i�IawfWly scirKd aP�ba estate hercby conveyed rnd Iws the d�ht to�rant
<br /> and convey�he Property uid�hat tMs t�vDaMY is uae�c�b��ed�:��,f'w'�umMuue�of recad BoROwer wuran��u►d
<br /> w111 defcnd�encnlly the dtle w the Propeny w�aiast alt claim�pnd darwnWa��ubJxt to ony encurnbrances of rocord.
<br /> � THIS 3ECURITY INSTRUMB[VT combi�uniform rnvenants for mtionpl use u�d na�•uniPorm covea�n�s wllh
<br /> Iimited varladons by JuslsdicHon ta consNtuu a unff�nn eecu�i�y in+uumen�cmering ral poperty.
<br /> UNIPORM COVBNAIVTS. Bamwer and 1.�.�nder covenrnt�nd n�roe As followx:
<br /> 1. P�ya�eat ut Pirindpsl�ad Interati PKP�Ya�at�nd l.�k Cb��r. BaTawa shall prompl�Y PaY when duo iho
<br /> princip�1 of and interest an thc debt ovidenced by the No1e ond anY p[epaYmcnt ond I�to chuQa duo undcr�hc No1o.
<br /> 2. F1osd�for'hxa�ad lewrat�ce. Subject w applicablc law or to a w�iqcn walver by l.endcr,Bartower rh�ll pay to
<br /> 1.¢nder on�he d�y monUdy payment�Arr due under tha IVat�e,wtW U�e Np�i.9 pc►�d in full. a hum("FUndc")for.(o)yearly
<br /> uzes�nd aasessmenu which may attain prlaity over tids Security lasptwnar►��r a li¢n ae the Prnperty:(b1 Yearly Ieaselwld
<br /> paymenta or gmund r+entc on the Ptnpsrty, if arU': (c) Yearly Iwzud a•PrapeitY iaRUru�e prcmiuma:•Id) yearly fla�d
<br /> insurance pren�iums. ii any:(e)Y�'�Y ��a8�iagurancc W'ern[um�s� it any; and (� aay awm+payable by Borrower to
<br /> L.ender.in occo�dence wl�h 1he proviairns ot pAr�tap�8, in li¢u of 1l�apayment of morlgug¢ iosurance premiums. These
<br /> items arc called'4scrow Itema." L.ender anny,ee an,y tame.collect and hold Punds in on amount not to exceed t6e meu�imum
<br /> .� :. ¢�E .:..;,y,t.�.K'+" amount a lender for a federully rclated m�atgaga Uoo�s muy require for Borrower�escmw accaint under the fodeml Real
<br /> • Estate Setticment Procedures Act of 1Q74 as�mendcd fran droe to dme,12 U.S.C.� 2601 et s�q.('RESPA ).ualess another
<br /> . "`�'°" �' �- - * law thet applies to the Wnda sets a Iexser aeoio�ru. It so,I.ender may.ut any time.collat and hold Funds in an amount not to
<br /> �; '. �,_:�:.��. ' _•. :- - eaceed �he Ic.c.�er amount. l.ender may estia�u t1�a aowwt o[FLnds due on �he bnsis of cument data and masonsible
<br /> � • • • estimates of expenditures of futwe Escrow Ittms a ot7�arwise In accordance wiULu�p1unble law.
<br /> ,:�.;.:• ,.,;., - •.+ The Wnds shall be haJd in aa ingtitupc�n w0ose depvnits are iagured by a fadr,�al agency,inswmentality.or entity ,'
<br /> tu' n
<br /> � � � �' (including Ixnder.if Lender is such an iagdauion)a ia any Red¢ral Homa l.aan.Barth. Lender sdall apply the Fundc to pay
<br /> .:.,�"�:�,.;,' c,;, :,�;<:�',:;�' the Fscrow Items. L.endrx may not charge Borrower far tw�d'ztt,�az�d applying the flirWs.artnually nnulyzing the escrow
<br /> : : {��'r._,:;•�',.. ::::r_s.:;,
<br /> � r acccwnt,or verifying the F.scrow Itams. uowrss ixnder pa,ys Berrower intenest on the Funds and applicable law permits �
<br /> i•`; :'' . ^�,,. '.,t%��'�:;:.��
<br /> > Lender ta m�ke such a churge. Howrvcr. [cndcr aazy reqWm B�xrawer to pay a one-time charge for an independent real ,,,..:
<br /> b-..�. � . .,,:.E.:::
<br /> H • , ••-)��< eswte tax repo�ting service used hy LerdQr iu conoeccian wuh thia Mar�.unfess applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an
<br /> •, .•�'.�ir.. agroement is made or applicable law tequic+es irttatrst tu be puid,L.ender shall nat be required ta pay Borrower any intereat or
<br /> � " ��t„a camings on the I�nds. Borrower and L.ertder�ny a�cee in wdting,however.that fnterest shall bcpa�d on the Funds. Lender
<br /> ...<::`;.;. ..
<br /> :s's-,•�:;�'-. sha11 give to Bortower.without ch�rge,aue aonua�ascounting of the FLnda,showing crediGS und debi�s ta the FLnds and the
<br /> •s.•�. ., �.•a•' `. : • '4;;,�:::��;. purpose for which eacb debit to tf�e Fuar��wos rnad�t. 'fhe F�undR are pledged ac addidonal security for all sums secured by
<br /> '� � this Security Insuument. �.4��
<br /> � x.�•` i{��y� ���y j,,z�t ex� �e �ss�� y�crmi��d t!+L+r. lutl�hy a�,licable law. I.ender shall accounl to
<br /> � Borrower for the excess Hmds in acccxdance with�hc requlnmanu►of applicubt¢law. It the�unount af the Funds held by
<br /> � ' Lender ut any dme is not suiiicien�ta pay the Escrow lutme when duc,Lender may so notiiy Borrower in wriling,and,in
<br /> ';;;�`,�,�• • •. ,' such case Borrower:s6all pay to L.ender the umount n¢ces.9ary e�make up die deficiency. Borrower shall make up the
<br /> '�'•. ° •�'Lh• `''. . deficicncy in no more than twelve monthly pnyrnen4s,ut Lender�sde discretion.
<br /> ''is,;�' ' � . Upon payment in full of all sumy secured by lhin Security Inswment,Lender shall prompUy refund to Borrower any
<br /> ''; Funds held by Lender. IF,under paragraph 21, l.endcr shall acquire or sell the Propedy,Lender,prior to ihe acquisition or
<br /> � sule of U�e Property, shWl apply any Hmds held by t.ender at the time of ncquicitian or sak m a credit against the sums
<br /> ;.,e. • . secured by this Security Insuument. _.�
<br /> � 3. Applkatlon ot Ppyments. Un1��s applicuble luw provides otherwise,all payments rcceived by Lender under ,�
<br /> '` '�'� '�, ' �� '� ,�' ' pnragraphs 1 and 2 shall be upplied:�rst,to any pmpayment churges due under the Note;sewnd,to nmounts payable under
<br /> � w�� ""` '� ���+��;�•`-�� psuagrnph 2;thi�d,to interesl due;fourth,ta principul dur;und last,to suiy late charges due under�dee Note.
<br /> . �: . ,. • • ,.
<br /> �-�• + '�`.�.t�;.,:• :-;�:;>°° 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower Rhall puy all wxeti, u+setismen4v, charges. Gnes �nd impa�itions atuibuwble to �he
<br /> �� ` �'"�'�`"`•� �� . Propeny whicM muy attain priority ovcr this Security lntilrument,�nd leaschold paymcn[s or ground rents,if smy. Borrower
<br /> y'';�':r��::,., . ,,� ,,,,
<br /> �:' . .5_���.. .
<br /> „Jr t •, .;.,.;�;�;�l,`..; shAll pay thesc obligutions in the manner provided in paragraph 2,ar if not paid in that rnanner.Borrower shsill pay Ihem on
<br /> �;.,??•; �� .',;, ,1••. , time dirrcUy to Ihe person owed payment. Borrowcr�hull prompdy furni.h�o l.cnder all nutices of:�moun4e to be paid under
<br /> ` ' ' i:'`"��• this paragraph. If Borrower mokes tfiese paymems direc�ly,Borrowrr shall promptly fumie;h to Lender receipts evidencing
<br /> �;;��,;. ,. , , .;,•:,,,
<br /> ' _ the payments.
<br /> . �_ , Borr+ower shnll promptly disrharge nny lirn which hn�prioriry��ver�hi.Scruriry In,wment unlcss Borrower.(a)agrecs
<br /> ���l�, ;- . in writing to the payment of the obligaaon u�cured hy thc li�n in u m;umer accepwble tu Lender; (b)�onte5ts in goad fuith the
<br /> '' � .�. " ,:�,.;, lien by,or defends usainst enforcement of the 1 ien in,Iegul proc��ding�which in�he Lender�opinion operate w prevent the :_
<br /> ,<'•••����� . :. �;;4�,��, enforcement of the lico;or(c)secures from thc holder of thc lien an agreement.atixf�tory to l.�nder subordinating the lien ,�;,
<br /> '�• ,. � , �'' ta this Security Imwment. lf Lcnder detem�ines�hnt rny part of 1hc Pn�pcny iti suMje��tc.a I ie�which may attain priority
<br /> �, �r ','�+�i�,';"q,� �: .;,;�'?��. over this Secudry Inswmem,Lender mAy givc Borr��wcr u noticr idcntifying thr lien. Bwrower shall satixfy the lien or tuke
<br /> {��' . •;,;`':�!r . : , one or more of thc uctiuns set forth ut�ovc within 10 days of thc givinR uf nuticc. i`^�°
<br /> �:,.�::;���'�� �:,>,: S. HwzaM or Praperty lasurance. Burrowcr�h•rll kecp thc impmvrmrmx now existing or hereaiter erected on thc r.•
<br /> +�' ' �`��' � •; � � Propeny insured�gainst loss by firc,hazard.includcd within thc term"extcnded r�►verage" and any ather hazards,including
<br /> � � '�'".` floods or flooding.for which l.ender rcquires inwrancc. This inrurunce tihall Mc muintuiikd in the amounu nnd for the
<br /> � . ,'"'• '• ��
<br /> ��_,X� ,.�,• .'�.,i 1 '�(+..t{,'rj�. FiN�i076 4190 f(�RC 2 uJbp�grsl `
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