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<br /> Af{IANM�NT OR 11� Ta MD
<br /> �ND �PTEMBEI� 93
<br /> TMI9 A88lQNMENT OF RENTS RIDER 1�mad��nd�x�out�d thl� day of,to ,�nd i� ,.
<br /> Inoapo►�t�d Into�nd�MII br dNm�d to�mmd uid�uppl�nNnt th�I�lortp��or ONd of Tru�t,hKNnaftM nf�nd io a�Ih�
<br /> ' 'B�euMty In�trunNnt ,of tM�arn�d�l� piwn by tM un�Nnl�n�d,MnInalNr r�f�rnd to u th�"8o►row�►"� to��oulr .
<br /> � ��
<br /> 8on�ow�Ps Ind�bt�dn�so,Mnlmft�r nt�n�d to u 1M"Not�",t0 HOM�FEOERAL BAVINQS AWD LOAN A880CIATIQM�DP
<br /> ORAN018LANp,hN�IMRK f��Wf�d l0 Y 11N°I.�ndW"�of th��d�ts�nd eowrinp tM prop��ty dpo��b�d��1M Mourltf►
<br /> ' In�t�um�nt�nd looat�d al:
<br /> 2512 STAGEC011CH� C3RAND ISLl1ND� NL. 68801
<br /> -�� (P�Op�tlyAddrtl�N —
<br /> W17NESSETH:
<br /> ' WH�REAB,Bonow�r and land�r h�w ��rNd thd any rsnts and profits attribut�bl�to th�prap�►ty afauW constNut�
<br /> �ddltlond s�ourlty to tf�I.�nd�r fot tla paym�nt of th�Not�;
<br /> �"'.f . NOW.THEREFOR6,It Ia apr+ed t1uN th�$�curly Instrumtnt sfudl b�uMnd�d INr�by and d»m�d to tnalud�tM followinp
<br /> .•.'`;� provlslons:
<br /> ,� � ;�1�{ 1. A�elnnmanl of Rente end Lender Rental Collectlon Rlphta.BO�rOWel her6by abeolut�ly and unCOndltl0nally�slpni all
<br /> � r�nts, Is�u�s and proflts of the proputr to Benefiolary. Lender ohall haw 1he rlpht, power And authority durinp the
<br /> ' ' ,.rV�; ��`�?�';"rh�:,;'•-. continu�nce ot ths S�aurity Instrom�nt to coueat the renta,i�suea and proflta of the props�ty and of any peraonal propertr ,
<br /> ' .�`�.1:: , loa�t�d th�non wlfh or without taklnp poseesaion of ths property dfsotad hereby.Lender,howevsr,hereby cone�nts to
<br /> 7 � -°?�• '.�,;�u- � Borrow�r'�oolteatlon and retentlon of suah►�nts,Iesues and proflts ae they acarue and become payable,so lon��s 8arow�r
<br /> �;:%'�•�'. . f��:.+�?�►� �;,='.;;� Is not�at suoh time,In tNfault wlth rsspsat to p�yment of any indabtodnens secur�d h�nby,or In th�ps�famance ui ony
<br /> !:''' `�Y1 • .:�.�<;�=�;``,�•�. �WNrrNM her�under.
<br /> :: •�' ' .,, ,
<br /> ��rT;�; . � 2. A000intment of Receiver. If any event oi default In reapect to the Securfty In4trument shall have ocauRSd�nd be
<br /> ;:� ;''•.;��: • , ��'.d�', continuinp, Lender,as a matte�oi npht and without notice to Borrower or anyone clalminp undet Borrower.and without
<br /> ';="'`';. ;si�;�;,!:�i;�H� rp�rd to ths volue of the t�uat eatNe or the Interast of th�Bonowpr th�►ein.sholl Mw th�Npht to apply to any aourt havinp
<br /> ,, .•„ . �.�•,.�.t�.
<br /> � :f;��...�., �, ; - ;� juritdlatlon to appolnt a receiver of the propeny.
<br /> .;•;klr:�n'����'�j I,�`��`��' 3. Rlaht to Poaseesion.In case of default in the payment of the said princlpal Note or intereat,or�ny pa�t thereof.ae it
<br /> :� 4;".;�c'' �"• ,. . �� shsll mNun,or In the cAas of tallur�to kaep or pe�form aoy of the covenonta a apreements contalned In the Securlty Inalru-
<br /> •• .• .� ' ,,. ment, then ths Lender, �ts aucceseors or asslpns� shall be and is hereby authorized and empowered to taF�Immedl�te
<br /> , '�!,� .+•,, •� possesslon of ths eald premltas tharNn descrlbod and to collact the rents therofrom.snd to apply th�procNds thsreof to tia
<br /> �. ; p�ym�nt ot the Note.
<br /> - r " °`•''' `. : 4. �!!as!!oa ot Rtlnts.lse�es end Proflt�.!1!!rente co!lxied by Lend!�!�the�ecalver ehell be appllect flr3t to o�ym�nt
<br /> � � i.;;;}�� .: " ' � � of the costs of manapement of the property and collectfon of reMS,Including,but not Ilmited to,reaelver'a feea.premlums on
<br /> � •����:' '"' ' recelverb bonda and reasonable attorney's feea,and then to the sume aeaured by tlw Ssaurity I�strumont Lender and tl»
<br /> � � : �. ' • �,,;,:, recelver sholl be Iiable to account only for those rents actually recelved.
<br /> . �;''���' '���'• , S. �onatructlon of Provfalone.Each of the provl9lons contalned in this Asslpnment of Ren1a Rlder and the 3ecurity Inetru-
<br /> ,. ,�:,.;.,. ..,
<br /> ; •,.� ment ahalt, unless otherwlse apecificelly requlred,be construed In accordance wlth Nebraeko law,and in the event�ny
<br /> S_:";^;i,,, '� pro�islon he►eln or thereln contalned ehall be dete�mined by a coun of competent Jurisdlctlan to be unenforcoabta,th�sam�
<br /> �x, , a.';;•,i', . sAall be conatrued as thouph such unenforceable provlslon were not a part hereof a thereof.
<br /> �� 8. EHect of Rider.Except as apecifically modlfied by or tnconsistent with thie Aselpnment of Renta Rieler or by any other
<br /> ����•`' + ,� "' appllaabte�ider,atl of!he terms and provl8lons contalned fo the Seau�ity Inatrument shall continue I�1u11 forca and etf�Ct.
<br /> ��'�, `������ , •• IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Bo►rower has exeCUted this Asslynment f Rents der on the date fl►st noted above.
<br /> jr'• ��: ;t�r„�� "��
<br /> , . ,:.,����;
<br /> � CORY NES ewrowor
<br /> � ,� ; •n� % °�'� .. ` • 1\�
<br /> n�
<br /> = � •� " MARC 'A K JONE3�i ruwer �
<br /> . (sa:
<br /> '�;�-� , COUNTY OF HALI ) Fr
<br /> � � �6��"'' � I 22ND 3EPTEMBER 1g��9�3� ��� he 1 d� N� �bll u1 sa1oned
<br /> � r..:'t� .. f On thla day of 'C�RY Rbefgra[�St Al��de�A��II� KteryJONE�`d 1�1���1ND- AN�d
<br /> •. � � qualHled lor aeld county,personally came —
<br /> ' r'�'� - '�"•: WIFE�
<br /> � : --_ _,to be the Identical person(s)whoye name(s)is/are subscdbed
<br /> �,� ' � to the forepolnp instrument,and heleheRhey acknowledqe the execution thereof to be hislhedtheir voluntary nct and daad.
<br /> i.� ':.:.?c,. .. �:.�,i,,;,�.:
<br /> � '' Wltneae my hand and Notarlal Seal at _GRAND ISLAND� NEBRASKA ___� _
<br /> ; ; '���:,; � K
<br /> f ald county,the d te e res�id.��� ��� '
<br /> ("' '�t �a�Y—�!=---
<br /> . �f , �l MGI��� yt
<br /> � ����� Notary PubHc O �
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<br /> My Commisslon oxpires: _
<br /> NR�610 n�71 iS:�
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