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<br /> t7.TrAnd�ot tl�e Pra nr s Rpadlcid Inhrat in Bomower,lf all or an �nrt of tho P�operty or any I�ere�t in it
<br /> y n
<br /> io sold or tranaPemed(or if a bcao oixl intac�est in Borrower i�sold or traneferrod and Borrower la not a�utural person w�ithout
<br /> 4nder's pdor wr�ttm con�ent, Lendar mqy, u ita option. roquira immediate payment in fi�ll of all cuma
<br /> Secu�ity butn�ment.Howaver.thic optian,dwll not bo exerched by I.ender if eRa�ciK i�prohiWtod by federil bw a�of We d�[e '
<br /> of 16ie Security lnstrument.
<br /> If Lender exercfses thia optian.Lendar sttwl)�ve Bon+nwer notico of�cceloration. The notice shall provide p pc�lod of not
<br /> less then 30 days from the date tha natiae ic,da1 verod or mniled within which Borrower must pay all wms axured by tl�is
<br /> 5eru�ity Instrument.lf Borrower failc ta pay tF�•sRlms prior W tha expindon af thi�pedad, La�der may invdce aay remedia
<br /> pern�itted by thie Sa,urity Instn�ment wlthaut.funthAr,nMice or demand on Borrower.
<br /> ,� 18. Borrower's Rlght to R,e�ata..lt,Bqtmtver meets ce:tain condltions, Horrower shall have thc right to huvo
<br /> enforcern�nt af this Security Instn�ment dicoantinW�id at atry time prior to thc earlicr af: (o) 3 day�(or cuch otitier period u
<br /> �� applicable Ipw may specify for reinctatomMt},bpft��+p sale of the Property pursuant to any power of eale containod in thle
<br /> Secu�ity lnetrument;or(b)entry of a judgnWai�cnfAming this Security Insuument.Those conditfons arc that Borrower:(a)payo
<br /> l.ender all sums which then wauld bo dua uadar thix.Secudty Instrument u�d the Note as if no accelaration had occurrod; (b)
<br /> cures any defaull of any other covenanta a�aarmenlants: (c)pa s atl expenses incurnad in enforcing thie Socurity lnatrument.
<br /> including.but not Ilmited ta.reasanabla attatnti�s' fees;and(d�tekes such action as Lander may rcasonebly roquire to assu�
<br /> that the lien of this Security Instrument, Lcndar s tights in thc Property and Bomowor's obligatiou w pay the suats secured by
<br /> �his Security instrument Aholl continua unchpnBod. Upon reinatatement by Borrower. thie Security Instrurr�nt and the '
<br /> obltgations secured hereby shall remain fully Bffective as lf no acceleration had occurrod.However. this right to reinstate chall
<br /> not apply in tha casc of acceleratian undar ppmpr#►ph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale ot Note;Ciwn�e of I.own•3ervlcper. The Notc ar a panlal iMerest in the Notc (togethe� with this Security
<br /> � . �e.. Inslrument)may be sald ane ar mare tim�s w�thau�prior notice�o Borrower. A sale may result in a change in the entity(known
<br /> av the"Losn Servicer")Ihat calkxts manthly payments due under the Note and this Secudry InstrumBnt. Thero alsc�may be onc
<br /> , �,,::. "Y , ar mare changes of the Loan Servicer unrelmed to a sale of the Note. If therc is a chunge of the Loan Servicar.Borrowcr will ba �•
<br /> � • ��r �`�*�+� iven wrUten noUce of tha chen c in uccurdance with ura ra h 14 above and a Ileabie law.The notica will state the name and
<br /> .. , �n1.��.�'.�t�.,s;y'�ai � 8 P � P PP
<br /> �,;,
<br /> �,^• ,�;.��`y-r,.;,.�„.,,_�,11 • address of the new Loan Servlcer and the addt�s to which paymonte shonld be made. The notice wfil alsa contain any othe�
<br /> � :..: :.,{, �r information required by appllcabl�law.
<br /> '•;� ��� -s:„� 20. Nazardaus Substances. Borrowo� shatl not causc or pern�it the presence, use, disposal. storagc. or release of any
<br /> �.',;��.,,:7,.�y,.�a� + Hazardcwa Substances on or in tha t'roperty. &mrower shall not do, nor allow anyanc else tu da. anything affecting the
<br /> Propeny that is in violation of any Envlmnmentul Lew. The preceding twa sentences shall not apply to the presence, uise. or
<br /> � .4;,��.�;� .^�h.�;';;�:;_ swrage on the Pmperty of snwll quamitios of liuu�rdous Subswncea that ore generally rocogaized to be approp�iate to nartnal
<br /> , .�•,; residentiul usesanci to maintenan�e afthe Pmpe�+y�
<br /> ��a ���� . � ' Rorrower shall promptly give i.ender.wrillun,natice of any investig�tion,claim, demand. lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> t gc�vernmentul or regulatory agency or rivata paKy involving the Property and any Haxardous Substance ar Environmental Law
<br /> ::ti :. p
<br /> '., ..4 � °� ��'` of which Borrower he.s actual knowladge. 1C Borruwer Iearns. or is nodfled by any govemmenWl ar regulatory authority,thnt
<br /> , ; .�.�.��;�:
<br /> ,�•. any removal or other remediation af any Flaxanlau�Substunce affecting ttie Propeny is nacessary.Borrower shell promptly wke
<br /> �, . ��•��•' �, �:' ,•."�' all necessary remadial actions in accorctanoz witlt�Fnvironmentnl Law.
<br /> A�uxxl in ii�i�purogruph 20, "iiuzunlouH�ubxtunce�+ tur iiiu�c nu6ai�n��rd dcGicr�l tu iuxic ur iuuu►Juun�uimiiu� Ly
<br /> '' � . ' Gnvironmental l.aw und the fall�wing suh�Umc�s: gasoline. kerosene, dher flummuble ar toaie petraleum products. toxic
<br /> ' . • • pc:xlicides and herbicides,volatilo wlvenln,maroriale�containinR asbestos or formaldehydc,s�nd radioactivc muterials.As used jn
<br /> � , � �• ' , .::;., thix parugroph 20. "Environmentul Law" ntcanr� federal luws and luws of thc ju�isdicdon where thc Property is located thw
<br /> ' relate ta health,safety or environmenlul prr�la�hian.
<br /> . � NON-UNIFORM COVENANT5. 8orru�ver und Lender further covcnunt and ugree as follows:
<br /> '� - Z1.Acceleration; Remedlcxv. Lendur shall give notice to Au�rower prior to accelerntlon totlowlag Borrower's breaed
<br /> , . : .�' of any covenant or agreement fn th(� Security Instrument (but not prior to accelerntlon underp mgrnph 17 unless
<br /> A a
<br /> " � appBcuble law provldes othenti�i.c�).The notice shall speclfy: (a) ihe defaulh (b)the action requlred to cure the detault;
<br /> • • � (c)a dute�not Icss than 30 days it�om che date the notlre iw giveu lo Borrower,by whieh the default must be cured;and
<br /> � "'••';;�.� (d)tlwt Pailure to cure the dofuult on or bePore the date xpeclfied in Ihc notice may result In accelerallon ot the sums
<br /> '�" 1 secured by this Security Instrumont and ssale oP the Properl��. The natke shull further inPorm Borrower of the rlgbt to
<br /> � � , '. ,. � rela�tate aiYcr accelrrutlon and thu right to brin�a rnuM uction to ussert the non-existence of a defAUlt ot any other
<br /> � � . „ . detense of Rnrmwer to acceler�tiun and xale. IY the defaup ly nut cured on or bePore the date apeciQed in the nottce,
<br /> I.ender. ut its optinn� may reyuire Immediate payment in full of all sum.r•secured by this Security Instrument without
<br /> ,•� , �' � further demand and muy intiai.� :����.�,n�� ��,„��a��o�,ny ��ther remedies prrmltic�d by appItcsblc lew. Lender shall br.
<br /> enlltled tu collect all expen�Incurred in pursuinR the remedi�x prnvided in this puraRraph 21,ineluding,but not limited
<br /> " t�,n�a�onuble attnrneys'fi�and cnr�ts of dtic evidence.
<br /> � � -' - If the {w wer of 5ale fs invcrNed. Trustee shal! record e notice �f dePoult in each caunty in which any part of ttte
<br /> Y Propert�•ix I�x�t�d und shull muiL rnpics oP such nodcc in Ihc m�nncr prescrfbed bv applicable law to Barrower and to
<br /> " ' the�Nher perwms pn�xrlbid hr applicable lu��•.Af'ler the time rryuirrvl by applirable lax•,Trustee shall give public notice _
<br /> .. � 0/sute to the penw►nz und in Il�u munner pr��cribcd by upplirublc lae,Trustee.witM�ut demand un Borrower�shall sell
<br /> • „ . lhe Mropert�• et puBlh auction t��t(tu hi�hest bidder at Ihe time and plucr und under the terms desiRnated ia the notice ot
<br /> . • ' rule in onc ur morc parcclti und imuny ordcr Trurtec dctcrmi�xw.Truslee ma�� p��ztpunc salc oP all or any parcel oP thc
<br /> i g _ , , Piropert� bv pubUc unnoun�Yment ul�the tiou und plucc of um pre�iuur;lr schedul��d sale. Lender or its deslgnee may
<br /> purrlwr�thr 1'roperq�at any n�l�.
<br /> , �.. .
<br /> � r. �'
<br /> 1 � � � Form 30Z8 8/80
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