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<br /> � appiicab;edav�maY specify far ninssuetment)befon s�2e of ttre Rap�e�tt3►�sas�t m�nY Power af sak caMained in this .
<br /> Soauity tas�nunenG arN}enhY af a judgaent eafa�ing this Seeurity[nsmimea� Thosc cooditdons uie Qut.Borrr�wer: (a}
<br /> , pays t.ender a!1 sums;whi�h then wa�1d be:due,�u�der this Sec�uety IasuuIDent aad thc Nate as if rw icce[eratioe had
<br /> � — axiuzed:(b)cures aAy defauit of a�r otherrnvw�rtts.ar ag�ements;(c}pays�li rapenses incuYSed in a�uc�in8 this Sectuiry
<br /> � t�ment. incIud'u�g.but noc 1lmited to.casvaaDk�tcose�ei+s'fers:and td�mt�es sucfi actiun xs lxnder may RatonablY
<br /> ceruire w,assucr that tie�e titn otthis Se�triry�isnamens.��S t�ghts in thC�'mperry 3nd�omawer's o6ligatioa topry�e �_.._
<br /> - s�aas secura! E3► this Security IASfiuneiit �tall.cu�daue �mchang�. Upoq ceitestniement h�r Bozmwcr. fhis e5 c�aity
<br /> Instsumesit a�t tise o6tigatioas secuied 6eteby shal!iemain fulIy efteclive ns if na xceteratioa had occun�d. However.t5is
<br /> _- - - rigiu ta zei�e st�all nat agply in tife c�se o€acceleratiaa�er p�ra�apt�!T. .
<br /> I9 Saie d Note;Cia�e ot Lo�s 5awicer. 'fi�e Note os a partiat intmest in the Note(tcs8etfur with tbis Security
<br /> insuwne�)may 6�sold aie or mc�e[i�s withau priur aotice w Bomower. A sate maY resvit in a rhange in the entit�
<br /> (lmawn as the"Luan Senricer'�thu cotiects moN�Y PaY�nts due cmd2r the Note aad this Security[nsUUmenG 'fT�ere a�so
<br /> - mry be ase or ma�etwreg�es of t�Lma Servicer unt�t�ted w a sate of the Not� If thece is a change of tbe Wan Servicer.
<br /> � gortower w�16e given writun aotice af the chang�ia aeeordanee with pazagraph 14 a6ove and applipble law. '[t�e notice
<br /> . - v�n11 state the n�me z�3 addiess af tir new i.aazt Strtricer 3nd the addcess ta`which payments shouid 6e m3de.The nwice wilI
<br /> - afso contaiu any other infcMaaAOn ttquiredEY agF?liea6le T3w.
<br /> n
<br /> . _ � Haardars SaBsEastes. B�rower sball Rot cause or peisnit the prescace.use.disposal,starage,a cetease of any
<br /> Harandvos Substamces on or in ths P�uperty. Barrower shall not do.nor altoar anyoae.etse ta do.a�yth�n8 affecting the . --- -
<br /> u �.
<br /> - Pmpecty thai is�viol�tion of aoy Fmi�un�nta!iaw. 'tUe p�stetiag two sentences sfiall aot apply tv the pn�senc�use.or �_
<br /> staage on ttse PropeRYof s�aa1I qaanti6es of ftazandaus Su6stances that ace gateralIy recagnized[0 6e apprapriane to nonna! �r�—�
<br /> ; mside�►rial uses aud to mainLenaace of d�e'Pmperty- ��__•-.
<br /> � "''." Bortawet shall piompdY.�ive Lender wriuen notice of any investigatian,claim,demand,taarsait or ather actioa by any =
<br /> _.;-:: gov.ernmeqial ar negutaovry aS�Y W Pm'�P�'invotviag the Pmperty and any Haz:�rdau Su�e or Environmental ���;
<br />;:ti�'�;; .,, I.aw of which Bo�r4wer has actual fc�wwledgc If Borrower learns,or is notified 6y any govemmental ar regulatary� �.,_
<br /> ;::;;;} authority,ttiu mSr,semovai ar other remedia�t�af any Hazazdous Substance aff4�n8�Ptope�ty is necessacy.Borrower �_�=-`�'_
<br /> t: m
<br /> ``�.�r, s1�P�PUY tafce all�sary remedial ac�o�s iu accordanee with Environrn�I i.av�r. �`-4=-
<br /> = . As used in dris paragraph?A,"Hazazdous��es aie those sa6stamce�d�f"med as toaic or hazandous substances by ��,�
<br /> ••f ;�:� — --
<br /> Fnvi�onmental Law and the fouawia�.suIutano�.' 6-�c�Gne,kerosene,oWer�i�aable or toxic peuoleum products.[oxic -,���._
<br /> ;±�_• pesticides and herbitides.volatile sa[vc-�,n�ai�'s wntainsr�asbestos oc forn�aldehyde,and radioactive materials. As �<--
<br />• • � �;� .. � -�=---
<br /> u' .. used in this para�apb 20,"Enviro�iuI-i.aw means fedetaI L�a��:tad laws of the jurisdi+araa where the Ptvperry is located �.,•��'_=,�_
<br />� � >. �. '� � that retace co heatth,safecy or env'ira�:ciiiai ptncecaan. �.,_.':�.4-� .'��� : ;,; "� ;t.�"�.
<br /> ���' ' . NON-1JN7FORM COVINANTS. Bomnwer and LRnder furdter covenant a�fi agree as follows: ,• ..
<br /> , f.;,` . . , ti"�'" s�.
<br /> `� Zl. Accekratioa•Remed�es. Lender s�af1 give aotice to Barraw��s�r to�coeieration fottowtng Bw�rower's �-_r�`= �"�
<br /> �.�. � � •'-�. -+���"
<br /> � �`�� • Dreacb at any covenant or agreeacent in th�5ecmity Insq�nmeat(but a�piioc to accelention ander paragrapb 17 <�
<br /> - . 'e � :i�'"•I:t: ' '���_:...,,
<br /> :,�'..' �,•y.- aekss applicabk Iaw rntrides otherwise� 'i'6e rtatice shatl s 4 f����`�
<br /> p p�Y� (a?tbe defaalt;(b)t6e acNon re atred to care the "�,��`: __=--
<br /> � detatdt;(c)a date,nW les�lh�n 3�days from the date the rtntsce Ls given�o BarrnWer,by whkh the deiaalt mnst be z��=_
<br /> � Y�
<br /> � '�,. cured:and(d?tAat tattare to c�e�defauit o�,sar betore the date specit'�:ia t6e notice may result fin acoeteratton of 3�,.�-
<br /> � � ' , ` the sams secw'ed 6y�ss Secuzits Yr��tcuu�am$sale of the Propertq. 'C�e�tice s6aU fortder infarm Borrowee ot ..•
<br /> � tLe rig6t to reiastate�ftee acceler.�sian�ed ttie cfghi to bdng a coort act�t i�xassert f1�e aon-extstence ot a det�ult oe '��'::;�:"�`��
<br /> :�.-�:� cMp . .. �
<br /> . "'?•-> � any atbec detense oi 6orrower r�i�eratioo aad sate. I f We d e ta u lt i s ao t�ar e d on o!b e fare t de dat e Ued in "` ` '�•
<br /> ': "I�� �f'�'�'� :['••`�'��`.."$a
<br /> " =:; ��'�• the notio�I,eadec at its option ar�xe,�ulre immediate payn�enii,r.�!nU ota11 samg�dby tlus Security instcnmeat .;�: .Y:J:�.i:� ��-
<br /> , ,�,,. ;,,
<br /> . t• . withoat iurt6er demartd and m7g.�avoke the power ot sal�amd arry ot6er re��rrmttted by�pplka6te law. ;�, . `f;;�!�`,;�,;� ;;�;,�—
<br /> �� ` �.4" �` I.ender shall be entitled to c o l lect a U e xpe n s e s i n c urr ed in �rsuLtg t�e�e�es��vvtded in this ParigraPh 21, ' .,.. .� ° ;�;". • ;::#.
<br /> . � rt �. `s !,�'. :.:
<br /> � �i''� ;:f .,�-�:�- . includiag,bat aot limited to,reasonable attorneys'tees and costs ot titk e�ir'�r„s� '.,�,'�'�_ ' �+' � :, �.
<br /> If the pawer of sate is Invoked.7lrustee shaU record a nut�ce.ot de�a4C�u'�eacb county ia whtch any par1 oi the . ��'
<br /> �,:;"�:�!+�.," . Property;s Wcated snd shull mail copies ot such notice in the ara*ner pre��ed by applica6te law to Borrower and to � � ;,•:_.�;-.
<br /> ` �• the othec person9 prescribed by appllcabte law ARer Ihe ticae�ceQeise&�applicable law�7lrastee shatl gtve paDtic � �,� .-
<br />`;'�'�:,, Y�'��, notice otsate to the persons anA in the manner prescri6ed Dy a���icabie fla�. Tenstee.without demand on Borrower. : i'�=
<br /> •,r�:•:.S:,i_". . :. . � .�Y'' .
<br /> ;,:;s-.. s6aU sdl t6e IMoperty a1 pu6Uc auction to t6e highest btdder at the tine��slace and ander ihe terms designated in : �,,, ,
<br /> �-°- ••• ° the notice of sale b ooe or more parcels and in any order 7lrustee det�.'�'rustee may postpone sak ol a0 or any f;��:; • ti�^-��
<br /> �`a�>-�'"` ' parcel a/t6e Properav Uy pubUc announcement at the Ume and plase�"a��revlously schedWed sale. l.ender os its t!:� . ��.�
<br /> ` ' ` "�a•`�`-�: designee may purchase the Property at any s�Ie: `�,`;;fi��-
<br /> . . _. :�;c,Y ' . " ':,.,� . .
<br /> - ��#�; ,�►•:.'',' Upon receipt or payment af tlte price bld,'Ilrustee shai��eJiver to the pusch�s+tc 7l�ustee's deed conveyirtg tTur • -`Y*'.,' :
<br /> :. f'. '..f i'{:. � �St� �''�.��t� J� -
<br /> .: :1�I', , . .
<br /> . y'��!'tF Property. 'i'he recltaL9 in the Tr�s deed shail be prima f�+ci¢�vidence of the trut�s a�fChe statements made ihereury. �'';;�,��,. ,_,.,;.
<br /> . -� � 7tustee shaU appty the proceedg of the sale in the following ord�ev: fa)to a[�costs and ezpenses oi exerc�lag the powe'r .:;;l;l;;rt '�.` ,
<br /> „ • . �� ,.
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