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<br /> `` ' , a1 pptlpoMm�M�II M pWWf by publio d�oludlon thK�ot by�uoh p�non�t th�tlm��nd plaa I�tt�ppolnNd fa fIN
<br /> .;.,�„ �I�:provld�d,if th��1�Is postpon�d for lonqrt th�n oM(1)d�y b�yond th�day dNfpnRUd In tM notic�of t�l��notlo�
<br /> `R� c� ,��;�.�.:•.��, _ 1Mr�ot�hNl b�plwn In the s�nw m�nn��a�th�orlpin�l notic�of saN.TrostM�II�x�aut��nd dNiva to tM puroh�ar
<br /> ��.�,,_,.., ;°..._. ;,�• Ib D�id oonwylnp th�PtopMtY��Id,but wlthou!any aown�nt or wernnty,�xpn�s a f mpll�d.Th�aoltal�In th�dNd
<br /> � ...,-t��.����.: ol�ny matton or aot��hull b� eon�lwivr proof ot th�truthfulna�1h�r�of.Any p�non,lnoludlnp 8�mflolury,n�y Pur-
<br /> . �._,�«,1,:.� �•�.1 ah�s�d tM al�. •
<br /> •,u..'.ti;:.. . ..%<..:�,;,
<br /> � ���-��°- •° ��^ �B) Wh�n Trwtw wlls pu►auant to thv powor�haraln.the Truetee eh�il apply the prooBAda o!ths��le to paym�nt of tlf�
<br /> ' ��`F,��'»o.;:.;:•,s�.�`'� " cata�nd�xp�nas of�x�roltlnp th�powa of MI�and of th�al�.Includlnp th�p�ym�nt nt th�Trust»'s f�n aatudly
<br /> ���'~` " ,•'d�1 �. °,''�� InAurred, whloh T�ustN's f�a shdl not In tM���rep�te excNd th�falbwlnq amount ba�sd upon ih�amount s�cur�d
<br /> ':` J�' "'' �� � ` hAreby a�d rem�lnln�unpMid 6 p�rc�Mum on th�fir�t i1r000 thu�of,1 pac�nWm on tM bNana�1Mr�of�nd tMn to th�
<br /> � p t r},• .
<br /> �ic'�SYL,�.;/f.:�. E•'r.Yy
<br /> ,.,�.:�+ ,,.,,�ta�t.. Ibms In subpnr�pr�Ph(Q)1�tho oni�►th�re st�ted.
<br /> � � � (C) ARsr paylnp ths Items spscllf�d In eubpu�pr�ph(B)If th�s�N is by Trust�s,or the propor court and other oo�t�of
<br /> *, u,...., . ,;." : ••;.+•��.:
<br /> 1� forsaloau��and s�l�If th1�sa�l�1�purwant to�udicl�l fa�clo�uw,th�prooMdt of sale ahadl M�ppllsd In the o►d�►�itl�d
<br /> �''•,��.. =:,.,;,:•'.•;,;' .
<br />��' �•` '�� to th�payment of:
<br /> t�; ' � ' •
<br /> � �. . ., , , (I) Cost of any evtdence of tltl�proaured In conractlon with wch�I��ad of�fly��YO1111��tampe;
<br /> r��;�`; , ' � `���� (I1� All sume 1he secursd he�eby;
<br />....,. . • . ' ':. I
<br /> t�, ^�•' •I � , pli)The remelnder,N�ny, to 1he peraon Isp�lly entltled th�reto.
<br />' � � � , � ��''� ��' �3.Dulla and Obllp�tlam of Trwt�p.(a►The dutles and obllpatlons of Trustes shall be determined solely by the expr�sa
<br /> � ; � ' .�:;�A : prA�414ne of this Ds�d of Trust,�nd Truates ehall�ot be Ilabts exapt fa the performanceot such dutles antf obllp�tlone�s
<br /> �: ��. . ar�specltlaalir eet forth herein,and no Implied covenanta or obllqatlon�ahall be Impoeed upon Trustee;(b)No S►rovislons of
<br /> ;�S � . : • thl�Deed of Troat shAll raqu��e Truates to expend or risk Its own funds,or otharwla�Incur any flnmclal obll�►tlon In the pe� �;,;
<br /> � formonce of any of Ite dutles heround�r,or In ths exerclas of any ot Its riphls or power,if It shall hs�vs�raunds for bellevinp ;�r�'
<br /> � .,r;.,' tbat the rep�yment of auch funds or adequpte Indemnity a�al�st euch rlsk or Ila�bflitr ia not �easonably�ssured to It;(c)
<br /> �'" <.•. •�•.,,;,-, ,• _ Trustea may oo�ault wlth couna�l of Its own ahoosln�and ths advice ot euch counsel shall be futl and complete suthorization ' tii
<br /> . ...�;�: �. ,.
<br /> •�•� '�'��•� and R►�tectlon ln the reapect of any�ctlon taken or suffered by It hareunder In�vod lalth and reliance thereon;(d)Truatee "
<br /> ;' ..;,�;M1�+.'�:,:' '. � eha�ll not be Ilable for any acUon Uken by It I�pood(alth and reawn�bly bs11�d.G�Jt3ot+w•�1M�nized or wNhin th�discretion .':`':.
<br /> i��,.
<br /> s'��'.;';s',. .,� on�Iphts and'powere conferred upon It by thle Daed of Trust. •�i..'�'�• ��'•
<br /> 14.Addltlo�l S�audty InN►un�M�.Trustor,at Its expense,wlll execute and di��nwtee•Promptlr upon d�mand, k
<br /> ;�.� � � • � . � euah tecurlty inst�umsnta ae m�y be requl�ed by Trustee,In fo�m and aubstp�ce to fruetee,cove�lnp eny of the
<br /> � ;: I Property conveyed by thle Deed of T�ust,whlCb aecurlty Inatruments shall be a�ddltlonal securlty for Trustor's i�ithful pertor• , y
<br /> ma�nce of all of the terms,aoven�nts and oondltlons of thls Oeed of Truat,the Loan Apreemmt,any promlaaory notes secured
<br /> - ;,-.`--���---... � h ereby an d ony o i i ner eecur i ty in 9 t v u i�t b ii i b B x e G U i B d i n c o r t n e C t l o n v r!!h!h!Z t t e t ra�c!l o n.B u C h!l�e t r u m e n l�e�t+!!11�e�e 4 9 rd�d
<br /> . ' a flNd. and re�recorded and refWad,ot TruetoPs expenae.
<br /> : ;;,; ',
<br /> ' ''.�' � , '' ,,�. .. ,•'��';;�;!t;j¢_ 18.MUall�e�ous.
<br /> � (A►) In t he event any one or more of the provlsions contalned In the Deed of Trust.or the Loan Apreement or any pramissory
<br /> ,�;•;• •. '. ,. ;. � l!�'�i
<br /> �-�����., �:', � "'•• '' note,or any otAer securlty instrument�Iven in co�nectlon w�th this traneactlon,ahall lor any reason to be held to be In- ,; �;,.•
<br /> ' � �'��'';'' " ''"�1 �..; valid, Illepal or unenfaceable In any reapect, such Invalldlty, illepality or unenforceability ahall, a! the option o}
<br /> � � , ��°��`�'� ����� � `' 8eneflciary,not affect any other provleton oi thls Oeed of Truat,that th�s�eed of Truat ahall be aonstruod as If aucA IR
<br /> ,�. � ' ,::�;`.,,'t'.� vaNd,Illeqal or unenforceable provlslon had�ever been contalned hereln or thereln.
<br /> ! � 't�:,:,' (B) This Deed of Trost ahall be conatrued accordiny to the laws ot the State of Nebraska.
<br /> •1��� � ��':�'' ' �p) The Deed of Trust shall inaure to and bl�d the helra, leqateas. dovisees,admfnlstrotora, execufora, suaceasors and
<br /> �� .. ��� tt. • � assipns of the P�nlea h�reM. 18
<br /> (D) Trustor shall pay all taxea levled upon thls Deed ot Trust or ihe debt secured hereby,topether with ony other taxes or .
<br /> .' '""��� asseaements whlch may be levled agelnst the Trustee or Beneticlary or the lepal hotder of the Loan A��eement on ae•
<br /> , . � .. count oi tAe Indebtedness evidenced thereby. �
<br /> • ' (E) Whenever uaed hereln,the singular number shall include the plural,the plural,the singular,the use o(any yender ehall be � .
<br /> , �., . applicable to all penders,and the term"Beneficlary"shall include any payee of the indebtednQSS hereby aecured or any i,;:.•
<br /> . ira�afer ihereof,whether byopar�tiu��vf iaw or atlarwtsa, � ";;
<br /> , 18.Succss�or Tru�tN.8enet�iary may trom tlme to tlme substltue a auccessor or successors to any Trustee named herein
<br /> • •'.;,1 or actinq hereundor to execute thla Trust Deed.Upon such appolntment and wlthout convenysnce to the succesaor T�ustee,
<br /> the litter shall be veated wNh all t Itle,powera end dutlee conferred upon any Truatee hereln named or actinp hereunder.EaCh ,
<br /> ' such appolntment and aubatitutlon ahell be made by written Instrument by Be�eficlary,contal�in�reference to thls Deed ot
<br /> ; ,.. Truat and Its place of record,whlch when reco►ded In the offfce of the Fieplater of Deeds of the county or countles In whlch ;
<br /> � � ,'���± sald property Is aHuated,ahall be concluslve proof of proper appolntment of the successor Trustee.The torepolnp power of �
<br /> ^, r:, ` eubstitutlon and the procedurH therefo�ahall not be excluslve of the power and procedure provided for by lew for the substitu•
<br /> , � � tion of a Trustee or trustees I n the place oi the Trustee or Trustees named hereln.
<br /> � f � 17.Forb�annc�by B�nNiclary aTru�tN Not�W�IvK.A forbearance by Beneficlary or Trustee In exerclsinp any riqht or
<br /> ., remedy hereunder,or othen�rise aftorded by appllcable law shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any rlght or
<br /> . . remedy hereunder.Llkewlse,the walver by Beneficiary or Trustee ot any default of Trustor under thls Deed of Trust ahall not be
<br /> , . deemed to be a waiver of any other or almllar defaults subsequently occurrinq.
<br /> '����• . 16.TruNor IWof R��s�d. Exlenalon of the tlme for paYment or modlficatlon or amortlzatdon of the suma secured by the
<br /> . Deed of Trust�ranted by BanellC lary to a�y successor In interest of Trustor shall not operate to retease,ln any manner,the
<br /> If�bllity of the oriylnal Trustor and Yrustor's succeasor in Inte�est.Beneficlary shell not be required to commence proceedings
<br /> � ��alnst suCh eucCessor or refuae to extend time for payment or otherwlse modlfy amonlzatlon of the sums aecured by the
<br /> ;L Dsed of Trust by reason of any demand made by 1he orlylnal Trustor and Trustor's succeasors In Interest.
<br /> r 19.Optlon to Fonctos�.Upon the xcur�ence of any default��reunder,Be�eflclary shalt havQ the optton to foreclos�thls
<br /> �� �_.__ ... _ rf.ad r,�Tru�f�n the manner orovided br law for the foreclosure oi morlpa0ee on real property.
<br /> _ T_� . "i ���� � _ '. . .
<br /> t� 20.T�uftors Rlphb�Ab��nt O�t�ult.Untll any default Irt the payme�t of Indebtsdness hereby secured,or untll the txeach of
<br /> �i • � a�y covena�t heraln confalned,lhe Truetor,Its suCCeasora and aaelpna,shell pos8es8 and en�oy the property and receive the
<br /> . � �enta and proNts thersfrom. Up�n ppyment Of all sums secured by thle DeYd ol Truat, 8eneflclary shall request Trustee to
<br /> i� reconvey the property and shaN surre�der thls Deed of Trust end�It notea and Loan Agreementa evldenciny Indebtedness
<br /> l j � secured by the Deed of Trust to Truetee.Trustee ahall reconvey the propeny wlthout war��nty and wfthout charpe to the per•
<br /> ' 7 aone lepolly enthled thereto.The (inntee In 4ny reconveyance mey be described es"the person�r peraons entltled fhereto",
<br /> ; � � % � � and the�ecitala thereln of any mattera or facts ahall be conclusive p�oof of the truthfulnees the�of.Such peraon o�persona
<br /> � shall pay all coete of recordinq,l f Any.
<br /> 21.TnnsfK of ffN Prop�rty;AssWnptlon.If all or any pqrt of the Propeny or an I�tereat therel�le sold or tranaferred wlthout
<br /> "� � Beneficlary'e prlor wrltten conaent,eKCept ae ofhervulae provfded by law,Beneflclary may,at Beneflclary's optlon,declare all
<br /> ' the eurns aecured by thle Deed ot Truet to be Immedlately due and payable.Beneticlary ehall have walved such option to ac•
<br /> , � celerate If, prlor to the eale or tranefer,BBneHclary and the person to whom the Property ia to be aold or frans}e�red reach
<br /> Nc�o�s�sqo� i
<br />