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p F �wn•;Wi <br /> a .. <br /> ' ' /. l�� N. ,.�� <br /> � '``�.�' . `•' <br /> • ....�....�...�...�. •.. ......�.r�..1 <br /> y ° f.��f �►�}�� <br /> . ; . AD�US1'ABLE RATE RIDF.R � � <br /> , il YMr Tt�rwrY�edut•Ra�tA�) 19�� �� <br /> THIS ADJUSTARB RATB RIDER u a��M� 1 ST a.y ot_ SEPTEAIBER .�s 93 " <br /> sqA•ih NK�otPa�t�d bito�sd Yu�Y�M dN�1�d w�eM�d luld w01�,ibt Mo�p{��o..a or T�na.�s.�a�r QMA(tM"SKwkY l�IKRM�NM4'1oT <br /> tha�ama d�t��dwe Mi�Me und�ntl�n�d lth�"Ibrro�wr'7 to wcun���iW Srauqy 1���od�,locw�d a: . <br /> �,�IItM bwiMr'►of IM q�dN�wA carod►I��O��Y <br /> �? KUESIER LAKE. GRAND ISLAND NE fiB801 <br /> '-�•. l�Y��1 <br /> 'rW ..0 eaa�Ma r�M�la�a�Nmrlq ror eMs� !■.y I�IKaI nia .N �v•�+��b <br /> r�rwnd.'rw..a Nw ua�In�w.�w...�wr�■�n�a a.e�.p s�.■l.r ur.Ww <br /> �w tlr..�MraWa�N u.�� t pq. <br /> ADDRIONAL CQVE'NAN7'�ddidaa a�ba cotiaa�nu�.nd ynsm�na a�ade io ihe Securi�Y�n+�.BoROwer aaA LnOer <br /> Nr�Marcovaa�nt��ad�mea idlnwx: <br /> f <br /> A. IN'�F�FB'1'RA7'E AND MONTHI.Y rAY11�ENT CHAN(iFB <br /> 771Q NOtQ P���q�/A IIIIdNI ID[tltft f�10 OL �1�7�8 �.Sectlon 4 of the Note provfde�fo�ewn�a in Ibe loterat raq�ad tbe <br /> t. ,° ,e_,,.' mnntblY�Y�u�a Pollaw;: <br /> -'-- o . ' ,;�'�'` � •'�.�= a: � INT�A,ES?RATB AND MONTHLY P.IYW�&NT CHANOFS <br /> ' ��..''�;`i�f�^; ' (� t�pa� SEPTEIqBER 9Q <br /> � '�'.r.. "• .,.,•� � .19 .Wld 0111h1![dllyEYRlY <br /> •� . .. . ,,. .; � 1be�tarcst r.�1 will pa�y maY��4a on the fust daY of <br /> i `•v 7 monthr�da►wf�sr.Each daoe oo N�fah my imuarast rue caiW ch�n�a ic caUod�"Ghu�e O�e.•• <br /> ' ; � <br /> .: �ur•j�•.��; . � • � 71tr I�des <br /> .. �+��;�4;;4��.,:;i:�,-,.':�r.. �eyinran�vuM the finu Chango Date,mV���nte wilbDe bpsed on u�indcx.Thc"Ind@x"ia ttie weekip averaQe ykid on Uniled Sutas <br /> ' ' i,�s;:t� �R <br /> ,SR�y i'. ': '; ...+.;••`f�. <br /> • ,�. > 7iesuury se�nr+tiea adjusted to r conuanl mAtur4ty of 1 ywr,as made Available bp the Federal Repervc Boud.The most raent 1 ro <br /> �'' � .r� ,:'•`�•F"�•�• :'.. .,4;.,`� avdlwbk as of tha date43 days beforaeacb Change Oate is called the"Current Index.•• <br /> ' ??.��:f;;+• . ,t�,;:� , <br /> ' • ' -� If�he Indeu Is no lon4or swilable,the Note Holdar will chaae a�ew i�which ii based upon companbk informalian.The Note <br /> �{ ',�'�!�'.;4#!'" �'� �'T <br /> .. �",,::��1�,..; . .. HoldawfQtlYemenakeofthfschoNx. <br /> '�: <br /> � ."s��1 �. . �,r. (� f�IMM�oiCiMr{a <br /> •:i� :• � f`" Be(oroach QumQe Date,�he No�a Holder will alcul�te my new inurest a�e by addina n�m ANf1 [7h�F-HA1 F pacxnlaQo <br /> ;.���� � po�np(__,�,,�_,—�i)to the Current lndrR and roundiet to the nearat 1 ioth oi 19i,subjat to the IMniw stated in Seciion 1(D)6dnw. <br /> �•�1�:;,;�:';: t TMic roundedlunaunt wfll bt my naw intares[rate uohl the next Change Qa1e. <br /> �•��,'��;''. � , ,. •� „ 'fhe Nae Holder will�then•determine the amount of the mon�hly p�ymem tha�would be sufficfent to rep�y in full the principwl I am <br /> ' �,':''��� �'".c " expeched to owa on that Chonae Data in substantialiy eQual payments by the matudty date at mp new interat rate.The rault ot thic alewlydou <br /> ' . �. � w111 be the new amount of my monthly payment. <br /> �. ' . �D) 11a1n un Ulsntl Rale CY�oQes <br /> � ���' �� The i urat rate 1 am tequited lo pay at the first Change Daie wiN not be greater �hon 6.7�8 q�i or�la�s Ihan <br /> � � �.'�' '� ' �° ' Ni.Thereaf�er,my interat rate will never be mcreaud or decreaud on any single Change Date by morc�han <br /> .� ,:•�±'`;;�;:' „ .. 0 <br /> .,: ��..� „ from 1 rale of interal l hove been payin�for�hc precedinB�welve monthti.The minimum interest ntc on this b�n will never be <br /> a�"` 978 <br /> '�a�l;. • ' . >>�`, leu tlun 2•� 8 ni and the maximum intera�rAte will never be Qrea�cr than �.�'��. <br /> � ;',,, . . " .' IE) FllecUv�D�te of CMa�ga <br /> � ��' � My new M�aest rate will become effective on each Chwnge Date.l will pay�he amount of my new momhly payment beginnin�on the flrst <br /> � }• , monthly payment date after the ChanQe Dale unt0 lhe amount of my monthly paymem changa agein. ,c`' <br /> ,� . <br /> - --�-,.- _.-. _ .-• - ��y NutktotCdoaQ�s <br /> .. � ,• The Nae Holder will mail w delfver�o me a no�ice before each ChanQe pate.The notice will advist mt ofs <br /> ti` ' Ii) the new in�erat ratc on my loao as of the Change Da�e; <br /> (N) 1he amount oimy monthly payment following�he Change Uate; <br /> ' " (ilp ony additlunal maners whkh Ihe Note Holdcr is required to disclose;und �:,� <br /> • `,•,;4•v� �iv) !he addrcss of Ihe a�sociatfon you could contac�reQardin�any questions aboul the adju�tmmt notice. <br /> �.�•�,- t� .._ . ' �;,: Y <br /> ' �� � B. CHARGES;I.IENS <br /> �y;:;:` � , . <br /> r���:'` ;, h Uniform Cormant 4 of the Securily Instrument is amended to read as folluws: <br /> '�.�., <br /> �' �, Cyr�es;Uen.Borcower shall pay all iaxes,wsessmen�s,und other charges,fines,und imposi�ions attributable to�hc Property which may <br /> ; :�',: <br /> �,. ` � �ttaie a priority over this Security Instrument,pnd leasehold paymcnts oF gronnd rents,if any,in thc manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof <br /> �t��•'� w,if not paW in such menner,by Borrower making payment,whan due,dirc�niy�o Ihe payec thereoL Borrower sh�ll promptly furnish Lmder � <br /> ��f':: ' t > ' ,� ` oll naices ot amounts due under this paraaraph,and in the e��ent Borrower shull make puyment direcUy,Borrower shall promplly furnish to ► <br /> ,��., ,(;...;r 1 <br /> C Lendtr recelpts evidencing�uch payments. Bmrower shull promptly diuharge aoy lien which has priority our this Security Instrument; � . <br /> �i • ' '�'�•.,� however, Borrower shall not be required to discharge uny such lien su long as Bvrrower:1a1 shap agrce fn writing to�he payment of the ; % <br /> i � ��,`,� obl{wtion secured by such lien in thc monner acceptaMe to Lender;lb1 shall in goud foith contest such lirn by,or defend against enforcemcm of �:�,�. <br /> � ,� , <br /> • �!�� such Nen in,kgsil procadings which in thr opinion oi Lender operate to pre�ent thc rnforcement oF thr lien or forfei�ure of the Property a any �' <br /> � • ,•.._�.. <br /> � . `'-.,��' part thercof;or(c)shall securc from the hotder of wch Ilen an ogreement in a form satisfaclory to Lender subordina�in�such Iim to this <br /> Secudty Ins�rument. r <br /> -". . ..�.. ,.: : <br /> _..�:�.... .. 1:......I.t..1.... su.i......f...:�u..v..�Mia Cr•uri�v Inurum'nf <br /> . - II Lenuer aetermina�na�rii u�any yr�i Ji ii�c:7���:i:>>�..�....=- ..�. °........�;_..—. i <br /> ; �•• . <br /> �_;;. ' � � ' Lender shstll give Borrower a no�ice identffying wch 8en.Borrower chall aifsfy such lien or take one or more of the actlons set forth obove <br /> � � withia ten d�ys otthe�ivin�of the notfce. � <br /> '� : � <br /> ;" _� � . C. NUTICE ' <br /> i� � L . Uniform Corenant 14 of the Security Insuument is amended to reud ac f�olluw�: <br /> " 11. Notice.Excepl for any notice required under applicable lax to be gi�en fn another manner,(u)any notice to Borrower pruvfded for in this <br /> tir. ' Securiry Instrument shall be given by delivering H or by mailing ft My fin�rlass mall w Borrower at the Propeny Address or at surh other address <br /> �,�: • � w Borcower may daiQnate by notice ro Lender as proviJed herein,ond Ibl any noiice�o Lender shall be gi�en by first cla�s mail tu I.ender's � <br /> �:' � � address slattd hercfn or to such other addras as Lender may daignate by nai��e ro Borrower as pro��ided herein.Any noticr pro��ided(or in th�ti <br /> a <br /> 1. ,,_ �'x.� S[cmNy Inslrument shall be damed to have been Qiven to&►rrower or Lender when gi��en in the mmner desi�nated herein. <br /> „ _ - .. : - .� � <br /> ! • � <br /> . ' , � <br />