99 109404
<br /> (h) Personal Property; Securlty Agreement. As additional securiry for die payment of We Note, Trustor liereby grants
<br /> l.ender under the Nebraska Uni(orm Commercial Code a securlty interest in all fixtures, eyulpmeut, and odier personal property
<br /> used in connection wiU� tl�e real estate or improvements located tl�ereon, and not oQierwlse declared or deemed to be a part of
<br /> �I�e real estate secured I�ereby. Tliis instrument sl�all be construed as a 5ecurity Agreement under sald Coda, and die Lender
<br /> shall have all tl�e rights and remedies of a secured party under said Code in addition to d�e rlghts and remedies under tl�ls
<br /> paragraph ahall be cumulative wlth, and in no way a limltatlon on, Lender's dglits and remediea;under,.eny:otliet security
<br /> agreement signed by Borrower or Trustor. ,' '' • •�°� . •
<br /> (i) Liens and Encumbrances. Trustor liereby warrants and represettts Wat U�ere is no�default under the provlsions of any
<br /> mortgage, deed of trust, lease or purchase contract describing all or any part of tl�e Property, or other contract, instrument or
<br /> agreement constituting a lien or encumbrance against all or any part of tlie Property (collectively, "Liens°), existing as of the
<br /> date of this Deed of Trust, and tltat any and all existing Liens remain unmodtfied eacept as disclosed to Lender ln Trustor's
<br /> written disclosure of liens and encumbrances provided for herein. Trustor shall timely.perform all of•Trustor's obligadons,
<br /> covenants, representations and warranties under any and all existing and future Liens, shall promptly forwatd to I.ender copies
<br /> of all notices of default sent in connection wid� any and all existing oC future Liens, and ahall not wlthout Lender's ptior�vri�ten
<br /> consent jn any mam�er modify the provisions of or allow any future advances under any exlstfng or future Liens. - �
<br /> (j) Appllcatlon o[ Payments. Unless otl�erwise required by law, sums paid to Lender hereunder� Ittcluding wiWout
<br /> limitation payments of principal and interest, insurance proceeds, condemnation pcoceeds and rents and profits, shall be applied
<br /> by Lender to llie amounts Jue and owing from Trustor and Borrower in such otder as Lendet in lts, sole dlscretion deems �
<br /> desirable. . .
<br /> (k) Severability. If any provision of tl�is Deed of Trust conflicts witli applicable law or is declared invalld�or od�erwise
<br /> unenforceable, such con[lict or invalidity sl�all not affect Q�e otlier provisions of Q�is Deed of Ttust or the Note which can be
<br /> given et7ect wlthout tl�e con[licting provislon, and to U�Is end die provisions of this Deed of Trust and �1�e,Note are declared,to
<br /> be severable. � • � '` � '� �
<br /> (I) Terms. Tl�e terms "Trustor" and "Borrower" sl�all lnclude botl� singular and plural,,and'when die Trustor,and Botrower
<br /> are the same person(s), those terms as used ln U�is Deed of Trust sl�all be intercl�angeable. '' ''`'"�'`�!� ',,�:•, �� `•� �• ,• ' ,
<br /> (m)Governing Law. This Deed of Trust shall be governed by tlie laws of d�e State of Nebraska,� ;,� i�:�;•� ; � , t '
<br /> Trusror I�as eaecuted this Deed of Trust as of Qie date wdtten above. ' �' . ` � " ` `'•�'''•���� �"`' '' ' '
<br /> � 1�;��, ; i � � ; i . .
<br /> ,� i '` i l'{ .�r' li•�� ��. �� �;
<br /> r� �,�.�.�,,. �Ip�,�;c�.�..����
<br /> JERR R DIBBERN Trustor �VERNA �' D�BBERN "' �' " �.` " Tcustor
<br /> �.• , .�
<br /> � � ' -��,�; . • • , � '
<br /> Trustar , . , f � . � � . ,Trustor .
<br /> � • �� � , ;,. ,
<br /> + ' - .
<br /> Tcustor ;"'' ' �Trustor
<br /> : i• I •; �:i i, ��,:,�, � , ,. , , •
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA 1 ' ' . : � � !t•.�tl � ,Ja� �; !>�� � �I• • , .'� > , . �
<br /> ) � ,• 'fr.� , 1 .;:� '. . • , . .
<br /> COUNTY �F Hall � ss. , ..,, , .;: . �, • . ,
<br /> The foregoing Deed of Trust was acknowledged before me this 2ist '' day of � Se�pt�mber � , �
<br /> ,
<br /> 19 99 by Jerry R Dibbern and Verna F Dibbern � ' ' ' ' -
<br /> . � ,:,,i .,i ��.�;� r.�_ .
<br /> „��,,,,, � . ,.
<br /> ' =.•`oe"E:"�:.: MY COMMISSION EXPIRES �� 'r '� ��� �' � ' .
<br /> qNOTARYj � - . 1 �1�. . � ' . .
<br /> �%'�pA��r` February 18,2003 � ..
<br /> " otery Public �� ' �'�' ' �
<br /> . STATE OF NEBRASKA � : �.i , ,,.,;�� -� - • •
<br /> COUNTY OF � ss. , f , ��';. , �� , . �. , . , `
<br /> ,.
<br /> �, ;�, „ ... , .
<br /> The toregoing Deed of Trust was acknowledged before me this day of 'i. .� � • � „ '
<br /> ,�,• :� •; �r ,,,. �; . 'i ,
<br /> 19 by
<br /> , i � . , i�I ��• . �� � . �11..1 1 1.. � , ' ..
<br /> of , a • � • ' � . ,- corporatlon,
<br /> on behalf of the corporat(on. • � �� �'� .� ��> >+.�:��• � ���� ����t� �. �� .
<br /> , � �`,i.,t ���� �,t�!• ir:,, r „ ,. , � • .
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA 1 � .,. ., , �' , � Notary;Publlc .�,,�;•:, �;,�„ � ,;;,, .
<br /> � 88. ; �1 ' � �I �;';•�� Nc"�� :I �{ , "�. .
<br /> COUNTY OF 1 � . .. , �j �.�! ���� I•;., ,;,.. .. ,
<br /> . , , ��. , �,,;,�•,{;,,; + .;� , , . ..
<br /> The foregofng Deed of Trust was acknowledged before me this day of � ��� '''�'�� 1't� �'+�' , ''� "�+ '' ,
<br /> � ,,; � ,,;,;,y,,;�,�„i,�, , • .
<br /> �s by � ; �' � '.
<br /> a partner on behalf of `. '� �, � � ' • , ; +�: •.. � !r.•• , :• '. '
<br /> , a partnershfp.
<br /> � . .I i , , ly t �,•1'+;�i'it;t �',�!r'{liltl��,� � �.��,,, i. ,
<br /> , , , ,� . ',i 'i 1.' ��.1�.,�•.�: /:.� . .
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA � ,, I, . � . '��Notary Public�`;�i '�����'��� ,� � � ��
<br /> ' 11�1 i e� f inif'71�� �:; �.�.: ��•�'� �:•�+, I t�;
<br /> ' , � ,. .., , • .�� . • � '.� ���3 � -�.1 •:� ° 111'I.,�/; I>"IR"l�ti�l• .•'!��
<br /> COUNTY OF ' as. • , �i's�:�fr ( `:itl '.c�1�`iiuk�'�i,! t ,. �. ... �.,�
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<br /> The foregoing Deed of Trust was acknowledged before me this � ' ' dayaof t+1� ���� �'4 �r ���'I' ' �'� • , .
<br /> ,
<br /> � , . � •� � ' �� � '�IJ �: ��,Ir . .ry� i�.lU i ..
<br /> 18 by r � ., •� �� �u;i't � �• !� , ��' " . .: ti ..
<br /> ai , , it i • ,ui r',f1i'!1''l� ��rv: .ia� r�. , ,� t .
<br /> of � '� '' '�'`��'� ., '; � '' '''', a Iimited Ilability
<br /> . ,. �� �, �,yi� , „r)P�ii t �.i����� I�,,�!, ,�1 .�,: ��,,, ,
<br /> company. , .::,,��r�� i �;•�� : � t; .;�,+�,;
<br /> �..'i ' �NotaryPublla;r����: li ' : � � , � ' .
<br /> �.�: ,�• 'i;��'. ,I��l, :��� . ��, �.
<br /> ' Y� �� � �
<br /> � N�CNJ111ApInlnrdDeal)Rn.IW97 � . � 1��p� :�1. �T Id I�;,.Y1y11��J,...'� ,',: � '� , .� �!�� .
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