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� 99 109404 <br /> Thia Deed of Ttust sl�all secure (a) the paymeut of tl�o principnl euw ai�d lnterest evldai►cad by a pcomissoty note(s) or creJlt <br /> agreemenl(s) as followa: ' Orlglnal . <br /> Date of • Ptincipai Maturiry <br /> No�e(s) Maker(s) of Nole(s) Atnount(s) Date(s). <br /> 9-21-99 J � V Cattle Inc $1,000,000.00 3-20-2000 <br /> i <br /> and any and alt mvditications, extensions and renewals thereof or tl�ereto and any and all futura advancea and readvances to ' <br /> Borrower(or any of tl�em if tnore U�an one)hereunder pursuant to oue or tnore promlasory notes or ccedlt agreements(liereip called <br /> "Note", wl�eq�er one or more); (b) tlie payment of otl�er aums advanced by Lender to protect Qte aecurity of Qie Note; (c) the <br /> performance of ali covenants and agreements of Trustor aet forq�liereiir a�iJ(J) all preaent and future indebtedness and obUgatlons <br /> of Dorrower (or any of tl�em 1f moro Uian one) to Lender wl�ell�er direct, indirect, abaolute ar condngent and wheUier arising by <br /> note, guaranty, overdraR or oilierwise. The Nole, Qils Deed of Trust and any and sll oA�er document� tl�et securo tlie Note or <br /> o0urwlse executed in connecdon therewitl�, including without ILnitation guarantees, securlty agreements and assigntnents of leases <br /> and rents, ai�all be ceferred to herein as Uic "Loan Iustru�nenta". <br />� , , .. . . ... . <br /> 1 Trustor covenants and agrees wltl�LenJer as follows: ' <br /> i; 1. Payment o[lndeblednes�. All inJebtednesa secured Uereby al�all bc paid wl�en due. <br /> 2. Tllle. Trustor is Il�e owner vf tl�e Property, lias tl�e rigl�t and autl►orlty to convcy the Property, and warrants tl�at qie lien <br />! created hereby la a first and prior lien on the Properry, except for liens and encumbrances'set forili by Tcustor in wrldng and , <br /> jdelivered to L.ender before eaecu�ion of this Ueed of Trust, and U�a executlon and delivery of tlda Deed of Trust does not vlolate any <br /> contract or oUur obligation to wl�icl�Truator is subJect. ' • <br />' � 3. Taxee, Aa�ess�nenla. To pay before delinquoncy all taxea, epeclal aesesen►ents aud all oll►et cl�arges against We Property now <br /> � � , <br /> or hereatler IevieJ. <br /> 4. Ineurance. To kcep Il�e I'torcrty Inaured agalnet daiiiago by tlra, hazarde (ucluJe� wIU►In tl�e totm "extenJed coverage"� <br /> and such otlier 1►aaerde as LenJer mey reyuire, (�� emoui�ta and wltl� coropaulee�acceptabla,to L.ender, naming Lender as an � <br /> adJlllonal named inaured, witl� loaa rayable to tlie LenJer. In case of losa uuJer eucl� pollcice,'Q�o LenJer (e autliorized to adJust, <br /> collect anJ co�npromise, all cialms U�erew�der aud shall l�ave Uie optlon of applying all or part of Q�o'lneuranco proceeJa (i) to any <br /> inJeblcJneee eecureJ hereby aud in eucli ordcr ae L.c�idcr tnny dctermino, (II) to U�e Truator to�be uaeJ for tl�o repalr or restoratlon <br /> of Uie Propetry or (III) for any otlier purpuso or obJect eatisfxctory to Leuder wlthout affecdug tl�o llen of tl�le Deed of Truet for tl►e <br /> full amount eecureJ 1►ereby befote auch payment eveC took place. Any appticadou of proceeds to indebtedness ehall not eateud �r <br /> poslponc tlic due date of any payments u�ider U�e Nole, or cuta any Jefault tl�ereunJer or l�oreunder. : 1';. ., �';. • • <br /> 5. �scro��. U pon written demand b y Laider, Trustdr al�all pay to Lender, in aucli inenner as LenJer may designate, sufticient <br /> sums Io enabie L.ender to pay as tl�ey become due oue or tnore of tlie followli�g: (1)all taaes,,assessments and oUier ctiarges against ', , <br /> Ilu Property, (ii) tl�e premiums on ti�e property insurance tequired liereunder, and (ili) d�e premiums.on any mortgage insurance <br /> . required by Lender. • ' ' ' <br /> 6. Malntenance, Repalra a�id Cott�pliauce wlll� Laws. Trustor sliall keep tlie Property in good condition and repalr; shall <br /> promp�ly repair, or replace any improvement wliicli may be damaged or destroyed; el�all not commit or permlt any,waste oi <br /> . Jetetioration of U�e Property; sliall not remove, demolisl� or substautially alter a��y of tlie lmprovements on tl�e Propecty; sl�all not <br /> • - commit, suffer or permit any act to be done lit or upou tl►e Property in vlolatlon of any law, otdinanca, or [egulation; and sl�all pay ., <br /> anJ promptly discharge at Tcustor'a cost and eapense all liens, eucutnbrauces aud chargea levled, lmpased ot assessed agalnst U►e <br /> Property or any part Q�ereof. . <br /> 7. Eminent llomain. L.ender is liereby assigned all cotnpensation, awards, damages and o11�er payments or relfef(lieceinafter - <br /> "Proceeds") in connection witl� condemnation or oU�er taking of A�e Properly or pact tltereof, or for conveyance In lieu of <br /> condemnat[on. l.ender shall be entitleJ at lls option to cotnmence, appear In and prosecuta in ita own name any acdon or <br /> proceedinga, and shall also be entitled lo make any compromise or seltle�ttettt ln conneclion w1Ut auclt taking or damago. In the <br /> event any portion of the Property is so taken or damaged, Lender sl�all I�ave Qie option, In lts able and absolute dlscretlon, to apply . <br /> all such Proceeds, atier deducting therefrom all costs anJ eapenses incurred by lt In connection w1Qi�euch Pcoceeds, upon any <br />; . ' iadebtedness securod hereby and ln such ordec as LenJec may determine,or to apply all auclt Proeeeda, aHer auch deductions, to We <br />� reatoralion of the Propecty upon eucl� conditions as I.encler may determina. Any appilcallon of Proceeda to ladebtedneas sl►all nat <br />� eatend or pos�pone tl�e due date of any payments under U�e Note,ot cuce auy default Q�ereunJer oc heroundot. Any unapplied funda i <br /> ahai!be paid to Truetor. � ' <br /> 8, Per[ormance by Lender. Upon tl�e occucrenca of an L�vent of De[ault I�ereunder, or if any act,ls,takon or legal proceeding <br /> commenced whicl� meterially affecta Lendor'e (ntereet (n tho Ptoperty, LenQer may in lta own discredon; Uut witl�out obligation to <br /> do ao, and wilhout notico lo or danand upou'ttuelor ei►J wilhout releaslug '1'ruetor frout auy obllgatlun do eny act wl�tcl�'Ccuetoc <br /> hea agreed but fafis to do and �nay also clo any oll►er act It dceii�s ��ecessaty to prolect ll�o secur�ty l�ereof: Truator sliall, . <br /> Immediately upon demand therefor by Lencler, pay lo L.euder all costs aud aapenses lucurted anQ euina expenJed by i.enJec ln <br /> conneclion witii tho axarclao by I.ender of tha foregoing rights, togetl�er witl� Interest tliereon at tl�a Jefault rate proviQed in die <br />! Note, whlch el�all be addeJ to tl�e InJebtedneas eecured liereby. Lender ehall uot It►cur a�►y Ilablllty bccsueo uf anytl►Ing lt a�ay do nc <br />' omit to do hereunder, <br /> 9. llazardou� Materlals. 'I'ruator eliall keep tl�e Property lit compllanca wili� all applicable lawe, ocJit►a�tcea and cegulatlo�ts <br /> relating to Induatrlal I�ygiene or e��vlronmentai protection (collectivcly rcferred to I�ereln as!°$nvlronmental Lawe"):"TNB�OC BIIflII <br /> keep d�e Property froe from all subatancea decmed to ba liazardoua or toxtc ui�Jer auy L�nvlroruncntal Lawa(collectively, <br /> lurein as "Hazerdous Materials"). Truator hereby warrauts aud representa to l.ender U�at thera ara no Hazardoua Matedals an or <br /> under tl►e Proporty, Trustor liereby agrees to lndemulfy and I�old l�artnless I.endcr, lte dlrectora,'oCflcere, employeee anJ agente�, <br /> and any auccessora to Lender'a interest, from and against any and all clai�ns, damagea, loasea and Ilabilitles�arising (n connecdon <br /> with tlie presence,use, disposal or transport of eny Hazardoua Materials on, under, from or about tl►e Property� TI�B FORECiOINa. <br /> WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTAT10N5, AND TRUSTOR'S OBLICIATIONS PURSUANT �;TO �•TliB 'FORfiQO1Na <br /> 1NDEMNITY, S1iALL SURVIVB RECONVEYANCE OF TIiI5 DL�L�D OF TRU5T. � : ,-• ' . � � <br /> 10.As�Ignment of Rents. Trustor hereby assigns to Lender, a��d grents LenJer a securlty lntereat in, all present, future and <br /> alier-arising rents, issues and profits of tl�e Property; proviJed tl�at Trustor sl�all, until qie occurtenca of an Bvent of Default <br />! herounder, have tlu right to collect and retain sueh rents, issues anJ proCls as tl�ey become dua snd payable:� U�ion t}�e occurrence <br />� of an Event of Default, Lender may, eiu�er in person or by agent, wiU� or wltl�out brl►�ging any action oc proceeding, or by a <br /> I . receiv�r appointed by a court and witliout regard to tl�e adequacy of lts securlty, enter upoii and take poaseaeion of d�e Property� ot <br /> any part thereof, in its own name or in tlie name of the Trustee, and do a�ry acls wl�icl� it cleems necessary,or.desicable to preserve. <br /> tl�e value, marketability or rentabilfty of tl�e Pcoperty, or any part Qiereof or (nterest tl�erel�i, br to (nctease tlie lncoma Uierefrom or <br /> protect 11�e security I�ereof anJ, wftl� or wl�l�out taking possession of Uie Proparty, eue for or otlierwisa collect tlte rents� issues and _ <br /> profits Ihereof, including tl�osc past due anJ unpaid, by notifying tenants to make payments to L.cnder, Lender may apply rents,' <br /> issuea and profiW, less coata and expenaea of operatiou and collecUou includii�g sttorneys' fees, to any.lnJebtedness secured Lereby�� <br /> all in sucl� order as L,ender may deternilne. 7'l►e enterfng upon and takli►g posseasion of ll�e Pcopetty, Wa collecUon of such reu�t� <br /> iaauea and proflta, and Qie applicadon U�ereof ae afuteeaid, el�all uot cura or walva auy default ot nndce of dafault 1►creunder or <br /> invall�ate any act done in tesponse to such default or purauant lo sucl� uolice of default,�t�d, nolwltl�ata�r►cling. U�o coutliivance ln <br />{ poeseaaion of tLe Pcopecry or tho collecdon, cecelpt anJ applicallon of rents, iaeues or protits; Trusteo and I.o�ider sl�all be entltlod to, <br />' exercise every rlght provided [or iu ei�y of tl�e Loan Iustrumeats or by law upou occurrenco of any Syent•of Dofault, IncluJing, <br /> wili�out Iimllntion Ihe right to oxerciae,tlie power of ealo, nurther, Lauder'e righta and�romedloe unJer tl�le�paragreph el�all be' <br />� cumulellvo wltli, and In no way a Ilmltalion nn, Lcuder'e righ�s ai�d remediea tu�der any assigument of Jeaeee and r�nte r�cordeJ <br /> •goluat U�e Propotty. Lendor,'Cruetoe eiid Ihe rocoiver eiiall ba linbie to nccount only for Ilio�e reaW aotually.recolved. I <br />