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I� <br /> ,�-7 - ��i , ... <br /> _r <br /> �.....�.� __ - <br /> 193- 1�.� <br /> condcmnation or wher Wcin�of�ny p�rt ot the Propeny.or i'or convey�nre in liau of condenuiatfa�.�ra bercby asri�ned�utd <br /> �lull bo p�id ta Lenda�. <br /> In �he event of a tdd t�icing of 1ho Propeny,Ihcproc eeds sha11 hc Appliai to �he rums securcd by �hie 5erurity <br /> Inatrument,whether ar na�hee duc,wiih ony cxcess paid to Borrawer. b�he avent ot'a puhiAl Iwkin�of tha Propehy 1n <br /> which Ihe iwir marlcet value of the Pn►perty Immedi�tely befarc�he taking ia equul to ur grcr�tcr than�he amount af tho suma <br /> socured by thie Secu�iry Inswmcnt ImmediAtely befom the takin�.unless Borrower and L.endcr athervvise ugrce in writing. <br /> tho aum�Raurcd by thiA Secu�Ny Inatrument shull be reducod by �F►e nmount af the praceeds muldpUal hy the followfn� <br /> fi'actian: (a)the tatat arttt�unt s�flhr qamv xecu�rd immedielely Mf�rr Ihe�akinp.,dividad by Ibl the fuir rtuufcet valuo of Ihe <br /> ;; Pmperty immediutely 6efarc tlx tokfng. Any t►alance shvll bc pAid tn Barrawer. In the event of a partinl taking of�F�e <br /> Propeny in which Ihe inir murket valuc of the PropeAy immediutely before the toking ix less thun thc amaunt af the sumx <br /> secured immediatcly bcforc thc taking, unlesx Borrower und Lender aherwi+� agree in wri�ing or unlcsa applicnble low <br /> othervvise providex,lhn proceed��chall be upplied to the sumx srsw�ed by�hia Securily Insuument whether or�wt the sums ar+e <br /> ` t �.i tt�en due. <br /> '`• If the Property ix abundoned by BoROwer,or if.after notice by Lender to Barrowcr Uta�the condemnor aft'crs to make <br /> - wt aword or settle u clnim fbr damAgeti.Borrower fails to respond to Lender wlthin i0 dnys uftcr�he dnte the notice is given. <br /> Lender is nuthorized to collect and upply the Nrnceeds,at itx oplion.either ta r�torution or rcpair of the Propeny ar to Ihe <br /> sums secured by this Securily Insirument,whe�her ar not then due. <br /> Unies�L.ende�pnd Borrawer othenvie:e agrce in w�iting,nny application of praceeds to principul sholl not eatend or <br /> poalpone the due dnle of the manlhly puyments refernd to in parrgrnphs 1 And 2 or chunge�he amount of such payments. <br /> ; , � U. Borrower Not Releaged; FurbeArAnce By I.ender Not a Waiver. ExtensMn af the time for puyment or <br /> madificution of amortizatian of ihe sumr:secured by this Security lnstrument granled by Lender to uny successor in intecest <br />�•�,;, 4; , _ �,, �: of Borrower shull not opemte to rcleAtie�hc linbility of Ihe originul Barrawer or Borrower's succeswrn in iMcrest. l.ender <br /> „ '�"., """T s6ull not be uired to commence ra:cedin K a ainst w� �ucceysor in into�retit ar rcfusc ro cztend time for payment or <br /> • . ' ?.�'�. . .. , req P 8 � Y • <br /> '••s^ � ahenvir,e modify amoniuUion of the xums+ecured by this Security Instrument by reuson of any demand mude by the original <br /> ,,;;;4, ��'`'.��'�''�:' Borrower or Borraweri�succeswrti in interest. Any forbeacance by L.ender in exercising uny rlght or remedy shall t+ot 6e u <br /> ' � '" ',��., waiver of or preclude Ihe ezercise of uny righl or remedy. <br /> .' ` F � ,�"' 1Z. Successors and Assi�aa Bound;Joint and Seve�al l.iabilit!r;Co-signers. The covcnants and ngreements of�his <br /> ,�.',. ,:,,�i;.�'. . <br /> ! . r• Security Insttumen�yhull bind and benefit the+uccesson tuid ussigns af Lender und Barrower,xubject to the provisions of <br /> ;.,,91;�t �., •,, <br /> �' J}•�! 11�%�L_5t�r��;� -���y� ,�' p�uagrnph 17. Bormwer+covennntx und agreements rholl be joint und.eveml. Any Bon�ower wha co-signs this Securi�y <br /> '1`f ; : 1 . <br /> . ` ry:,t, <br /> Instrument but docs not execute Ihe Note: la)is ca-signins this 5ecurity Instrumeot only to mortguge,grant and convey Ihat <br /> �` °• � !:t`�'�f'��'•,�`�+ �..I� secured by�his Securit Inurumenr,und(c)ugrees thuhil.n e�und ony aher�Bobrrower�muy ugree t ex�t nd,modi ylhfor6ear <br /> �" "' �'�'"J�����f`���' �'ly 1 or make any s�ccommodutlons with re�und �o the terms of thix Secunty Instrument ar the Note withou[ �hat Borrower s <br /> .," ��'.iri�i '#.�-`�-as,c.�; consent. <br /> >�:.�: ��•�f, <br /> '�:�-•� '- •�''"'��•''' 13. I.oaa Charyles. If the luan u�cuied by this Sccuriry ln.lrument is �uhject ta u luw which sets mnximum loan <br /> • :;,. �s;; ' :��.,;?�•• 'i rs j� churges.and that luw I+finolly interpreted:�o�ha�the ime�st or nther lo:ui churges rollerted or�o be cuiiected in connec[ion <br /> 'R ' •�. ��r.%:��i': "_'��' with the loun exceed Ihe permi��ed limi�s,�hen: IiU uny surh Iwn chargc shall be reduced by the amiwnt necessnry ta reduce <br /> � ... ' y .- • �..:�. <br /> ;r�, •.'•. .`'�i;��ij?( � • 1he rhar�e to t:�e penni�ted limi�:und(bl uny wmti ulreudy callrctcd f�am eom�wer whirh exceeded permitted limits will be � <br /> i;,1.�,��`�. , �'� S��• , refunded to Borrower. Lender muy chcxne to muke thi�rcl'unJ by rcducinE the principul uweJ undcr the Note ar by moking a <br /> � � �:.:• � ' ' ' � • direct puyment to Borrower, Ii•r refund reduce.principul,the reduclion will ix:Ireut�l ax u panial prepayment without uny <br /> � ��..�;:� .;.,r=�,�`;�„ , ��'� <br /> prcpuyment chargc undcr�hc Notc. <br /> ! �� ''�°':•{4�s:` ' ' 14. Notices. Any noticc w Barrawcr provided fiu in thi.Securiiy Ins�rument+hull tic givrn by delivering it or by <br /> �,• .� , . � t;:,,., mailing it by firsi clu�s muil unle�.upplicublr luw reyui�es uxe of unothrr mc�hixi.The nutice�hall be directed to the Propeny <br /> �,.�,��,,,�',�• <br /> • � Addr�e,ti or uny other addrcs. Borrnwer dc+ignatex by nmicr to Lcndrr. Any nolicc�o Lrndcr�hall be given by fint clnss <br /> a�• <br /> ' ' �• mail to Lender;nddre+s�tuted hercin�ir:u�y iHher uddmss LenJer Jc.i�nu�es by notirc�o Borruwer. Any notice provideJ for <br /> • ��'_ + ' .. " in�his Security In,trumrnt+hall tx dremed to have hcen given to Borrowrr or Lcnder when �i�•en uz provided in �hiti <br /> � � " • pamgruph. '::� <br /> ,;;.. . IS, CoverninR Lww:tieverability. Thi. Scru�ity In�Irumrnt �hull ik govcrncd by federal law and �he law of the <br /> / t,r+�• juri,dictbn in which�he Propeny ia l�xu�cJ. In�he evcm�hat uny prrnitiion or cluu,r ot'thi.Sccuri�y Imtnimem or the Note <br /> ,�`' , ccHtflictx with npplicuble luw, ,w:h c�xdlicl.hall n�H uffer�other provi�ions�if�hi.Security Ins�rument or�hr Note which cnn <br /> a • ;,; , '� ' ' be given effect withom the cnnflictin� provi.ion. Tn thi�end Ihe pravixianr ot'this Securiry Imtrumenl und the Note xre <br /> _ .,;;;.' ..� ...,;; declured Io bc:severnble. <br /> _ � +�,:�:`: !6. Borrower's C.�pv. Rnrciiwrr�hull tx givrn une cunti�rnicif ci�py af Ihc Notc und nf�hi,Scrurity In�lrumenl. �: <br /> :..: .. --.'.il�':'.R��Cr;4S' <br /> ;a4.��:; . 17. 7lransie�of the P�uperty or u Beneticial lnterest in Borr�iwer. If ull ur:�ny purt uf Ihe Pmpeny or•rny intcrc��m ,' <br /> ��4-` it l.r• .old or transfcrccd(ar it' u tnnciirial inlcrc�t in Bonuwer i+�oIJ ur Irun�fcrted anJ Burruwrr i�nrn u nututul penon 1 <br /> ,�t. . V .)���i.l`•'. •::1 ,� <br /> _ . V"o.`� .•:'; without Lrndrr's priur wriaen cunsent. Lrnder muy.a1 il�option.rryuirt immeJiutr paymrnl in full of•rll tiums sccurrd by <br /> •��;�';� •���� ��.= '''��t•" this Securiiy Inx�rumrm. Howcver,thi+optinn�hall n�H hc rxerci.ed by LrnJer if exerri.e is prahihited by fedcral luw u.of <br /> . � ,.... , ,,; <br /> •• � :.��..,. Ihe date ot'this Securily Inslrument. <br /> � ' • � ,� ��;., If Lender exerci+es thiz oplicm.Lcmkr shull gi�•c Borroa•cr nu�irr�►f urrrlcrutiun. The notirr,hall provide n prriai of <br /> C �' ' :y:.'�!tmh'+..�' . <br /> ,i; � .• .�-• ,..� nM le+s thun 311 duys fmm�he Jule Ihr nolice i�drlivcred ur nwilrJ u•ilhin�vhich Burn�wrr mu�t puy all�um,�ccurcd by Ihiti <br /> , � '.''•�'�.�fi Securiry In.trumcnt. If Borrowcr fuil.tu puy the.c tiwm priur�u thr rxpiruliim ��f thi. �xriixi. LenJcr moy inv�ike any <br /> ,�'. ,. �:`•'���:� • remedie.permiltrd by Ihi�Security In�trumrnt u�ithout furthrr notirc or dcmanJ on Rorruwrr. <br /> .rt._ �..� � '��1' <br /> �-;•;,..A ;,� 18. Borrower's Ri�ht to Reinstate. If B�irruwrr mrri� rcrtain rundi�ium. RURl1WCf �I1�II IIUVI' ihc right t�� huvr � � <br /> enforcement of this 5ecuriiy Imirumen�Jisci,minu�d ut any�imr pri��r t���he rurlirr ot: �a1 S da},Iur wrh��Iher�xriixl u� ^"'': <br /> ,... <br /> },wfi l. ' : ,,•, <br /> ��,.: : , , SinglrF•rmd�..Funnk�1�e�M��ed�fr�1rc 1'�IF'/IR�I ItiSI'Rl'11t:�'1'..1'ndnm�c'.,v.nanl. 9N0 t/u.r��,r n!„�A,�,� <br /> �,T , '' '�.t("8: r;i'y'd <br /> � Y � . <br /> . � <br /> , � r . �,������ �.,,� � . :;�;:f{�� _ �� , +i • , . .. . �. - � .. ,.. . '�1'/.' •i•�1�� ,- �:u!!'�aS1��yY�w.c•',IC1'.;'•;1'4�k�'�,1j���.Nii4=,. li:,^.l. . .. .- <br /> _ .'�( sl' . -���`�r �C�1'7�"' , <br /> ,' � ���!;.I.� '�jT�1�� . . . ..1. <br /> � � �,�" . • .. . i . <br /> . , r. , <br /> . . .l� '1__ ". .. <br /> . <br /> � ���.... '_' ' _' '_ ' " ' �� <br /> � <br /> �..... .�. <br /> . �.�_._._"' _".. . .' .. . ... .... """ i' _-_�____'_ _'_.�__ '. ... ."" " '" " ' . .. . <br /> V � . "r•`.I � . <br /> r - � " ;li'.: , .. . . <br /> , ,.` . <br /> + ° � ' . <br /> � • . � <br /> � - � � ., ' � , � - <br /> � .� '�- . ' • .. � .. . - <br /> !.a + ,. . .. _ � -- <br /> � . ; � .. . _ . ,. .. � . . . . . <br /> (' i. , • •T. .�'. , e .. 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