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<br /> TooerHER wt71+al�Ihs impm�oman4 noW a np,eafter aeMea on tt�O propat�►.�ma ou�sna�m�a..pparten�a.
<br /> •nd ti�cwra�aw a ha�e�fkr a pat of tlw propa�ty. All oepbcrraa►In u�d+�cWttfniu rd�il�Iw be covaed by tb1�Security
<br /> lntwmen� AU af the fa�o�duQ is tefaiod w In tlds Securlty laruwaent�a tha"P�ropaty."
<br /> BORROWF.R GOVENAN'PS t!W Bomowor i�I�wfully sel�ed oP the e�uue heneby convayed and hu We dglu w�t
<br /> and convey Ihe Propeaty u�d th�t�he Ptopetty is w�encutabarod.eaoept for cacumManca of recoirl. Bamwer w+unatr�ad
<br /> wip defend Qe�kralty the title to tfie Pbupecty a�dnu dl cl�irtu��nd dertumdr,eubject to any encumbrance�of rernnd.
<br /> THt3 CECIJRITY [NS7RUMBNT combincs unifam covenanu fa national we and noa•uaifam� oovaunt� wW�
<br /> _,_.
<br /> iimitcd v:.riatlm�by JurlFdi�tioa toconfidtutc a unifarm Recurity inawment covering real praperty.
<br /> '''� UNiFORM COV ENAIVT3. Baimwm uid l.endar covenant and�roo u foUow�:
<br /> 1. P�yaKnt ot Prindp�l wcl loter�ti Peep�yweat�nd l.�k Ch��a. Bomawer shall PromP�Y PaY�en due U�a
<br /> ptinpi�.ata»d intaesl on fha debtevidencad by tlw Note and eny{xepaymcnt and lata chargoa dua under tha NWe.
<br /> Fund�tor'tyuca�ad Inaae�ece. Subject wapplicable law or to a written weiver by Lendcr.Bomower�II pay to
<br /> 1-cnda�'pn,lha.day mon�hlY WY��� �undor the Nota.until lhe Note is paid in full.e sum("F�mda")for:(a)Y��Y
<br /> tsuces and�tteats which may utain priorily over thix Security Insuumant as a lien on tbc P�nperty;(b)yeady leacehoid
<br /> ppyn�ntR or..gmund rents on the Propecty. if any: (c) Yearly haxand or property insurance prcmiums: (d)yearly f]aod
<br /> inFUmnas Ptan►lurn9, if any;(e) yearly mort�age insuranco prcmiums,if any: and (�any sums ppyable by Bomower w
<br /> Leadar,in.aaoatdance wlth the pmvisiona of paragraph 8.in lieu of tha payment of mortgage insurance pnemiums. These
<br /> '� itamA mie c�11qd*Bscrow Items." l.ender mpy.at any 8me,collect and hold Hl�nda in an amount not to exceed tde ma�c3mum
<br /> F
<br /> a f rail lated mort u e loan mri iK for Bormwer'c esrsow account undar the federal Rea!
<br /> t., amaunt a landa�,for eife y re 8 B Y�W M
<br /> .. - �atHta 3ettl�mpnt,Procedu�es Act of 1974 as amended from dme to dme.12 U.S.C.g 2601 el seq.("RESPA ).unless another
<br /> � •• � , l-� �� p , luw that appliue w lha FUnda sets a lesser amount. If so�Lender may,at any t1me.collect end hold Funds in an amaunt not to
<br /> �vA :• � ' ��'�_�'r'z•«" exceed tha lassar amaunt, Lender may e.siimate the amount of Phnds due on the basis of current date and reasoneble
<br /> '`��~Y r������ � ecdmatas oE ex nditum�of future Bscrow ltems or wf�erwise fn eccordance with applicable law.
<br /> pc nt�
<br /> �•";�.. -;'��'' - Tha Flntds sJipll�'bG hald in an inttitudon whose depcc�sits are insured by a federal agency.instrumentaUty.or enuty
<br /> ' �' �. � � (inoluding Lendar,if I..endar is such an insdtution)or in�y C�edoral Hame Loan Bank. I.endar shaU apply tha Funds to pay
<br /> tha Escruw Iwma. I..endar may not charge Borrawer for holding and applying Ihe �unds,annunlly analyzing the escrow
<br /> , ��.':; ,::> '' ; r'� eccount, or vedf�►ing thE F16ctow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and appUcable law permita
<br /> ' ' � Lender to make sueh a chargB. However.Lender may require Bortowor to pny a one-dme charge for an independent na! !�t
<br /> � � � estata tax repc�Afog�ervice used by Lender in connec6on with this loan,unless applicable law provides otharwise. Unless an ''
<br /> Y°�� � ` � � ' agreament ie mado or applicable law reyuites interest to be paid,Lender shall not 6e required to pay 8orrower any intat+est ot
<br /> � �, .,� , earninge an the Fund�. Borrower and Lendor may ugree In writing.howeve�,tt�nt interest shall be pajd on�he FLnds. Lender
<br /> t� . '•��.;;c•;:�,: • ';� shall give to Borcawar,wlthnut clwrge,an annual accounting of the Funds,ahawing credits and debilx to the Funds and Use
<br /> a�-� , • •r;'..;:: ' t puipose fix wi�lahieaahidabit�ta the Funds wes meda. The Punds are pledged as additiunul security for all sum.v seouced by
<br /> , ,�,.:,::.�,�:.. .,�•: ; ; thia Securiry in�truman��
<br /> -- - , ;, ... � if tiia FLmia�h�id by L.ander exc�.i ihe amou�tc pe�miaed ta bu ltiald by applicablc law, Leadcr slsa!! aecoons to
<br /> ,;;;;� i Burrower tor Uin e�cess Funds in uccadance with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of U►e Funds held by
<br /> � � l..ender at en�►Ifm�iA not sufticient to pay the Escraw Items when due,Lender mey so notify Borrower in wridng,and,in
<br /> t •.��%.: j Kuch cer,e Bc�mower shall pay to Lender 1he amount necessary to mnke up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up Ihe
<br /> � '••-''s� � cieticiency In no mnre thnn tweive mon�hly payments,ut Lender's r,ole discretion. ��'�;�
<br /> '�%�'%• . Upon paymem in full of alf sums secured by this Security tnswmenb L.ender sh�ll promptly refund to Horrower any �
<br /> '�•,�'�'� ' • ' F1mdK held by Lender. If, under paragtaph 21,Lender shull acquire or sell the Piroperty,Lender,prior to the acquisi�ion or
<br /> � ' sals of the P�-operty, sha11 apply uny FLnds held by Lender ut ihe�ime af ucquisition or sale as u credit against the sums
<br /> � secu�d by this Security Inswment.
<br /> � I 3. AppNcatfon ot Phyments. Un1cs� npplicuble I�w provides athcnvisc,ull puyments received by l.endar under
<br /> paragraphF I and 2 shAll be upplied: firs1, to uny prepuyment churge+due under the Note;second,to amountR puyable under
<br /> � i parugrnph 2;tNkd,to interest duc;fouAh,to principul duc:und lur�t.tc nny lutc churges due undcr the Note.
<br /> ' i 4. Cbar��;Lirns. Borrowcr shall pay all wxex, uuescments, clwrges, fne� und impositions attribulnble to Ihe
<br /> ` ' Propercy which mny attoin priority��ver thi�Security Instrumcnt,und Icuschold puyments or graund rents,if any. Borrower
<br /> ,'r��. ,� ��. �.,. :��,„: shall pay thus.:ubligotions in the manncr provided in puragraph 2, or if not puid in thAt munner,Borrower shull puy them on �
<br /> 1,:-'.:;: � ' ..;:,t.?;�: ame din:cdy to the perum owed payrnent. Borrower shull promptly furnish�o Lender all notices of amoumR to be paid under ;;i��`
<br /> ,;,;... ,,,, .
<br /> :,�ti.•�"`�. ' a . chis parogmph, If Borrower mukcs thcxc paymcnt,r•dirccUy,Barrower shutl promptly fumish to l.endcr r�eceiptti evidencin�
<br /> �.,, . � ,.,..•�
<br /> •c�:; .:• , - �'. ;' . the paymcnlr:. .` ,
<br /> '. ' ,�Y�;`.�•:>.�� BurrowarfihAll�promptly dischurge uny li�n which hus prioriry ovcr�his Security Instrument unless Borrower.la)s�grres �
<br /> �.. . in writing tn�thc payment of the obli�a�ion �ecurcd by thr lien in u manner ucccptuMe to L.endcr,(b)contests in good faith�he ��.„;
<br /> . � � lien by,ardof�sndr aguin�t enfarcement of the lien in,Ieg•rl proccrding.which in the Lendery opinion opemte to prcsent tha
<br /> '�',�';;'; '�' . i enfo�:emeM�of tha lion;or(c)secur�s Gam the holdc�of the lien c�n ngrcement su�i�factory to l.ender subordinuting�he lien ,
<br /> � •:i��_':', ,,'. � to thfa Securtty Inswment. If Lender detcrmine�thut uny pun��f the Pn►peny i.suhjec�w u lien which muy uttain priority '
<br /> � - �'` ovorthfd Sccuriiy Instrumem.Lender may give Borr��wcr u notice identifying the lien. Borrower shull natixfy the licn or wke
<br /> � �� •:�' �"�'`��:�r���"�` ' � ' one or mom of the actiom set farth utxwe within 10 du�•s of thc giving of notke.
<br /> . . ,, , ,;. .i
<br /> ' j S. Nazard or Property InvurAnce. Burrowcr.hull kccp thc improvemen�s naw cxis�ing ar hereuGe�erected on the
<br /> '�. � � ;'.,� Property in�ured ugainst losx hy firc, hazurds included within the term "cxlended covcrage" und am• rnher huxards,includin�t
<br /> ! . ,.., � tioads or tlooding,for which Lender reyuircs inc;ur�nce. Thi�in9urance zhall bc muintuiacd in the amounts and for the {:.
<br /> 4 ; ` � � �
<br /> ��,r �� , ,.. ; ro�3o�a 9� fpuRe 2nfb prtRes1
<br /> � .. ".. �'� � .
<br /> .-+ : , ' � �
<br /> w � r
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