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`/ } � • •s� ,. .�. <br /> . �� . -:.. <br /> . ,. . � .� <br /> . 10�R1�6 <br /> 'I�OQE'tHER VY[TH�It d�a impnovrt�nent�nQw�ar bere�lter erocted an,tita p�+operty.��u. <br /> �nd tiaturcs aow ar b�r��rt�tba . All replacementa aad addlHau i6a11�Iso be covarod by�� <br /> a <br /> Iaetnw�G All of�ba farc�olpg ie refaned w in �Security YnAWment a the"Pmp�rtS'." <br /> BORROWBR COVEIVANTB tt�at Bonower is 4�wfuUy�eleed of the eatat�hereby canveyed�ad hw the ri�ht to�nu4t <br /> and canvay thepro�er�y and that iha Qioperty i$unencumbered,eacept for encumbiances of rocmd. Barmwcr wart�nq wd <br /> wW defond�akr�lty tbe lida w dia PYOpettY��lne�r1t cWnn�nd ckmu�L�wbJxt to my encumbranoe�ot rocord. <br /> THlS SECURITY INS'iRUMENT combinas unitam c�venanta for natloiwl use and nan-unifami coveiwqs with <br /> Ii�Nted voriadons by jyrlqdiction to consdwt�a unlform eecurity inshvmcnt covcdn��al property. <br /> �' UNIPOLtM COV�NAM'S. Borrower end Gender�covenant ead a�naa a.v faUowe: <br /> 1. Poytrsnt at Ari�cJpd aod luterat4 Ptep�yarcnt And L�e QUuu�. Homower chall PromptlY paY when due the <br /> princ�of anA iat�nast on tha dcbt evidenaed by 1bs Nat�and any pne�tyqtann aed luc charge9 due under the Note. <br /> I�Md+1 tor.7k[e�wd Iawr�e. Subjqct ta epplicublc law or ta a w�Ttttan weiver by L,eudet,Borrower aha0 pay to <br /> Lender oa tl�e duy monthlY t�uY�anta ore due uddar tba IYotQ..unriL tba Mqt�la paid in fuU.a sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly <br /> ta�ces and easeeste�anra which muy att�a priaity over thla Sscw�y Insm�ment as a lien on the Property;(b)Y�ady leascFwld <br /> payments or gnound�renra on.tius Flroper'�Y, if aeyc(�),Yee�Y.bazar+d.or propaty insurance premivans: (d) Yearly fload <br /> jneurancc premluats..�anyt (e)Yeac'ly�xot�gagc uosw�nae pmmiums. if�ny; and(�any suau payabb by Borrnwer to <br /> Lender,in accord�nse with tAe,p�visions c�f Raragraph 8,in lieu af the payment oF mortgage insura�ce premiums. 71KSo <br /> items ane called"F.scm�w itams." L,eader numy,p�t aaX tiur+e.callect and bold PUnds In an amount not to exceed the maulmum <br /> �. amqunt a lendor for a federally nelu6td al.aygaga loan may requi�e for•&xrower'a escrow s�count under the federal Real <br /> �!r.., ,. �� �,. � � Fstat�Sealsment,Procedu�s Act oE t974 cis amended from wme to time.12 U.S.C.$2601 er seq.("RESPA").ualess another <br /> .��hr���•`�;'`� !aw Wat beo to tbs�nda set�a lesser amount If sso,Lender ma ,at an dme,co)lect and hold F�uida in an amount not to <br /> ,.� 5, : � <br /> - �`�`� -� Y'�"r�''���Y�ty exceed fie leaser amqunG I..endcr mey eslimeta Ihe amount of PUnds due on the basis af cuRent datA and neasonable <br /> u ��;n ,:.��f�y�.1.�,' � <br /> 'F� �. � �.���� espmaoea of expendiW�4 of fuqu�e Escrow I�ems a dbarwise ia accordance with appllceble law. <br /> �;' •:`�`ii • Tl�e Punde shall�ba hald in an iasdtu�on whose deposits are insured by a federal agency,inswmentality. or eadry <br /> X.� ' .:;t�.,,., .,, � <br /> ,•.,, ° ,;,:.,•;;;�a• ' (includin�LxndBr,if l..ender ie suah aa insdtution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. I.ender shall apply the Punds ta puy <br /> .�,,•, <br /> �' � ��:��nt'.ti j;,;st`�� r acco�or verifying ths�Escrow �m�gunla�neder pays'Bono er ipnPteres ne�nds d�app icanblegl wepermits <br /> ' ��'�"""-�";°':. ; i.ender to mal�e suoh�a.chargB. Howcver. I.ende�mAy require 8orrower to pay a one-1�me charge for an independcnt�eal <br /> n►.s..�.c.... <br /> �:�; :�. , estate tax repor8ng sBrviae us�d by I.ender in connecdon with this losin,unless appliceblc law provldes othenvise. Unless an <br /> ',�• `" � ; �;��' - agreement is mede or•applioabla!uw rcquires interest w 6e paid,I.ender shall not be rcquired to p�y Bomower any interost or <br /> :�;.�;'::,, , � eamings on thc Funds. Bortower and f.ender may agcee in writing,however,�hat interest shnll be paid on the Funds. Lender <br /> • n_ � -0,t shall give to Borrower.without churge,an annunl accoundng of the F1nds,showing cnedits and deblls to ihe Punds and the <br /> �`.�°'�"�'' �" , purposc for which each debit to the Funds was mada. The Phnds are pledged as additional socudty for all sums secured by <br /> '�,: .�:�...... this Security Insuvment: <br /> � "•- • � If the Funds held by I.ender exceed �he umounts pertnined to be held by appticnble law, Lender shall account to <br /> �. • ?�•"••� . .. , Borrower for the excess Funds in accordunce with the requirements of applicable law. IP the umount of the Funds held by <br /> . .,,:, <br /> •- �� Lender at any ume is nat sufticient to puy �he Escrow Items when due,L.ender may so notify Borrower in wriung.ond,in <br /> �j , � such case Bortower shall pny to L.ender the wnount necessary to moke up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up �he <br /> , ' ' ;' � deficiency in no mote than�welvc mon�hly puyments.nt L.ender's sole discredon. <br /> �. � � • � � � Upon puyment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument.Lendcr shall prompdy refund to Borrower any <br /> ' ., ' . Funds held by I.ender. If,under paragruph 21, I.endcr s hall acquirc or se l l t hc A roperty,Lendcr,prior to the ucquisitian or <br /> "�.:,� , • • sale of�he PropeRy, shull npply uny Funds held by Lender at the time of ucqui4ition or sole na a credit against the awns <br /> •r� � „ secured by this Security Inswment. <br /> ,�i,.. . R 3. Applkk�tion ot H►yments. Unless npplicable IAw provide� otherwise, oll payments recelved by l.ender under ' <br /> t%� . � , . �, paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:firsl,to uny prepayment charges due under the Note;second,lo tunounts payc�ble under <br /> ' pangraph 2; interest due;fourth,�o principal due;und lu�t,lo any late ch�rges due under the No1e. <br /> ��i';• ` ` , • •� 4. Charges;Liens. Borrowcr�hnll pay ull �axcs, astiessmcnt�, rhurgex, finez und impositions anribu�able to �he <br /> ? ' Property which mAy uttain priority over�hiti Security lntitrumem,and Iensehold payments or grcwnd rents,if uny. Borrower <br /> ��� �� shull pny thesc obligation�in the manncr pravided in paragraph 2,or ii not p:�id in th•rt munner, &►rrower shall p�y them on <br /> ',•:� "�' ��'�� time direcdy to the person owed paymcnt. Borrowcr shall pmmptly furnish to Lender all notice,of nmaunt�to be paid under <br /> ,�' •�+��'`;�; . this parugmph. IP Borrower make�s these payments direcUy,Borrawer shull promptly t'umish a�Lender receipts evidencing <br /> �."' :, � '`�'�''� the puyments. <br /> •• �-;�'�•'•��;"'��°:�-y'� Borrower shs�ll promptly dischurge any lien which hu.priuriry over this Securiry In.rtn�ment unlesti Borrower:lAI ugrees <br /> . r ,.y��;ct•,;,..��,!�'�'ti�. in uriting to the pnymenl of Ihe obligation xcurcd by lhe lien in m m�nner acceptnble to Lender,(bl conlests in�ood f�ith�he <br /> ��;� ... �,, � : . ; s <br /> • , �.(;;��'�`�1�'":"�'��'�;!" lien by,or defcnds ag�inst enforcement of thc lien in.Icgal pr�x:cedingti which in tFx:Lender'x opiniun opemte to p�rvent�he <br /> , ���••�,� :,� <br /> ��'�.y�� � '+'"' ^�•�' , enforcement of the lien:or(cl serures from�hc holder of the lien an agreemem sati.furaxy to Lender subordinuting�he licn . <br /> " ta this Security Inswment. It Lender dc�ermines thut uny pun of the 1'ropeny is yuhjec�tc�u licn whirh m�y au�in priority <br /> X�" 'r ' over this Securiiy Inswmem,LenJcr may�ive 8orrawcr a notice identifyin�thr licn. Borrower xhall satisfy thc lien or wke <br /> �_�,.... :,,,,;.:..... , . <br /> �y ;� . onc or more of thc uctions set fonh�bave wiihin IU days of thc givin�of nolire. <br /> � • 5. Hnxrrd or Property Insumnce. Bormwcr shull kcep the improvements M�w exi,ting or hrnaftcr emcted on the <br /> -,,. <br /> ���• � , Property insured againtit loss by firc,h:v.urcix includrd within the�enn"extrndrd ruvcragc"and�ny�ither haz�nis,including � <br /> �" � ,�.•�; � floods or flooding,for which Lendcr requires imur;uice. 7'hi+ imur,►nre sh•rll t+c mainlained in the amuunts and for the <br /> � � � �`� - �'"::� <br /> � �, � FormJ028 9V90 �puXr'nJ6�r,Krr1 � <br /> Y' Y � <br /> . i � � �.i'`�. . � <br /> i <br /> . . • i t _ .�w�.A..w�'�+.,^"r.•:z ,--,�-- . - . ^��.. . ��,'�:eK� -��."�:J[ilCi , .++..-..aR.�a...�-wYt"':� -.�.:.�... <br /> • i , . ` <br /> _ `' t � . ' <br /> � <br /> � � . <br /> :�, � .. .,. ' .. _ '. .. . <br /> ��:� . . <br /> A . • _ � 1 <br /> Y . � .. <br /> ., „ � .. <br /> .. . '+ Q -� . ., . . . <br /> � . t <br /> . . <br />