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<br /> � period�IhW Lcnder roquircr. Tha inrurnnca c+�rrier pnwldln�tha insu�wuc xhull i+�chm�en by Bonnwer Ruhject to Lendorti
<br /> �pprov�l whiah�hell nW be untaasa�wbly wf�hheld. If�wer PRilr to mwimain cuvcraao dercribed dave.l.erWkr nwy.u
<br /> � i,ende�ti opllan,aMwin covera�o ta pmlo�t Lendcr5�d�hta in Ihe Pto�+eny in accuidw�►ca whh pwra�r�ph 7.
<br /> e�hwll hwvo iho right.ta hald Iho pnliciex and ret�wula. IP L.ctdar�yuirer,Bnmowcr xhall promptly give lo Lender All reccipta
<br /> of ppid premiume wnd rencw�l noticeK. In�he cvent of IosA,Bortuwcr ichnll Qivo prompt notico w tho incunu�ce curb�iuid
<br /> l.endor. L.en�or mwy make pnuoP of lox+�if not mwte pramptly by&�rrower.
<br /> Unl�Lendar anJ Ban►wrr dhr.nvlse ugree in wdting,inawrunce pmcccdR shall be applied to restorotion cx repair nf
<br /> ; tho Praperty damwgod, if Ihe rcxtoration or repair is ecanotnirully feasibla und L.cnJork �ur��y ia nw lex�cnal. If�ho
<br /> roctoratkin ar nepai�ia n�H econwnicully fcavible or l.enderk++ecu�I�y wauld br lextiened, !ho insuronce prcKeedc Khall be
<br /> •�r� appliad to the sumR securcd by this Secu�ily fostrument. whe�her cx nw�hen due, wfth ony excexx paid�a Bamawer. If
<br /> Borrower abandonc tha Propetty.or daex not ane�wcr within �u days a nc�tice from L.ender Ihut ihe insumnce cuRicr haw
<br /> ofFared io�enle u clnim.thon Lender may callect the inAUtnncr pracee�lc. Lender muy uce the pn�ceedy to repair ar reatore
<br /> tha Propecty o�to puy sumc secure.�i by ihir•Security In�uument,whether cx nat�hen duo. 7he 3ttiday pedad will beQin when
<br /> tha natica ia givon.
<br /> Unless I.endar and Bomower othcrvvlse agrec in wriling,any upplication af prarceds�o principul r+hall nat eatend or
<br /> postpane tha dua dato of the monthly poymenl:v nefemed ta in purn�ruphs 1 und 2 ar change 1he urnount of�he pvymenls. li
<br /> undar pnra$mph 21 th� Propeny is acquired by Lender, Borrower x�ghl w any insurunce palicie� und proceedx re�ulliog
<br /> from damnge to�he Roperty prior la the ucyuicidon shull pasy ta L,ender to the extent of�he zums secu�d by thi�3ecudty
<br /> Inctn�mant.immediately prior to the ocquisition.
<br /> , 6.. Oecuppncy. Preservption. Maintanance aod ProteclEon oP the PropeNyt Bnrrower's I.00n AppUcatioai
<br /> •-'�:: '�• •::= ;. ,: ,w Lea�ebolds..t3oROwor shall occupy.extublisb.und a�e the Propeny a+Borrower's principal residence wiihin�ixty dr►yc uAer
<br /> `:i::,, ,. �
<br /> � „�;;,;i;s,,,y�-:, the�Recution,of thia Security Inntrument und shull continue�o cxcupy the Propeny us Borraweri;p�incipul rrxidence for ut
<br /> 'r�-�cy.;'<;�•��� � loust ona you ofter Ihe dutu of occupancy. unle�.a Lendor otherwise ugnee� in writing, which ccu�hent shull na be
<br /> ''�' � �'�ti'"�'�.:'�"•`'�"�"" umeasanubly wi�hheld,or unless eatenunling einums'uners exist which ure beyond Be�rmwerk ecxitrol. BoROwer shull not
<br /> �' s{'•�''�~a' �' :�I. dos[�oy.dama�e or impuir the Propeny.�+Ilow the PropeAy lo detorioruta,ar cammit waxte on�he Propetty. Borrower shall
<br /> J"''�-"'�� �� ��' � 6e in defoulb if nn forfisiwre uctian or rureedin whethar civil nr criminul,iti br un thut in Lenderk oad fuith ud menl
<br /> . �° Y P E• F B 1 8
<br /> •� •�� '- �� - �` � cauld msulu in�forfeilur� of the Property or othcrwi�e mutoriolly impuir the lien cmuted by thi� Securily Inatrument or
<br /> �,:�::,,�;,�s �u.• �,. ,
<br /> =�� ' , -.� .". Len�ierR securi�y interest. &,�rower muy cum such adefuult and roin�tme.�.pro�•ided in par.�groph f 8.by cnusin�Ihe artior►
<br /> •:•S�'`����y'�V`�-�;.:''�b'� o�prwxeding to be dfsmi�.+�:d w)th a n�ling thu�,in I.end�r's goc�d faitb dot�miinution,pn�lude,fixfeituns of tha 8urrowerk
<br /> .,+ � ., K�11i!i:,+�h.:.;�� -� .�
<br /> �„��,.:�,., _'.� ;• inlan»I in the Propeny ur•other muteriul impairmenl,uf�the lien crruted hy thir:Se►uri�y In�trumant or Lemlvrl securlry
<br /> :��� �.���T"�`� inlonnl. Borrower shull al� be in default. if Bortuw�er. during tBn luun applicution proceax, gAve muterially ful�r or
<br /> ��,. :�:z•;•;.r,:.�'..` nr3
<br /> ,.f�:; •. ,,•,; inaccumte infurmation or stntemems to Lender tw failcd tu prt�vida Lrndc�with uny mu�oriul inforrnutian)in�onnection with
<br /> ; ,'}��.'� �� ''�' �'' .;�.�;•' tho laan cvldenced by the Nde, includinp, bm not Iimiled �o.nrpRx�nwtionx canceming Borno�vcr's a�cupancy of �he
<br /> , ;�,••,�..., , � Property as a pnne�pal residence. if this Security inxtrumant•is uo u icax.-nuiJ.Su�rua�c��iiu3i��uaip{y witii aii tiis�pror•i,iun.
<br /> ,•'".'�' ' � af the leute. If Borrolver acyuiRS fce tiHe�o the PropcNy,the Ieasehotd s�nJ Ihe fc�tilla�hall�nrn mergo unlo.s Lrnder ugr�ee.r•
<br /> ., • , ' • '`' ta the mer�er in writing.
<br /> ' '�, �. � 7. Protection of I.ender's R:ghts i� the Property. If Bomower fuil� �o peHbrm the rovenantr und agrorm�ma
<br /> � k , ,.. ' '; contuined in thi� Security Intivumem, or thzre i+ u Icgul proceedin� thut muy .igniticanUy affikt Lender+ ri�hlx in�tha
<br /> �,t�"•� � , Propeny(such ux A procecding in banhrupicy,probutc,for condetnnution or forfci�uru or u�enf�in�lu��:�c or regulAtionti 1,then
<br /> ,��' , ;•�-`• Lender may do und pay for whulcvcr i+nrre.�ury w protecl thr valuc of the Propcny and Lendcr's rights in the Propeny.
<br /> ° � Lenderz actiuns muy include puying any,ums tierured by u lien whirh hu.prii�riq�rn�or Ihi�.Securiry Instniment,appearing
<br /> �,� ' in coun,puying rcu+onaMe utwmcy�'fee.unJ cntrrin�on�hc Propc:rty to mukc rcpairr;.Although L.ender mu}� ta�;e actian
<br /> ..< . ,� under thih parrgraph 7.Lrndcr d�x.not huvr tu Jo w.
<br /> �� � , • � Any umoums dizhuneJ by Lender unckr�hiti puru�r.�ph 7 shs�ll tierume udditiunul Jel►�of Borrc�H•er .�curr0 by �his
<br /> �".i:. � , : .. '"`'' Serurity Instrumem. Unle+s Bom�wcr•rnd Lendcr agrtr tu othcr tcm�+��i puyment,�he.r umounn tiha➢I beur intere.t fr��m the
<br /> � datr of distwnemenl•rt thc Nnie rute nnJ xhidl Ix puyuhk.wi�h imerest,up�m n��tice 1'mm Lrnder to Bumower rcyucxtinE '�a,
<br /> fi�: . . . '. Payment. ,�
<br /> " �� � �:. ��';� 8. MoM�r�ge Insurance. If Lrndrr reyuirnJ murtgage in+urcincr i��a cunJi�ion uf making the loun ,ecured by thiti
<br /> ��'�• • '��` Securiry Inurument. Borcrnver�hull puy thc premium� requireJ lu mainu�in �he m��gu�c imuruncc in effec�. If,for uny
<br /> t`: •' • ?+;•":�"„ .., , , .
<br /> 1'•+�� "� reasan. the mortgagr insun►nce covrr�iHe reyuimJ by l.rndrr lap.e. or crasr. to tk in M'Pcet. Borroaer .hull puy the
<br /> �.:':' ��.J:l.':i,.=.� ;...� s ,
<br /> ti � : � ., �.d;�,, prcmiums nyuireJ to obtain covrragr �uh.t:inlis!!y eyui��alent to the n�cirtgagr in:.urance pr.ti•iou�l�• in rl�fect.�I a cust �.
<br /> " +� ';' !;'•'"r'.���1�� � ' substamfulty eyuiv:dcm te�thc c�»t tu Burr�,a•�r�►t'Ihe murtgugr in.ur:mre prrviou,ty in cli'rri.1'rom un al�crnc+te mortguge a.,:
<br /> `�'•Y „ :�+'?- � � in+urer upproved hy l.rnder. If sub,�antiully ryuiv:drnt mun�u��in,urance c��vrr.�ge is no�uvailuhl�.Bnrn�wcr shall pay�n �
<br /> � ' �; � :'�%�"" Lender cuch month u.um equal w unr-iweUih iH'thc yrarl��nwngu�e in.uruncr prcmium Iwin�paid by B��rrower ahrn thc .'`i
<br /> •�<<.;:::�,� . .,�-„�' ; . insuruncc covcragc laip,rd�x ccu.rd ti►Ik in rl'Icrt. l.�ndrr��•ill ucrrpt.u.c und reiuin thr,r pu�•m�rn.u,a los.rcxcrvc in liru
<br /> ,,�s.,;:...;,,;. a .. of mortguge insuruncc. Lu�. r�.rrvr paymcnt+muy nu lungcr!x rryuircd.ul�he optiun ut�LrnJcr. it'mnng,ige in.urunc� �"•
<br /> ::'•'�; .:,: • coverugc(in�he ami�um und fitt thc�xri��d�hat l.rndcr rcyuir..�pru�•id�J by:m in+urcr approv�d hy� Lend�r ngain txcomr. _�
<br /> f.�.,, �� � .•� � ' Availahle and is uhwincd. Burn���•cr.hnll puy thc prrmiwn>requind tu maimuin mon�agc in.urunrc in rficc�.ur to pravidr u �°""
<br /> ;,s � +�" • . Ims rc.erve.until Ihe reyuircment lirc mortEag�in�urnnre�nd.in nrc��nlanrc��ith;►m•a•riurn agrrcmem ixtween Bom►a•er ;i�:,:
<br /> und Lender or upplirahlc luw. ...,::��
<br /> ��; . . 9. Inspertion. Lendrr ur i��agrnt may nu�{,c Ra.unahlc cntric. u�xm anJ in.�xrtion�af the }'raprrty. Lrndrr.hall ";,;t'
<br /> �`'• � � give B�imciw•er nwirr ui Ihc lirne uf or prior�u un in�{xrtiun,�xril'yin�rr:i,onahh rawc fnr thr in,pecti�in. �,'��
<br /> � '� ° " V�''•'J�.:.: l0. (:oademnglGrro. '1'he pr�xrrd.ul uny a��:uJ or claim li�r�1uma�:r,.direci ur cnn.ryuential. in ronnrctiun with uny • .
<br /> '� , �V .� ,y,5'; :•.. .
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<br /> '�. . � . . � ��m,r I�trx tlu�rv�lm�w.br ■ ,; �
<br /> + , � �j. � ; �� fillnkfl:ON�I�OD6.7PlJP7?FAxYlfi�7f11•1171 �+�'('�
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