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<br /> Tn,ao►w+a.twna Ih.e a»aoaum�nt.aM►Trwbr�•.bout b.x.cua I�•a.d a Tn,N a+d na•maq.0.�w wt w.pow.r
<br /> ol�sMpr�p�1�!w In 1M ONd dTnut Pr����Y a1N�nt riphM and obNpMlon�b Trwlor Ih�n�mabp�fn Ih�w�N
<br /> ol�dd�ult or bMCb ol obNpatbn und�r tlf�Ds�d of TrtNt.Inoludlnp�but n01 tllnflsd b�tl»1.���rlpM b haw MN rropMyl�old
<br /> �bM�a.w.�a wi oai�d�a Tn�ii n,ao`r�pr�d na nowwdO.n�M wr a�ouMd by
<br /> •��_ By s �� Pmrtn�r
<br /> St�ti�n or �loror�
<br /> �` aY� ..��i
<br /> �;:>";�; . Bar.tnaa:
<br /> � Th�Npr
<br /> L�y�����yM�� �.�li Y tw.��!�'y�� � . .
<br /> �MIIMIRNl�):�.'1_.l'v�i�'��l
<br /> :�.� , . ,�: �� �; D��Q OR TRUBT WITH FUTUR�ADVANCES
<br /> ' � ��� : THIB G�ED�F TRUST.u m�de u ot the�L�day o1 �R- .tq.�.�by and�manp
<br /> i4f � ..1. ��.
<br /> �`r_:.,:•.. .•, �i' �Tryq� St*it�n � Ro�n Contrwtos� ,
<br /> �•� '; �� �� Rr 3 Box 3-�-i Or�nd I�l�nd N� 66801-9�If�1
<br /> ��- �' ' � whow mNlinp�ddrM�I� (hehin�Trwtor: whawsr ons a mon�,
<br /> c
<br />_ �_�,- _ _.
<br /> . � .. , �T���� Five Point� B�nk. a Il�bra�ka Corpor�tion �
<br /> i. '
<br /> z ` '� , ` :i� whoe�msillltp addrMS Is P.O. Box 1507 (ir�nd lslaad. NE 68Bfa2 (����.�.�d
<br /> ., • .' , p��pa�. Five Poinb 8ank ,
<br /> � ,t� '�ti whoe�m�lll addnas fs �15 N. Bro�d�ell Grand I�l�nd. NB. 6880Z-1507 m ,YJu
<br /> M �NM�NP��
<br /> :���J' .�li`� •7
<br /> ' o t•.rl
<br /> . '' ` FOR VALUABLE CONSIQEMTION,lacludinp Lend�r's�zf�nslon o}credit IdenHtNd hereia to
<br /> 1 " °' ' '' .:, r, Stefion i Ro�e Contraotora (hereln"6onowK",whether one or more)and the m�st henln an�t�d,
<br /> , i:� ':. � �� � the recNpt of whlah is hsreby acknowledped,Trustor hsreby Inevocably prants,banafera,conveya and assipns to Trudss,IN
<br /> . ,, TRUST,WITH POYVER QF SALE,tor the beneHt and�cudy of Lender,unduand subjectto the t�rmo and condida��henNn�Ma�M
<br /> -- �::�'� roAh,lhs ral propsrty,ds�crtbed a4�oNows:
<br /> _ — � '�`��:�;���,� . Lot Twenty two (22) Western Heighta 4th Subdivision� Gcand Islar�d�
<br /> " ..1:,..:��: . �
<br /> . ' .',`:,:;:�� ',. Hal.l County� Nebsaelca '
<br /> � .. , ...
<br /> � .
<br /> ' .1. Topether wid�all bulldinps,Improvements,fl�turea,atreeta,alleys,paeeeyeways,eaaementa.�iphts,privilepes end eppuRe-
<br /> � nances locabd thereon or In anywlae parWining thereto,end the renb,isaues and proflte,reve�elons end remeindero the�aof,and
<br /> ; . • such penonal propeHy thet fs attached to the Improvements ao es to conatltute a Hxture.Includinp,but not Ilmited to,heetlnp end
<br /> q_ . ' cooling equlpment and topather with the homestead or marilal Intereste,I1 eny,which fntereats are hereby releaeed and waiv�d;all
<br /> ,.�',�• � of which,InCluding reptacementa and additlona thereto,is hereby declared to be e part of tho real estate s�cund by d10IIYn of thfs
<br /> j � ' • Deed oi Truet and all of the taepoinfl beinp reterrQd to herein as the"Prope�iy".
<br /> �•j. � ! � This Qeed of Trust ahell aecure(a►the payment of the pNnclpal oum and Interast evldenced by a promiwory no0a o►cndit
<br /> • '�,
<br /> � • �!'"`� "' , apreement deted �ota�eer a0i�n 1993 ,havinp a meturiry date of�lroh 21st 1994
<br /> .
<br /> � � , . . � 60.�D.a0
<br /> ' in the orlpinel prfncipel amount of S .and any and ell modiifcetiona,extonalons ond renewale
<br /> � �� thereof or thereto and any and all future advanCes end readvances to Borrower(or eny of them If more than oae)he►eunder
<br /> � punuent to one w more Qr�+mie9or�notos or credll ayreemenlB(hereln called"NOIe");�b)the payment oi other aume advanaed by
<br /> ' lender to protect the securiry ot the Note;(c)the performance ol ell covenanm and agreements of T�ustor aet forth he►eln;and(d)all
<br /> • � preaent and future Indebtedneas and obllgatlons o1 Borrower(or any o1 them it more than ona)to Lender whether direcf,indirect,
<br /> absolute or conNngent and whether arising by note,�uarenry,overdreR or otherwiee.The Note,this Deed of Truet end any and all .;!�
<br /> S other dxuenle that aecure the Note or otherwlee executed in connection therewnh,Includinp without Iimitatlon yuarentees,eeeu�ily
<br /> ' aprsements end esaipnmente oi leasea end rents,shell be relerred to heroin as the"Loan Inetrumenfe".
<br /> � � Truetor covenenta end eyrees with Lender as folbwa:
<br /> :� ; .. � � �. P.y�e a uw.ee.d�.,..All fndebtednea!secured hereby ahell be peld when due.
<br /> 2. Tlfl�.Truetor Is the owner of the PrOperty,hae the right end euthoriry to convey the Prope►ty,end wartantB that the Ilan
<br /> „ , created hereby ie a fir9t and prior lien on Ihe Property,except tor Ifena and encumbrances set forth by 7ruator in w►idnp and
<br /> � delivered to Lender before execupon ol thf s lk�ed ol Trust,and the executfon and dellvery ot this Deed of Truat does not vlolate any `,,�,,,,
<br /> + contreet or oMer obligation to whlch Truetor la subject �• '`
<br /> � � 3. TaxN,Asaam�nf�.To pay belore delfnquency all taxes,spec�al eesessmenta a�d all oMer char�es 69elnst ihe Property r
<br /> • now w herea fter l ev i e tl. �r%
<br /> !` 4. In�uronc�.To keep the Property fneured agaf nst damege by ffre,hazards Included withln ihe term"extended toverage",and �.�r�'
<br /> ' such other heza►4e as Lendar may require,in amounts and with eompenias oceeptable to Lender,naminp Lender es en additbnal t. •
<br /> . nemed Inaured,wlih los�peyable to itte Lender.In case of loss under 8uch polic�Ete.ihe Lender 18 authoriztid to adjuet colleCt and �
<br /> compromise,all+cleime thereunder end aholl heve the optlon of applyfng all Or ppA�aNhe Ineurence proceed9(i)toany indebtedne88
<br /> ' secured hereby and In auch ordor ae Lender may determine,(U1 to the Trustor to be used 10�Ihe repair or restnratlon ol Ihe Property �
<br /> • ' � or(III)1or any oMer purpose or obJact setlslactory to Lender wuhout aflectmg the I�en oP thfg Deed ol Truat lo►the tull amaunt eeeured f�
<br /> ; hereby bofors such peyment ever took place.Any appltaetlnn ol proceeda to indebtednes9 fhall not extend o�postpono thQ due
<br /> dat9 oi any paymenls under the Nnte,or cure any delault thereunder or hereunder- '
<br /> �__._. 5. E�crow.Upon wrflten demand by Lender,Trustor shall pay to Lender,fn such menner as Lende►may deelpnate,suNiclent
<br /> -- F—'�--"" � aum�to enabte Lender to pay ea they become due one or more of Ine tonowiny:pl an taxea.aasessmenta and omer cnarpea sga�nst �
<br /> .. � the Propsrly,(fi)the premiume on Me property msurance requ�r@d hereunder.�nd pii)the premlums on any mortyaye ineuranGe
<br /> • �� �pulr�d by Lender.
<br /> 8. MdnMnane�.R�p�iro�nd Compll�nc�wlth L�w�.Trustor ehall keep the Propery in pood conditlon and repair,shell
<br /> �� prompUy ropAlr, or►uplgce en��Improvement which may be damaged or deatroyed:ahe11 not commlt or permit eny waate or
<br /> { d�terbr�tlon of tho Property;shell not remore,demotlah or subatentlally aller any of the Improvements on the Propeity:shell not
<br /> commif,suHer or permH any ea!to be done in or upon the Property�n v�oiatfon ot any law,ordfnance,o►reyuletlon;and snall pay end
<br /> ( � • promptly dische►ge et 7ruetor's coat end expense all liens,encumbrances and chorQea levled,Imposed or asaessed a�alnat the
<br /> Property a any part thereof.
<br /> 7. EmlMnt Domaln.Lender Is hereby aesipned all compensgtion,awards,damages and other paymenfs or rellef(herelneRer
<br /> "Procaede'�in connectfon with condemnetlon or other takinp ol the Prope�iy or pa►t thereol,ar to�convEyence I�tleu of condemna-
<br /> ^ �� tlon.Lender shell be enGtled at fts optfon to commence,appear In and prosecute in Ite own name any actio�or proceedlnpe,and
<br /> . - shall also be�ntiqed to meke any compromise or�edlement In connectlor�xit�such taklnp ar dam�e.In Ihe event any portlon ol
<br /> • � � wc au�o�wr�+,,.n ow�«�o�M �
<br /> � O��M MriwW 4ti d d�,.c.T.w..r s.N�p.AN«�«e�l.aew.w.en...
<br /> �
<br /> � 1
<br />