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<br /> � _H
<br /> _Y . . �sWONM��o���Nn�uo��, 93� 1�Aa.*'�..� '
<br /> � � TNIB A8810NIMENT OF RENTB RIDER I�m�M�nd�x�oul�d thl�?Ili d�yof SEPTEMBEFi �1p�_,and 1�
<br /> Inoorporl�bd Into�nd�hall b�d»m�d to uMnd�nd�uppl�m�nl th�Mortp�pAOr tlMd MTru1f.fNtNn�HK�bn�d to a�lAf
<br /> "Mautlty IMt�um�nP'� of th�wnh d�t�dlvan by th�und�r�Ipn�d,l�nNn�ft��r�hrnd to u th� ��sorroYwP'�to s�our�
<br /> Borrow�r'�1nd�bt�dn��s�hsr�ln�ft�r r�f�n�d to Us tM"Not�",to HOM�FE06RAt.BAVINOB ANO LOAN A880CIATION Qi�
<br /> �HAND ISI.ANO,Mninaft�r rNNnd to�a tM"L�ndir",of th�sanN dd��nd,o0wrinp th�p�op�rty d��o►Ib�d M tlf��ourlty
<br /> InatrurMnt ond looat�d N:
<br /> 912 W 151H. GRAND ISLAND, NE6RASi(A 89801.
<br /> 1PropMy Addats).
<br /> WITN�RSETH:
<br /> - WNEREAB,Bonow�r �nd l.�nd�r h�v�apread thd any rmt��nd protlto atlrlbuhbN to tlw propeAy�hould conatltuts�
<br /> addltloml aouNty to th�I.�nd�r for th�payment of ths Note;
<br /> NOW,THEREFOAE�It 1��q►Nd that th�S�curity Instrumont�hall be arnended•heryby md dwm�d to Inoludo th�follawkp ,
<br /> p�ovblons:
<br /> 1. Aeslanment of Rente and Lender Rentq�,�`'ollentigp,gl0�Borrower hereby aDeoluhl y ond unconditlonally Aaeipra�l l�
<br /> rent�, I�euae and profNa of the p►ope►ty to 8eneliclary. I.ender.ahall:have the rlpht, power and aulhority dutl�� ttw
<br /> aontlnuance of the 3�aurlty Instrument to ooll�t the rents,lasues and pfoflta of the p�oparly and of any pe►sonal aoperty
<br /> `'' ' loopted theleon wlth or wlthout takinp posaesalo��of the ope►ty alfeoted hereby, Lender,however, hareby aor�eente to
<br /> , �•'. �:f,":.
<br /> •+,"'s`�' ,� . � � 8orrawer's colleotipn�nd retentlon of auah renta,lsaues and praflta ae theyaoarue and beooma payable.so tonp as 6orrowe�
<br /> •'��`�"�'"° -"� ' 7,..,:�• r;4 �Is not,at auoh tlme,in dotAUlt with re�peot to payment of�ny indebtednees eecurW hweby,or in tlw perfo�mwnc�wf ony •
<br /> ,' J h{N+ `
<br /> i�;r;,�,;:; ��� ,+ �wment hereunder.
<br /> •, ,... x�}";�,s • • �
<br /> �1;:.:• ° �, '�_J 2. Aoo+olntment of Recefver. If Any event of default In respect to the Seourfty Instrument ahall heve occu�red A�d be
<br /> �;•,.�.t�,�'t Y��i�,�.:���' Lender
<br /> ��"I,t���,�},i' '�+ oontlouln as a metter of rl ht and without �otice to Borrower or an qne clalmi under Borrower,and without
<br /> �1•'.-;_:,�i � .`.:�jY,IrJe�^" Q� 1 Q y �
<br /> ���+r� r �rd to th�valua of the truat eatate or the Inter�st of ths Borrower thereln,shei 1 heve th� �I ht to a I to an oouh havl
<br /> .-..:':�.:. , ,:. ,.:�; e� o aa r y �w
<br /> .��;�. '• �' �u�lsdlatlon to appoint a recelver of the pioperty.
<br /> .?'.'s';. . �:<: ..�;''�°�'�t�`��,� 3. Rloht to Posseeelon.In o�ee of default In the peyment of the aeld prinalpel Note or{ntereat,or any pah thereol,a�It
<br /> :�-' -•�,.-
<br /> "''��' � �"''"��,�`" �hall m�tun,o►In th�o�e�of f�llure to kNp or perfwm any of the oovonante or aqr�ments contalned In th�S�curlty Instru»
<br /> 1��!' �._,: � �,�.�..
<br /> �•%° ` `�" ` ' ' m�nf, th�n ths L�nda. Q� eucaessoro or assi�ns. shall be and ia he�aby authorl�ed �nd�mpowend to taks Imm�dl�te
<br /> �rt �;r4���. r:u;,.
<br /> �, • posusslon of th�s�ld pr�mius th�nM d�tarib�d and to aoll�ct the nnts therelrom��nd to apply Ih�procNd�ih�r�of to th�
<br /> :�r''� � ��•, p�yrrNnt of ths Not�.
<br /> " . � ���~ 4. Rn4!!ce!!en of Rense.le�ue�end P�otlle.Au rente co!!ecled by Lenrler or the racel�er ahell be e�lled!lret to
<br /> €►nYm�nt
<br /> ° � of th�coeta ol m�n�psm�nt of th�propsrty and collectlon ol renle,Inoludinp,but not IImN�d lo,reoelve�'s fNS,premium�on
<br /> � �` „ noNv�r'�bonds�nd r�asonable attornoy'e fees,�nd then to the eume seour�d by thw S�c urlty Instrurt�nt.L�nd�r md tIM
<br /> f' r�cNr�r�hall be Ilabl�to account only fa those�ents aatually receivod.
<br /> I :'
<br /> :j•,;:,. . S. Conetructlon of Provlelone.Each of the provlslons contalned In thle Aesiynrnent of Re nte Rider end the Security Instru-
<br /> ����,: � . .. . � ment sholl. unlees otherwlse apeclNcally required, be construed fn aacardanaa wlth Neb�aeka law,and In the event any
<br /> provlelon hereln or thereln contalned shall be determined by e coun of competent�urledictlon to be une�forceabla,tfN s�m�
<br /> �'_..,.
<br /> � �hall be Construed ae thouph auch unenforaeable provislon were not a part heraof a thereof.
<br /> ��` 8. Effec!oi Rider.Except as apeclfically modlfled by or Inconeistent with this Aselpnmant of Rents Rider or by any other
<br /> ' �"'� Iipplla�ble rlder,all of the terma and provlslons contafned In the Seaurity Inet►ument shdl eontinue fn tull iorce and effect.
<br /> i � :' ,'•., . ..
<br /> �, �� ,,. IN WITNESS WHEHEOF,Borrowe�has executed this Assignment of Renta Rider on the dole Ilrst noted above.
<br /> ;;:;;,, ' .. , '',:: �' � �
<br /> �' ,. ..;���'! �� Borr er
<br /> ,i4�,,�. • ''., �' •i`J �• .� ,
<br /> ���r!" ��" �C����IV i� UL
<br /> ;i}�, 1� ;; OL rrower
<br /> �`'� � ` �• STATE OF NEBRA3KA)
<br /> ,�� .' , � ; (88:
<br /> "� �^ ,;� � COUNTY OF HALL ) �
<br /> �S 5�� .'.i', ,;,, `
<br /> �.��j'�' r;,*_�::' " On thle 7TM day oi �pTEIhBER .18 93 ��fore me,the undorelgnad,a Notary PubHc duly commissiorwd and �,°
<br /> ' ' • quallfledforealdcounty.personallycame pFTF nFIFf1N 7R AN(] COLLEFN K DELEON
<br /> ���;� ,to be the Idontical person(s)whose name(s)is/are aubscrlDed ��"r;;
<br /> • to the foreyoin�instrument, and helshelthey acknowledpe the executlon thereof to be hlslhedtheir voluntory ect end deed. ���,:,_
<br /> 4:f; .
<br /> � WlMees my hand end Notariel Seal at GRAND I SLAND, NEBRASKA _
<br /> � ,. � In saWlcount ,the dete abresai . � .
<br /> �::� ,. - �
<br /> � � ��� � �.��'�'�l' <� ��G� .
<br /> , t • ry PubIIC �
<br /> �TA�Y,Sttli M Mn� '
<br /> �tl • ,�',. My Commlealon explres: �v0 �� — �
<br /> Mw.?�
<br /> `�' � 11��0.1D P� �_
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