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<br /> • �ppllcabb law nuiy speclfy [ar rcinet�temet�t)beforo a�le oP the Pmperty pun�u�nt to�ny pawer of wle conWned in�hft
<br /> Security IaWnunerut or(b1 enpy of a Judgman rnfadp�thl�Security lnsauma�� 'fhae condiUans m th�t Bortower. (al
<br /> pqi Lender�II wrtu whlch tlw�n would be due �uidx U�is Sa�urity lnsawaeat and the Note a if ta��oelaadua h�d
<br /> oocwrod:@)cw�a�ny defwlt of ony dhar coven�nu or�Q�nnents:(o)p�Y��II expenres incurred in enforcia�Wi�Socurity
<br /> tn�wment� includln�.bu1 nat IGnitad a.rcasonablc attameys'faea:.and(d)takes�uch acdon a I.,endcr m�y msaxubly
<br /> requiro to�sw�c tlw the lion oP thle Secu�ity Inwwncnt�l.ender"s dghts in 1ho Propeny and Barowerti oblfgation w p�y tho
<br /> wms socurod by �h1� Sacurity InRpwnant alull contlauo w�ch�np�d. Uqm nincta�oment by Barowcr. this Securlry
<br /> Iniwmrnt�nd t(�a obllpuiau secu�ad ha�eby ihell am�in fWly etY'dcdvo u if no�ccolcradon lud occurr�ed. Howover,thi�
<br /> �i�ht to roJnsuue shall not apply in tha case of aaelentlon undrr paray+raph 17.
<br /> 19. S�M ot Notei�����• T�Note or.a.p�i�I Intuest in U�o Noto pogeUKr wlth thls Secudry
<br /> lnstrument)may be s�ld ona or mare timar wkhaut prlar notioe ta.Rorrower. A wila may reault in A change ia�ha entity
<br /> •�` (known as tho"l.uan Servioet")that callecro monthly paytnents due+under tho Note and thia Securlty lnstrument. There also
<br /> �rwy be une or morc changos of the I.flan Servlcar unrelated 10 x so�t+of the Nda. If thm+e ie s�clunge oP the L.oan Sarvicer,
<br /> Borrower wfll bo given wriaen nodce of the clungo in acco�d�x�e wi�h pwagiuph 14 abovo ond oppUcable IAw. 71xs notice
<br /> wlll�tate�he niune and edd�ewc of the naw Loan Servlcer w�d IAo adctdres�to which payments should be awde. The notice will
<br /> al�o contwin any other informadon requirrd by�plicable luw.
<br /> Z0. iUw,rdoue Subaaooes. Borrow@r sMall not cause or pertnit tt�c pr�esence,use,dispo.gal,storage.or rclease of any
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in tha.Property. Bornower shall nat.do,nor allow anyone else to do. anything affecdng the
<br /> .,, , Property that ia in violallon af nny Environmente! law. 71u pnaceding two sentances shall not apply to the p�sence,use,or
<br /> storage on the Property of Rmall quanUties of Hozardous 5ubatat�es dwt aro Qcnerally«cognized to be apPropdate to normal
<br /> residential uses and to maint�nanca of the Propaty.
<br /> �""`' .. Borrower shall prompdy give[.ender wripen naice of any in►+�stigatioo.claim,demand.laaauit or wher acNon by any
<br /> °- _ govenutrcntal or�egulatary agenay or prtvate party involving tha�Property and any Hezandous Substaace or Environmental
<br /> �� '� Law of which Borrower hac actual knowledga. Ii Borrower launc. or is notified by Any governmental or regulatory
<br /> , • ,���'�'�' authority,that any remova!or othar remediation of any Hazazdous 5ubstance affecting U�e IR+ope�ty is aecessary.Bomawer
<br /> .''r� �` t�l.: rs`�c":c'�u�t`':i., �
<br /> •• : .. �. �`' s sFwU promptly take all necessary remcdial act�oas in accar�lance with Environmental Law. �..
<br /> ' ' t f`�:i: As used in thie aragraph 20 "Hazerdous Substances"ara�hase substn�ces defined as toxic or hazardoua substances b ��`
<br /> ',i�:���, . y:.;i;;;,.., ..r�:w,, P , y . fi,:,
<br /> ,°,rri.,a,;;.: �` '!!'';ir'3�y f�s' , Envlronmental Law and 1he following substances: gesoline,luerosene,ather flammablc or toxic petroleum pralucts.toxic �ry�,;
<br /> ,;i�c•.,., � ;���;�rc�.���'`:
<br /> :,.;..t;, ,.,.��(/��,`��+6:n .�.i���t�?f. pestiCides and he�bicides,volatlle solven�c, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and mdioacNve matorials. As �t�,#;
<br /> '�:�!;1�r� (� �+'i;"�'Iti:�' used In this paragraph 20,"Environmental Law"means federal laws ond laws of the jurlsdicuon where the Property is lacated
<br /> ����1���� � Y � / 11�I�7 `l�JR1- . •.I��
<br /> 1; :,;tt�d��'•��'� ��4 � tbat relate to heal�h,safe or onvironttwntal rotection. %
<br /> ,+��.�,�J ,�s�,�,.�.�, ��tjk�{'' �Y A
<br /> r'r ,,,�i�,;,��,•,f,;��; . • NON-UMFORM COV�NANTS. Borrower and Lender fu�tlxff covenant nnd agrce as follows: �
<br /> .��;,�,;", :as?a;;;��!t�,r�,��!''�j�" 21. Acceleratlon; Remedies. I.ender sbpll�Ive natice W Burrower prtor to acaleradan [dlawlag Horrower s
<br /> :'•r°'t�•; e•, v ; ',. �t`r:;'>" brqich ot rny covenaut or ageeemaat 1�thls Securlty Aastrumeot(but aot prlor to acceleratba under pw�agrApb 17
<br /> M:.�,t. '.;:.:�. . + ...,..,,t�f,, w.
<br /> „ ,,.�;, ._,.., �.,�i; uNess Applicobla law provides atlwnvt�e). The nottce shAU spec�iiy: (al the defoult;(bl the ocdon required to cure tbe
<br /> ' defeult;(c)a date,a0t lecs Wna 30 doys trom tbe date the aotice 1�glven to Borruwer,by wWe6 the default muct be
<br /> � %�`��'' ' '�'�`� cured;nad(d)tlwt tdlure W cure t6e dof4u11 on or betore the dato epeclfled In the nottce may result In aocelerpdon ot
<br /> . .. � We w�me cecured by thie Securlty IaslrumQat s�nd sale ot the Pt+operty. Tbe notke shWl flu�iher Inform Borrower ot
<br /> 1 ; .;: �� We rlght b relnst�te w(ter�eeiloratb�and tl�e rlght to bring a cwrt oclbn to�e�t the nontxtetence of a defwult or
<br /> '' o � nny other defense of sorrower to occelnratton aad sale. If p�dcioult Is not cured on or before the dwte s�ectfled In
<br /> . �; :: .. , the noticq I.ender at Ite optbm m�y rsqulre ImmedlWte pwymeal io fidl of�II cum�cecured by thie SecuHly loetrumeot
<br /> • ��� wlt6oul furlhcr detnand And rouy invokr Ihe power ot r�lr o�f any other remcdics permltted by applicable low.
<br /> � . � • l.ender�hwll be enUded to colkct nll expensew Incurred In pu�ulns the remedleR provWid ia tbi� pw�rnpb 21,
<br /> . � f�"'"•.."' •• 1ncNlding.but not Ilmitcd lq I�easonuWa oltorneys'fee�►wnd cu�tN of tllk evWcnce.
<br /> � � " 1�Ibc power u�splo ix Invnkpd.7hu�tee xhnll record o outloe of defwull!n each caunty In wbkh Any p�rl ot tho
<br /> ,.. .. �:�� Property Is la�ated and shull mall�bples ot xuch notice In the mrnnrr proscr{bed by�pplirAble Iww to Borrower And to
<br /> .,'' ''�kr°` .•"' thc other persone prescrlbcd by oppllcnMo law After the Um��quired by Applkablo low,'I�ustee shWl�lve publk
<br /> ,! '' . nodee otsrlo to tbc persona and in t6e manncr pnscribed by aPPlllable luw. 7lrustee�wilhoul demwnd on Borrower� ,.
<br /> +��: . s1u�U sell t6a Proporty at pubtic nuctbn to tDe highest bWder nt th�tJme And plaa iutd under lhe ternu deslgt�ated In t-�•
<br /> �: : tLe notke ot wdQ in ono or more parcels a�in any order 7Fustue de�t�nmines. 'IFustee may poatpone sale ot aU or aay
<br /> � •: �• parcel of the Properly by public announcement at the Ume and pl�ot any previnusly scheduted sWe. l.ender or ifs
<br /> i• `� ` :;::,�r;.:�,� •,: , deslgpee nwy Purehase thQ Property At any swlc.
<br /> ' �� '�' '� ''��`� Upou rPCeipt ot payment of the p�lce bid.7tustee shAll deli��er W Ihe purcheser Trustee's deed conveyin�Ihe
<br /> , , .,it;,.,. ,r
<br /> .�•. �`:.i,.'t..;-ti.... . �- ..
<br /> `• '�.�'<'•�'�i�t "�`'"�•• Property. 7'he recltsUs in the'llrustee's deed shaN be primo i'ecM evkl�noe of the truth uf the�tements ms�de thereln�
<br /> . }:;•,.'�;;..f. ��;q,
<br /> �� .;c:;����r: j��•: :';;;•.:e; lturtee sdwll oPP�Y the procecda ot tde Rale fa the tdlowing orden 1u14o�11 costs aad e:pcs�ea of exencfsing the power r.;;�
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