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<br /> TNIS 1-4 FAMJti.'1f•#RIDER it mede thia � 17TH �y o/ SfiPT B �J ,
<br /> and i�inoorporatodifMa�Rnd chall6a deetned to anrarcf�nd wppkma►t U�a Mattgs�c. ��ar Se�y .
<br /> Deod (the ••secudty:•im�trwmepat�rf�lof,�tba rmoe d�te �iven by the uudar�i�aed t1t� •'Barower•') w �ean+e
<br /> dormwer'�Natu w '
<br /> • Th� Equi tabl� 8u�i 1 di n� ,ar�d�l:osn Assoc i et ion ot Or�nd Lsland,
<br /> , N�b�ask�n. A�.Fad4a�1 8avi ngs Bank ��••��•�
<br /> ' � of tho�ame date wd ooverins tha Pnoperty dasoriiledirndhe,ge�curitY L�tnut�ent and locatad ru:
<br /> 2423 W LOUIB�, apArlilp� I�6W►�I�D�� NEBRABKA 08803-5812
<br /> 'IFM��f'wddrcul
<br /> f�> ' 1-4 FAMII.Y COV�d►lA1VT$.:Imaddidon.w Ihe ooveaants ord�grama�t�made in�hc Sxurity Ia�ttument.
<br /> '�,'i�' ' • , 8ormwor and i.ender il�ither caveneintnnd agtt�as follows:
<br /> '`�y` A. ADDITIONAL PROI�.ItTY SUWIPi[.T TO TI� SECURITY QVSTRUMENT.[n addition to t4o �
<br /> � Propetty describod fo the Security Instrument� tho N�Ilowfng items ar+e wdded to thc Property description.and ehall ' .
<br /> "�n�. also rnnctituto the PropeRy rnverad by the Socurtt�r Uwtrument:building mauri�ls.appli�nces and goods of evety � ' .
<br /> � natum whptsaever now or herealisr locatad in, on, or used. or intendad to bc used in connection with the
<br /> `�i�',�•u Pro��crty. inoluding. but not limited w, thase for the pwposa of supptying or diwr�butin� heating. 000liag.
<br /> ��'{• electdcity, gas, watar� air und light. tire provantion and extinguisbing appsuatus, cecudty end aocess c�l ' :
<br /> �!�:;.
<br /> , �tj^. I apparatus, plumbing� bpth tubs, water heaten�, watar closets. ainks, ranges. sroves. refrige�ton,dishwaslters.
<br /> �k�,l diapocala,wachors..dqr'ers,awnings, storm windows. storm doors. scmns. blinds. shades. curtpi�and curtaia
<br /> ��`4,
<br /> , rods,attaohad mirrore. cabin�.,panelling and anachad flaor coverings now or Mereafter atlached to tha Pru�orty, . •
<br /> ; • • all of�whioh, i�cludin� replucements and additions lhereto, shall be deemed to bB and remain a pari of the ' �
<br /> r . � . Propetty wvered bp tho Secutity �ostNment. Atl of the tor+egoing togdher witi� the itiupetty descn'bed in the
<br /> ..:
<br /> " .��i?'�i�` ., ; � Security Instrument�(ar•the le�ehold eswte if the Sacurity Instrument is on a leasehold)ue nekrnd co in�Wis 1�1
<br /> .:, �. ,r,.:�;f �'���•'�
<br /> . '�, s,�js:'; '"',.'... Eiunil Rider and the 3ecurit Ins�rumenc as the"Pro rt '
<br /> f.�� -'. 'w�,r '�tYt ti�r�t`�;: Y Y Pe Y•� �
<br /> ;��.:.;' ';� �,� � �. :���..• �. USE OF PROPERTY: COMPLIANCE 1VITH LAW. Borrower shall not seek. agrce to or make a
<br /> , � ,r;,..:,..::-., ' ,
<br /> `'• �.�d� ,,:.,� ��;�.>,�. • change in thc use of Ihe Propevty or i�s zonin�clussification, unkcs L.cnder hAS agaod in writfng to tha cMange. .
<br /> .��f�;,' ' `.;.``. ':.. Borrower shcill cam 1 wi�h nfl is�ws, oniinances. re ulutidns and uirements of an ovemn�l bod
<br /> �;r. •�•y �,$,,' ��r h P y B �9 Y � y
<br /> �i.� '�: ��-. .-;.,. � �
<br /> �`���' �' licable ta the Pro n
<br /> ' '��;S:.;tY�;�,Z�.,�s�.. ' aPP P� 3'•
<br /> �..�;,, .;_� , ._ C.SUBORUINATE I.I�NS.Except a�permiued by federrl law. Borrower shall�at allow any lien infedor
<br /> . r��4�i��t'���::��It�'� to the Security Instn�ment to be perfcc�ed again�t thc Propeny without l.ender's priu�written permission.
<br /> ``-'`=-!�'`�''� ����"?��i� � D.RENT I.OSS INSURANCE.Borcower shall muimain insurance egaiast rent loss in addition to tho other
<br /> � k .. �,�., ..� ..t• �:',,iU�,
<br /> „ �,sj; .< <•, , •�•, • hazurds for which insurance is required by Uniform Covennnt 5.
<br /> '�����`�'�� ' � '�' E. "BORROWER'S RIGH7'TO REIN57'ATE"DELETED.Unlfom�Cavenant 18 isdeleted.
<br /> . �__ ••?�;i:"•,'•;";t+,.'h", .
<br /> �''���'���� • F. BORROVY�R S OCCUI'ANCY. Unless l..ender und Bunower otherwise agree in writing. the first
<br /> j�'�r�•,, ';�'1��s%r��. sentence in Uniform Cavenant 6 concerning Borrower's �kcuprncy uf the Pmperty is deleted. All remaining
<br /> ..,�,�. ..:'��;��,.� �, :. .:. .
<br /> s �ti+'� .� .r' .„,��;., wvenantg and ngrcementx sct fonh in Uniform Covenant 6 sh�ll rernuin in effect.
<br /> �:: -- o.� ,.,:.
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