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<br /> l�.7'n�ie ot t�e or�Be�ellcid Iat�cwt in Bon�ow�e.it d!or�y p�irt al the P�ppeety or�npr IntarMt In h
<br /> ts w{d or Wtufenod(cx iP�cW iauem�t ln Bi►nuwar is wtd or tr�f and Hc�rnowa Is not�ntiunl per�ot� witboW
<br /> � L�aMer's prlor wripen oon�nt, Lender m+►y. �t ite opion. requiro im� iMa p�Y� fa tWl aP vl war ��by drY
<br /> , Savrity In�trunaa�t.Hcwever�this cpbn�II aot be exercbd by Le�det it e�p�cl�t y►prohibN�d UY fi�d�t�l la�v a�d 1ht drY
<br /> ot'tbi��av�i�y�a�uumart,
<br /> ' IP l.aider exerci�a this optian,t,erider�ult�1ve Borrower notice of�coekratjon. The tatiee�IWIp�w 1de a period oi not
<br /> lw tiw��0 dsyt from tho d�te the ndla is del�verod or mpilod wfthin which Borrowcr must p�y d!wnu �ocund by thlr
<br /> Sewrlty Inwru�aaa.if Bortowar iwilo to pry theca wms prior w tbe oxplralion of thb palod.Lendor rtry imoice�ny re�nedieo
<br /> pcnnitted b thir Sav�ity Instrument withaut f�rthar�atioe or danwid on Borrawer.
<br /> !8. �e�•� Itl� to ReSuctAto. If Bonowar useeta �ttain condidons, Barmarcr sfinll hnve �he �igM t� h��►e
<br /> enfommeat ot this Socudty IrouumaN disoonilnw�d at any timo prfar w the e�rliu of: (a)3 drys(or wcl�o1Ma�perlod+d
<br /> appl�cabk law may Rpecif� for roinstatement) befaira swla of the �p purwant to�ny pow¢r oi cale oontrir�od ia lhfa
<br /> Savdty Incuument;or(b)aury of A judgmant cr�fi�t�tg thia Securit�y�lr�st�rument. 'Rase conditiom ue that Borrower:(a)p�Y�
<br /> I,ender all sums which then would be dua uadar tyis Security lnsa�urr�t and tba Nota� it no acala�tbn h�d acxurrod:(b)
<br /> cu�es nny deisulc of any ather oovenants or agnoe�nenta; (c) prys�II eapanaes incurrod in enfo�ring this Security Imtruma�t,
<br /> including.but not limitad to.rcasonable attomay�' feea:and(d)takes suah,aatlan as[.atder may reasonaWy requi�e to�u�+e
<br /> tliw the lien of this Securi�y lnstrumant. Lcnder's r� hts in 1ba i�ropcety and Sorrower's abli on to pay the sums securad by
<br /> su g
<br /> this Savrity Insnument chall��continue w�ch�nged. Upon reinst�tament by Borrower. s Socurity Irtctnirr�nt a�d the
<br /> obiiguiona savred hereby shall rcmain fully effective os iF�a�:oelersalae hwi orcur�ed,However.thjs ri�ht w rcinqate slwA
<br /> naappty in the caFC of�cccicration undcr p�g�ph 17.
<br /> 19. Sde ot Note; (,'hao�e ot I.a�a Servicer. Tha Nwa or a psutial inkrest in Ihe Note(together with this Savrity
<br /> InstrumeM)rtwy be sold one or tm�re times wi�hcwt prior nwice w Borrower.A u+le may�sult in a change in t6e aulry(known
<br /> av the"L,oan Servicer")that collscts manthiy paYmBnts due under the Note aM this Secudty Imwment.Thero also mAy 6e one ,
<br /> _ " . or marc changes of�he Loan Servicer unrclated to u sala ef tpB NW�a.Ii there is a change of the Loan Servlcer.Borrower will be
<br /> ::,."- tu,:�s,s' given written notice uf the chnnge in accandunca with parrgrrph i•t aiwve�xl upplir�bi�luw.The notice will state thc�me and
<br /> � ;�' address of the new Loan Servicer and tha address w whiah paya�ente cb�wld be made.The�wtice wlll Wso contalo ony dher
<br /> �;:.� x intormation required by appli�ble law. �
<br /> , ' � ?.;�:��,� �;,,. 20. �cda�s �. Borrowe� sl�all not ceu6e or petmit tha pr�sence,use. disposal. storage. or releau af any
<br /> Hazardcw.g Substances on or in the Property. Bomowar.shall�nat do, nor ollow anyone else ta do. anything affacting the
<br /> �.h:. ••;t. ,�:• Property thot is in vioJetion of am��Environmontal I.aw, The�ceding two sentences shall not apply to the prcsenoe. use. or
<br /> +*'-�'�-,�le. storage on the Property uf sr►ratl c�aantities oC HsiwnJaus Sub�thet are generally rcrngnized to be t+ppropriate tn rarnwl
<br /> ��� "��y`y`3,:• residential uses nnd to muintenance of the PropeKy
<br /> ;+�" � Borrower sha16 p�urnplly give i.ender w,ittan,notice of any inveapgation.cluim, demand, lawsuit or oiher action by any
<br /> �����•, .
<br /> • ,�'�=:���4. �+;'s+�" governmental or regulatory agency or privata pa�cy involving the Property and any Hazardous Substwtce or Enviranmentaf Law
<br /> `�,y� �`�'•I?`_ of which Borrower has aclustl kpowledge. If&�mower leams, or is notiFed by any governrnental or�cgulatory s�uthodty, thnt
<br /> .r '.f i:;�.11:'.�.,A
<br /> ;��:.•:tr.:;,,.�• any rcmoval ar oiher remediation af any Hazsudous Substanae affecting the PropeRy is nxessuy.Borrower al�ll pranptly talce
<br /> y_ . ,�.2 ..
<br /> � � , all nec�essary remedisl action.ti in pccordancc wi�h,Environmenlal[.aw.
<br /> .�.a.y�...- :. As used in thi� ..�r �ia�rdouF Sub�tanccs" are ihuae wbaisu�xs �kGuat as ioxi�or il3z8iduuS bii�iC2s bj
<br /> i , P��Pfi _�,'
<br /> � , , � � ^ Environmental Law and tlie foilowing sub�ances: gusoline, kerosene, other flamrriable or toxic petroleum�ucts. toxu
<br /> '� .,• , . , pesticides und herbicides.votatile salvents,muteriuls contqining usbestos or fornwldehyde,and radioactive mate als. As used in
<br /> ".;:',j.:• ���.�'.-"�V, .. this parograph 20. "�nvironmental Law" means federal luw�s and laws of�he jurisdiction where the 1'tr►perty is laarted that
<br /> `. , `' ,i�+;;�;;•i�•' ;.'• rclate to heulth,sufety or environmenwl protectian.
<br /> '''`•���"•' � lVON-UNIFORM COVENAN'i'S.&�rruwer and I.cnder furCher rovenant and agree as follows:
<br /> .t`. � . ;(>.:,::
<br /> � „ •�:,,�,+;=};. 21.Accele�tlon:Remedics. l.ender wMall give notice to Rorrower prlor to receleradon tdbwlog Borrower's breaeb
<br /> �. ,.,,,,,,, . ot�m• cove�wnt ar agreement in thiK Security In�trument fibut not prlor to accelerat(on under �ra�rAph 17 unless
<br /> ' �ppUcable I�w provid�s etherwise). Tho nutlre ahall speciiy: (a)11�e default; (b)the actton requtred to cure the detaulli
<br /> •� �' � � .'';� ; : (c)�date, not less thAn 30 days irom thc dute thc nMice i�givcn to Borrower. by which fhe detault must be cured;and
<br /> '�;�,�� - (d) that fvilure to cure Ihe defuult on o�befom the dytc tipeclfied In the nntice may r�ult in accelerntbn ot the sumg
<br /> • ssecured by this:+ecurit��In�lrument and wle uf the PropeM�•. The notice�11 further inform Borrower ot the right to
<br /> ��1. � � :�' "',.r rdiutate after occeleration and tho right to brin� a court action lo asscrt the non-exWence ot a detault or any otber
<br /> „ `,. �;y,: ,: . , dePense of Bnrrower to acccleration and�alo. If the default ic not cured on ar betore Ihe date specifled io the notke,
<br /> . � ' • �.
<br /> � °•` � l.ender. �t Ets optin„. ^�^�• �,��!:� '.:::r.::�:«S:: ga;ment in tull of�II wm.r•secured by this Securitti Instnunent wlthout
<br /> ' . . ..�. ' furthcr demund s�nd m�y invuke the po«er af xule and an�•othcr remedies permttted by applicable faw. I.cnder stwll be
<br /> u
<br /> � � � - entitled to rnllect yU expen.tie+incurred in pursuinR thc�rmedic�prnvided in thi4 para�raph 21,includins.but not limited
<br /> _ _ • _',> tn,r�m�►nable ntturne�•s'fe�x und rnsts ot Utle evidence.
<br /> IP thepo w•er uf wle is invuked. Tru�lee shall record y nutice of default in each counly� in whieh any p��t of the
<br /> Propert�•is I�cuted and shsdl ms�il capicc of xuch n�Nice in che manner prescribed by applicablr IAw to Born►wer and to
<br /> `* � tbe uther per�ns prc+cribed b� applic�Me luw•.Aiter the time reyuin�d Bv applirrble 1��,Truslrr sha�l Rive puWic notice
<br /> , " of sale to the perwns�nd in 1hc mun�c� prcx�lbcd bc applics�blc I�w.Tru+tee.ailhout demand on&►rrower.shall sell
<br /> � , the Properly�at public auction to the ht�hrst bidder at the time und place and undrr thr Ierms d�iRnated in the notice of
<br /> .,• ��,, sale in one or mom parccly und in any urdcr Trustcc deiermin�h. Trust�r mu� pnlponr�:ule of all or nn�•parcel of'the
<br /> y-�;. s,��:s?;... Properl� b�• put►Itr announeement ut the timc and place aP•rm pre�•inuslr �rheduled wle. IAnder or f�c d�siRuee moy
<br /> � , purclmse the Property�1 any sele.
<br /> . n
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