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<br /> TOOE'1'�IER WITH rll�he Impe�oveiaenta now o�iiae�Rct a�ecte�d cm ihp p1�Y►
<br /> Axdtros now or hero�Aer a p�ct o! tho propevty. All te��cpnent� and adtl�llunt �ull da b� oovend bY 11ii� �iM�y
<br /> lawumeiu. All nf Ihe tare�oin�i�r�eferrod 10 in thi�Secudty I�ttumpnt.µ.11�."iltrlpaty' �
<br /> BORROWBit COVENANTS tiwr Barrowa is I�wftdly�eieod of tlK+ect�tA��bY�vayed�nd hrr the d�ht a�nu�t�nd
<br /> a�nvry the Prope�ty and d�t tha Praperty is uaencumbarod�eacept far,anFU1Yd1� of r000rd.Borrower wWraay�ad wW.
<br /> drf'end�ener�lly tho t�He to the PropeRy�gAinst dl cl�imt and danould�.Fuhlep�:lA w�y encumbrartoes ot record.
<br /> 'fH13 3ECURlTY 1NS1'RUMBNT combines unifam� arvawiva Par nAtiativ�uk and no�auniforna oovawu;wfW 1la�ted
<br /> varladons by juriadietion to rnnstitute a uniform xcurity inStNrnent rovering nwl pmperty.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bormwer pnd Lendor cave�qiat wd agrQO as�fqiiaw�:
<br /> 1. Payma�t ot PHnclpd aad laterect: P�+eP�Ymmt�d I.�to CbNt�. Barrow¢r ciwll Pro�M�Y P�Y whan due�be
<br /> pri�uipal of and intercst on�hc dcbt evide�uxd by tha Noto en�!ony prapqymwnhwxllatc chu�a duo urxkr the Nata.
<br /> 1. Ebadn�or Tsuue �nd I�eurAUCe. Subject to applicabla I�w or ta o+�7iuen waiver by l.ender, Borrowor alwl)pny w
<br /> Lender on t4�c day monthly payments iue due under tha Nrxe,u�til tha NQta is,p�id in full,a sum('Funda')for:(a)ywuly t�uta
<br /> e�d assessmems whkh may at�ain priadty over this Secu�ity inr•tromont as a lipn.an the Pmperty: Ib) Yeuly laasehoW paymenta
<br /> ar ground rents on the Property.it any;(c)ycady ha7ard or property inwtanqe premium9;(d)yeady flood insuea�e pr+anjuma.
<br /> if any; (a)yearly mortguge insurance premiums, if any;and(n any sums p�ywbla by Borrower to l.endor, in wccardutw:e with
<br /> the provieions of paragraph 8.in lieu of the payment of martgage insumnao ptamiums.These items are called'Escrow Itema."
<br /> [.er�ler mvy.et any time. callect and hold Funds in an amaunt nat tcr exceod the mauimum amount a lendar for a federally
<br /> nelated mortgnge loan may rcquiro for Borrower's escrow aooaunt undar thp federal Real Estete Setticmcnt Procedures Act af
<br /> ,,,__
<br /> 1974 ws amendod from tima to time. 12 U.S.C.Section 1601 er sey. ("If1G8PA'), unless another low Ihat Qpplies�to tha Funde
<br /> ��.•. ;, sets a lesser umuunt. if su, I.ende�may. at ar�y time, ��aH�ci s�ad hnld Funds in ar�amcwnt not to cx e esser umount.
<br /> ��' � Ixnder may estimate the amount of Funds due on the basia of curr.eat�data and reo�onable estimwes of expcnditures of futurc
<br /> �' � Ecemw Items ar otherwise in ucconlanrx with applipbls laa�.
<br /> �; The Funds shalt be hald in nn institutian whase dapas�ts are insuned by A federal agency. instrumentallty, or eMiry
<br /> (including L.ender,if I.ender is such an institutian)or in any Fe�d�tu)Homa Loan Bank. Lender shdl apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> '`'�"� Escmw Itema.Lender may not chArge Horrower for holding and upplying the Funds,annuolly analyzing tM escrow account.or
<br /> ..,��;.
<br /> verifyfng ihe Escrow Items,unless Lender pays Barrower im�rast nn tha Funds and applicable law permits L.ender to make such
<br /> ' a charge.Nowever,Lender may require BaROwer to pny a anci•time charge for an independent real estate tax reponing serviee
<br /> usal by Lender in connection with this loan, unlesx applic�la law provides othervvise. Unless an Agreement is mado or
<br /> • . � • . applicabla law requires interest to be paid. Lendcr shall nat be required to pay Borrower any interest or eamings on the Funds.
<br /> ;;; : � ' Borrower and l.endcr rmy agrce in wrfting,however, thW•�int�rest shsll be paid on the Funds.Lender sheil give to Borrower,
<br /> wii�it�t chasga, an sn�ua! acrouniing of thc Fands,st�u;r,g c-redits astci debit::to the Fumis snd tlie pu:pc:st for whkh axh
<br /> • ' '� ' '; ."'r.;'-���' debit to the Funds was mude.The Funds are pledged as additional eecu�ity for all sums secured by lhis Security Instrumant.
<br /> '' �����•., „
<br /> ����,.�:,�, �• :�•• If the FundF held by Lender exceed the amaunts permilted to be held by upplicable law.Lender shall account to Borrower
<br /> { .. ., ;; .�4,:�.�.�.�•�,..�; ,.,. ,
<br /> ��-� for the eacess Funds in acrnrdunce with the rcquiramenta af;,,pplicable law. ff the amauat oi the Funds hold by i.endor at�ny
<br /> �� • ' �; .. :.�:,�.s�;. ,.'.
<br /> ��, . , �,�. ,.� time is not suFficient to puy the Escrow Items whcn dup,Lender may sc�natify Borrowe�in writing,and,in xuch case Bocrower
<br /> �;� i�•,�_"�+
<br /> � ,�.'� : `�.,.,,.,:f,;�, • shall pay�o l.ender the amount necessury to make up the cleficiancy. Bonower shall make up tha Jeficiency in no more Ihan
<br /> ��' ' � •.. ..�'. twelve monthl a men4c, ut L.enJcr's s��le discrciion.
<br /> ,.., ,, :::-... . .. .. YP Y
<br /> Upon puyment in full nf WII xums secured by thia Security liutrurnent. I.ender tihall pramptly refund to Borrawer any
<br /> � �' �`' �*x,.,; Funds held by I.ender. If, under pursgraph?I, Lender�hall ucyuiru or�M:II the Proprny. Lender, pricir lo�he acquisition or sale
<br /> ��-` ,` ` of thc PropeMy, shull �pply uny �utxi�held b��l.ender���he�inu+oGuoqui�ithm or wle as a eredi�ugainst the sumb secured by
<br /> M1 , '' ..�,�. this Security Instn�ment. ; „
<br /> +° + � �"•�• b�r� 3. A kotion oP Pw men�y.Unlcsr s� I�rrble Is�N• n»�ide.��thnrvvise,all u n�cnt,rccciveJ b Lcnder under ura ra ha
<br /> . y• •"t�:�: `: . PM 8 PP � P p Y Y P R P
<br /> �° I and 2 shnll bc a h�d tirst. W an re a ment cha ��duc under tha Notc; .er�md, to umaums u nble under rn ra h 2:
<br /> ..ii; ., ;'";.., PP�' � Y P P'Y rF P Y Pu 8 P
<br /> �;ii. ` ,�,;,i,;.,. ,. •�, third,to interest due; Tourth,w prinripal duc;:�nd lust, t��any lutc ch�rgc,duc undcr thc Nutc.
<br /> •• . •.. 4. Chary�es; Liena. Borrowcr shall pny uU tuxes, u��rtitimenlh,churgcs. finc,und impcni�inn�uttribwat+la to the Prnpeny
<br /> ;;�.;• _ ._ -'If;i•.��•.a
<br /> ,^;";�.,-. o� which me s�ttain iiu�il uvci tLi. Si.wurit imtrunxnl. and tw�ehui�l .� n�enta u� i.runJ icnt,. it an [kirruwer shall
<br /> , , ��,.�;,,..,�,s-,5 ; Y p Y Y P'Y 8 y• P�Y ��„-.
<br /> � � ' " '�'���`; ��`•'i� � these obli utions in thc munrn:r rnvidcd in uru rii h 2.��r if nat uiJ in that m�nncr.Barci�wcr shall a them nn dme directl
<br /> . . �;?�s'���,4'u!1?�• ,• B P p R p ` P P 5' y
<br /> to the pe��n nwctil paymcnt. &�rn�wer shall pr�HnpUy 1'umi.h tu Lendcr all nutire,�d�anu�unt,w Ik puid under thic;paragraph.
<br /> >z` �'��`• ' • `� If Bcxrower makcx thcse puynkn�s JirecUy.Burn►wer.hull pn�rnpU��I'urni�h�o l.einler r�weip�.ev�Jencing�he paymentn.
<br /> '"''._` '' -�''•..�..,`�`` Borrower shull pmmpUy Jisch:irge uny lien w•hicl�hu+ priori�y orrr�hiti Scrurity In��runtent unlc��B��rroN�er: (al ug��cr in
<br /> ' � � ' • wrltiog to the paynMnt of the uhlig;�ti�in.ecumd b�•thc lien in u nu�nner•r�crptaMe ta Lrnder:Ih)c��nte,t.in g�Hx1 fuith Ihe li�;n
<br /> ,�, by. ar defcnJs �gainst enforcemenl uf the lirn in. Icgal rrnr�titling. ���hirh in Ihc l.cnJrr'+��pini.m npera�u tu prevent the
<br /> ;��"�� .```'�+��~,I�� ' entorcenxnt of the lien:ur Icl+ecurc�from Ihe hnldrr uf thc licn un ugrecmcm ���i.f:ktun w LrnJcr�ut�rralinutin�the lion tu �+.
<br /> .,, ,•
<br /> �' ' - this Security M�troment. lf I.cnJcr Jctcrminc� th:n any pan ol�Q�r Pu►�xn� i>.uhjcrt ���u lien whi�h mu� ulluin priarity ��vcr
<br /> .�.+ ` .
<br /> ( , i ::�,�,�;. this Sccurity Intitrunknt. l.endcr may givr P��rru��rr a n�Hi�•r i�lcmil��in�ihr hrn. Fiurru��rr .hall +ati�tj thc licn��r takc onc nr
<br /> �"t � ::��:� more of the nctians set torth ulxrve within 10 duy�of Ihc gi��inF ol nu�irc.
<br /> S,t4 i � , `''�'4'� � Form 30Z8 9180 x
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