��,•• . �
<br /> . • ,�'[!f 1,�::a
<br /> ' � � -�� ,�y,
<br /> . .• �-�c
<br /> � • � .
<br /> �r 93� 1��,�, ..
<br /> �'hi.a I1pr�n�nt m�d� � �nt�r�d iato thia �.HS� od �i1ilir'l�nstt�r
<br /> �d b�t�n Doneld M. Taq� +md Lon�iM B.Taqp�, b�e
<br /> lo�ro�n �s partiM of t1� girs� p�ek, o! Graad isla�d. I1sbs�aska. �nd DOIIlyt� L.
<br /> �� � c�[�D�M. Lti�R. Hwb�d and Wil�, b�r�tl.� lanasa as D�tti�
<br /> � of t.t� s�oord p�rt. of asa�d I�l�d. N�bacuka�
<br /> iTI'1��.'1��
<br /> ' �l8, ths parti�a of ths firat part ue tbe a�eta of ths NorthsrlY
<br /> Caf-Hslt(1/2) o� that c�rtain full lot c�a�omed of Fraotiaaal Lot Flw (5)
<br /> ia P'raatiae�l Blaok 1'birt«a (13) in Rollins' !ldclitian ad ita oatq►lraeat,
<br /> ta-wilt Fraatianil Lot l�ive (s) ia Fraatianal Bloak 1�+�►tp-'1'ht^es(23) ia
<br /> ilallich's Additian, both beirip a�3di.tia�s to ths Mty of � islamd, Sall
<br /> '� �. �tp� �ask�� and p�rti,es og ttrs s�aad p�rt bave Purc�ased und�r caatcao�
<br /> :•. � +i� tl� Sautl�rlY �'�� (1/2) of said full lat: aad
<br /> - , - ��4;., .,.� .
<br /> '��#`��;;,F.:�:�.- WE�B, at tk,e pre�seat tim� thsre ia a wood fsanis doubla �ara�qe an the
<br /> '�:",;,,, ,.. . dividiiry line of aaid propetty, aae t�lf ttrereof c�a tbe prapertY v�ed bY
<br /> � p�rtie�e of the girst part �md ma-h�lf tl�sre of an proQsrtY purchased bY P�rties
<br /> � �. 4.�
<br /> ^ �•T�":` '��'�'';'.i�":' with te drive�wy� appr�irg eaoh of th�ea: n�ot�t
<br /> . :;,r- of the aeaond parti, separa
<br /> �; .., ';•:.`� .
<br /> 1k��`''���:.:::"'� �, in cansideratim af ths mutual cov�nants trsrein set forth and
<br /> .` '�::';�-�.�.� ,; t.he aun og Oae Dollar ($1.00) 'paid by each of ttrs partiea h�er�to to the other.
<br /> IA; . .
<br /> •`, . . ,-``: . reosipt whereog ia lyereby scla�ortleciQed, iti is a�resd tbst e�oh of tha parties
<br /> . ' . �, hereto ahall maintain in a re�asanable m�nn�sr emd oonditian that portian of tlye
<br /> •``x.. .• , .,, '•� buildi�ry located an psendaes awaed by said partiea arrd tl�at ttie P�ie�s hereto
<br /> Y �' ' .�.il.:•
<br /> � will cmatnrct a WaII thra�qh f.�e cai�eri c,€ eaid qara�a, aate-h�l f o f t h z cee E
<br /> •� ��� thereof to be paid by first parties a�d ane-tialf og the cast by seca�d parti�s,
<br /> ' � . - ..,•;',, . which ahal l alao be n�aintained by tt�m jointly. Neith�er of the partie.s will
<br /> ''• '�� obstructt the drivaway frcm the streat to th�e garaqe of ttre oth�er or ea�e anp
<br /> �,., ,;���'�':. :, , enaw or dsbris to be thrown fram the other drivaway anto the other, to the e.�d t�
<br /> ,�4 ,
<br /> � � ;'{,?��'�,:�,,�,r: tt►�t each of the parties will have the free and uatio�structed use of his portfan
<br /> � , >';,`,` of tt�e qeraqe at al l timea with a fres s�►�d unobstn�cted driv�Y fram the atreet
<br /> ���{�i�:,:.
<br /> .:>;���,;;,�.
<br /> . ,, � thereto. In the event the qaraQe aow oa the premises should be destroyed bY
<br /> � ;.,f�i4 �..����
<br /> • ;; ,;.:_„„,3�n4f •: fire or tt� eldnents ar danreoged to suah extent that material repair wauld have
<br /> to be made to restore it for usage as a garaqe, then the �u�fldi�nq shall be
<br /> ��'j � � .. . . rert�a�ved er�d thi�s T�rtian of this aqreenw►t terndnated.
<br /> . . . -r
<br /> ' j.' � �!: � � It is futtteer agreed between ths parties hereto and as part of the �"'.
<br /> ,. , :.,.�;�,:.
<br /> ' � ,: :;.-�,. �•. coasides�tfan hereit�above aet forth that parties of the first part ahall have aa ► --
<br /> .�.,.: � . .',�, �: easement across the property of the secasd parties for sewer pipes, electric ewd
<br /> r ..,`�;��` `- Eele�dru�ne wires and sisch other utilities as mray now exiat aarnss said pro�ertY
<br /> �� �`� fran the alle to the pro�erty awaed by first parties and aeca�d parti� ehall
<br /> �+..,:
<br /> ��. ;'•��;-��,. have an esseme�t acraes the property c�med by first parties herei.nabove ;�
<br /> � . . ...;� :';::`;.;�;;... � described to th�e street for water �crd gas pipes and such other utilities as mty
<br /> ` `: � '�;:'�.'.,rE exist. Each of the parties hereto is gramted the right to eaiter �on the
<br /> . •;•:.�
<br /> ",� � pra�erty of the other at rea�anable times to make necessarY repairs to such
<br /> � �s�;,�,�;� � , pipes and wir� a�d these easaaents shall cantinue for so lang as it is �
<br /> �'�� • . aeceasary to service either of the respective properties with theae utilities by
<br /> ',� .
<br /> `' �.,� crossing the property of the other.
<br /> �*�T � SAID R+�reen�t to be perpetual and shall rw� with the land to the .
<br /> �'}� � �`:� sucoeasors aind assiqns forever. i
<br /> �� �.: ;
<br /> ����,. ..� IN WI�LSg WHERDD�, we have here�to set our hands a� seal s this ,�(,k_ daY .
<br /> ��' +� of Septanber. 1993. ;
<br /> . ' ��}� ' ' �
<br /> . >..
<br /> .' � � �.
<br /> �t_
<br /> �'�, � . `� -- • P71RTI aF � FIRST P�Ts IF8 OF THE 11RT: F
<br /> � C\`�T
<br /> L
<br /> p �J\,
<br /> .,� o; . . • Cr .
<br /> t
<br /> � d N. Tayqe ��� Dasald L. Lei r
<br /> � ., _ )���' . � ^ . `/ � - aJ
<br /> 4 • `'I Y �QA Al ��_i1�� l ��� i.�-�C���
<br /> �� � . ,
<br /> � rraitc�e 8. Taqqe Geraldine M. Leiser ,
<br /> + �
<br /> , � .
<br /> ; �� �ri►.-� I
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<br /> .r� � �
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