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<br /> �Hy. �'~�'.,Y .. .....•.
<br /> 1 `
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<br /> shril pay !o ean�tioi.ary r�asone�bl� attorn�ys' t��s and �xp�n�e�,
<br /> �nd ths riqht to suah attarn�ys' la4s and �xpangea +shall b� d��d
<br /> to hav� aaaru�d on t.t�,p ca�mana�mont o! suah aat�San snd shaZl l�s
<br /> � �ntora�abi• wh�th�r m� not �uah aation is pros�autsd to iudqm�nt.
<br /> I! Trustor br�r�eh�� any t�r� o! thi• D4sd o! Trust, B�n�liaiary �ay
<br /> '•' �mpioy an attorn�y ar attornays to prot�at itr riqbts h�r�und�r,
<br /> ' ar�d in th� ovar►t o! 4uoh wpployaisn� lo�.lowing any br�aob by
<br /> �= Trustor, Tru4tor ahnii pay esnoliciary r�aaonabl• attiornays� l���
<br /> and expon�aa� inaurrod by 8anaticisry�, whothor or aot an aatioa i�
<br /> sctually aommanaad aqaiast Trustor by rwa��an ot broach.
<br /> ' 3.1i �aiver. Tha obliqations and liabiliti�s o! Trustor
<br /> ,� - �;��F,��_: � � herevndor sha�il in no way be raleaeed, di�aharged or otharwiaQ
<br /> .:.,. � .: � a!lQated (axaept ao expresely provided herein) by r4ason ots
<br /> . �� (i� any damaga to or destrua�ion o! or any aondamnstion or similar
<br /> �'. -' ���� � t�kinq o! tho Proper�y or aay part tbereolt (11� any rastriation or
<br /> _�. sf;�►;�,..;.�t,,y�,�•_,�
<br /> . �"�.`: : ,• ..:;�<<..:ti - prevantion o! or intorlerenae with any usa o! tha Proporty or any
<br /> -':�:.?�;i�;;.;,- ���.=°�`��; - �• � part thersat: (ili) any title deteat or onaumbranao or �ny 4victian
<br /> '""°''"'��` #� � � ' � t r o m t h a P r o p e r t y o r a n y p a r t t h e r e o! b y t i t le pa ramount or
<br /> 5:.: � r��
<br /> !�'e'•�4
<br /> �`',:;.:; 's� ` otherwise: (iv) any bankruptay, inealvanay, roosqanizatio��,. . •
<br /> trr��•';,.�, �c,:._�•.� : � „ , .
<br /> ��•�:� E� . ,. , compoeition. adiustmen�, diasolution, liquidation or other like ,
<br /> `"� ��'' '�'"'` � � proaeeding relating to Benefiafary, or any uction taken wiltb
<br /> � � � .� � •� respeat to thio Deed of Truat by eny truatee or raaaivar 4�
<br /> ,; ;,;;;`;, ��:�'�:- �: '- Benelfaiary, or by any aourt, in �+ny auah proaeedinqt (v) any a�aia
<br /> �;::�"'���' " which Trustor haa or miqht havo aqainat 8eneticinryt (vi) any ���
<br /> �'r`�=�:�:; �,�� � delault or fniluro on the part of Bonefiaiary to perlorm or cablply
<br /> ��� ••� ��' � � with any of the tenas hereof or o! any otber agtaoment �i.th
<br /> '�'"'��y`� , Tx�ustor= or (vii) any other ocourrenae whataoevar, whether s�,ailar
<br /> ..,,.,.....
<br /> ;,�. . ';,�,.;: �,.. .. ...
<br /> ,_.,�;:_,, _ � 9� �i�s�imilar to tha forsqoingt �rhether or not Trustor shall bava
<br /> ;a;;::�_:� ��;,;;F,i`�'..;� .. y no�ice or knowiedqe o! any o! the lo�eqoinq. Sxaept �s axprassly . �
<br /> +'��•,;.t;;;�, ���. �" proviasd herein, Trustor waives all righta now or herealtor
<br /> �• �.,,..,,.
<br /> �,��..�:�.s;;, .�� ,. aonferred by atatute or otherwiae to any abatemont, ouspenr�iOn,
<br /> � "' � defermant, diminution or reduction of any sum seaur�d horeby and
<br /> �; � '�`�,i;'.�r;.� . r�+,t; payable by Trustor.
<br /> � �;{�;•"::<;}; :.;, .
<br /> `,:�, d�;,`,::�
<br /> ,��. � . �. .r.�'•+�.'•n:.. -
<br /> � �,��5',i`y� ��� '�l'/�S
<br /> �� �•�,�:•� . ,�.• • 3.12 Protectior� of securitv. Upon the oacurrence o! an
<br /> ' ,.:;,,. � � � Event of Default (as defined in section 6.1 below), H�n@ficiary
<br /> �. � ��- ��� . and/or Trustee, each in it� own discretion, without obliqation so
<br /> .,,;;•
<br /> � to do and without notice to or demand upon Truetor and without
<br /> ;,���`:.; • � releasinq Trustor from any obligation, may take euch aations as
<br /> � ', � � � ' � , either of them may deem neaessary to proteat the aecurity hereol.
<br /> �';,�°' �; �'���•�� � In connection therewith (without limi�ing their general powers) ,
<br /> �' ��`��'�:.:;,': �•��` �- Benefiaiary and/or Trustee shall have and are hereby qiven the
<br /> ' , � �`.�:;;�� right, but not the obligation, (i) to enter upon and take
<br /> � � � • � y�-, possession of tih� Property; (11} to appeaF and participate in any
<br /> • � .�';,•, aation or proaeedinq af fectinq or vhich may affect the seaurity _,
<br /> �� � hereo! or the rights or powers of Beneficiary or Trustee hereuncYert ;;
<br /> � :' ',:�?a�� and (iii) in exeraising such powers, to pay neaessary expenses, ::;�e
<br /> ��`��;�.�y�: '•� inaluding employment of counsel or other neaessary or desirable � �.
<br /> r ���t, • ''������• . consultants. Trustor shall, imtaediately upon demand therefor by ,
<br /> � %�� ,�.. . `�� � � Beneficiary, pay all costs and expenses incurred by Henefiaiary in ,.
<br /> �';'�,;;:�: ����`�`.`��'.. � ` connection with the exaraise by Beneficiary of ttae foregoinq
<br /> ``<', " �1��:;:; 6 ��
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