<br /> • ' ��-j.r.i -
<br /> •� z�
<br /> ' ` g3 soAO9e
<br /> ,. �
<br /> '' . ' 1, lA� Bm�Ilol�ryr� or Il� �oeal4, �re wlborited to enter �t �ay re�aoa�bl� !iM�poa or la mY p��t of tbt propt�ty for
<br /> th� Derpou of in�p�eUno !bR u�t �ad for !h� purpo�. or v.�ron���� .nr ot t�� �el� lMey �r� w�Mori:�d !o p�rton u�d�r th�
<br /> '��� tenK o� �ny lo�n intiwrnt,��tecut�d by iru�to��.
<br /> !. It �II or �ay p�r! of Lhe propertr or �nr intere�t of Trudore i� sold. tr�a�ferred or IurtAer �ncu�b�red MltAout th�
<br /> �ittea oonata! ot the O�nRtf¢I�rr� the Bmefici�ry �ey deelere all �n�a seeured br thia Troat Oad to be i�sdi�t�ly due �
<br /> Der�bl��nd procR�d ta th�reMdit� ar�il�bl• to if, under the d�feul! provlsioat conFaia�d b�nia.
<br /> �.�4- ' ' 10. Mr ol tb� tolio�{n� er�nte 4b�ll be dee�ed�n av�a! of d�hul! h�nuad��:
<br /> �. ,.�.� �,�,,z, �. Trudors �A�II h��� hfled io MMe p��nent of �ar {nsidlMa6 01 priaoiD�l or interuL or�ar olh•� w�ucur�d b�r�by
<br /> ".` �� wh�n due;
<br /> -a;�,� ,��' b, Thera h�o oceu��ed � bracb of or def�ult under �ar ten� coveamt� �pree�nt, �onditfon, provi�io�� r�pre���t�6ion or
<br /> ' w�rreaty containad in thi� D�ed of Truat� tAe eot�or mr otber lom fn�tru�ent ��cured henbr;
<br /> ' °}:��• ` � e. There b�� been • def�ul! by the Truotore in th� p�y�enl ol my prior o� wbsequenl I i�a o� eacwbr�ac� ia n4pect ta
<br /> - s.-���;>.:_'4:�'..
<br /> ��' �y��:':����� �I I or any p�rt of th�proparty;
<br /> �' "+: � d. Truetors sb�ll iile e voluat�rr petition in benkrupkcy or sh�ll be adJudic�ted bmMrupt or insolvent� or eh�ll �1� �n
<br /> ���, '���'•+ .., �ssigo�ont for the beeelit ot crodilors in respect to Lhe prope�ty; or an�ctiaN to enfarce aay lien o� enewbr�ac� or
<br /> ��a�;t , �udyennts ��einsl the propertlr f4 coMenc�d.
<br /> �, ; �. ;: �..°; 1f. In tho ovent of �ny defeull, the Beneficiery Ny deal�re �11 fadebtedaess secn�ed Mereby Lo be duQ�nd psy�ble md the
<br /> ' ���r' • �a�e Rlwll th�reuDon becae du� �nd paY�blQ ritboul �ay presenta�nl,, deNnd� prot�4t or aotfee ol ear kiad. Tbtre�fur, tA�
<br /> � ��-.�,.. .�,.:. '• ,_ Itn�ficiery ��:
<br /> .. ,�.- , .
<br /> �� ��. .' - a, eilber in p�reon or br �9ent, witb or vitbout brinpinp �ny �clion or p�aeedinp, or Dy receivee �DDointed by e court
<br /> � end without reyard to the eduqwcy ot eny secu�ity, entfr upon md tale possessfon of the prope�hr� or�aY De�E therQO/,
<br /> ` �` �'�' .� in its a�n n��e or ia the ne�e of the Truciee� and do my ects which it dee�s Aececsery �nd desir�ble to preserre the
<br /> � :,..,.:.,.'�.r►�, velue, wrketebilftr or rentabillty of the Property, or p�rl lhereof, or inte�e�t th�rein, incro�aQ the incoM tAerefra �'
<br /> ,�� , . ";,j,.�;?;, or protect the securfly hereoi end, without takiny possessioa of the propertr, tue for or otherwiee collect the �ents,
<br /> ;:,��,,.�;�; .,. �� ��' �4�?'? issues and proffts thereof� includiny those pea! due ond unpaid� �nd �pply lhe es�e, lass costs �nd e�penaea of
<br /> ; �:+,;�:,,� , . � operwtion md calleclion� includinq ettorney fees, upon any iadebiedneas cecured he�ebr, ell in such o�der es the
<br /> . ; 't�''�tF;' ., � Beneticiary �ay dete��ine. The enterfng uDon and lakinp posesssion ol the trust eaui,e, the coliection of auch rente, .,,.
<br /> !r.:;rt; �
<br /> . iabur.e and profils aad applic�lion tbereof as �fo�ewid shall not curo or wive my deteult or aotice of deteult, �;,
<br /> �� hereunder or inralid�te any ect end in resDoase to �uch detault or purwant to such notfce of d�falt �nd
<br /> : •��:,; . � . notrithslmdinp thc cont,inuance in posse�sion of the praperty or tle collectfon, raceiD� aad epplic�tion of rents, �
<br /> , �•�'�� • • issues or proiit's, Trostee or the Benefitiary �ey be entitled to exercise erery riqht provfded for in �nr oI tht ioen r
<br /> � • . instru�ents or br lar uDon occurrence of �n� eveai of default, includiap the riglt Le exereise the power of s�le; •n ;
<br /> b. co�ence on oction to foreclose thie Osed ot irusl as a �ortyape, appoint e receirer. or speclfieall� enforee �ay of
<br /> ' '� ''�� lhe covoaants hereof;
<br /> ��%`� � `���� �yr= c. deliver to Truetee e �rilten declerelion ot deiealt and d¢�end for s�le, and rritien nolite of detnult md electio� to
<br /> • ,� '� �,...:.: �
<br /> `���'. " '''�'%`' ' ceuse Truetors' interest in lhe propert� to be sold, rhfch notfce Trustee shall cause to Oe dulr fil�d for record in tht� �
<br /> ` � •� � officfel records of the counl� in which lhe�properlr is locoted. }�� �
<br /> �� �' �� . :;��,,:�(.��:�. 12. Should the Benaficiarr elact to toreclase b� ezercise oi the power of sale herei� contefned, tbe 8eneficfery shall
<br /> ,�� ' '<�� ����•' aotify iruetee and shell depoalt ri�h lrustee i,his Oeed o� Truat end the note end such roceipi6 end evidence of eapenditures A�y.,
<br /> �:.. ; `.';r:;,i'� �ede aed aecured Aereb� es Trusten wy reQuire, end upon reQueet ot tbe Beneficfar�, the Trustee ehell ceuee Lo be recorded,
<br /> t`��� � � published and delivured to Truslor such Notice oi Default and Molice of Sele �s then reQUir9d br I�w aad by thic Deed of Truat.
<br /> � '� , � T�ustee ah�ll wilhout dewnd oa Trustor, after such li�e as �ay then be required by law ond efter recordatfon of euch Notice of
<br /> � . . • Deleult end eiter Notice oi Sole heving been yiven as required br I�w, sell the properl�at the ti�e and pl�ce of e�le fixed br �
<br /> ;,; ' � ;;;`;��, � it in such Motico ot Sole, eflher a� a �hole, or fn separete lots or percels or ite�s ee Trustee shall dee� expedfeat� end•in
<br /> �? • __�__.�, _ :;,:� .� ; such order as it �er delor�ine� el publfc aucliop to lhe hfghasL bidder for cash and eAatl deliver io such purchaeer� or
<br /> �� , j;':�'�!�: •'��'�'�� purchecRrs thareoi a deed to the property sold, consistont with the law then in effect. Recitals fa the Trustee`c deea ehall be
<br /> •�,;;:,;;�: pri�e facfe evidence oi the truth nf lhe stale�enls �ade Lherein, irustee shall apply lhe proceeds of the sele in the followinp � ��
<br /> �, ' '��t��'y; . � _ o�der: (a) to all raasonnbie cost� and expenses oi the sale, includiny but not Ii�ited !o TrucEee's fees of not �ore lhen 2x of ••!'
<br /> �' . � �::�':�`, the proec sale price, rcasonable ettorne� feec and costs ot title evidence; (b) to al l su�a secured by thia Deed of Trusl; and
<br /> . � � ;,�:�;�,:;; Ic) the ezcose, if uny, to t,he Derr,an or persons legal ir entitled therelo. An� person, Includinp the Beneticierr, �e� purchese -
<br /> � , seid Dropertr nL soid sole. ?ruclee �ey in the iunner provided br le�, postpone sale of el I or anr portion of the pro�erty. -
<br /> t � ' . • 13. Trustee ond the Beneficinr�, end eech of theo, ch�ll be entitled to eniorce pay�en! and perfor�ence of eny fadebtedness
<br /> ` ' ` � or abligation secured hereby �nd Lo exercise all righte end powers under this Oeed of Tru6i or under eny loen instrwen! or
<br /> � other agroe�ent or eny lars nor or heree�ter entorced notrithstanding so�e or nll of the indebledness and oblipetfons secured '
<br /> '. r � hereby which �oy nor or hereeflcr be olherwise secured, whether by �ortg�ye, deed o� trust, Dledpe, lien� essfpn�ent or �
<br /> i ' � otherwlae. Neither the acceplence of this Deed of iruqt nor its enPorce�ent, whether bl caurt actfon or pursuant to the power
<br /> � � �`���'' of eele or other powers herein contoioed, shell orejudice or in ony �anner affoct Trustee's or the Aeneficiery'e right to k;;;
<br /> ;':� • reolire upon or r.nforce any other ar.curit7 now or here�fter held by Trustee or the Benetitiarr, it being ayreed tbet Trustee end ?���','
<br /> , * . Lhe Be�eficiary, end �ach of the�, Lhall be enlilled ln enforce lhic Ileed of iruct end anr other securitr nov or hereefter held �� ' �
<br /> � ' 6r the Heneficiar� or Truetee in cucA order and wnner as the� noy in their ebaolute diacretion detenine. Mo re�edy herein �
<br /> ' 1 ' conferred upon or resorved to irustee or Beneiicierr is iatended 1.o be exclusive of eny ot6er rekd� herein or br law provided '
<br /> °. ! ti or pnr�itted, but eech shall be cu�ulolive and shall be ;n addition to every other re�edy piren hereunder or now or hereaft,er �:',
<br /> ' exisliny �L l�w or eQuity or by stetutc. Fvery pover or re�edy piven by anr of t�e lo�n instru�entc lo TruStee or lhe f''
<br /> ;� Baneticiery or to rhich efther o� the� �a� be otherwise entiEled oay be exercised, concnrrently or independenllr, tro� t{�e to �
<br /> _— ti�e eno es oiien as �or oe aee�a ezpeuient oy irustee or deneiiciar�, and eitner oi Cne� Ney pursue inconeisieni re�euies.
<br /> s �` Mothinp herein shell be construed as prohibitiny LhQ 8eneficiar� iro� seekiny a deficienct 3udge�ent eyeinat Truetors to tAe ;
<br /> '� oxtonl such ectian ie penitied by lar.
<br /> � • tl. iructore hereby requesl o copy of an� notfce of detault end thet any notice oi ta le here�nder be wiled to Irustors et
<br /> ::� t` y ' !he eddreas set forth in lhe flrst D��agrcDh of this Oeed oF �rust.
<br /> , �, 16. The Beneficiar� �eY, by o �ritten inetru�ent ezecuted and ocknorledged by 8enaficiary, Wiled to lruclors end recorded
<br /> i � ' fn thq County in vhich lhe properlr i6 located end by otherrise co�plring rith the provisions ot !he opv���able lew of the
<br /> Stele of Nobr�ske, �ub�tilule e cuccecsor lv lbe TrustPe ne�d herein or eclinp hereunder.
<br /> f � , . . 16. lhis Deed ot Trusf. applfes to end inuras f,o the bene�it of and Dfnds all parlies hereto, lhefr Aeirs, pereonel
<br /> represenlelires. succeseorc and assipes. The ter� 'Beneficier�' shell �ean the orner end holder of the note, vhet�er or not
<br /> r � °. �..,, aa�sd �s Benelicier� Aerefn.
<br /> „ � �
<br /> o'; �
<br /> ,
<br />