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<br /> �� - , ot ax�y part thtseoi, in a�non-juclfaial procadur� a: -
<br /> - peraittad by appliaabie ,aw.� I� Hen�liaiary �lects to
<br /> _ — ' axircis: its povsr ot �s3��vith rupect to tha Reai Sstat�a� _
<br /> - ' aud Equips�nt, or any psrt th�Caot, Trustee shall record?a: � _--
<br /> - - - - '� notice oi detault i;i each county iA vbich a:►y Part oL au�: _ .-�.___�
<br /> Real Estate and Eqnipaant is iccatad and shall mail copi�►. � � �
<br /> - � � of such notice iia tha- �nner prascril�ed by app2�.cabla latx:. _ -- _
<br /> �; �fter tt:e t3.ie required by applicable,law, T�cuatee sha2i:. ���
<br /> - give pulaiic notic� af th� sala to ths parsons and in the� :__
<br /> - - aanner prascribed by applicable Ia�t. Trustee, without � p:�;i�„�_
<br /> desand b� Graator, shall seli such Aeal E�tate and Equip�ant e��—._.-
<br /> -- -- —
<br /> - �. at public auctfon ta the highest bidder at the tfae ancl-� - _ ��_�_____—_.. _.
<br /> ` _= place and under the ternts desfgnated i.n the notice o! sa�.�a� �=� _T-
<br /> _ � in oae or aore. parcels and f.n any order Tr�stee determinea,. 1};� ,.i -
<br /> ; .;,�f :���:, Trustee -say postpone aale af all or any parcel of ttte Z`�izst � `=`4'-=—
<br /> ,< .�::.__.
<br /> ;1•.,._.�j:`
<br /> �' •}r r�,� . pzopsrty ia accordance with the provisions of applfaabl� �_�,=�=_
<br /> :�>: � or their desfqnee, may purch�tse� �.- -=:.,.8
<br /> -�-.• law. Tr�tstee, Benatiaiary. ;�ti•:�,--
<br /> . .. }, � i_: � . � at any such salo. Upon receipt of the price bfd� Trustea� ;: . .� --
<br /> �^ '��' shall deliver to the purchaser a Trustea's deed conVeyfa�; : �
<br /> ,.' F' < `. t that are sold. The recfta7€..8. ';. �` ;�
<br /> _ �.��. � �te Rea7.,Estate zuld EquiP�ten ._ -- _=
<br /> � �"w= � �a. the deed of co=pliance t�tith applicable latir shall ha p,rima = -
<br /> _ � ,,.r__::.�
<br /> _� :�; �t;F,. F}��: �acie evidence c�.sucA complfance a�d conalusive evidexzc�� �k`�
<br /> . .�j.+f 4�:� � �rI_.�_,—
<br /> . ;..�-• �. theaceof.,3n f2tvor cf.�aaa.�Side purcbasers and en�aambraai�e�rs '!:. . ��.�--
<br /> ` . .�; ._ `. for val�as and without a���ce. , , ;�
<br /> = �5'-. � ' - . - � . . . .. � �I�,` }�' ��
<br /> �= � �`� � (;f) eenetici�ay mag �+o ttve �tent g�raAitted±:b r:; t'.. ��
<br /> `,�:r� ' Y' �.-�.-
<br /> � _ , �,�:,.� .
<br /> _: . aRPlica�ale law, �a) ins�atate �.�seai.fr.�'cn an action of�•_ +�; ..;•,�:,
<br /> ca a cf the Tr�� �f�`� ���`'�
<br /> --z�;,;.I " �. mortqacg��.fareclosute ag�st all or ax�g,.�rt i:J�,� �, :��..
<br /> ~c`.���� : ' Pro (H) inatitute'aad maintain att� ��tion on_the I�o�es, ��C�,`:����` ;�;�:�
<br /> � � �� (C)Pee��all or part of Che Trust Proparty (Grantor �=. �":' ; �;. ..-�",�
<br /> . `•��:; ,.Lyry�'7,j �;.�ti,.. : ::.. -
<br /> :,� �°,�;, expressly gran�$a�g to Beneficiar�i the power oP sale) , :�x: (D) {;.`::>. •3-,{.�.{:;:��':
<br /> � _ ��' Li��.��..1� _ ; .. 'f� ,�'�+•.1,1�.
<br /> •°'r` take such othes �iction at law �s in equity fo� � �' �"': �'^'�� � -
<br /> : :_ -. F�::J; . , .(',.s• �` � �,`` �e
<br /> ,' ;, ��'�= ' enforceaent of ttzis Deed of Tsvst or any of t�� �d�ss itF.�.. .j ,.0��:.�
<br /> `� ' _ DocumeAts as ths law may,allow. Benefic� ��7 Ps��� in ��;��r. �-., .�_
<br /> , _ � � ' any sucb action to final iudq��t and e�uti��a �ezem�t��or � t:,
<br /> y ' � reasonable suas due.hereu��s, together wf�a. �na:terd�G �•"'' "• ` . �.
<br /> <<. , �3•
<br /> ' - � ;��reon at the Default Rate ane� �ll costs oP s�ag�: � �� t' �', ,_ �
<br /> � ;: f��
<br /> I � $itc3uc�ia�,, witbout lisitation, reasonable attozzc�yrs' f�es+ ;:; .� �?�
<br /> ' ;�;FS ; . , and c�i��ssements. interest at the oefault Rate shall��:me ;�;.; , �
<br /> � ;r,. �
<br /> I Si`; �, .....� � �'' � ,g�;; Z- - -• ---
<br /> due os� �y judgment abtained by Heneticiary Prom the da�� of ��,,
<br /> ;, '_� � .::, �udgmer�t• until �a�tual paymeat is made of the fu�l aaawtot �f �;'';: ;�:
<br /> ° ' ;� ';,5',,i,i t�e lJLt$�ent. , . �,... r° ' :,;t:.;,.: �
<br /> ,t. :4�' � � , C ii3) To the ��ent not� prohfbited by appl ic2��� f"r-�� '�`� '`r.�4���`
<br /> . 4}i _:ti,_�•..
<br /> ; ,,; law, t�� HeneP���ary s�� be entitled to all the Gra�t�r's kj��'� �' ``� �
<br /> „�: a� rt aafter ��'. �"�� .�'�;
<br /> r:. ��.ght, title a� interes� in an8 to the Trust P pe y.• :;' ;,;;�,t;,
<br /> .-.. ��' . �te Heneficiary's notiPicatio� to the lessor uaad�s tbi�s�.7irust ,li•� �;�� �':'•,:-,::;`.,,,:
<br /> `;;�� ' ,, ": � � Lease qiven 8urinq the �ntinuaa�ce of an Event aP Defa���,. � �'' t�� ��� •;'�,t',
<br /> �:�:''°' ' ,K:.!� . .. i�, ,
<br /> 1'� � ' � ,;�'�-:,� . ot the Beneiiciary•s ira�snt to accept same, ps���ded+`�a� 4_; .,'
<br /> � the Beneffcfary shall agree to pay the rental aa8 p�rf�z� �?'��� �
<br /> �"''� -- ' , the Grantor's othes obiigations under the Trus� Lea�ae `' ° �
<br />;�;;;�.; , arising after such noti�icatioan by the BenePic�.a�cy�• �. ,
<br /> . �. .
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