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<br /> k�,.,74r���i� . , . .� , . .. . , .. , - , ' z: ' , � '4,a, ��,���, ; .. V �
<br /> p1j ::v-�►'.' �.?►. ,.T�yi1 .
<br /> .•.,�.- _ . • - • . . , ' . - . . '. . . <...:or�.+l" i�dr.�'yr'l�YF�N�}4 . " .
<br /> • . ��� , . . , . . � .. - u�-
<br /> � � �. ^ . „ ��± �� �. ;Jf1.�..
<br /> CDN6EN?�i Ci)NF IRMATION ANO RAT iF iCATION of tha Plettina end eubd�fvi di n� and
<br /> oedicn�ion, ot Hond�rYQ�a l-alce Esteteo 5so�nd 5ubdivi�sion� beinA +� tr�ct af
<br /> lan�{ �com�lricxncl��alX� -o#'� l.ot. .One t 1 ). �lock One (1 ). Ponderosa Leke Estates
<br /> S�tbdi�v�.a�ion, an Hdciition.. �a.,the citY of ur�nd Ie�anc�. Nebra�ka end other
<br /> la�nd ad.�a�ent ther�to. a�,l ,aitueted in the 5uuthdaet Ouartar (�C1/4) of
<br /> Se+etion ,7hirtY Six (3b). Tcawn�hip Eleven ( 11 ) North. R+�npe Ten ( 10) Weat of
<br /> � the 6th .p.M. . Hell �ountv. Nebreska. and more particulerly described aes .
<br /> follows= �et�inn�.ng at the� Sauthwest corner of seid Lot One (11. t�enae N
<br /> Ob degraes 46'30" w elon� end upon the westerly line ot said LQk One (1 ). a
<br /> dL�CanRe oF o�n� Hundred Forty Five ( ]45.0) faet to the Northwest corner of
<br /> said Lot. U�d �l1) ; thonce N65 dayr�es 41' 04" E aAor+9 and upon tho Northerly
<br /> lina of sai,d. �Lot One ( 1 ). a distance of Une Hundred Sixty seven and Seventy
<br /> 5ix Hundr�edt�h� l 167 .76) feat to the northeast corner of said �ot One (i ):
<br /> thanCse 5 09 :d�+eree� 'L1'4�" ��. alang and upon tha easterly line of said Lot
<br /> oa�e (� Jr a �d�.'�tanoe of One� Hundred Fifteen ( 115.0) 'Feet to the southeast
<br /> � qprnar of said Lot. One� ( �i: .thence S 32 deQrees 57' 37" E, a dietanc� of
<br /> 5�ventv Thr.ee anSl•�T'hfi.t�tY �iqht Hundr�dths ( 73.38 ) feet� thence 5 75 deqrees
<br /> ¢,�►., O�" .W., parallel. �w3.�h the �outherly line ot said �ot one (i ). a distance
<br /> ,�.
<br /> :•41^��One Hl�ndr��d For�y Nine and Four Hundredth� ( 145.UA) feet: thence N 09
<br /> �.�,�;/.. � deflraes ��' Sb" w, a distr�nce of Thirty Eiwht and Fourteen Hundredths
<br /> R . (38..1a 1�'�aet, to the SoutheasL corner ot Uutlot "Ci" , Ponderosa Lake Estates
<br /> �'�`� Subr�ivi:��ion; th6+nca N 83 deqrees 10'27" E. a distance of lwenty four (24.0)
<br /> '���, f�e� .to a Point cm .�hN eas� 1 ine ot Uutlot "d" . f-�anderosa Lake �states
<br /> Subciivision: thanc� N U6 de9rees A6'30" W alon9 and upon said ea�t line of
<br /> �"'.;�;. 1 uutlot "e3" a distance or F itteen l 1�.0) teet to the point ot be9inning.
<br /> ��
<br /> � COM�S NOW Peg9Y L. Kae who has heretotore caused property located in l.ot
<br /> On� (1 ). elock une (1 ), panderu�a �a+ce tsta�es SuUdivision. Grand lsland,
<br /> Hai1 County. Nel�raska . to be surveyed. subdiviaed, piactea and desisr�ai.aci
<br /> "��''' es "Ponderosa Lake kstates Secand 5ubdivision" and do herebY treelY and
<br /> ,��,•, :
<br /> �+„•�r;.�s� '� � � volunterily consent to, cunrirm and ratitY in r�ll respects to the plattin9 .
<br /> ' ,;: ' and dedicatinc� of said 5ubdivision �_onsentin4 to the dedication of streets
<br /> �'�;�m y�,;a`,�;��. , and �asements as shown on said Plat and bv these present� do�s herebv Joih_ • ,
<br /> '`' yt��ti' r, . in Che plattina ancf suodiviciina ot "P�nderosa Lake �states 5econd �
<br /> • � �'� ' Subdivision" , Grand I.sl:�nd. Nall c.ounty, Nebraska. the plat ot which has
<br /> ,ar.�.:;i� t' heretotore e��:en racorded �. uorumr�nt No. _ _ .. _ of the
<br /> ����.�' � � Plat kecordg in thr� Uttice ot thy ke�ister ot uedds ot Hal! �ounty,
<br /> �p_ K+.;,.y�Z,r•.. ..
<br /> + +�,��,.,;-. �- ' Nebraska_
<br /> '�. N�,�i��-�la:xi .y���i!
<br /> '`"r;: �k`�i��v���'�;;;�r, �ated thi� 17th _ �av or . September _ , 1`�yd
<br /> �f�Cl'� ' ' ��'�b,,�.rY`�:'i-�� ;' � �
<br /> -��Jt9:f�.C,� f �}a��'�;�`�'� �..f..,f
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<br /> :'�s" . �ari 4,�str��._..,,r ��Ne��7Y L`-��a e - -- ._._...,--
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<br /> ^w�.• � �UUN'fY liF HF1LL )5�'
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<br /> �r;h`' �� a�^- rx, daY or . Jeptember . .�yy i , •�
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