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<br /> WHEREAS, all of the indebtedness secured by the Trust Deed executed by Donald D. Mehring and Rebecca L. �"
<br /> Mehring, Husband and Wife; and Donald D. Mehring, Trustee of the Nancy A. Erwin Trust o
<br /> to Arend R. Baack, Attorney at Law, P. 0. Box 790, Grand Island, Nebraska 68802
<br /> Trustee, for the benefit of The Overland National Bank of Grand Island, P.O. Box 1688, Grand
<br /> 1993 s an ,
<br /> the Beneficiary named therein, dated April 12, , and recorded �,��il 15. 1993
<br /> in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, asDoc. ��93-102914
<br /> in respect to the real estate described as:, has been paid, and said beneficiary has requested in writing that this Deed of
<br /> Reconveyance be executed and delivered;
<br /> NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of such payment in accordance with the request of the beneficiary named therein, the
<br /> �undersigned, as Trustee, does by these presents, grant, remise, release and reconvey to the person or persons entitled thereto all the
<br /> interest and estate derived to said Trustee by or through said Trust Deed in the following described premises, but only as to such
<br /> premises;
<br /> A trect of lend eompriain0 a pert of Loi One (1), Consatoya North Eiphth
<br /> Subdivlsion 2n th� City of Grand Ielend. Hall County. Nsbr�ak�, and aor•
<br /> particularly deaeribed ae follows:
<br /> Flrat, to aeurtatn th� polnt of beyinninp, stert •t ths eoutheas[ eorner of
<br /> seid Lot On� (1): th�ne• wsatsrly alonp and upon th� soutl� lin� of eaid �ot
<br /> On� (1), • di�tene� of Thr�� Hundr�d Eiyhty On� and F1fty Eiflht Hundrsdths
<br /> (3E1.SG) last to a polni on the prolon9etton of th� west lins of Lot Sevsn
<br /> (7). Consato9+ North Subdivleion: thenc• north�rly alonp end upon said
<br /> prolonp�tlon, a dlst�nes of Thr�• Hundrsd Thirty Flvs and Forty Sevsn
<br /> Hundr�dths (335.17) fset, more or l�as. Co LM southwqt eorn�r of s�td Lot
<br /> S�v�n (7); tt»nc• sast�rly, alono end upon CM south lln� of said lot S�v�n
<br /> (7). • dlstanc• ot On� Hundr�d Flfty (150.0) f��t to tM �outhw�tt eorn�r of
<br /> Lot Siz (6), Con��toya North Subdtv,ision: th�nc� south�rly ♦lonp and upon CM
<br /> prolonyatlon of tM w��t lin� of said Loi Six (6), • distano� of Thirty Fiv�
<br /> (35.0) f�eti tMne� u�t�rly�, perall�l�with th� south 11n� of said Lot Six
<br /> (6), Con�sto9a North SubdivlsSon, • dt�tano• of ThlrtY On� and S�wntY Four
<br /> Hundr�dtht (31.74) f��t to th� ACTUAL polnt of b�ptnninp: tMne• eontinuiny
<br /> ��at�rly alonp and upon th� laat deeeribsd eours• produe�d, a distenc• of On� �
<br /> Hundr�d 7w�nty Eipht (128.0) fe�t: th�ne• south�rly, perall�l wlth Ths saat
<br /> llns of sald �ot On� (1), • dist�nc� of O�� Hundrsd Tw�nty Sev�n (127.0)
<br /> f�st: th�nc� wsst�rly p�rsll�l with Ch� eouth llns of Lots Fiv� and 51■ (S a
<br /> 6), Cones[opa North Subdiviaion, a diatanos of On� Nundrsd Twsniy Nins and
<br /> Ftfty Two Hundredtha (129.52) feet: thence northerly, e distenc• of On•
<br /> Hundr�d 7u�nty Sw�n (127.0) fs�t to ths aciwl potnt of b�pinntnp. --- �
<br /> together with all buildings, foctures, improvements and appurtenances belonging to such premises.
<br /> �ated tnis 16� day of Septe�nber 1999
<br /> ����
<br /> RUSTEE �D R, BA,�CK, Attorney
<br /> STATE OF �gg�Kp,
<br /> � ss:
<br /> COUNTY OF uAr,r
<br /> On this �6��h day ofSeptP.IYtb�Y' 1999 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public duly commissioned and
<br /> qualified for said County, personally came AF2II�TD R. BAACK, Attorney
<br /> to me known to be the identical person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution
<br /> thereof to be his/her voluntary act and deed.
<br /> ,
<br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal at �rand Island in said County, the date aforesaid.
<br /> My Commission expires: Jurie 28, 2003 _
<br /> � i
<br /> � 6ENERAL NOTARY St�e oi Nebraaka
<br /> M 80NNIE L WILL
<br /> My Conrn.E�.Jinb 2e,2000
<br /> F15340.LM4 (3/98)
<br />