<br /> . � � �
<br /> �,i ° ,.. .
<br /> r� • .'"�•M(#tl� . `.�
<br />� � • 93• io�o�s
<br /> 17.Trawder ot tYe or��eardlcl�l lattr�t I�6aesewa�.lt dl w y�rt a� f tha l�apeMy or�ny i�in It
<br /> i�wW ar trwfernod(ar Itpi b�cW Iaterat ia Bomawer�rold a tr�n!'ertod aad�Bornowac ia nd a�ural peiwn)�vithout
<br /> . t.ader'� pdor wrivaa aa�aM. I�enaer m�y. u lu opbn. �i r�e immedl�te p�Ymau in full af�it�w�w�oa�rad by tW4
<br /> Secutity Iaitrument.Howcver,thi�aplian�U na be exerclrad by Londar if o�encire b proldbiud by fodar!I�w n ot tbe dMe
<br /> of�hi�t Secutity In�uumaN.
<br /> . Ii Lader cxe�i�thi�op�ian, l.ender sh�lt �Ive B�xrower natkc of accoleraUon.The notice slwlt.provide a paiod of not
<br /> tess thon 30 drys from �fie iWc the ndkc ir dc/�verod or m�iltld withln which Borrower mu�t ppy all amr soamd bY thb
<br /> Seau+ity imtrun�t.lf Borrower f�11:1u pa►y Ihesa wms priix to the expl�tlon oP�hi�perbd. Londer nuiy Invofre any�aeedia
<br /> �ermfttedAy this 3ecu►it,y In�uumdN wl�hnut fmthcr�Nre or demand at Bornnwer.
<br /> 18. �ott+ower'� RIRht to Rel�fate. If Bormwor moar cxnain conditbnr, B�ormwor shull have the right to havc
<br /> enfonoemea� of thiA 5acudty In�ttumarn dicca�tinuod st a�q dme prior�o Iha avliar of: (ol S dayr(o�such otttier paiod W
<br /> q�plic�ble law maY rpeciiy Wr rctnstatcma�t)botora s�le al'eho Property punwam �o any pnwor of e�la containod in thi9
<br /> Socurity Inurumax:or(6)antry af a jpd�tnetu entb�cing lbis Savrity InFtrumanl.Tho�o cu�litMNw ue th�t&►mawer:(p)pryi .
<br /> I.ender a!1 wma which then would be due uodtr �Qf�Sacurity inurumed and the Nota aq iP na acceleratlan h�d occumad:(b)
<br /> cures any default oP Any olher rnvenanta or a�toetncnte;(c)pp �rrll experu�w incumed in enforcfng t6is Sccurity Inuiumrnt.
<br /> including.but not limitod to,rcas�xwble attorne�s'fas:and(d�wlcer such nction as Lendar may reawmbly roquire to aswro
<br /> that the lirn of lhis Security l�uument.Lender a dghtR In �he Prnperty w�d Sor+vwer'y obligatian to pay ihe sums securod by
<br /> thia Securiry inst�ument ilwll cantinue unchenBad. Upon �inFtWWert�cnt by &►rrowor, Uiin Security Irutrument an� the
<br /> a6ligotIo�securod tieRby shall rcrnain fi�lly effcctive an iP no qccekrnlon lu�d axurned. Howover.thic dght to�tinst�a sF�tJl
<br /> notapp!y in the case of acceletatlon w�der pangraph 17.
<br /> � 19. Sde at Note� ChsoQe o[Lan&avica. The Nde or o paniAl irusrcw in the Naa (tugecha with this Secu�ity
<br /> Insdurtxnt)mAy be sold a�e or mom tirnev wilhout prior notice to Burrower.A sala may rccult•in a cbange in the entity(krawn
<br /> as the'Lo�n Servicer'1 that collects n�nthly paYrnems dw:under the Naa and thiA SecurGy InFUUrtunt. Thero also may be onc
<br /> .�;,°� or mor�c d�nIIes of the Loan Servicer unnelated to a sale of!he Nwe.!f tkrc i�a change ef tbK l�oen Servicer.Bornower will be
<br /> �, ,' givcn written notice of the change in acrnrdarkc with ps�rag�aph 14 ubove uxl applicablu luw.The notice will state the namc and
<br /> ��•�� addrcss of�he new Loan Serviccr and the addrcis a which pay�nts sh�wld bo mad�s.Tbs no�fc�e will also oontain any other
<br /> ' _���;.,, •,�.. infamation requircd by applicabla luw.
<br /> 20. II�arOot�s SubWa�. Barmwe� shall not cuusc or perntit the pt�ecence, use,di�wsal, storoge. or relpsc of arty
<br /> ;��:��; �• Haz�u�dous Subatunces an or in the P�q�eny. Bvrrower shall �mt do. nor elluw anyuna elz:e to do, a�thing affecti� 1he
<br /> �.,, Pnn�crty that is in violotion of any Enviranmentul I.Aw.Th�preceding two sentences sha11�na:ipply to ihe pmsence, use, or
<br /> ��^-•.� storagc on�hc ny of smoll quonlitias of Huxarduue Sub�tanaes�hnt ur go�rnity recogniuYl to be apprapriate to irornml
<br /> P��e ro
<br /> �idential uses end to maimenance of�he Pro��eny.
<br /> � ' Borrower shall promptly gfve l.en�lar wcittennotice of any invectigq[ian, cluim. demond.lawsuie orother actian by any
<br /> �• �� governmenwl or rrgulatory egency ar private pnrty involving Ihe Pmpeny and any Huzardaus Subsuuice or Environmentnl Law
<br /> s c
<br /> ,� � � '�' •%'' of whiQh Borrower Iws actual knowledge. If Bumowcr Icarn4,or is muifiod by ony gaucmmenal or r�egulatory Authori , that
<br /> re ty
<br /> 4' � ��: any remnval or aiha�remcdiation af any H�zordous Subsience affecting�ha Propcnyie necessuy, Bomawer siwll promptly take
<br /> •y- _
<br /> ,A,}�r:�,,��.��'.� , s!!ntxe�..s�r� s�ett�tli�!;tctins�:its�CCttstlsu�ct t�ith Fatsirontstent3! l.ss��.
<br /> �? ,�, As used in�his parrgr�ph 2Q, "H�7AIdQUB SUIIFItifICCS"are tho�e xub}wnees defined as tozic or hsuard�ws subswnces by
<br /> {"�'�"'����.•' • ' ' Enviivnmental Law �od tha folluwing subf,tunocs; gasoline, kerosane,otbcr AummAble or toxic petrokum�roducK.c, toxic
<br /> � `4��;1{,t;��,� •r..:,-
<br /> ;,. r' �;.'%ri�'.r�i.`:.:.-', � pesticidas ond harbiaidau,volulilu solvome.matarFalN cantuining asbestos or fom�uldehyde,and radioacti�•e maten�ls.As used in
<br /> , .. �. . � s.
<br /> , !:s°4�'<<Ir�7„c';�t:�- •:.•� thig ipar.a,��aph 2(!. "En�rironmentul�l�w" meunr: fudnrs�U lu�vti ond laws of the jurisdictian w•here the Property is locoted tt�t
<br /> fi��;.,,:.�•,•�l, �' �",;F;;"�};;i.i(�,;;';4;. �': relakt w tualth�sat�ty or eneimnmentul pro�acti4n�
<br /> ' ��• �'�• `� �^t`'''� ' ' " _�10N•UNIFOKa►i COVENANT3. Bumoacr�nd lander tiutthcr cuvcn:�nt and a roc a�follaws:
<br /> ��-�:�>::: '.'�.�.t•�;�";�k;, " i g .
<br /> 2l. AccelerAtina; Remedi�.Lender shall�Ri�e notice to Borrower prlor M acceleration�dlewing Borrower s breach
<br /> •*'°"'_:�"'�''�%���;.� o[ any cove�aat or agreement in thG� Securitv Instrument (but nat prlor to acceleradon under par�grAph t7 unle�
<br /> ,��,'��, �=�' ;' appliatble law pe+ovides ott�envtre).The notke sl�ll specify: (a)Ihe deiaulh (b)the actbn reqofred lo cure the defaulN
<br /> -�,r � (c)a dete,not Icss thon 30 deyq Ilrom the date Ihe notice ts�iven to Borrower,by which the defAUll musi be cnred;s�nd
<br /> � �._,c�.±r�s•�.,.
<br /> '��"`��t�`����f.j' '� " (d) dmt f�ilure to cure the dafuull�an or before the date x (fled in ttm nodce m� result in accelerAtbn ot tf�e sums
<br /> i` ;.:;�,]�,;..,::�.F..,. P� 5'
<br /> ��;,;.,;J���i'�;,_ ., secured by tbia Seeurity In�trumen� and sale ot Ihe Pmperty.T6e notice shall further inform&►rrnwer ot the rlght to
<br /> � ,� , reins�te rfter aeceleratlon pnd the right to bring a court acUon ta�.y.+ert the non-existence ni s default ur any othcr
<br /> ` "�j'`=�:���`' �•� �'� defet�se of Borroaer to Acceleratlon and sale. If Ihe default ts �ot curad on or before t6e date Rpeclfied in the noNce�
<br /> ' l ° ` ,.,-'���,�'S :• ..,� l,ender� at its option. ma�• rcr�ut:� �iuu��rSia�r �r+,rment in fuii uf all sums secured by this Securitv Instrument wtthout
<br /> � �uc�her demand and may invoke Ihc po��cr of�le and any other remedics permitted b� applicable!ow•.I.endcr shull bc ''�•�
<br /> � ���:_...��..l�,2;; ';:-
<br /> `�`'' � '' • •>,"�::',_ . ;a•� entitled to rnlloct s�ll expenses incurred in pur�uiag the remedies provided in Ihfs ps�ragraph 21,IncludlnR.but�at limited
<br /> �° ''.'� _��= ;=;, :':�:"'' ta.�usanable pttorneys fec.w and c�nts of'title evhknce.
<br /> '` �:"'' � If thepo wer oP sale is im•oked. Truslee �ludl record u notice aP dePault in canc �ount�• ip �vhkh�ny part of the
<br /> I ' � ' ''� Properly is I�ted and shpll muil rnpics of�urh noticc in thc manner presr�ilx�d b��upplicuble la���to Borrowe�and to
<br /> ';??, �: � '�� the other persnas prescribed M�applicablr law. ARer Ihe timr reynired b�applicAble la«, Tru.stee shall�ive public notice
<br /> `�•'�.,, ;�, . of sWe to the perso�s and in the mAnncr precrribed By applirablc la�s. Trustec. w•ithuut dem�nd on Borrow•er.shall sell
<br /> 1�'.� :. . ,��... .,":� the Properly at public euctioo ta the hiRhrsri bidder al Ihe lime and plrce and under Ihe lerms d�i�nated in the notice of
<br /> '' ^,�.�,, ' � • ,. sale in one or more purcels and in any orde�Tn�tec determinrs.Truxtce mu� p�ntpone wle of ull or any parcel of the
<br /> �„�.;. � Properly by puWic announcement at lhe tim� und plece of an� prerluutily �cheduled wle. ixnder or its deslgnee mov
<br /> �" x�� ' purchasc the Properlf�at any sele.
<br /> �. I'� . • ' ' rr:.
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