� ' .,.«�.
<br /> ��
<br /> � �' t�� .. .yA!
<br /> - �� ��. . .
<br /> � �L��rL...�r..wY11�f��I�M1�� . . .
<br /> I . �
<br /> 7�OOL'THBR WITH dl tho I ����� , .
<br /> � mproveme�t,now or hw+o�fter erocted oo the prepasy.�ud vl�i.�aors�ad
<br /> � flxtura now or M.�aRer a aut of�he propetty. All apl�cements and additia�. sl�ll v�a be ooverod bp tbia ieaurit�►
<br /> �, Iwttuma�t. All of ahe fare�olaa io referred w!n thi�Socuri�y In�neM�u the'lkoperty.`
<br /> BORROWBR COVF.NAMfS IhiM @otruwer ie 4►wfWily ui�ed of ttie eune t�aby as�vayed and fw tho tly�tt w�nut!�ad
<br /> oonvry the Propetty snd�du thn Propaty 1�unenumb�erod.eucept for et�cumbtsnca�of ro�'or�d. Bottawer w�nb wd wW
<br /> detad�enersdlly the tide W tho Proporty a�da�t dl cldms uM!dem�nde.wbject to any encvmbnn�c�of roeard.
<br /> ; TMS SBCURITY 1NSiRUMF.N7'aumbines uqiform oavaww for n�tlaW uie aad aoa•uaiform covawMS wub limibd
<br /> wuiMiau by jurirdkyion w wt�stitute�unitorm secudty irottument oovering rcal property.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lcafcr coveaant and�{rae�c fi�linww:
<br /> l. Pwya�a�t ot'Riodpd and iatee+atc P�'eP�ya� aad Ute �w�a. Borrower �lull P��Y P�Y w4eu dua tho
<br /> principal of�nd intanxt on the debt evidenoed by the Note w�d wny pns�+qymcM and lue cha�yes due under the Nota.
<br /> Z.Fbnd�tor Taxes rad lawraaoe. SubJort to appUcablc tow or to�writtcn w�iver by Lctder.Borrower�hall poy ta
<br /> [.ender on the day monthly paymatts ue due uMcr�he Note.until�he Note is paid in full,A aum('Funda')for(o)yauly I�xes
<br /> and acsersrtknts which m�y attain p�lority o�er thie Savrity instrumorit as a lien on the Prapetty:lb)yeuly IeASel�old poiymeots
<br /> or grourd rcnt�un d�e Property.if ony:(c)Yearly hrzard or PrM�KY insurance premiums:(d)Ycarly flaad insurarsce peanlum~.
<br /> if any: le)Yearly mortgage ineurance permiums. if Any:and l�any sums payable by Bamnwer to Ixnde�. in accardan.�e with
<br /> the provisions of parag�ph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortguge insurance prcmiums.7liese items one cAlled'Escrow Itana•"
<br /> Lender may.at any [imc, rnllx[and hold Funds in an art�ount not to eaceed the maximum amount a lender for a feder�lly
<br /> relate� mortgngc loan may require for Borrowcr'a cscmw account under the federal Real Es�ate Senlemrnt Procedu►es Act of
<br /> �,:, 1974 as amendod from time to timc. 12 U.S.C.Seclion 2601 ct s�q.("ltESPA"). unless uather law tlwt applies a ttic Fucds
<br /> `` �•''`''' ' sets a lesser amount. If co. Lendcr muy,at any time. ooliect uid hold Funds in an amount not to exoeod thc lescer unount.
<br /> t ••r�,.
<br /> - "���`��'�' � � Lender may estimate the amount of Funds duc on 1he basls of current data a�d reasonable estimates of expctditurea of fwuro
<br /> .):i:4c; +x.
<br /> . . � ' _ " .
<br /> .f�l::i�>:' . +:,,�i:.�;�.�, Escrow Items or otherwise in aocordanc�with applicable law.
<br /> ���G,,,
<br /> ,,.,,; :. . The Funds shali be held i� an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agen�y, insirumentaliry. or entity
<br /> ��. •; ';� z:3it.:s���:�;�; (including I.ender,if Lender is such an ir�titution)ar in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Lender shall apply the Funds to pny Ihe
<br /> ..� ¢�;�tj.�;.l,;a;l:r,
<br /> it:�,�s?,j �:�,.�.�• •r..:_4 Escrow Items.Lender may not charge Barrower for holding and applying the Funds,annuully anulyzing Ihe escrow accou�u,or
<br /> '�•��''�� ° �� ' ,�' '�'' verl in the Escrow Items.unless l.ender s Borrower interest on the Funds And a I�cable law rmita Lender to mAke wch
<br /> ;:;;,E.t. h4;} fY B PAY PP� Pe
<br /> '�}'��:''�`•' A charge.However, Leoder ma
<br /> y require Barrower to pay a one-time chArge for an iafependent rral esta�e wu reponing service
<br /> � �-•• :, >,.•� .,•, used by Lender in connection with this loan, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agrcement is made or
<br /> ;�, . �,ais:�•�;:J;,�;; applicable law requires intarest to be paid,Lender shull not be required to pay Borrower any ioterest or earnings on the Funds.
<br /> ��y�:�!; � .� � � � � Harrowcr and I.�nder may agree in writing.hawever� that inter�est shall be paid an the Funds. Lendcr shpll give to Barrower.
<br /> :'�:�'•�r .L"°iy����,:�`'...: " ,
<br /> t;�.,,,: . � �,{,,,.. •�o wi�hout charge, an annuul accaunting oP the Funds, showing credits aml debits to the Funds and tha purpnse for which exh
<br /> „•.::•:.,:,, ,.r,� ,... �,�i�,�,�:, debil to the Fuads was mAde.Y'he Nunds are pledged As�Wdltional serunty tor atl sums secured by this Security iastrumcn[.
<br /> ��,�, '.��':: � �. ` ,��j?•f If the Funds held b P� Y PP
<br /> " '';+,;.,�;',r,. 1.+�;�,�V,f Y I.ender exreed the amounts rmitted to be held b a licuble law. I.endar shall account to Borrower
<br /> ;, . �,�;,.+,.;,��,:C�:;:tq;r�i;,f�`;t�+ far the excess Funds in Accordance with the requiremen�s of applicable law. If the amount of�he Funds held by Lender at any
<br /> �" �" �''t`'`�';,'�'{i��1�t,r';;;;;j';. time is not sufficient to u the Escn�w Items when due.I.ender ma so nntif Bomnwer in writin nnd,in cuch case Borrower
<br /> �-�,,�;��;: . T P Y Y Y 8•
<br /> ..t`., ..., ..:r,r,..... :.
<br /> , •,(�};�;y;;i;;; shnll pay to l.ender the amaunt necessary ta make up the deficiency. Borrower shell make up the deficiency in no more�hAn
<br /> �'"?� � � twclvc monthly payments,at L.ender's sole discretinn.
<br /> r• �
<br /> '. " . .. Upon payment in full of ull sums secured by this Sccuriry Imtrument, Lendcr shall promptly refund ta Borrower an�•
<br /> Funds held by L.ender.lf,under par�graph?I,I.cndcr rhall:�cquire or scll thc Propeny,l.cndcr, prior to the acquisition or sale
<br /> ,; �!.� ... �•��- ", of Ihe Property, sholl apply uny Fuixis held by I.ender at th�:time of acquisition or wle as A credit�gainxt thc surns secured by
<br /> 1 !y;•;,��. . • , -.r:-^. this Secu�ity Inst�ument.
<br /> 3.Appllcadon ot Poymenlg.Unlesti applict►bk luw provides olherw•i+e,ull paymem+rercived by LenJer wufer parag�aphs
<br /> � ��. " 1 and 2 shall be a licd: first, to an rc u ment char es duc under the Nate; �eronJ, to:,mnuntx a able under ara ra h 2;
<br /> . .- Pp YP PY 8 � pY P 8 p
<br /> � ,. ' � ,, third,to interest due;founh,to principal due;und lac�,ta any late charg�.�c due under�hc Notc.
<br /> ��;� �v::�� 4.Clwrges:l.ieas. &►rrower shall pay all taxes, u��e�.sment.,charge., fines and im�x��ition,uttribuwble to ihe Propeny
<br /> :Z . which may attnin priority over this Security Instrument, and Icukhnld paymem� ur gruunJ rents, if uny. Bonower shul) pay �-�
<br /> . ' �>����:� thesc��bli�ntions m�he manner pnn�ided in para€raph 2,or i P not paid in�hat manner. &►nuwcr.huil pay�hem an iimc directly ,�i�
<br /> � �f:���;;.. ,. • ''�'�A�� to the per�on owed puymcnt. Borrua�cr shull promptly fumi.r•h to Lcndcr all notice.of amnunt.tu tx:paid under this par�graph. '�;t.,;'�
<br /> ;�` a��,i��.v ; , - •'.1<1
<br /> If Burrower mukes the+e prymentn direrNy, &m�wer shull prnmptl�•furni.h to l.cnder rcc�ipn rviJcncing the payrnemti.
<br /> t':��"� Barrower shall prampdy Ji,churge Any lien whirh hu.pri��rity uvcr�hi.Srcurity� In.�runmm unle..&,rrower: iu)��rers in
<br /> 1�1.�.
<br /> ,. ',��'�r•. �'� • •. •�; writing to thc payment of the��hligatiun+�rurcJ l+y�h�licn i n u munner acreptuhle�u L.rixlc�:Ih)canM.1�in g�cx1 fuith Ihe lien '<r.
<br /> +,r.,; � . �t': . ti, by, or defendti againtit enfurcement of thc licn in. IrEal pr�xcrdingti which in thc lxnJrr', opinion o�xra�e t��prrvrm �hr
<br /> .:�,�.,.. ,�; ;;;�•
<br /> ► �, -
<br /> �' ,� , enforcernent of the lien:or Ir)�erurc�frc m �he holJer of�h�lien •rn agrecment.ati�f•rcton to l.endrr.uixxdinatin@ thr lien t
<br /> �` � . " • ' this Seruriry InsuUment. If l.endcr Jrtemiine.that any pan al'thr Pn,Fxm• i, .uhjecc tu a licn w hirh ma� auain priurity u�•cr
<br /> ..�' • .; , this Security In+trument. I.endcr may givr Bnrrawer a notirc idcntil'�•ing�hc lirn. B��rr�,�rcr,hull +ati.l"�•�he lien��r wke one nr ��:
<br /> ,�i ;;"�,. more of the artinns set 1'onh above aithin l0 da}�+ol U�e�iving��I'notice. �;',:....
<br /> 4.��r;, �, .� •:`' Fa�n 3028 8180 �;
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