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<br /> S. Ha�nd or Pnopeety Imwe�ece. Bomawer siNll kap the i�aprovamaus now eai�qin,Q or henedter erecied aa ihe
<br /> Prnperty inwred a�inet loss by firo,haz�rds includad within tha tam'aatended oovera�e" md�uy adier hazards� including
<br /> flooda or flaoding. for which LeMer roquircs insurAnoe.Thia lnaur�x ahAll be mrintainal in the urMwnta u�d for tha perlods
<br /> lhat Lendec reguire�.The iasurAna cArrier pmvlding the insurancc shall bo chosen by Borrowor aubjoct to Len�ler'� appmval
<br /> which ahall not be unrcawnably withheld. If Bunower fails to meintain cuveragc descdbed tbovc. Lender nu�y, u L�endcr's
<br /> c�pion,obWn aovenge to pmtect Letidea'�rlghta In tho Property in�oa►rd�ncc with p�ra�t�ph 7.
<br /> All insu►ance�+lic�ies and renew�la shall be aooe�NAble Io Lender und xlwll inclu�de a standaad mortg4ge cl�u�e. Lende�
<br /> �tull Iwvo�he ri�ht lo I�Id the policla and renewAls.lf Lender requirc�,Ba�ruwer xlull pramptly give to Lender dl roctipt�of
<br /> pid Prcmiunu uid ronewd rtaices.in the event of loss.Borrower�hall�ivo prompt notice ta tho inw�nu�co carrfer�ad Lender.
<br /> L,ender nuiy mdce pmof oY law if nol m�de promplly by Bomower.
<br /> Ilnleu Lcndcr�nd Borrower aherwisc a�roo in writina. insuranre pmcoalr shall bo appliod ta n�on�iun or rep�ir of�ha
<br /> Property d�mr�ed.if�he rcxtanulon or repsir i�ecanamically feasible�ud Lendar'a cavrlly ir nat lecsenaf.If tho ratorotiun o�
<br /> np�i�i+�nd arntK+micAlly fea�ible or I.ender'�cxurity would be I�sscnai.thC IIIW�WI�Y P�COOdA fFIqII I1G��I�dI t0 t110 fYltlt
<br /> eocured by thi�Siacurity InstrutneM,wiKther or not then due, wilh any ezcoss psid to 6anower. If Qorn►wer wb�ndona tho
<br /> Property,or does no1 iuuwer within 30 days a notico from I.ender thut tho in�u�ance carrier he.c nifercd to settie a claim, then
<br /> Ltnder may colloct the insurAnce pracceds. Lender may use tl�e procoeds to repuir or restorc the Propeny or to pay suma
<br /> �ecu:ed by thia Secu�ity Instrumcnt,whethcr or not then due.The 30-day period wlll begin when thc notfce is givcn.
<br /> Unless l.ender and Horrower othenvise egree in writing, uny Applicstion of proceeds to pr�ncipal �h�til not eatend or
<br /> L�w: postpone tho dua date of the monthly payments rcfcrrod to in paragraphs I end 2 or chenge the arrwunt of the payments. lf
<br /> �� andcr pivagraph 21 the Propetty ia ecquircd by I.cndcr.Borrower's right to any insurnncr pal�cles and praceeds rcsulting fmm
<br /> damage to the Property prior to the acquiait�on shall pass ta Lender to the eatent of the su�secured by wis Secw�ty Instrum�nt
<br /> ;. immediately pdor to thc acquiaition.
<br /> ''.�.` 6.Oavponcy.Preservatbn,Maintetwace nnd Protection otthe Pcoperty;Borrower's Loan Applkation;Leaseholds.
<br /> `' Borrower shall accupy.establish, and use the Property es Borrower's principa!residence wilhin sixty deys after the execution of
<br /> ' � ',�;:�, "' ` thia Securiry Instrument and s6a11 rnntlnue to accupy the Propeny as Borrower's principal residence for at least one year after
<br /> �• �� the ciate of occupancy, unless L.ender atherwise agrees in w�ting. which consent shall not be unrea.sonably widiheid, or unless
<br /> :.. . extenueting circumstences exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall nat destroy, damage or impair the
<br /> ,_ ,` , `�"`b�n�t* Property, allow the Property la deterlorate. or commit waste an Ihc Property. Borrower shall be in default if any forfeiture
<br /> �' `'`�� action or procee�ling, whether civil ar criminal, is bagun that in Lender's good faith judgment could result in forFeiture of the
<br /> +'' � ` '��.if�l;;�
<br /> - �;��„�t., Prope�ty or otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument ur Lender's security interest.Borrower may
<br /> ` ,�,, �,., ;,.�,;; cu�such a dcfault and r¢instate,as pravided in psrsgraph !8.by cansing ttre action or grece�eling to!x dismisstd with a ruling
<br /> � kt�.�..
<br /> + -�.•-� � •���-,��;, •: thst, in Ixnder's good tuith detem►ination, precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's intcrest in the Prope�ty or other material
<br /> :%ere.r.::,.;,,,:;',_�r:
<br /> �; ,' ;,.,4.,�, . impairment of the lien created by thia Secur�ty Inatrument or Lender's securi�y interest. Borrower shull also be in default if
<br /> i' ,'� ..,,,,�. v Borrower.during the loan application process,gave materially false or inaccurnte infomwtion or swtements to I.ender(or failed
<br /> �� y:�" ��tii,';•^;;•.:c� to provide l.ender with any material information)in connection with the loun evidenced by the Note, including.but not limited
<br /> a... �:�. ��'.•`���; .� to,representations conceming Borrower's occupttncy af the Property as a principal residence. If this Security Inslrument is on a
<br /> `.``"� � �';';r � leasehold. Borrower shall comply with all the provi,ions of the lea�e. If Bonower acquires fec tide to the Pmperty. the
<br /> ' ``�;;��� leasehold nnd thc fee title shnll not merge unless I.cnder agrees to the merger in writing.
<br /> �"� 7.Protection oP Lender's Ri�hts in the Properly.If Borrower fuils to perfom��he rnvennnta nnd agreements rnntained in
<br /> ' ,. !.';�''r`�_�. this Securit Instrument,ar there is o le ul rnceedin that ma si niPcuntl affect Lender's ri ht�► in Ihe Pro rt (guch as a �
<br /> � ~. .,• Y 6 P B Y • R Y 8 P� Y �,
<br /> f::,
<br /> y�;��_r,,,.��,y��,,�;4, proceeding in bunkruptcy, probute,far condemnation or forfeiwre or to enfoRC laws o�regulutions),then Lender may do and
<br /> �,��"" h: : ;,'..,,;-?��•p_� �•• puy for whatever is necessary to protect the value of�he Propeny nnd Lcnder's righis in the Propehy. Lender's actions may
<br /> `� ' ' ' ''�'<<'�`'"• � inctude a in an wms secured b a lien which has norit over this Securit Instrument, a in in couR, paying
<br /> �. :.:•,:�;�.�,,;.,,;r,...�;_, p Y 8 Y • Y p � Y Y PP� G
<br /> '�`� � `��` �"�:;. ::'����• � reasonable attorneys' fces and entering on the Pmperty to muke repain. Although Lender may takc nction under this paragraph
<br /> i,..„ }:;�����,��•' 's:,:;�;;'"?:+�•� t
<br /> � �' , 7,Lender daes not have�o do sn.
<br /> �. ,��;;,,��,� . ,..
<br /> � ��.: � °�..�.;';; Any amounts disbursed h�• Lender under thi, purugruph 7 shall become addilional debt of &�rcower secured by this
<br /> �' ' �_.,._._ ,
<br /> ' - � - ',-%`3 .�, ' Security iu�l�uni�nt. Uoless Darrower and Lcnder ugree to nther tern�s nf payment.these umounts shull tirar interest fmm the
<br /> ',.`.�;`�• . date of disbursement at the Note rate anJ shell be payablc, wi�h intere�t, upon notice frum Ixnder to BoRawer roquesting
<br /> :;��, � � puytnem. ���
<br /> � ' S.Mortgage Insurance.If l.ender rcquimJ mortgugo insuruncc u.�u condition of making the luan se��ured by this Security •`��:-
<br /> '' ;`� ~ '"i���;.��� '• Instrument. Rorrower slwll puy thc premiums reyuircd �o muintuin the mon�ZAge in�uranrc in cf'fcct. If, for uny reason, the
<br /> �.��,r,. ..}�f� �";, ' mortgage insurance coverage requircd by Lender lapses or ccases t�i be in ePfect, &�rrower shall pay the prcmiums required to ,. '�
<br /> ;;��" obtuin rnveroge subsluntfally cyuivalent ki 1he mun�age insuranrc previou+ly in efi'cct, u�a ro,t wbsrrnti•rlly eyuivalent tn the
<br /> $ • � �• rnst to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previonsly in rffcrt, frum an ultems�tr mortguge in.urrr nppnivcd by l.cndcr. If
<br /> ,:;,�.,::"•.i. • substantiully equivulent mortgage insurame cuverage i,n�n avuiluhle, &�rr�iwer shall p�y tu LenJer�uch mnnth a wm equal to
<br /> {��' � '. ;�%°7:��••;�-'.:.:'+' one-twelfth of the yearly mortgagc insurunrc prcmium t+cin� p�iJ b�� &�rruwer whcn thc imurancr cuvcra�tc I�psed or cea�1 to �
<br /> .;7 ' �� " be in effect. L.ender witl accept. use and retuin the,r puyments as a lo�s r�+erve in licu of mongagc in.urancc. l.oss reserve F" ��
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