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<br /> 93- ioeo�s
<br /> G.ASSICNMElV7'OF I.EA6GS.Upon Lender'�rcque�t.Borrower c1�11�i�n to Lender dl le�ua of tGe
<br /> Proporty�nd pll secutlty depwita made In oannectiop wfth lease�of thc Property. Upan tha�ignn�eot. I.eaider
<br /> �all iwve the ri�ht w modify.extend or tcrminwe the exietin�Icase�sud to cxecuto new leases, in Lende�'s:ole
<br /> dfcc�nction. Aa used fn�his Puraa�aph a,the ward"Icase" elwll monn"wbla�e" if�he Security in�tnunent i�on
<br /> a IeA�eJwld.
<br /> Borrower absolutely und unconditbnally assigna w�d tra�fers to Lender all �hc rents a�d rcvenues("Rents")of
<br /> tho Propeny, c�agundless of to whom the Rent� of.tiu Property a►e payable. Borrower authorizcs Lender or
<br /> Lender's egents w collect Ihe Renu, and agroes tivu�eRCh tenant of the PropeAy si�all pay the Rents to Letder or
<br /> Lender's t�gents.However, Borrower shall receive the Rcnt�un1i1(i)l.ender has given Borrower notice of default
<br /> pursuant to paraamph 21 oP the Security Inswment and(ii)I.ender ha.c given notf��e to the tenunt(s)thut the Rents
<br /> are to be paid w Lendar or I.ender's agent.This+tcsignment of Rentc conatitutes an absolutc sissignnxnt and rot
<br /> an�csignment far additfonul securUy only.
<br /> If Lendcr givcs�atic�e of brach�o Borrower:(i)all Rents reccived by Borrower shall be heid by Borrower
<br /> as trustPC for t6e beneflt of l.ender only, ta be appliod ta�he sums secured by the Security Instiument;(ii)Lr�der
<br /> shell be entided to callect and receive all of the Rents of the Property:(iii)Borrower agrees that each tenant af tbe
<br /> Property shdl pay ull Rents due aid unpaid to L.�ndBr or I.endec's agents upon l.ender's written demand to the
<br /> ��t�" tenant;(iv)unlass applic,uble law provides otherwise, all Rents collected by L.ender or l.ender's agents shall be
<br /> ;�• applied fint ta the rns�s of laking control of w�d managing the Property and callecting the Ren�c.including. but
<br /> � not limited to. uttameys' fees, receiver's fees, premiums on receiver'c boiuis, repair and maintenance costs.
<br /> na..: insurunce premiums,r,uces, asgessmenis and nther churges an the Propeny, and cf�n to the suma secured by U�e
<br /> �;. Securily Instrument;(v)Lender. Lender's agenis or any judicit►Ily appointed receiver shall be liable to account for
<br /> d�� ;;. only those Ren�s uctunlly received; und (vi) Lender shall be entitled to huve u rc��eiver appointed to tnke
<br /> possessian of and manage the Property and culiect�he Renu: and proflts der�ved i'mm the Property wlthout �ny
<br /> . . ahawing a�lo tha inadequscy of the Propeny as security.
<br /> �-- � ' If the R�n�s of the Property are not sufficieni ta cover the msts uf taking cantrol oF and managing the
<br /> Property and of rnllecting the Rems any iunds expended by Lender fo�such purposes shull become indebtedness
<br /> �•-�� of Bormwer to l.ender xecunad by ihe Secudty Instrument pursuant ta Uniform Covenant 7.
<br /> Hurrowar i+epresents und wartunts that f3arrower hus no[ executed any prior ussignment ai the Reuta wk1 iws
<br /> , ''��' t•�'-';�;,. not and will not perfurm any urt 11wt wauld prevent l.eixier from exercising its rights under this paragraph.
<br /> ��s.�'.:► :i fi:��,�
<br /> `���'r���;��'" l.ender, or l.ende�'� agentx nr a juJiciully ap�win�ed receiver, shall nat he required to enter upon, take
<br /> �...:., �;�.`.�, ,.
<br /> ; ��`'3��.+ . control of or maintuin the Propeny befare or ufler giving ncNice of defuuh to Bottower. However, Lender, or
<br /> >. "s`�:�;:�;,:,+:..•,
<br /> •'. ,�„�..�::••�� s.' 'r��i•`•� I.ender's agents or a judicis�lly app►inted receiver, muy Jo sn at any time when a default accun. Any opplication
<br /> nt•;•.,�.�,.�r . ,' •,•
<br /> ..,t. .: .,- ; �p� , oP Renth shall not cure ar waive an�• defauh or invulidate uny other right or remedy of I.endcr.This�ssignment of
<br /> ��, -;�.�:���:�i:���: ' Rents of the Praperty shnll terminate when•rll �hc wms u�ured by Ihe Security Instrument ure puiJ in full.
<br /> ��,�4:�r':: • I. CR05S-DE�AULT PROVISION. Borrower'ti d�lault or brcurh under�ny nute or ugreement in which
<br /> ��.y�i.•v�Y � � l.ender h:�s en intercwt shall bc u brcueh uixler the S�YUrity Instrunknt and I.ender may invoke any of the remedies
<br /> �:'• •��8;�.'�. permined by the Security Ins�runxnt.
<br /> 'r�;�, -..f:,
<br /> , ,,, ��•, :� � • BY SIGNING BELdW, Bnrcow r• arcep�y �nd ugrerti to the termx und provisions comained in this I-4
<br /> �:• • x:���.r�..' Fami �— �'�►
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