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<br /> (d) Tsvs�or shall qive iau�biata aotia� to
<br /> e�r��lioiary o! th� onaurr�nc� o! any �at�ziai d�t�ult by th�
<br /> subi�ssor und�r th� subi�as� or th� L�as� vithin Trustor•s
<br /> Icnowi�dq� or o! th� stia�ipt by it o! any notia� lra� tha
<br /> 8ubiuwr und�r th� 8nbl�ss�, olaiainq th� oaaurr�na� o! any
<br /> d�fauiti or �v�nt o! d�fault by Tsvstor und�r th� Bubl�as� ar
<br /> lros th� Ls»dlord und�r th� L�as�, alaia�inq th� oaaurr�nw o!
<br /> any dotauit or �v�nt o! d�fault by Subl�ssor und�r th� I�sas�.
<br /> Trustor h�r�by assi� to B�n�tiaiary tha proa��ds of any
<br /> ciaius that Trustor aay hav� aqa�ins� th� Subi�ssor !or any
<br /> br�aah o! ths Subl�a�� by th� Subl��sor, as ��auritY tor th�
<br /> 9�oursd Obliqations.
<br /> (�) So long as this Do�d o! Trust is iri �!lact,
<br /> K thera shell bs no awrq�r o! tha leasQhoid oata�to ar�atad by
<br /> the Sublea�a with th4 !aa a4tat� in tts� Proporty or any
<br /> ��:rR, portion tharao! notwithstandinq tha union ot auch �tat�s in
<br /> �R,y.
<br /> . .,�;�t�y�. �,,; the Sublessor, or th� Truator or i� a third pasty. in ca��
<br /> ' � �'i��� '""Y.r� Trustor aaquires tha !ea titis or any other estata, titi• or
<br /> �.4�� ��`""�*'��'�x' i.ntaroat in the Propsrty covaroci by the Subioase, thi� DaQd o!
<br /> ; �'"di'��-* .',.
<br /> � � '" � Trust ehall attaah to and cover and be a Lien upon the !ee
<br /> '�'��n�•� - ���'' ,' F titl4 or �ucb other estate so ac irad, and euch !ee title or
<br /> :hb'..r.�y.iv;�Y�'..,�.��• �
<br /> other estatQ shall, without furtbsr assiynment, mo a e or
<br /> ; �t` .-.4.�:.�.�.�...�`7, , a s Daed o!
<br /> �; ,. . ., Trust. Truator �hall notity Heneficiary oi sny suah
<br /> '• acquiaition by Tru�tor aa�d, on written reguest by Beneficiary,
<br /> . ` ��'�'�'`.'""', � ` � eh�ll causa to be executed and reaorded all such other and
<br /> j• �`�'�'��"�� • �-'.' further �ssuranaea or other instrumenta in writing as �ay in
<br /> � .,..�_,.,. .
<br /> �� �'��'''''`"`� �"�� the opinion ot Beneficias-�► be reyuired to aarry aut tlaa intont
<br /> o�.
<br /> — r��-'T'�`�;j`.�� and mear�inq hQraci.
<br /> ��.,�'#:� ,
<br /> 'f���' ���'! (!) 1�11 subleasea entered into by Truator with
<br /> i. :`4�''1�;;�; ';.��, respeat to all or any portion o! ths Property (ar�d �11
<br /> "�� ��:�"��:•• existing aublQases moditied by Trustor) shall provide that
<br /> ��``�''+'f`;j�l'.+' i suah subleases are �ubordinate to the Lien ot this Deed o!
<br /> � .. `�",;�,
<br /> , Trust, as amended lrom tims to time, and (if) i! Benetiaiary
<br /> ' lorealases under this Deed of Trust, each aublease ahall, if
<br /> �• �:����, n Benaficiary so elects, remain in full force and elfeat and t.h4
<br /> �Y •'/ �'1A ' Subtenant shall attorn to Beneficiary or ite assignes.
<br /> �e �.i �.. �`1'���.1 r� - .. . Wr
<br /> ' (g) Trustor ehall exeraise any option or right �;;�
<br /> ��' to renew or extend the tena of the Sublease, or shall give ;��;
<br /> • Eeneliaiary written notice of its fntent not to exercise suah �
<br /> � option or right� at least thirty (30) days prior to the date t �
<br /> o! termination o! any auah option of right. If th�re ehall C
<br /> � ocaur and be continuing an Event of Default and Trustor lails � .
<br /> to exeraisQ any such option or right or iP the failure by
<br /> . ... Trustor to Qxercise any suah option or right would aause a ,
<br /> _;�":•.• Dafault or an Event of Default, Heneficiary may exercise the
<br /> . ;;�;;F+r' option or riqht as Trustor•s aqent and aktorney-in-lact €
<br /> `�; � : �• . pursuant to this Deed of Trust, or in Beneficiary•s own name �
<br /> , or in the name of and on behalf of a nominee of eenef3ciary,
<br /> �.
<br /> �" _ .,:,. 9 l
<br /> ti � .`. ;
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