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11� : . ::� � __ � ,_ <br /> _ _ . - fi"� �!.. -s. <br /> 1 . . . ' �T.f-'• ' . _ . _= <br /> , i :., <br /> . ". �. . . . . . _ -� • _ ., . — � � <br /> , � .. ,� . .. ... <br /> - .- � _ . <br /> . . . <br /> ��'�. . .- � ' . - -�. ... _." _ ..�...�.. ._ �._� _. — - .•- __ . <br /> ���i-=,:: _ � ,� - -.--�-- - . - - �1 . , <br /> ._.d.t1"'_r_'_ _ _'a ' . � " �.k����� , . . - <br /> ; j�("� WjI�H i�3 (bC l�C�tS OOW `O[ � tJECtOd Qd.!LG �IG�Cit!!.9..�s� �5. i1�(3. ` <br /> - appi,trtenwaaes,redts.myalties.minera}.ail and gas dg6ts aad pcofits:w�ter rights and stoek and��tii�t7tpt+�s naw or 6ecaiber a � ' <br /> p�ut a�t�e�icopeety.Alf c+eplaceaKats and adds'iian4 slnt}91so be oovc�1�Y���1►fns�umcji�;Adi�of thc fo�eg4mg is <br /> c�fett�d w In t�is Seauity Instritmeat as the"Propaty." , � <br /> BORROWER COY�NNAF�FTS tt�t Botiower is tawfully seiscd of the estpta hote6y canvcyed�nd t�as thc right to grcux a�rd <br /> ronvay tbe�h�opereq aad thit tRe PcoPectY is u�cumbaed.exoept for an�vm14r1inces of reaord.•.Bun?pwc�warnnts and wv71 <br /> defend geaeralty she t�tte ta the Pcoprn�agaitu�t all ctai�and demands.suU,�ct�E�r�uj�ren�tatbrat��araf;ttc�ord.` ' <br /> _- 1.PlI�of A�iocip�l►I�and I.�te Cbi1$e.Bo�owez shell pa�w8mi,d�itt tlxs pri,ncqllal�af,and interest on,ibe - <br /> - - debt evidencod by t6e Note azd late ch�rges due under the Nott. <br /> � <br />-�- Z.Mud61y Q�ymeotg ot Taxes. Ia�aesna aqd Otber Charges. Bariower shstlU irrclttdtt in>each manthIY �ymtnt, <br />___�. togetbe[witb the principat aad inut�as set foitle in die Nate and ariy tate char�cs:an,insmlllt�af,�u•(a)taxss aFd special <br />;�- auessments ICVkd or to 6e tevied against tI�e PmQerty.�t b��.�o a s c�o{d PaY��or.gmnn d���n�.o n t h� P r a p e a y, and (c) <br /> ; h. Ptetniutas for iasurance requircd bY P�$�P�4- ', - <br /> . �, . <br />'I��"��; `- F�cb:m�ath�y instalJment for it�ms(a),(b).aad(c)shalt equ�!ont�uyrtUth.a�fha an�toul�amp�} reason�bly� <br />, ;�.,;� by I�etder.Pl�.c an ammmc suff cieot s�maintain an addi6ona!balan�ae of eo�m�nre thnu uAc•sitsd��aGthe esd�ed amounss.Ttie .�#F,� <br /> . full annua!amount for each iura shal!be accumutatcd by[�eridet within a perind endiiig•;.phc mq�[i�a=e an item would = <br /> � � be�omc ctclinquent. ixader si�ail hold the amounts coltected in tnut to pay items (aA�.ibj�'uu�.:(�)•Uefure they become -�— <br /> . . delinquent.. • —" <br /> :. . . - <br /> � If at any time the totai of the payments hcid by Lender for items (a). tb). and tc?.together?ui�ii=.the fumre mom6ly ! <br /> {,�� payrt[wts for such items payable to Leader prior N the due dates of such items,exceeds by atare than,ome-siath the estiu�ated �� <br /> - � -, amount of payments required to pay such items when due.and if payments on the Note ac�carrent, t1�en Le�der sltat.E cither -�,._�. <br /> refund the exaess over one-sixth of the estimated payments ur credit the excess over aII�:of the estimated payrt�ents to �� v <br /> y� ��; �s* = subsequent paymeats by the optian of Barrower.jf the total af��ce payments�Qe by,�o�acer for item(a),(b). '" "r „�_- <br /> ; e,..,;, •�` _ <br /> _c�-.,. �i�'.�x_r.-_- <br /> ,.��;,r,„ = ar (c3 is iqsnfficiem tu pay the item wlien due, then Borrower shall l.endec asty��e�c,t�sy to rt3alce up the : � - <br />