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<br /> . 9�- ��a5s
<br /> and �xp�ns�s incurrsd by 8�nalioiary, wh�th�r or not an action is
<br /> aatiwily aomm�nc�d aq�ilnst Trustor by r�a�on o! br�aab.
<br /> 3.11 ��. Z'h� obliqations and liabiliti�s o! Trustor
<br /> h�r�undar �bell in nc+ wa�y b� r�loasod, dischargsd or otherwiso
<br /> • a!l�ct�d (�xa�pt a� expras4ly providad herair) by re�aon o!s
<br /> (i) any damaq� ta or d���ructicn o! or a�ny aondemna�tion or sin►ilar
<br /> taking o! tha Froperty ar any part thereotp (ii) a�ny reatriation or
<br /> prav�ntion ot or int.exfbrenao with Any usa o! the Property or any
<br /> pa�rt th�r�ot� (�ii)� any title dat4at or encumbre�nae or �ny �viation
<br /> " '" troa tha Propeirty ar any part thereot by title paramowtt or
<br /> .,,���,, :.; atharwiaa= (iv �ny bankruptcy, insoivancy, raorg�nizatiort,
<br /> �:�'•�. ,r aompoaition, ad�ustma►nt, diaQOlution, liqttidation ar other likQ
<br /> j :�. ��;... procsadinq relating ta Bonaliciary, or any aation takan with
<br /> � �� ra4peat to this Deed o! Tru�et by Any trustea or raaQivor o!
<br /> - �%�`'" Henatiaiary, or by t�ny court, in �ny suah proaeedingt (v) any alaim �?:,,
<br /> , .. .....,_�.
<br /> ' :� `•"``'�� which Trustar bas or might hava �gninat Benetiaiaryj (vi) any `'''�!
<br /> ��...�:,,.�'?:,
<br />�� default or tailuxe an the part of Henetiaiary to perlorm or aomply
<br /> �`° " ' with any o! the ternas hereof or o! any o�her agreeme»t with
<br /> ;�.. Q,•'.�,., . ,.. • h
<br /> _ ,� •:.,,, Truatort or �vii) any other oaaurrencQ whatacever, whether similar �-.
<br /> r.:
<br /> . ; �'��,����;,;� or disaisailnr to th�e foreqoingt whether or �at Truetor ahall have �:;Y�
<br /> :- ,::�����".� � .��'� notioe� or knowledga ot any oP tha toreqoinq. Exaspt as expressly
<br /> � �''�'r�' , provid�d her0ln, Truator waives all riqhts now os heroalter
<br /> , ,,.';.
<br /> �. � k� 'i�'��- aont�rred by atatute or otherwiae to any abatement, suape�noion,
<br /> �_ ... .• paya�bl• by Truator.
<br /> ` 3.18 P�oteation o! Seauritv. Upott the oaaurrenae o! an Event
<br /> �;�-��� - � ot 1'�te�ul� (as defined in 8eation 6.1 below) , Beneficiary and/or
<br /> �:�;,: � , Tru�te�s, each in ite own disaretion, without obligation eo to do
<br /> t , � anal without notiae to or demand upon Trustor ar►d without releasing
<br /> Tru�tor from any obliqation, may take such aations as sither of
<br /> ttt�m may deem neaesanry to protect the seaurity hereol. In
<br /> „rr. � aonneation therewith (without limiting their general powers) ,
<br /> -��::• � Heneticiary a�nd/or Trustee shall have And are hereby qiven the
<br /> �'��� . right, but not the obliqatfon, (i) to enter upon and take i�ti.
<br /> M possesaion of the Property; (ii) to appear and partiaipate in any �•�+�-�
<br /> �j;. , , aation or proaeeding affeating or whiah may aPfeat the security
<br /> K hereoP or the rights or powera of Henefiaiary or Trustee heraundert
<br /> �.t , and (iii) in exeraising such powers, to pay neaeasary expenses, '
<br /> including employment of counBel or other necessary or desirable
<br /> ( , ��;;, consultants. Trustor shall, fmmediately upcn demand theretor by ������
<br /> � . .._ .:..;; Benefiaiary, pay all costs and expenses incurred by eeneficiary in ;;:;.�."
<br /> � � aonnection with the exercise by Beneficiary of the loregoing ',.�:�:
<br /> riqhts�, including without limitation costs o! evidence of title,
<br /> aourt costs, appraisals, surveys and attorneys� fees. '
<br /> ' � 3.13 Additional securitv. In the event Heneficiary at any
<br /> time holds additional security Por any of the obligations seaured
<br /> � :� . , heraby, it may enforce the sale thereof or otherwise realize upon
<br /> , -�,;; the eame, at its option, efther bePore or conaurrently herewith or
<br /> t. �•'� ' ,
<br /> ,. . � ..
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