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,. •.tii :i3:y -� :. <br /> ����f:t� ,Q, <br /> , .. .4R..:r.j,,. <br /> � ,.���. �,�.�,� � ,� . �l .. . ..::x`.,;_,�'�j''. <br /> i ""j:. S <br /> _ _ . . n; , .. ' •• - '.'�: �t <br /> .:<. � 1 '�'tv�.':1, <br /> ��� ��S , ,r_.:�;. .r <br /> . ;��'���.�;�, <br /> peiiods�h�t i.erdar roquira. 7?+e Inw�anoe curier pmvJd{nj da fna�w�r�y�h�ll b�chow�by Bornower abJect w[.and�ty.;`�;��';.ri;;;;��:. <br /> appmvnl which clu�ll not be unreo�onRMy withhoW. IF Ban�wdr filb to nwi�ln coven�e d�a:�i6ed�bore�L.ader may.,+�t'.�: .::�r:'';': <br /> Lenderk opion�obtdn covers�e w piotcct Lenrktw d�hu in�he Pt�a�xwty In�wxcMd�utcr�wl�p�r�jr�ph�. ' �� . . `�a <br /> All insurance poltcie�and r+enew�l�ahwli be�cc�p1able to Leiwlet Nnd nh�ll include��wKhrd mon e cl�we. I.aWer .. ''..�. ;: <br /> sh�ll hAVe the dght to hold tha polfciea�nd rcnowal�. 1P L,endor royuito�,B�xrower Kh�ll peomply�ivo to�all receipn ". � <br /> • of p�td prtsm[um�and rcnewal noticcw. ln Ihe cvem of lo�a,qamawor�th�0�ive prompt nui k e w the inwnnce curkr�ad • . <br /> L.rawler. l.cnder may m�lce pmof of la��if nat mado pmmqly by Bcxrowcr. � . <br /> Unlesa Lender w�d Borrowcr otherwi�c Agree in wddng,lnRUmnce�C�O�M uI1NIi IfE q�f�)Utlfl(A fQ6fOf�fI0I1 Or f��OP <br /> . tha Pmperty damuged, if the rcstoration or �pafr fY ecunomic�lly feuiblo and I.enderl� ucu�iiy ir not lescened. If the � <br /> rostarallon or repair is not economically feasible or I.�e:tider�accuriry would ho lo�ened. �ho In�unace proceeds ah�ll be ... <br /> applied to the sums securcd by thfs Se�urity Instnimcnt,whelher or nd then duc.with�y exoaxs paid to Bormwer. If . <br /> Borrower abandons the Property.or doca nat�uwer within 30 dayc a ndkc from I.�endor th�t tha fnwrAnce curier hae . <br /> offorcd to settle a claim.then Lender mwy collect ihe inxurnnce pmcoods. Lender muy uso Iho procads lorcp air or restorc • <br /> the Prope�ty or w pay sum�secured by thia 3ecurity InstrumeM,whethor or noi then duo. Tho 30-d�y period wlll bG�in when.. ' <br /> the notice ia given. <br /> Unless Lender end Borrower otherwlse a��e ln wdtin�,uny npplication of proceMa ta principol rhall not extend or . <br /> postpane�he due date of tha manthly paymeme nefcrrcd ta in parAgraphs 1 und 2 or chanQc�he amount of Ihe paymente. If <br /> undar pamgraph 21 the Prope�ty is acquired by Lender.Bomowerk �fght to uny inAUrance polidex und procoeds resulting <br /> fmm damaga ta the Property prior to the acqui�ltion�hall pasn 1a Lemiter to�he oxlenl of tho rumr necurcd by thir Security <br /> Inedumcnt immediately prfor to thc ucquisition. � <br /> �. Occupaucy� Presenatlon, M�intenona and Protectbn ot the PropeMy= Horrowek'� I.wn Appq��ation; <br /> L.eASehdda Hortower shall accupy.establish,ntid use th¢Propeny As Barrowerk principal mxidence wlthin slxty day:aftar <br /> x�` : ihe exacupion af this Security insuument and shall canti�we�u�xcupy�hr Pn�pndy un Burrowor'r principal rcridence for at <br /> F�� least one year after tha date af accupancy, unlevs Lender otherwiso oymes in w�iUng, whkh cansent ahall �ot be <br /> ��`� �� unreasonably withheld,ar unleas extenueting cir�cumctanas exist which are beycx�d Burtnwer'r control, Borrower sholl not <br /> a,. � desuoy,damage or impair the Propeny,allow the Pmpony to deteriora�c,ur rummit wa��r an the Propeny. Borrower shall <br /> be in default if any forfeitur�e ection ar proceeding,whether civil ur c�iminul,iR beaun thal in Lender�s gaod fuith judgment <br /> could result in forfeiture of the Property or otherwis�e mate�iully impuir Ihc licn created by thix Sccurity Insuumcnt or <br /> � "y:;}, Lender's securlty interest. Borrower mny cure such n defuult und rein4lute,u�pravided in purAgruph 1 R,by causin�Ihe Action <br /> " ' �:�:�,, or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling thet. in Lenderi�gaod fuilh dctcnninatiun,prccludcs fort'ehuro af the Borrower's <br /> �' interest in the Pro or otMer mate�lal im innent of Ihe lien crculyd b this Seruri� M.rtrument w l.enderk aecurf <br /> ., ��;�'° P��'�Y Pp Y Y �Y <br /> ��4''� ,1�C interest. Borrower ahall also be in defnult if Borrower, durin�t �he loun upplicu�ion process. gave mutcriully folxe or <br /> inaccurale infomiation ar statements to Lender(or fnfled ta providc l.ender with any muteriol Infnrmpllonl in conneclion wlth <br /> %s' the laan evldenced by the Note. including, but nat limi�ed �a, ropmxnwUnnx conceming Burrowerk occupancy of�he <br /> h` PropeRy as a principa�residence. If this Secudty Inxtn�ment is un u Icu�chuld,B�xrower rhull eumply wilh nll lhe provlsions <br /> � �, , . _;�,;,.. of the lease. If Borrower ncqurces tee tiqe�a tee Property,lhe leasehold and Ihe fce IiUe shall nm mor�e unlees l.cnder p�rces <br /> ' •-,,��. �•, �• , ro�he merger in wri�ing. <br /> s � '"��"'"�°`"'�""""'�' T. Protectlon of l.ender's Righta in Ihe Properly. If Surr�►wcr f'uil.r la perf'orm �he covenunta and ogrcements <br /> ' •• '�*`������� '� ��° comained in this Securit Ins�niment, or�here i, u Ie ul raccedin �hu� mu ri nificunN uftcrt Ixndrrk ri h�w in the <br /> ��;t'•yt7�c�;:��., Y � P 8 Y • R Y B <br /> �_, . ;�_�...�: .,k,, Property(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnutiun or 1'uriei�ure or tu enforcc luw�ar regufution�►,Ihen <br /> - , ' ' Lender may da and pay for whntever is neceswury lo pmtect Ihe vulue of the F'raperty�nd Lender;righiK in�he Rupeny. <br /> • .�F+�+}�� Lender's ecdans may include pnying any xums secured hy u lien whirh has p�fority over ihix Security Inalrumeol,u�euring <br /> s'',''�"'1° in court, a in reusonuble attome � fees nnd enterin on the Pro n �a muke re inc.Ahhou h Lender mu loke uclion <br /> t P Y� R Y•'� S P� Y P+� 8 Y <br /> "��'Y� • '� �•'" under this parugrnph 7,Lender dces not hirvc to do so. <br /> .�,•...,•...,, � <br /> ..,�, Any amounis disbunced by Lendcr under thi�purugruph 7 shull become udditi�►nul delN of Burrower securrd by this <br /> , Secudty Instrument. Unlesti Borrower nnd Lrndrr ugree t�►uther trrm.of puyment.thc+c um�wmr�+hall hcor intcrcxl I'u�m Ihr <br /> � �- • �• date of di�bursemenl at the Nde rule und�h;�ll he pnyuble,with interox�,upon nwice frc►m Lendor tn Bomnwer reyue.rting <br /> �• �' payment. <br /> "��"'r •�' � 8. Morlgage Insurance, If Lender reyuired morlgugc intunmce u. u amditian of mnking tho loun ,ecu�d by Ihix <br /> ' ,,..... ' Sewriry Instrument.Borrower shull pay ihc prnnuums reywrcd lo maintuin�hc mortguge insur�mce in rft�c�. IG ti�r uny <br /> � ' . ` reasoo, �he mortgAge insurunce coveruge reyuired by Lender lap�ex or ceaxcx �o he in ei'fecl. Born�wrr rhall puy the <br /> ' , premiums required to oblain caverugr subxtantially cyuivalcnl to thc m��rtgugc in.urunrc pnviiw�ly in efl'cr�, ul u ci�+t <br /> - . , subslanliuUy�quivulcnt tu the cus�to Rorrou•cr of thc mortEa�c in.urunce previ�► in elti�c�.from un ul�emair m�m�tugr <br /> • insurer Approved by Lender. lf subtitamiuUy�yuiv�lrm�m�ngugr irmuroncr rovcragc is nnt uvailuMe,Bum�wrr�hull puy tu <br /> . . Lender eacb month u sum cqual�o onc-iweltlh of�he yrorly mongug�in,urunrc prcmium t+ring paiJ hy HorrnH-rr whcn Ihc <br /> � -r� • insurnncecovcruge lupxed nr ceuscd to tx in cf(c��. l.rnder will urce��,u,c and rr�ain�h�.c pa��mrn�.u.u lu.+rc.rrvr in liru <br /> . , , , of mortgage insurunce. l.oss rescrve pa►ymen�+ muy nu IunNrr Ix rrquired,ul thr uptiun af'l.rnJer,it'm�m�ta�;e in+uruncc <br /> • coverage(in the amount und fix the peri�xl Ihal Lendcr reyuirc.l pr�ivided hy un in.urer uppru�•cd hy Lendrr�i�:uin Ixrum.. <br /> '� � ° availablc nnd is ol►tuined.Borrower shull pu�•thc pnmium.rryuirrJ tu m:�imain mort�agr in.unuir�rn�1'1'cr�.ur w prswiJr u -�-... <br /> k � � �:'''�• � loss reserve,un�il the myuirernent t'nr mongage inwrunrr rnd,in urcarJance u•ilh uny wriuen u�;memem In�a�een Nnrrawer <br /> ?; and Lender or upplicablc luw. <br /> ;� 9. Inspectlon. Lernlrr or itx ugrnt mi�}�rnnkc rra.�m:�ni.���u-��.��r�,�,anJ in,�xr�iun.ut'�lir 1'rareny. Lrinlvr.h�iU :" <br /> '� give Bormwer notice ut the tirne of or priur 1��un inx�xcliun,�xril:vin�;rca.onuhlr r+�u.e t'ar the in.�xrlinn. <br /> � ' ' .� • ,. 10. Condemnalbn. Thc prixred.of;in}•a«•ard ur rlaim G�r damagc,,dirrr�ur r�imeyu�nliul. in ronn�cli�m wuh uoy <br /> r � .. Sinµlcl�amil�••Mannlelfue/hYrddlv�luclllFllR�fINSfNI'�fE\'I'..l'mlunnc'���rn,iniy 9�V11 qa��,•�,�In�ti��,.� � � <br /> �3 � . _ �.nru�.dn�we�m.�Fu�+�Iw � l: <br /> : � �� Tu IInYt 1:� I JYIDRp�NU f I V�\YI��7M1�1111 -- ': <br /> � �. ;�, <br /> ` ' � <br /> ''� ' # J� �..a�•1•-•-iS.`"%'.�;i!::iK��.<r-:�,.�:?... ... ...�.... ���. :�' _. . . _. � . . •e�..�ws . .. . .�I�, •' <br /> „ .. . �' �; •. -��a::�,�a ,�urer+��r�a� <br /> , _ . 4 . . .. .. <br /> , .. , . <br /> . . . ., .� �.: . <br /> ----- . _ �,.... :..., .. _ . .. . - -- — --- - - - ----- -- - ----- <br /> � J _ .' . .' --� —r--- -- .. . . . ._ .... . ..: _ '.. . . .. . ... --- --. _ . ... . _ . ._.._... ... <br /> �� . <br /> � �• . . - . _ . . <br /> . � ., _. . . . . <br /> i. .. . <br /> .. . <br /> i . <br /> . <br /> . <br /> . <br /> -� .. � . <br /> 1 � � �`, ' ,.�� • " <br /> � ' <br /> n ! , . <br /> .,�� , - <br /> G' „ ? . � '�. ..c.: .. 1� ' <br /> �,� _ � 1 <br /> � , , _ . <br /> � <br />